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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Creating brand of tourist territories as an element of multidimensional structure of the development of entrance tourism

The article analyzes the structure of the brand of tourist territories, which is important for travelers when selecting a tourist zones and appears as a set of associations. The structure of the brand is explained by two main concepts as brand identity and brand image. Analyzed the relationship between them. Also, considered the concept of brand positioning, which is a specific mediator between the two. In its turn discussed the structure of brand identity. Also described the positive results of the formation of the brand for the tourist zones. The authors investigated a number of associations that are updated when a tourist thinks of the tourist zone and compares it with others. Shown the attributes that affect the image of the tourist area. As an example, presented the tourism branding Indian policy called «Incredible India». Summing up the results proved that the creating brand of tourist territories is a multidimensional structure.

The experience of many countries shows that today's advanced communication technology to promote national interests is the technology of branding. It is popular among the other areas that may lead to a specif- ic area of the territory as an intangible asset that distinguishes the formation and promotion of the  brand. First of all, usage of this technology was caused by the need to attract tourists, investment to the country. In this industry significant competition which took place in «international market», promotion of branding technology has become topical. The main objective of the regional brand is to create awareness and descrip- tiveness related to object.

Increase of the role of branding and image of tourist territories (country, region, and city), is related to changes in consumer behavior. Selection of a place for holidays as an indicator of quality of life of modern consumers. Currently, planning by person to invest their own time and capital should have huge of the emo- tional components and high value. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) show that in the XXI century tourist territories will be able to offer more branded items to consumers  [1; 4].

Nowadays, in the field of branding and creating images of tourist territories indicate lack of works and research. This question depends on many conditions; including the most important is comparative appearing of regional marketing which is considering region as a product. Territorial marketing still have not got his   the necessary spread in management practices.

Branding - an important part of the marketing strategy of promoting territories. following positive re- sults to build brand for tourist territories:

  • Increase the probability of selection of the same area as a place to travel by potential tourists.If Tourist not sure of getting the feelings that he wants, he will not go to there. In this case, tourists will not have chance to learn,to compare all turist areas. In this case tourist will use information of similarity of brand which help to choose place same to his
  • Smart built brand can quickly show to tourists advantages of the mentioned area.In addition, brand can give advantages of areas for potential tourists by just quickly reminding
  • It has possibility to build positive attitudes, wishes of the strong brand.Tourist, who gets positive ex- perience by travelling to known tourist area, can quickly recover memoriesby looking to the brand elements (name, logo, and slogan). Gifts and photos can re-awaken have taken
  • In some places having rest is a tool, which delivers individual personality and lifestyle. Brand of area gives opportunity to form his similarity, also to have an opinion about environment, during select- ing anarea, which is important motive.Travelling to area with formed stable brand helps to increase self-rating.Tourists who visited that region deliver information to other people about their status, worth, lifestyle. Therefore, any tourist try to take with him gifts named by the name of place of visit. Gifts are confirmation of the fact, that tourist visited that place. Many regions choose their slogan as formation of tourist   For example: Everyone knows about well-known brand  called «I love  New York» which created in 1970. New York City made new slogan identical to previous idea «The World’s second home» in 2005.
  • Visualization and properly named brand gives opportunity to differentiation from competitors. Studies show, for example, Europeans and Americans cannot distinguish Slovenia and Slovakia, as well as the Central Asian countries. The list Include our
  • Brand gives an extra reputation for the area. Holidays spent in famous tourist areas help raise level of self - assessment. If people spend holidays in unknown places, it does not give an opportunity to raise the self -

Tourist areas — not only just a name, it is a nature of the area, causing interest in natural landscapes, local cultural wealth, set of reflection which is provided by specific types of activities.

And the brand for tourists is invitation to go there and understanding of a wide range of unique effects.

It is important to point that tourists buy impression.

In considering the structure of the brand in the field of branding in the worldwe all rely on expert D.Aaker model [2; 93]. The model divided into two brands’ the most important concepts: relevance brand (internal focus) and brand image (external focus).

The brand compliance (identity) – it is basic values and messages that formed in the minds of the con- sumer and at the end perceived as a brand image. There is another determination for it, brand compliance – main associations that prefer to link brand with the product. It is clear once again will provide the following information: brand compliance with the creators of a unique product that you want to link to the brand asso- ciations. Associations provide information to consumers about what that product gives to them [2; 150].

The brand compliance creates a link between brand and consumer based on functional, emotional bene- fits and capabilities [3; 19].

The image of the brand is a formation of the brand in the consumers’ mind and brands reflex mirror. In other words, thoughts, feelings and expectations of the people make connection with a brand.

