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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Counteraction to extremist forms of psychological pressure in the youth of modern Kazakhstan

The renewal of the geopolitical space, where the political, economic, legal and social spheres are being transformed in different societies and states, also negative social aspects are revealed, especially among teenagers and youth. As negative trends in the regular transformation of the world, the spread of radical religious extremist and terrorist ideas, as well as the emergence of virtual extremist groups and communities, whose activities are aimed at disseminating ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature, that in modern Kazakhstan society is a potential threat directly to youth. The activity of virtual groups / communities spreading the ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature is carried out in social networks and is aimed at harming the mental, physical health of a person, depriving them of life, which actually defines them as a remote way of committing serious violent crimes, through virtual network space the Internet. In virtual communication, when the psychological contact between the criminal and the victim is stable, the criminal community has complete information about the victim's life, the communicative process acquires a coercive character based on blackmail and fear. Moral pressure on the victim, in order to induce the latter to commit suicidal or other destructive actions, occurs through emotional-sensory manipulation of the personality of the minor, the destruction of his inner world, the creation of false beliefs, the destruction of self-esteem, the psychological mood against the familiar environment and close environment, where a specific dominant of moral pressure are the psychological characteristics of youth and adolescents. 

Independent Kazakhstan is one of the unique states, both the post-Soviet space, and in the world community. The Republic of Kazakhstan, a country with a centuries-old history, with strong ideological and cultural principles in society, which allowed to preserve interfaith and interethnic peace and harmony, as well as the maintenance and further development of the moral component in society.

This factor contributes to the political stability and effectiveness of state power, economic prosperity for all Kazakhstanis.

Prosperity of Kazakhstan, as one of the strongest in the international and domestic state plan of the states, is realized through the readiness to perceive not only scientific and technical, economic innovations, but also the modern understanding and tolerance of various social phenomena.

The renewal of the geopolitical space, where the political, economic, legal and social spheres are being transformed in different societies and states, also negative social aspects are revealed, especially among teenagers and youth.

As negative trends in the regular transformation of the world, the spread of radical religious extremist and terrorist ideas, as well as the emergence of virtual extremist groups and communities whose activities are aimed at spreading the ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature, which in modern Kazakhstan society is  a potential threat directly to youth.

The activities of virtual groups / communities spreading ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature  are carried out in social networks and are aimed at harming the mental, physical health of a person, depriving them of life, which actually defines them as a remote way of committing serious violent crimes, through virtual network space the Internet.

In our opinion, the virtual groups and communities under consideration can be defined as extremist, because the etymology of the concept of «extremism» is defined as a commitment to extreme views and methods of action to which individuals and social groups are exposed [1; 563].

In addition, an element that points to the extremist nature of such virtual groups / communities is the factor that the most radical extremist organizations often deny any compromises, negotiations and agreements. 

As a rule, one of the conditions for the formation of extremist organizations in a certain territory or region is facilitated by external intervention, that is, not sufficient information and media security of society and the state.

Traditionally, communities, including virtual ones, form both individual individuals and social groups that interact with the surrounding social world, which occurs through the exchange of information between them. These objective conditions of information exchange between individuals, social groups and communities are aimed at building interpersonal relations, certain cooperation and mutual assistance.

However, at the same time, a certain hierarchy begins to form in such groups and communities, where  at a certain stage a criminal person appears as the organizer of a virtual group / community that begins to dictate the conditions for the continued presence of a potential victim in the formed virtual group. From psychological and criminalistic positions, between the organizer of crimes and its potential victims, psychological contact is established.

The criminal personality, as the organizer of a virtual group / community, begins a psychological impact on its victim in the form of defining joint goals and activities to achieve common interests with the virtual group / community, at the initial stage of virtual communication. At the initial virtual communication, is always silent about the criminal consequences of actions, and the true goals. In the future virtual communication, when the psychological contact between the perpetrator and the victim is stable, the criminal community has complete information about the life of the victim, the communicative process acquires a coercive character based on blackmail and fear (for example, conviction in committing a suicide act).

Moral pressure on the victim, in order to induce the latter to commit suicidal or other destructive actions, occurs through emotional-sensory manipulation of the personality of the minor, the destruction of his inner world, the creation of false beliefs, the destruction of self-esteem, the psychological mood against the familiar environment and close environment, where a specific dominant of moral pressure are the psychological characteristics of youth and adolescents.

The main factor in the formation of virtual groups / communities spreading extremist ideas of suicidal and other destructive character is subjective determining in the commission of deliberate criminal acts.

