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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Characteristic properties and features of professional language

In this article are considered the questions of foreign professional language formation, its feature and signs. Nowadays foreign language education is an integral component of professional work of the future expert. Special relevance is gained by the professional-oriented approach of foreign languages teaching at the nonlinguistic specialties of the university, which provides formation of the students' professional language for the specific professional, business, scientific purposes. The main task of training in a professional foreign language consists in a possibility to gain language knowledge and abilities which can be useful  in professional activity of future expert within of a global tendency of cross-cultural and economic  integration. In this article, the authors attempted to clarify the concept of «professional language» to  describe the language means and their basic functions inherent in professional language; the use of texts and exercises for effective mastering professional language students recommendations are provided. 

What is actually meant by professional language? In general, it is possible to say that the professional language is a type of language, which is used in a certain field of science or a certain branch. In linguistics, there are several definitions of professional language, but it is necessary to consider that there is no unified definition and application for the notion a professional language. Within the study of professional language, many scientists have conducted numerous theoretical and empirical researches. These researches were necessary in view of the big requirements, which the foreign linguistic activities impose.

Bussmann defines the professional language as «language variety with the function of the exact, effective communication mostly specific for profession in certain fields and spheres of activity» [1].

Linguists Dieter Möhn and Robert Pelka thus define the professional language: «We mean by the professional language a common language which is used for knowing and conceptual definition of special objects today, and also information on them and, in general, at the same time is regarded as specific communicative need in the specialty. The professional language is close originally to experts; nevertheless, interested persons can use it. Concerning a plenty of specialties which possibly more or less differ, the variant of «the professional language» is realized in numerous more or less precisely separable forms of manifestation…» [2; 26].

Beier has the following understanding of the professional language: «The professional language is used by specially competent authors or representatives to agree with other (also beginners) experts, with representatives of other disciplines or the layman with definite purposes about special states of affairs. The professional language covers set of the used language means and finds characteristic features on all, differing for the methodical reasons, language levels which are investigated lexically, morphologically and syntactically»  [3].

In this regard, the professional language according to Schmidt is «means of the optimum agreement in the field of science among experts. The professional language is designated by special terminology and special norms for the choice, application and the frequency of common-linguistic lexical and grammatical means; he exists not as an independent form of manifestation of language, but becomes actual in specialized texts which contain  common-language elements besides special layer» [4].

Drozd and Seibicke define the professional language as follows: «Set of language means considers language means which are attached to a certain area of human activity and characterize specific stylistic sphere and extend to other stylistic layers and types» [5].

Definition of the professional language by Lothar Hoffmann sounds as follows: «The professional language is a set of all language means which are used in specially limited communicative area to guarantee understanding between the people occupied in this area and popularization of special content, and also contact with certain non-specialists» [6]. In this sense the following is established, the professional language is considered not as linguistic independent system along with everyday language but as a part of common   language. Moreover, the professional language comes by means of differentiation and expansion from everyday language. The literary language can be presented as both lexical and grammatical basis for the professional language. As we can see, we need the professional language to pay tribute «in the area» of communicative needs for different specialities. These requirements differ in view of different «specialties» as concerning objects and states of affairs about which it is told and written, and concerning a mutual understanding manner. Therefore, differentiation of specialties and their specific prospects in the assorted specific part of the world also causes differentiation of the professional language. What languages do doctors, psychologists or engineers speak? What are signs of the professional language of medicine, psychology or equipment? If engineers communicate in a verbal form, then they speak, of course, vocational language. Communication both oral and written is defined by the certain vocational oriented dictionary, frequency of grammatical structures and characteristic text structures.

Not only special concepts and terms (lexical elements), but also phonetic and morphological means, syntactic and stylistic designs belong to the vocational language, etc. what also Lothar Hoffmann points to. The concept of the vocational language represents extensive group of various linguistic elements. In this regard, Hoffmann draws such conclusion further: «The vocational language is not homogeneous, and indicates different language structure» within different types of the text [6].

What part does the vocational language have in the vocational education and at the workplace? Definitely professionally oriented language in branch communication plays a crucial role. Recently communication in a profession gains the increasing value, respectively many enterprises inquire at applicants for a workplace about their technical and communicative competence more and more.

