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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Socialization of the person in the context of social pedagogy

The article discusses the mechanism of formation of the personality in terms of social pedagogy. Personality  in social pedagogy is understood as a social phenomenon. Focus on social in personality — the key in the hands of the social teacher. The authors analyze the process of human socialization and prove that its formation as a person comes into interaction with the environment, which plays a key role in this process. This process is directed by society, through the influence of the state on certain age, social and professional group of people. Social adaptation is a prerequisite and the result of successful socialization. Young generation adopts modern system of knowledge, norms, attitudes and behavior patterns in general carried out in a social environment. In the process analyzing the different social phenomena, the authors identify important social and educational phenomena. Socio-pedagogical processes mean a variety of social phenomena and reflect the essence of pedagogical interaction of the elements of society and the individual in the various stages of its socialization. On the basis of theoretical research conducted in the article argues that social and pedagogical processes are the product of interaction between the pedagogical resources and capabilities of society and the individual in the process of socialization. 

Pedagogy deals with a number of problems which are constantly actual and by this reasons are extremely attractive for researchers. One of them is personality upbringing in the context of socialization, i.e. social upbringing in community.

Scientists define personality as unique and specific characteristic of men, that reflect their integrity, consciousness and basic purposes of acting. Modern society involves human into a number of different processes, contacts, relationships, which means that personality is the system of social qualities of human formed on the basis of their involvement into the system of social relationships.

The concept of personality was created in order to focus and underline non-natural essence of man and make the emphasis on the social beginning. Ancient greeks used this term in different way, in original meaning  person was a mask or a role  in the Greek Theatre [1; 36]

Today, personality is defined through the social nature of individum and explained the person as the subject of work and social relations. Personality acts as a holder of general and specific social properties that characterize his national and class affiliation, profession and type of activity, attitudes and values, interests, goals, ideals [2].

Person becomes personality in the process of social education and development of self-consciousness, i.e. realization of their soleness as the subject of activity and  member of society.

In the modern pedagogical science personality is identified as the stable system of socially significant features that are characterizing person, and that personality is the product of social development through person’s involvement into the system of social relationships by means of dynamic activity and communication [3; 29].

Additionally to the concepts of "man" and "personality" in science terms are often used "individual" and "individuality". The notion of "individual" embodies generic human identity. Individuals can also be considered a newborn, and adult stages of savagery, and highly educated resident of a civilized country. Therefore, speaking about a particular man, that he is an individual, we essentially argue that he/she is potentially human.

Individuality manifests itself in terms of temperament, character, habits, prevailing interests, goals, and life orientations, ability, individual style of activity, etc. Doesn't exist two people with the same combination of psychological characteristics the human person is unique, ie, each of us is different. Personality is evolving under the influence of life in society, education, training, communication, interaction [1; 42].

Personality is considered in sociology as a representative of a particular social group, as a social type or as the product of social relations. Psychologists believe that personality is not a passive object of the social impact, but it could refracts and converts that impact. 

Step by step, a personality gradually begins to act as a set of internal conditions through which refract external influences of society. These domestic conditions are a fusion of hereditary and biological properties and socially conditioned qualities that were formed under the influence of previous social impacts. In order  to the internal conditions of formation of the personality become deeper, as a result of the same external action can have different effects on people [4].

The transformation of biological individual into social subject takes place in the process of human’s socialization, their integrity into society, into different types of social groups and structures by means of adoption of values, sets, social norms, behavior patterns, on the basis of which socially significant features of personality are formed.

Thus, personality not only an object and a result of social relations, but also the subject of activity, communication, consciousness, self-consciousness.

Socialization is a continuous and many-sided process, which lasts during the whole life of a human. However, the greatest intensity it achieves during the periods of childhood and juvenescence, when all the basic value orientations are being found, the main social norms and their deviations are being adopted, social behavior motivations are being formed.

In terms of pedagogy appropriate to consider the stages of socialization due to age periodization of human life [3; 44]:

  • infancy (birth to 1 year);
  • early childhood (1-3 years);
  • preschool childhood (3-6 years);
  • primary school age (6-10 years);
  • younger youth (10-12 years);
  • senior adolescence (12-14 years);
  • early youth (15-17 years);
  • youth age (18-23 years);
  • youth (23-30 years);
  • early maturity (30-40 years);
  • late maturity (40-55 years);
  • advanced age (55-65 years);
  • old age (65-70 years);
  • longevity (over 70 years).