The motive in this case is the demonstration of personal power over the weaker person, the achievement of a sense of one's own uniqueness, importance, the manifestation of one's own will to realize interests and achieve the goals set in the virtual information space, as well as a sense of impunity and the possibility of anonymity in communication, which facilitates manifestation of internal pathological needs.

Thus, the activity of virtual groups / communities spreading radical ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature is provided due to the insufficient educational and ideological component in each individual society, and first of all affects the youth and adolescent environment.

Strengthening of educational measures, ideological principles and information security, as a priority form of counteraction to extremist forms of psychological pressure in the youth environment of modern Kazakhstan, is of particular importance as further preservation of social welfare and non-admission of social destabilization in society. Strengthening of educational measures, ideological principles and information security, as a priority form of counteraction to extremist forms of psychological pressure in the youth environment of modern Kazakhstan, is of particular importance as further preservation of social welfare and nonadmission of social destabilization in society.

The information and media security of the society is the dominant factor in counteracting the activity of virtual groups / communities spreading radical ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature. This is due, above all, to the fact that the activities of the groups / communities under consideration are carried out through the social networks of the Internet, virtual space, and is remote.

Information and media security is a state of preservation of the information and media resources of the state and security, the legitimate rights of the individual and society as a whole in an information environment that is not only informational and technical, but also an information and psychological component      [2; 56].

It should be noted that the violation of information and media security in modern Kazakhstan society not only undermines the ideological principles in society, but also potentially destabilizes the social environment, creating mass hysteria in the minds of society, as well as acting as an inducer of destructive ideas.

Information coming in and social networking has a specific feature that is that such information is capable of rapid spreading to the masses of people. 

At the same time, the informational content is perceived, through the prism of the subjective views of the individual, distorted in the mind, analyzed and evaluated by the person, and already in a refracted form, with individual-personal values and accents is passed on.

In addition, the information perceived through external means of communication (the media, social networks, Internet distributions, etc.) by a person, in the majority, is practically not objectively evaluated and analyzed, which causes the phenomenon of spreading rumors, gossip and other unreliable information in the society, capable of influencing the behavior of a large number of people, social groups, and each individual person as a whole.

Thus, extremist ideas of suicidal and other destructive nature can spread on the basis of infringement of information and media security, as well as criminal behavior of social groups.

In this case, criminal behavior forms activities aimed at distant killing, including minors, youth. This, in turn, real and potentially causes significant harm to public consciousness, mental and physical health of people, gender factor and psychological ecology in the state, and also contributes to the emergence of destabilization of the situation in society.

In this context, the key, is the remote form of criminal acts of crime, which contributed to the violation of information and media security.

The mechanism for the implementation of destructive ideology for young people and minors directly depends on the information that enters the society from the virtual information space and is accordingly perceived and evaluated by various social groups of young people.

This destructive remote impact on adolescents and young people as a whole, on the one hand, form suicidal and other destructive thoughts and views of young people and minors, and on the other hand, destabilizes society, its social, legal and other views, their world outlook component and, therefore, has psychological nature.

For example, legal nihilism follows precisely from such positions, where rumors and gossip, form people's distrust of the rule of law, its strict observance, precisely from subjective positions. A person does not personally participate in any legal procedures, infantilely trusts the mediated information from the surrounding space (unofficial information, newsletters on social networks, etc.)

In psycho-criminalistic terms, the remote influence of destructive nature on minors and young people acquires an ideology that is alternatively imposed as a form of the criminal act in question. This is due to the fact that the mechanism of action of the existing alternative ideology in social networks has a greater impact on public consciousness and sense of justice, causing induction among the masses, thereby causing the dissemination of information that is not true to the facts and, therefore, public fear and doubt.

Thus, ideology and information security are interrelated and interdependent among themselves. Violation of information and media security entails the formation of extremist virtual groups and communities.

In turn, sufficient information security allows you to stop latent, remote criminal activities in the virtual space, as well as spreading rumors, gossip, deliberately false information to socially significant and other topics in the society. Such information can affect the ideological, educational, moral foundations and patriotic feelings of society as a whole, introduce destructive moods into the social and social life of people, create fears, legal and patriotic nihilism, uncertainty in the future, discredit the existing state power.

The spreading of various types of false information, acquires the character of a psychological attack on society as a whole, its individual social groups, thus acquiring a form of ideological sabotage.