Therefore, technical competence represents the decisive purpose in education of future experts: You become experts in certain branch thanks to the fact that special objects and situations with the special purpose of knowledge and with special methods in the ratio with language undertake in attention. That is, you learn a special vocational language during education as the obvious sign of the professional language is his special terminology. Working on terminology, transfer of identification strategy is expedient (use of special dictionaries, detection of values from a context, from semantic fields, knowledge of means of word formation). Conscious language work can be performed at word formation and at formation of concept; transitions between parts of speech have to be explained. In addition, you get acquainted with special types of the text and with rules of discussion and their productive application. It is confirmed by numerous special dictionaries, various manuals to drawing up special texts [7]. It is necessary to be engaged intensively in special texts of the corresponding fields of knowledge, as it is the only way to learn the vocational language and its terminology. At the same time, it is possible to attract subject knowledge. It is necessary to explain to students that good special preparation is not possible without language ability of self-expression.

Experts communicate not only by means of language, but also by means of products of their activity, plans, drawings, models, computer imitations, etc. These products promote certain independent values. Visual and language communication are very closely interconnected with each other. Short texts which attach the extra language material, are more suitable for learning the vocational language, than extensive and language intensive texts without or with the small visual aid (illustrations, schedules, charts), especially on elementary level of studying. Original, but simple texts on contents have to be chosen. At the same time, attraction of extra language visual aids looks more motivating, than processing of extensive texts.

In the professional language, specific language means are used more widely with the help of which special language requirements (accuracy, objectivity, etc.) for expression of scientific thought are realized. Scientists (group of people who use the professional language) choose language resources. These lexical and grammatical units have to conform to communicative requirements of this group of persons.

In this regard, there is a question: what is selection of language means based on? According to T. Roelke grammatical tools of the professional language have the following main functions for ensuring communication between experts [8; 72]:

  • Accuracy is the attitude towards reality and logical sequence of instructions;
  • Clearness is the attitude towards the reader;
  • Language economy is the efficiency of a statement; to apply as little as possible expenses at communication.
  • Objectivity is the anonymity;
  • Complexity (as syntactic function).

All language means, which are specific to the vocational language, anyway, express these functions. For example, for expression of objectivity in German, the nouns formed from other parts of speech are  used, frequently in combination with verbs (for example: zum Ausdruck bringen, zum Einsatz kommen, eine Zersetzung erfahren, in Verbindung setzen, die Kraft auf etw. übertragen, zur Folge haben, in Kraft treten etc.) In the vocational language so-called empty verbs are often used while semantic loading is born by nouns, so-called verbal nouns which designate implied events (actions, operations) as a thing, as Abstand, Trennung, Absicht [8, 45]. Accumulation of certain prefixes (often pretexts of a genitive case: kraft, seitens, mittels, innerhalb, dank...) and set expressions with prefixes (nach Ausschöpfung, mit dem Hinweis auf, auf Klage + Gen., im Allgemeinen, in der Regel, im Auftrag von, im Zusammenhang mit) is significant. In theoretical science abstract nouns, such as property, connection, and negativity are often used. At the syntactic level texts show such features as frequent use of passive phrases with «sein» and «warden» or construction «Modalverben + Passiv», including «Der Energiebegriff, der in der Mechanik entwickelt wurde, kann in andere Gebiete der Physik übertragen werden. Im Werk müssen neue Werkzeugmaschinen  entwickelt werden. Eine große Präzision ist bei der Bearbeitung der Teile erreicht.», construction «sich lassen +  Inf.»:

«Alle Stoffe lassen sich in Metalle und Nichtmetalle einteilen. Die Erhöhung der Bodenfruchtbarkeit lässt sich durch mineralische Düngung allein nicht erreichen. Es lässt sich mit Recht behaupten: das Züchten ist eine Kunst», construction «sein / haben ... zu + Inf.» (Jeder Pflanzennährstoff hat bestimmte Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Verschiedene Kulturpflanzen sind verschieden zu düngen. Die Fütterung ist mit dem Tränken zu beginnen. Die Achsen haben das Gewicht des Wagens aufzunehmen und es auf die Räder zu übertragen.), this structure helps to avoid use of subjectively painted structures with modal verbs.