In between brand compliance and image appears mediator, which is orientation of the brand. The con- nection between brand compliance, brand image and orientation shown in Figure 1.

The brand compliance – it is a perception of tourists in the specific area as a tourist object. The image of the area cannot be created without strategic decisions about brand compliance and content. Brand’s estab- lished compliances creates brand image in the future. If brand marketing communications are successful in the area, the image and brand compliance in the minds of tourists will be harmonious.

The connection between brand compliance, brand image and orientation   

Figure 1. The connection between brand compliance, brand image and orientation 

Brand and image should be seen as a complex structure. Also a brand is a spectacle set that forms by the creators of the brand (brand identity) and formed in the minds of tourists (brand image).

The structure of brand compliance consists of foundation or base. Foundation or base – compliance  – the main basements of the brand promise. All elements combined in accordance with  completed structure  [2; 114]. 

The foundation and base – compliance should be stable all the time, mainly adoption period takes place with compliance. The base and foundation’s compliance will be formed in the minds of potential visitors as a basic concept of the area. In Figure 2 shown the transfer of the brand compliance to the image in marketing strategy in the minds of potential tourists.

 The relation of the compliance and an image of the area

Figure 2. The relation of the compliance and an image of the area

If the object is very complicated, the perception will be confusing and strange. Area is very complex object. Area (territory) is set of institutions, people, organizations, attractions, and communications infra- structure that connected with each other. Therefore, the established understandings of basic concepts of tour- ist area are not clear enough. An entity need to know sufficient information about well — known tourist area, otherwise will de difficult to establish contact with the place. Therefore, during the process of branding the basic need is to create a clear target in the minds of potential tourists. As noted above, clear solution is the compliance of base and foundation.

Brand's foundation and base — compliance formulation can be divided into the following requirements:

  • Providing information about tourist area's unique characteristics in order to achieve loyalty;
  • All aspects of the area need to be considered as a base of communications of the region;
  • Should be interesting, meaningful and trustful;
  • The relevant values that will be actual for a long time should be well

T a b l e   1

The main brand values of tourist region 


Brand identity

Brand value


In Wales you will find a passion for life

Lyrical, honesty, warmth, confidence


Brand Australia

Young, energetic, optimistic, stylish, genuine, funny

New Zealand

New Pacific freedom

Freshness, nature, freedom, power

Western Australia

Brand Western Australia

Clean, freedom, energetic


Feel the spirit Manaaki - tanga

Cultural diversity, stunning nature, the force of nature, adventure feelings

Veliky Ustyug

Motherland of Ded Moroz (Santa Claus)

Fairytale, childhood, happiness, new year journey


Try to feel the rhythm of life in Tur- key!

Dynamics, entertainment, recreation

Brand principle, foundation and baseof tourist territory can be given with slogan.

As shown in Table 1, countries that have clear vision in developing tourist areas are successfully estab- lishing their vision and slogan and it will help them to set positive impressions in the mind of tourists.

In addition to the basic target concepts can be formed other associative ideas. It can be called as ex- panded compliance of the brand. That means, foundation and base compliance's characteristics are not enough.

T a b l e   2

Attributes that affect to the image of the tourist area 

Natural resources:

Culture, history and art:

-  Museums,       historic monuments

-  Festivals and concerts

-  Art

-  Gostronomy

-  Folklore

-  Religion

-  Traditions and lifestyle

-  Social environment

-   Hospitality and friendly locals




- The weather




- Beaches




- Natural wealth




- Diversity and identity














Tourist attraction:

-  Theme parks, entertainment parks

-  Entertainment and Sports

- Actions (events)

Tourist infrastructure:

-  Places to allocate

-  Restaurants

-  Bars, clubs

-  Availability of transport in region

-  Tourist centers

-  Travel Information network


-  The beauty of the landscape

-  The beauty of the cities and rural areas

-  The air and cleanliness of the streets

-  Noise level

-  The intensity of the movement

Political and economic factors:

-  Political stability

-  Economic Development

-  Security

-  Prices

General infrastructure:

-  Construction

-  The development of telecommunications

-  Health care

-  The growth of service level of the public and private transportation

The condition of the tourist territory:

-  Luxury class territory

-  Luxury land

-  Well - known reputable place

-  Family-oriented area

-  An exotic place

-  Musical place

-  Comfortable place

-  Boring place

-  Attractions (interesting places)

One of the main tasks during the formation of the brand is making set of positive associations about brand, which comes up when tourists think about this brand or when they compare with other brands. The associations established on the base of the brand will show next points:

  • The types of recipients and tourists;
  • Tourist’s lifestyle;
  • Types of holidays;
  • Feature of the nature;
  • The characteristics of the local population;
  • The unique sides of the territory; 
  • As an obvious example of something;
  • The psychological benefits obtained through tourists;
  • The emotional benefits obtained through

Table 2 defines the image of the tourist area, respectively; in accordance to the brand compliance de- termines attributes and characteristics [4; 72].