This contributes to the formation of a distorted consciousness in society, erroneous opinions, ideas and ideas regarding events in the socio-political, economic and legal spheres, criminal behavior.

The result of criminal activities related to extremist forms of psychological pressure in the youth environment, as a rule, is the growth of social tension, destabilization of youth and adolescence in modern Kazakhstan society, contributes to the atrophy and destruction of feelings among youth and adolescents, bound by morality, morality, patriotism, civil duty and position, national pride and self-awareness, etc. [3; 131].

In addition, ideology, unlike the alternative, destructive ideological form it creates in the youth environment, is a psychological component of society and the state. This reflects the social being in the minds  and perceptions of people, psychologically actively influences society and the political situation in the state, directs the social vector through a constructive or destructive social process, or, on the contrary, a significant reduction in social tension and the formation of various types of legal conflicts.

In this regard, external intervention is an alternative to the ideological form among young people is a way of destabilizing the situation in society, the violation of gender policy in the state, thus acquiring the status of a grave socially dangerous act. 

As noted earlier, remote forms of psychological pressure in the youth environment are extremist in nature, and can take the form of so-called ideological sabotage.

In its turn, ideological diversion in any form has a psychological motivation, since the commission of such a criminal act is more based on a sense of hatred and contempt for the existing society, as well as other disturbed emotional states, obsession with obsessions, satisfaction of personal ambitions.

Thus, ideological diversionary acts, of a remote nature, are aimed at destroying, first of all, the psychological health of youth in every society through the generation of feelings of fear, instability, lack of justice in the family and society.

In this case, the main goal is to undermine the authority of the family and society, morality, spirituality, cultural traditions, patriotic feelings of youth, the formation of social tension in society and provocation of various types of social conflicts.

It should be noted that psychological research makes it possible to determine that ideological diversion is characterized by preliminary psychological preparation of the society and the individual society for social tension, after which the possibility of direct criminal action, including those leading to suicidal acts in the youth environment, increases.

Psychological and forensic mechanism of remote forms of psychological pressure in the youth environment is often preceded by ideological diversion, as a provocation of society to social tension followed by social explosion, and the organization of mass or gathering crowds [4; 256].

In this case, psychological methods of influence on society and society are used, by spreading rumors and disinformation on the Internet in communication spheres, with the aim of making excitement in the society or its individual groups (for example, mass suicides of children, abductions of children, etc.). In accordance with this, an imaginary threat is created artificially for the society, which leads to the formation of a mass or a crowd of people.

As stated earlier, information, including destructive ones, has a remote impact on a person, and has a specific feature for rapid simultaneous dissemination among a large number of people in the virtual space.

The accumulation of a large number of people at a certain time in a certain place, a virtual space, also has its own peculiarity, namely the presence of a certain leader who does not have physical contact with other people.

At the same time, communication between the leader of a virtual community / group, especially among young people, may be absent or superficial, and its action starts together only in cases of getting a brief team to commit actions or get topics for discussion. In such a situation, a brief team to commit actions or get a topic for discussion becomes a criminal factor organizing the mass in a virtual community, since it poses a danger to it, and, therefore, dictates manifestations of the same type of behavior, namely the performance of specific actions.

It should be noted that the individual in the virtual community tries to keep critical thinking before the threat arises, but in the event of a danger, sharply begins to assess its degree, the possibility of elimination, depending on other people, and cognitive criticality is sharply disconnected, according to individually specific features and qualities of personality. As a result, the collective, chaotic behavior of the masses is formed.

It should be noted that the community / group in the virtual space is a conglomeration of a large number of people united by a common idea, aspiration and readiness for certain actions, which gives it a certain degree of criminal activity, where a special role is played by extremist organizations of a suicidal or other destructive nature. with the psychological characteristics of youth, the desire to experience new  emotional states, the overcoming of psychological and other trauma, self-affirmation , increasing self-esteem, overcoming the deficit of love and other internal psychological problems.

Those who join the virtual community / group voluntarily share the ideas and demands distributed in it, feel closeness and support in each other, which acts as a unifying factor, where emotional closeness and a feeling of unity begin to manifest.

Virtual communities/groups of an extremist nature characterize the space-time boundaries, the likelihood of a growing number of young people joining it. This is due to the psychological proximity and the general idea of young people, where certain effects on an emotionally mature person turn out to be manifested in the following individual behavioral reactions.

First, a significant decrease in the intellectual abilities of a young person in a virtual extremist community / group of a suicidal or other destructive nature, namely, the lack of critical thinking towards the actions being performed, and the irrationality of the events leading to affective states such as ecstasy, hatred, outbursts of rage, and a sense of impunity in virtual space. 