It is typical for texts with professional orientation to use of compound sentences with relative subordinate clauses, conditional clauses, and clauses of reason, purposes, and subordinate clauses of addition with «dass» and infinitive sentences with «zu». Singularity is expressed by the following language constuctions: use of a large number of adjectives and participles (die löslichen Stoffe, das mechanische Wärmeequivalent usw.), compound words (for example Kohlendioxid, Betriebsführung, Wärmemenge, Mineraldüngung etc.), prepositional phrases in a genitive case (or an equivalent with a prefixe «von» in value of genitive) — die Bewegung der Teilchen, die Regeln des Maschinenverhaltens, die Entwicklung der Wärmemenge, die Wärmekapazität eines Körpers, widespread definitions and participial phrases. (Die am meisten verbreitete vollständige Düngemittel ist Stallmist. Die Blätter von im Dunkel wachsenden Pflanzen sind gelbgrün gefärbt. Die Auswahl der zu benutzenden Messinstrumente muss dem jeweils vorliegenden Zweck angepasst sein. Das galvanische Element, bestehend aus zwei Metallplatten, ist die einfachste Quelle der elektrischen Energie). It should be noted that very often the same syntactic structure can carry out several or all listed above functions. Such universality of the same language resources (lexical and grammatical structures) allows to use the last in the minimum volume on German lessons in the educational purposes. Students have to own a necessary minimum of linguistic resources for understanding and narrative of material. So on German lessons the priority has to be given to functional approach, that is, it is more important not to remember, but to understand the process of scientific statement which carries nature of functional and formal isomorphism in the special (scientific) text.

If the general contents can be expressed in various forms, then the language forms typical for special language can be replaced with syntactic structures, other, identical on value. This ability is a basis for use of exercises on transformation on the lessons. Z.B.: Die Substanz wurde analysiert. → Die Analyse der Substanz. Der Strom fiel aus. → Der Ausfall des Stroms. Zahlen wurden addiert. → Die Addierung der Zahlen. It is necessary to start with simple sentences, preparing for difficult exercises. Wenn man Katalysatoren verwendet, wird die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit beschleunigt → Bei der Verwendung von Katalysatoren wird die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit beschleunigt.

The variation of structures, received as a result of transformations, is often used to avoid monotony in specialized texts.

Striking examples are instructions, research works, the description of technology and other types of texts, as a rule, all specific, subject-oriented and highly specialized ones.

One of the most important properties of the test is the cohesion, which is meant at the level of both lexicon and grammar. In this regard the large role is played by various connecting elements (connectors) (the unions (und, aber, sondern, während usw.), all pronouns (er, sie, es, ihm, dieser, was usw.), pronominal adverbs (damit, dadurch, dabei, wobei, wozu, etc.)), which connect sentences among themselves by a certain semantic link, and as a result we have the consecutive, coherent text. Connecting elements (connectors) provide functional and formal cohesion of the text. If the vocational language is a language system, which meets the requirements of communication of people in the professional sphere, then it is necessary to study functions of language elements in language of science on the lessons. 

The teacher realizes a complex challenge on the lessons; he has to counterbalance system approach and functional approach. One of the ways is work on scientific texts, which includes development of exercises on transformation, exercises with connecting elements, work with structure of the text and exercises on annotation of special texts that is creation of a language situation. Such work promotes on the one hand the use of all forms of language, and on the other hand, develops logical conversational thinking that is typical for the professional language speaker. 



  1. Bussmann H. Encyclopaedia of the linguistics. — Stuttgart: Kröner, 2002. — P.
  2. Möhn Dieter, Pelka Roland. The vernacular. An introduction. — 1984. — Р.
  3. Cited to Beier Rudolf. English technical language. — Stuttgart, 1980. — P.
  4. Cited from Schmidt Wilhelm. Character and social meaning of the technical — Sprachpflege 18, 1969. — P. 17.
  5. Cited from Drozd Lubomír, Seibicke Wilfried. German vernacular and scientific Continuance admission. Theory. History. — Wiesbaden: Oscar Brandstetter Verlag, 1973. — P. 81.
  6. Hoffmann L. Communicative device technical language. — Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1984. — P.
  7. Nina Janich. University of Technology. — Darmstadt; BIBB BWP, 2/2012.
  8. Roelke T. Technical languages. — Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1999. — P.

Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science