The process of children socialization, their formation and development, the way of becoming personality takes a place in cooperation with the environment which influences the process cardinally by means of a great variety of different social factors. Society acquires the most importance in the process of children socialization. Children assimilate with that nearest social environment gradually. If after birth children develop mainly in family, later they assimilate with more and more new environments kindergartens, friends' companies, etc. As they grow older, children's assimilated 'territory' of social environment becomes wider and wider [3; 64].

Even when the baby begins to speak, he speaks of himself in the third person, as about an extraneous "Dima wants to eat, Dima want to walk". In the early part of life the child is aware of itself weak, he is deprived of his "me", his consciousness is formed by active interaction with other people, especially with the surrounding family members. Without that interaction there won't be personality, we will get only individual, similar in appearance to the man but with the consciousness of the baby.

During that process children continually look for and find the environment that is the most comfortable for them, where they are understood in the best way, where they are treated with respect, etc. In the process of socialization the following things acquire the most importance: what concepts are formed by the environment where children are being brought up, what social experience may be acquired in the environment – positive or negative.

During the process of socialization, the child make internalization of social world. The same process, although perhaps less intense in quality, occurs every time when adult take a new social context, or in a new social group. Thus, the society is "placed' inside and outside of us but it is the part of our inner being. Only  an understanding of the process of internalization gives the opportunity to adopt an incredible fact that the vast majority of people in society stays under external social control during all of their lives. Society does  not just control our movements, it gives shape to our self-identity, our thoughts and our feelings [5; 36].

Socialization occurs under occasional human interaction with the environment. This process is directed by society, through the influence of the state (in early stages of age), social and professional group of people. In addition, the control and influence of the state is carried out through focused and controlled social education (family, religious, social). These components have both private and significant differences throughout a person's life at different stages or phases of socialization.

The content of the process of socialization is determined by the fact that any society is interested in the fact that its members have successfully mastered the roles of men and women (in a successful sex-role socialization), it will be helpfull for competently participation in productive activities (professional socialization), and it would be make people more law-abiding (political socialization), etc.

Assimilation of norms and values is not passive, it is an indissoluble unity with the implementation of the activity of man, his self-development and self-realization in society. Human development is the result of the decision of number of tasks. They can be defined as follows: cognitive, moral-ethical, value-semantic, communicative, ideological tasks. Thus, in general terms the purpose of socialization is formulated as an achievement of a person of such a level of development that allows it to fully function in society, to fulfill social roles. Each society specifies it in accordance with their human resource needs of a certain quality.

Priority in the social upbringing belongs to the family where the person goes home and primary socialization. In the framework of the other public structures, people committing subsequent socialization. The family is not seen as an auxiliary institution, that needs only for reproduction of the existing state structures and relationships, but as the main condition for the realization of human potentialities and abilities, the most important educational institution, which is a unique tool, a wide range of social influence on the formation of personality and self-development. Normal moral relationships, understanding the atmosphere in the family determine the humanistic orientation of education of the personality [6; 11].

Hence, there are different model of interaction in the system: the person family society. The primary is the person's family; secondary the state, the society and all its institutions. Family shouldn't help society, conversely society should fully support the family. The main effort of pedagogy shouldn't be directed to attempt to replace the influence of family by influence of any public institutions (schools, camps for children, law enforcement, etc.), these effort should be directed on the activities of these institutions contributed  to the restoration and strengthening of normal family, interpersonal contacts in family, raising a favorable microclimate in this micro society [7].

Social microenvironment is one of the most important factors which may accelerate or restrain the process of personality self-realization. Social upbringing is a pedagogically oriented and purposive system of social help which is necessary for the growing generation during the period of their involvement into social life. It supposes the usage of all the means in the educational process with the aim of forming personality who is adequate to society requirements. While defining social upbringing aims, all-around development of personality is defined as the aim, ideal which may be achieved by special ways and means in the system of social upbringing [6;19].

"Social formation," as it is known, one of the widest concepts that characterize the personality. It is a process and, in the same moment the result of social influences on a child: purposeful and natural, positive and negative. More wide only the concept of "development", because including the whole range of social impacts on a child, it also contains and the impact of congenital and hereditary qualities in the formation of the person, especially herself.

In the structure of specific aims, in the contents of social upbringing the most importance is acquired by the task of brining two sides of cooperation to correlation. They are society which gives directions to upbringing abilities of all subjects and spheres of life according to the interests of every human, and the activation mechanism of the person, their creative potential to society benefit.