Secondly, a sharp and significant surge of emotions, due to inducing youth and adolescents to each other in social networks, rapid, sudden emotional impulses.

Thirdly, ignoring the personal interest in favor of a virtual extremist community / group of suicidal or other destructive nature, that is, an inadequate assessment of the real situation, demonstrativeness of behavior expressed in pathological «heroism».

A psychological-forensic assessment of a virtual extremist community / group of a suicidal or other destructive nature can be characterized by a general ideological panic, massive psychotic states, a sense of ideological force, impunity disconnects the collective subconscious impulses that direct and direct the crowd's behavior, which defines the crowd as criminal [5; 152].

As a rule, in virtual extremist communities / groups of suicidal or other destructive nature, there is a spontaneously formed or intentionally implanted group to demonstrate the desired behavior patterns, namely, they are the most blinded participants in the virtual community, who infect and drive the rest of the youth or teenagers with their actions, that is, without Such an example, the instructions of leaders can not bring the community and each of its members to active action.

In addition, in virtual extremist communities / groups of suicidal or other destructive nature, the disseminators of utterances administrators by region, who validate and substantiate the blind faith of members of the community, also act. Consciously, they disseminate information about the need to participate in the community, set up against the family and loved ones who are not members of the community, note the uniqueness of those who go to the community, call for criminal and other destructive actions, argue about the complete fallacy of any contradictory statements, threaten and blackmail if a member of the community refuses to proceed or leave the community, etc. This they do not allow to create and spread alternative thinking, which violated the cohesion of a virtual extremist community / group of suicidal or other destructive nature.

Administrators-distributors of statements direct the situation through Internet resources, social networks, mobile communications (for example, VKontakte, WhatsApp, Viber)

For example, since 2013 in the social network VK there were several «public» with the name F57 (after a public scandal called «suicidal sect»). November 23, 2015 there was a suicide: on the rails lay Rina Palenkova. This incident spread over the Internet in a matter of days and caused widespread discussions, including suggestions (later refuted) that the girl was in one or more of these groups.

In 2015, in Russia, it was to create a virtual community of suicidal extremist nature «Group f57» administrator, which is Philip Budeykin, 22, better known as Filipp Lis and Marijana Kharitonchik and Escort Soznanie. This community was known for its publications of shock-content with psychedelics and videotapes with executions, which were arranged by terrorists IGIL (DAISH).

Philippe «Fox» accidentally stumbled upon the public F57, and became interested in this phenomenon, he began to actively communicate with members of this community. In more detail familiarizing himself with what is happening, he decided to engage in self-piracy. According to his testimony, he wanted to become famous and make his music known, for which he decided to promote his band (fake F57) and after reaching 5000 subscribers to change its theme to music. In addition, he wrote to the administrator of an already existing public that he allegedly received a number from the Sea of Whales: these numbers were issued in F57 in order to create a mysterious situation and they were required to commit suicide.

After a series of similar manipulations, Philip managed to become the administrator of several similar groups. At the same time, several existing public posts were blocked by the VK administration. As a result, many began to consider Fox the real administrator and the author of these communities, and he supported  this image: regularly published mysterious content, gave out numbers, communicated with participants.

Counteraction to virtual extremist communities / groups of suicidal or other destructive nature should  be carried out in two main directions proper provision of information and media security of the Kazakh society and implementation of educational influence on Kazakhstan youth, which is impossible without the existence of a powerful ideological component and the spread of patriotic and moral values.

Thus, a complex of ideological and educational measures, as well as the need for information and media security are the main forms of countering extremist forms of psychological pressure in the youth environment.



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  4. Kubeev, E.K., Ganchevsky, B.G., Zhamieva, R.M., Arenova, L.K., Sultanbekova, G.B., & Suhoterin, V.E. (2013). Kriminalnoe povedenie: diahnostika i issledovanie [Criminal behavior: diagnosis and research]. — Karaganda: Izdatelstvo KarHU [in Russian].
  5. Kubeev, E.K., Ganchevsky, B.G., Zhamieva, R.M., Arenova, L.K., Nuradinov, A.S., & Bozhkarauli, A. (2016). Terrorizm i ekstremizm: pravovye, kriminalisticheskie i psikholohicheskie aspekty [Terrorism and extremism: legal, forensic and psychological aspects]. Karaganda: Izdatelstvo KarHU [in Russian].

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