This article examines distance learning, which is now a promising direction of development of the national education system. The authors analyze the functioning of the system of distance learning in close connection with the implementation of the management functions, as distance learning, as well as other types of training, has the organization a training and methodological support, his selection, structuring, organization of educa- tional process, monitoring of students' knowledge. The authors consider the following management functions: planning, organization, motivation and control.
Nowadays Distance learning is regarded as a promising direction of development of the national educa- tion system. Functioning of the distance learning system is inextricably connected with the management functions implementation, because distance learning, as well as other types of training, has courseware or- ganization, its selection, structure, organization of educational process, monitoring the students' knowledge.
Social and economic systems reforms, the transition to a market economy are reflected in the strategies of education development. In this situation educational aims change fundamentally. Theoretical in nature and encyclopedic scope of knowledge, which has long been the main aim of education, now has become individ- ual learning opportunities of students.
More interest and attention both in teaching and practice is played to overall pedagogical process from а management science perspective and it is important to give it clear science-based character. The assertion of many researchers takes up the position, that the management is necessary not only in the field of engineering and manufacturing processes, but also in complex social systems, including teaching [1].
The increase in demand for education, the growing number of students, improving students' knowledge base and skills necessary for learning — all this characterizes the present stage of Kazakhstan's society de- velopment. Therefore, the national education system needs to function so that the rapidly increasing number of students mastered the growing content knowledge and skills also quickly. In this situation, the system of distance learning can provide access of the wider population to qualified higher education, regardless of the place they live and work conditions, will effectively exploit the potential of higher education institutions, financial savings and timely response to requests of the labor market.
The success of distant learning functioning depends on the qualified management control of the system.
This is embodied in the laws and policies of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The first chapter of the education act of the Republic of Kazakhstan reveals the concept of distance ed- ucation technologies as training, carried out with the use of information and communication means in the mediated (at a distance), or not fully mediated interaction between the student and the teacher.
One of the goals of the State Programme of Education Development for 2011–2012 in the Republic of Kazakhstan is forming public-private education management system. This Programme has the goal of im- proving management in education. Distance learning in the Programme is viewed as one of the conditions for teaching during the whole life, education for everybody [2].
The Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev «Socio-Economic Mod- ernization as Main Vector of Development of Kazakhstan« in the direction of the Message — «The qualita- tive growth of human capital in Kazakhstan» one of the goals was the introduction of modern methods and technologies in educational process [3].
At present, distance learning is viewed as the promising direction of development of the national educa- tion system. V.V.Egorov and S.B.Nurmagambetov say that distance learning is the teaching mode where the teacher and the student have spatial and time separation. Distance learning is the special technology which provides pedagogical interaction by means of exchange of the information using printed material, audio and video communications and computer network [4].
Moore M.G.and Kearsley define distance education as a global system of delivering knowledge, orga- nized in accordance with the curriculum, which considers that the teacher and the students are separate in the spatial dimension and that this distance is filled by using technological resources and requires a special methodology for curriculum, special methods of teaching, ways of communication by electronic and other technology, special organizational and administrative structure [5].
Today, distance learning implies focused, organized and active process mediated (using special peda- gogical and technical means) communication of teachers and students, during which students learn at a dis- tance and acquire knowledge, skills and abilities required to perform professional activities/6/.
One of the cobjectives of distance learning is the management of learning and cognitive activity of stu- dents, which is determined by the purpose of their training and development of their intellectual abilities and brain power [6].
For a long time in Kazakhstan the concept of «management» has been interpreted as administrative ac- tivity, limited regulations, directives and orders. The management education sphere has the same approach. The management staff of educational institutions considered teachers only as management decisions per- formers. Today the modern teacher is the manager of the educational process. He always acts as the subject or object of management process.
Management is an activity aimed at developing solutions, organization, control, controlling the man- agement object according to an intended purpose, analysis and making conclusions on the basis of reliable information [7].
Management process consists of a set of functions. Administrative functions are operations, manage- ment subject actions, the set of appropriate stages of the management cycle.
B.A.Zhetpysbaeva, L.S.Syrymbetova consider the management functions to be a certain type of man- agement activity, objectively necessary to provide deliberate action towards the management object. Man- agement functions answer the questions, what is necessary to do in the part of the management system to make the process more effective. Thus, the function — this is not the activity itself, but rather the potential for activity, the definition of the required content of the activities. The functions implementing process is functioning [8].
Distance learning system functioning is inextricably connected with the management functions imple- mentation, as distance learning, as well as other types, has the organization of methodological support, its selection, structure, organization of the learning process, students' knowledge monitoring.
Management functions are distinguished by the management stages, divisional management staff and individual performers, forming functions of the body, departments and functions of individual managers.