According to the theory of Emile Durkheim, the society is percepted by us as an objective fact. Society is outside of us, it surrounds us and guides our lives. We exist in a society, we are placed in specific sectors of the social system. This place has very strong influence for what and how we perform our behavior, our language or etiquette, our religious beliefs or even statistical probability of committing suicide [5; 71].

The main aim of social education is to provide the development of man as an individual, the realization of his abilities and opportunities in society. The development of the role-based behavior ensures a successful involvement in social relationships because it gives a child the chance to adjust, to adapt to new situation or position throughout his/her life. This process of the individual adaptation to the social environment conditions is called social adaptation. 

Social adaptation is a prerequisite and the result of successful socialization of the person that is known to occur in three main areas of activity, communication and awareness. The sphere of activity is expanding that activities in orientation of each type, its understanding and mastering, mastering the appropriate forms and means of action. In the field of communication is expanding circle of contacts, enhancing of content and deepening its content, the assimilation of norms and rules of conduct adopted in society, learning its various forms, acceptable in the social environment of the child, and in society at large. In the field of consciousness the formation of the image of "his own self" as an active subject of activity, understanding of their social status and social roles, self-formation.

The problem of growing generation upbringing has long been the most topical during the whole history of manhood, and there is no general way of personality upbringing. The process of personality formation takes place continually, and no imminent results may be expected there. Upbringing may be regarded as relatively socially controlled process of person development during their socialization [6; 54]. During  the process of upbringing the formation of personality takes place, social microenvironment is one of the main factors. Social upbringing is pedagogically oriented purposive system of social help which is necessary for the growing generation during their involvement into social life.

The problem of human personality, its formation and development is mostly studied in the modern literature, but the understanding of human as the subject of social relationships is less studied, which makes it topical. The system of social upbringing presupposes continuous, pedagogically purposive organization of upbringing process in view of the particularity of the social situation of personality development and their psychological position at all the age stages, in different spheres of microenvironment where personality develops, with the involvement of all the subjects of upbringing from the child to the parents, teachers, different professional educational establishments, social educators, members of the public.

Due to the transition of the educational system to the new paradigm where the child personality becomes the central figure of any pedagogical process, the landmarks of personality development and formation are being changed. The domination of the humanistic principle in the process of upbringing raises the question of not only the deep moral development of personality, but also of the social formation, of the civic consciousness, of relationships with themselves and with the environment [3;64]. That approach requires the upbringing of healthy personality able to assert themselves in society according to its norms, bring it benefit and get personal satisfaction.

Assimilation of the younger generation of the modern system of knowledge, norms, attitudes, patterns  of behavior, which are included in the concept of culture inherent in social groups and society as a whole is carried out in the social environment society.

Among the great variety of upbringing conceptions, every of which has the right to exist, the conceptions of personality humanization and socialization forge ahead. Much attention in the conceptions is paid to the personality adoption of social experience which is necessary for the adaptation in the modern world.

The peculiarity of modern social upbringing is that in the creation of harmonically developed personality in the ecosystem space-nature-society-human the emphasis is laid on society, on the culture created in it.  In society and only there, in the sphere of personality nearest environment, in the process of their humanization the formation basics of human life sets and personality harmonic cooperation with the environment are being found.

Socialization (upbringing) as a process is carried out both by means of purposive influence on person in the system of upbringing, and under the influence of the wide range of active factors. Therefore, according to Golovanova, it is impossible to form personality with the help of only school upbringing because at school personality is being started to form not from the scratch, as the early socialization has already taken place in family and in the child’s environment [8].

Thus, the usage of the process of social education of the youth in the complex mechanisms of socialization: traditional (through family and mikrosotsialnoe environment), institutional (through the institutions of society), stylized (through subculture), interpersonal, reflective (through personal experience and consciousness), must be accompanied by taking in context of substantial changes introduced in virtually every one of the factors of socialization of young people conditions of a transformed society.

Socialization and society from the point of view of pedagogical science are related areas of sociological knowledge, and are significant for understanding the difficulties of person at development of social experience. In the prosess of choosing a pedagogically appropriate forms and methods to overcome them on the basis of realization of the potential of society, or, if necessary, restore it for subsequent realization.

For understanding the mechanisms of interaction between subjects and objects of the educational process and the capacity of society within the framework of social and educational activities it is important to understand that society is a kind of "field" mutual hereditary oath of mutual support and understanding.