For the above - mentioned brand structure, attributes and main elements of the tourist area can be taken an example of branding strategy in India.

In 2002 India did not has specially organized promotion system and in different countries differently imagined about India. A lot of historical cities of the India were  unknown  to  potential  tourists.  At that times countries such as Malaysia, China, and Thailand attracted huge number of tourists to their countries. In the September of 2002 Tourism Ministry of India launched new international advertising campaign with slo- gan «Incredible India» to attract attention to their rich cultural heritage and geographical diversity.

Campaign sponsored by Indian Government, Indian Association of tour agencies, also social organiza- tion «Experience India Society». Center of campaign – Himalayas, wild nature, yoga, ayurveda (Indian tradi- tional medicine).

Total amount of money spent to this campaign were 5.9 million US dollars, which included internation- al magazines, TV, Web, mass media. Their main target audiences were from South Asia, Australia, UK, France, Italy and Germany. Also campaign included outdoor advertisings. They chose famous, well-known places (e.g. Times Square in New York City) and international airports to show ads.

This campaign’s the main and the most profitable theme was mysticism, moral experience and special places. Chosen strategy successfully placed India in international market; even we can say that they overtook their competitors. Singapore offers entertainment and shopping, while Malaysia offers sea, recreation. Cen- turial spiritual experience was the main motive for tourists to visit India.

The new brand has been formed as a promotion in united and consistent manner for all Indian tourist of- fices, tour operators and organization. The campaign «Incredible India» based on deep researches. Results of that can be seen from appearing of the brand identity and personality, and list of characteristics and concepts. Campaign successfully showed countries unique spirits, diversity of natural views and exceptional behavior of people.

Due to successful campaign in 2003 tourists flow who visited India increased to 15.3 %, and in 2004 it raised again to 25 % (Fig. 3).

In 2006, the campaign «Incredible India» was awarded in the «Euro Effies» awards with the prize «Best Brand». In 2002, the first phase of the campaign «Incredible India» was working with more than 10 various advertising agencies. The Internet also actively used to promote the brand. The website www.tourisminindia.com is optimized, attractive enough to create travel plan, functional, and the informa- tion completed. More than 100 pictures specially designed for the 12 campaigns, also in order to attract in- ternet users contests (competitions) were organized. The result of the campaign was 13 million visits in         1 month. Then, the site was called incredibleindia.com, and new design was made. Currently, this site is working very successfully.

 Growth of the flow of tourist arrivals in India from 2003 to 2004 year 

Figure 3.Growth of the flow of tourist arrivals in India from 2003 to 2004 year 

Except the campaign «Incredible India», Indian states created their own campaigns in order to attract tourists. For example, the state of Rajasthan called themselves as an «incredible state of India». The market- ing effort is based on a unique selection of luxury class was aimed to promote tourism in the country and in the international market. «Round palace» and local residents' various festivals identified the place of the state in the world map. The state of Rajasthan spent billions of dollars and was able to develop infrastructure.The number of visitors has increased from 0.3 million in 2003, to 1.4 million in 2007. Stepping up the develop- ment of internal tourism increased from 12.5 million to 26 million. The number of foreign tourists that ar- rived  to  India  in  2011  was  19.5  million;  the  number  of  tourists  visiting  the  state  of  Rajasthan  was million, or 6.9 % of the total number. On the territory of the country, the number of internal tourists was equal to 850.8 million, and tourists in Rajasthan were 27.1 million [5].

In conclusion, the area of consumers, which is a positive set of attitudes and values of the brand can be seen as a multidimensional structure.

It should be considered 2 main points in the structure of any tourist area branding during conducting. These are brand compliance and brand image. In addition, mediation concept between these meanings of brand direction is also important. They united necessary attributes to form correctly, to become successful tourist brand. Therefore, it can be seen from organizing tourist strategy by Indian government, how it can become successful by considering ideas forms in tourist mind and mentioned above values, attributes.



  1. Morgan, , Pritchard, A. (2004). Destination branding. Creating the unique selling proposition. Elsevier.
  2. Aaker, (2003). Sozdanie silnykh brendov [Building strong brands]. Moscow: ID Hrebennikova [in Russian].
  3. Kapferer J.N. (2000). Strategic brand management: new approaches to creating and evaluating brand equity. Kogan Page Ltd.,
  4. Page, S.J., Connell, J. (2006). Tourism: a Modern Synthesis. Cengage Learning
  5. Tourism in India. wikipedia.org Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_India.

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