The value of management functions is that they determine the content of the managerial apparatus ac- tivities and provides the foundation for the management structure and organization of the administrative ap- paratus. It is important to identify a complete list of functions, set the interdependence between them and rank in order of importance. The lack of a complete list of functions can lead to the fact that the structure and activity of management subsystem would also be incomplete, and this will have negative effect on the effi- ciency of management [8].
Henri Fayol was the author of the expanded classification of management functions from the standpoint of management. Time factor was the criterion for his classification, and functions in his classification are seen as successive stages of management implementation: foresight, organization, instructing, coordination, monitoring [9].
K.Naribaev, S.Dzhumabaev consider that so-called functional approach to management is usually pre- sented as a logical series of stages that can be choosen by the head in charge, to carry out the managing pro- cess, and consider the concept of management as a process of following interrelated functions of manage- ment — planning, organization, motivation and monitoring [10].
Theoretical studies of American Scientists emphasized that planning is the main function of manage- ment, and according to their interpretation, the planning system determines what to do, when, how and who should do, what resources would be required to carry out a plan on time. It is well known that the main idea in the management process is in planning, organizing actions to carry out the plans and monitoring of out- comes. The better worked out and interrelated above-mentioned stages, is more effective management. Plan- ning helps managers to determine the nature, form and sequence of future actions during an extended period. In general, planning includes: finding perspectives for the environment development, the formulation of objectives and possible strategies, the establishment of top priority tasks and determining complex of action to achieve them. Production result of planning system is the long-term plans, medium-term and strategic.
The planning process covers all levels of management and creates the necessary factors to ensure accurate compliance with the undertakings requirements of common goals.
The idea of planning comes down to the definition of solutions that are required today to ensure the ef- fective operation of the organization, its growth in the future [10].
When planning distance learning management the basic requirement is the preparation and improve- ment of university information-technology base, the establishment of regulatory framework for the distance education system. To implement the distance learning process and prepare teaching materials in all forms it is necessary to create groups of authors to work out teaching materials.
The next management function after planning is organization. Organization is viewed as process when authority and work structure are created.
Organization which does not have accurately defined work descriptions, diverse departments, extensive monitoring and decentralized authority, differs significantly from the organization in which has well-defined work, homogeneous departments, narrowed monitoring system and centralized authority [6].
Delivery of distance learning process distinguishes mediated management of learning and cognitive ac- tivity and direct pedagogical impact. In mediated management of educational-cognitive activity of students, pledged in the logical structure of learning material, in the classroom learning supported by the verbal form, by means of which they acquire of knowledge, formation and development of necessary skills. Teacher can provide direct educational impact in distance learning both in real-time and asynchronously. Real-time mode is realized in the form of group or individual sessions and consultations with appropriate «on-line» technolo- gy — teleconferencing or videoconferencing. Direct control of the educational and cognitive activity of stu- dents in distance learning is carried out by «off-line» — teleconferencing or by e-mail, providing a conversa- tion with the group or with each student individually.
Function of motivation can be seen in the literature as a function of activation or stimulation and it is defined as an impact to improve labor and creative activity aimed at ensuring the implementation of the plans and other decisions, the growth of labor productivity, compliance with labor discipline [8].
In order to increase motivation in distance learning and stimulating students’ interest except traditional teaching methods there are methods to enhance students 'cognitive activity — the methods of problem presentation of educational and research material that develop students' creative activity better, contribute to the formation of conscious knowledge and mastery of the methods of scientific cognition.
Monitoring as a function of management is the process of establishing the degree of conformity of means and activities of the object, decision-making and norms. Monitoring is closely related with record- keeping, which data is used to control the process. The observed deviations and their reasons are found out during the monitoring process, in order to find ways to close a gap [10].
The monitoring function is divided into function of prior, current, suspended and final control.
Monitoring is one of the main components of pedagogical management, the process of obtaining and processing information about the progress and results of the educational process to take certain management decisions. Monitoring includes: observation, study, analysis, diagnosis and assessment of effectiveness of the performers actions. Analysis of the educational process is one of the main monitoring methods in the peda- gogical management structure; way to acquire knowledge about the characteristics of a particular perfor- mance of joint efforts of the teacher and students [8].
Almost all possible forms of control, specially designed computer software are used in distance learning to reduce the teacher’s work and enhance the efficiency and timeliness.
The main feature of pedagogical monitoring in distance learning is the empowerment of self-control role, the use of computer testing programs for implementing various test forms.
Monitoring of students 'knowledge in distance learning can be carried out according to the score-rating system, which is the continuous monitoring of students' knowledge throughout the whole academic year [6].
Thus, management activities in distance learning serve as a set of interrelated processes, representing a number of administrative functions, and its effectiveness depends on a well-established and proper imple- mentation. Failure in one of the processes can lead to a violation of all the activities as a whole, impossibility to achieve the desired goals or reduce the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market. Currently, none of the enterprises, as well as an educational institutions can function without a well-organized management policy, and that its security is the main function of the head in charge. The effectiveness of management ac- tivities is the key to success in the present and the future.
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