Educational potential of society has its own structure, that consists of the main elements: a form of existence, the content of educational potential, the shape of its materialization, the property of society and the individual property.

The main features of the pedagogical potention of society are: the availability of educational component; ability to influence individuals and groups of people; the ability to form, develop positive personality traits; ability to evoke response positive feelings; the ability to change the behavior, lifestyle, man; the ability to adjust the prospects of development of the individual, family, group; long-term and stable educational influence on people; historical conditionality of educational component [4].

In society, as in any dynamic social system, there are a number of different social phenomena, among which an important place occupied by socio-pedagogical phenomenon. Is social-pedagogical phenomenon -  a kind of social phenomena that reflect the essence of pedagogical interaction of the constituent elements of society and the individual in the various stages of its socialization. In view of this socio-pedagogical phenomenon is a kind of product of the interaction between the teaching resources and capabilities of society and the individual in the process of socialization.

Socio-pedagogical events are different in the socialization of the individual: some serve as mechanisms for implementation of the resources and capabilities of the society in the resolution of socialization problems (pedagogical interaction, educational communication, social learning, social education, social development), while others reflect the essence of the quality of the individual transformations under the influence of pedagogical influences of society (social activity of the individual, social adaptability, adaptive mobility person), etc., and others demonstrate uses of educational potential of society in achieving the objectives of socialization (social and educational activities, social and educational assistance, socio-pedagogical support) and etc.

In this connection the special significance is acquired by the purposive social-pedagogical. Sociopedagogical activity is the sort of professional activities aimed at assisting the child in the process of socialization, the development of their socio-cultural experience and to create conditions for self-realization in society. It is realized by social teachers in various educational institutions, and other institutions, organizations and associations.

Socio-pedagogical activity is always targeted, aimed at the individual child and the decision of its individual problems that arise in the process of socialization and integration into society through the study of the child's personality and his environment, compiling individual assistance program the child, so it is local, limited to the time interval during which the child's problem is solved.

Social-pedagogical activity is always addressed, aimed at a particular child and the solution of their specific problems appearing in the process of socialization, integrity into society, which is carried out by means of the child’s personality and their environment studying. Social-pedagogical activity is a process itself, its results are not imminent, but their achievement requires a lot of time to realize its aims and tasks.

Social-pedagogical activity is the social work including also pedagogical activity aimed at the help given to children in their self-organization, their mental state, and at the construction of adequate relationships  in their families, school, society, at the creation of conditions appropriate for their self-realization.

Socio-pedagogical approach involves the study of the individual within society as a society member. Due to the fact that between the individual and the society, there are significant correlations, it seems appropriate to carry out the study of personality structure and its educational potential at the level of structure elements of society. A characteristic feature of society is that it has a personality-oriented structure. Therefore, society as a collection of individuals structurally may be considered in the context of the individual structures of the individual. Thus, society structure can be expressed in terms of the structure of the individual. The clarification of this issue may help the viewing experience of three major subsystems of personality in psychology, to identify significant components of its structure in relation to the structure of society [9].

Socio-educational processes that is connected with the integration of social pedagogy and sociology and psychology may bear a certain proportion of their content and presented as a social and pedagogical interaction, communication, pedagogical identity, pedagogical information, teaching experience, pedagogical suggestion teacher infection, teacher imitation, adaptation.

It should be borne in mind that the interaction itself as a major socio-pedagogical process can not be adequately understood without analyzing the educational potential of society, mutual influence of people, the nature of communication between them in the process of its implementation. 

Society doesn't exist as a separate "person" and pedagogical potential of a society can not emerge out of their real perception of the people, their influence on each other and the communication between them.

Thus, socio-pedagogical approach allows you to change views on personality and its formation in the framework of social institutions (kindergarten, school, institution of additional education, higher education). Socio-pedagogical approach focuses on the system of specialists on the pedagogically regulated educational influences on the part of society, introducing himself and society by pedagogical potential through structural and functional capabilities of individuals included in the social environment.



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  • Lesgaft P. Family education of the child and its significance, Moscow: URSS, 2015, 218 p.
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  • Golovanova F. Socialization and education of children, St. Petersburg: Rech, 2004, 272 p.
  • Gray John. Children Are from Heaven: Positive Parenting Skills for Raising Cooperative, Confident, and Compassionate Children, New-York: HarperCollins e-books, 2000, 284

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