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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Folk pedagogu — the basis of patriotism

Authors describe the problems of patriotic education, decide on problems arising up in an educator process in general schools. Quote labours of scientists investigating patriotic education, examine influence of folk pedagogics on the problem of patriotic education. In the article next concepts are exposed: "modern Kazakh society", "patriot of people", "national patriotism", "folk pedagogics", "Kazakhstan patriotism", their intercommunication is shown in a pedagogical theory and practice. The national values of the Kazakh people are examined: traditions, customs, faith, verbal and writing literature, folk music, that find a reflection in globalization of educator process.Authors open the main directions of a national educational system at Kazakhs and its tradition. So, one of the most important traditions of family education at Kazakhs is the knowledge of the family tree, the family tree. Features of family education which in the Kazakh national pedagogics is considered as the prime public necessity reveal. The author of the paper describes the use of traditional methods of national pedagogics in moral education of children in the conditions of modern society. The essence, techniques and methods of Russian national pedagogics used in moral education of children are revealed. 

The authors comprehensively described the patriotic education and focused on the priority issues arising out of the education system. As result of scientists research who studied work of patriotic education, they thoroughly analyze the problem based on using folk pedagogy. The article reflects of „modern Kazakh society”, ,,the patriots of the country”, „national patriotism”, „folk pedagogy" „Kazakhstan’s people patriotism” on the basis of educational theory and practice reveals the relationships between them. In the era of globalization in terms of education and factors should include the value of the Kazakh people: traditions, beliefs, folklore, written versions of literature, music education. The authors examined the referral system of upbringing and traditions of Kazakh people. Considering the value of the Kazakh family openly showed the importance of knowing their origin. They point to the features of pedagogical tools are used in Kazakh families and the need for national ethnopedagogical tool.

Nowadays, one of the topical problems of Kazakh society is indifference. Patriotism of Kazakh people  is common to all citizens of Kazakhstan. When we talk about patriotism, firstly we should choose national interest instead of personal This position of the Kazakh people, threatens the complete disappearance of the ethnic group from the Earth. Different point of view affect  the Kazakh population the overall development  of the society, as well without words does not develop the state. The emergence of such a question, in our opinion is the formation of an independent people, isolated from society, collective interaction due to weak development. The President of the country N. A. Nazarbayev focuses on the education of the younger generation. N. Nazarbayev in his Address to the Nation “Kazakhstan's way 2050: common goal, common interests, common future” noted: “First of all, to be completely developed country, we must fully absorb our own culture and history, then we  should strive to master the others [1].

In the modern Kazakh society is going on negative, positive trends. Blinded by the flow of information people can not choose the right direction to educate. We all know that the society is controlled by the state. Public services are provided by experts from various shperes, it is a high time that they are guided by the people. We are teachers, the people responsible for the future of the nation. Teachers are an individual who is responsible for the formation of future generation. We have to be a good example for growing generation. Folk pedagogy gives an idea about Kazakh ideology, family, state, human, society and upbringing in the content of national creativeness. Moreover, we need to take innovative skills by adding new ideas. Folk pedagogy is one of the components of spiritual culture. Folk pedagogy is closely related with education. Patriotism is reflected in human characters, temperance, conscience, humanity, relationship with people, honesty.

The main objective of folk pedagogy is based on nation's own rich historical experience of the hard work of education, the arts, education, family to educate the next generation, which protect the honor of the fatherland and of all citizens. They are foreman, narrator, singer, performer. Their literature works were the main up bringing resources, which can teach younger generation to distinguish white from black, good from bad, evil from kindness. According to historical resources, authors whose works are related to this theme, are Korkyt, Al-Farabi, Balasagun, Kashgary, Yassaui, Yugneki, Sarai, Zhalairi and so on. Patriotic education of children has been focused on consciousness, active development of value orientations and the right attitude  to social norms, people, Home, life, yourself. It was founded on the principles of nation, of collectivism, of natural law and humanism. Spiritual material of national pedagogics formed the intellectual-emotional, the requirement of motivational sphere and activity of the individual patriot with a stable spiritual-moral, sociohumanistic, political, and national basis. In history there was one case, when children didn’t learn mother tongue , they were taught only Russian language. It means that they were not allowed to learn Kazakh language. In accordance with that our nation lost its own special values.

Traditional schools were specialized in conception of traditional education and ancient legacy. Every student was taught and educated by personal oriented principle. That was a traditional educational principle. Three tasks should be distinguished in education. The first task is to give a knowledge, the second task is importance of up bringing process, the third one is to broaden mind. All they  are  inseparable  [2].  Traditions, customs, traditional world view are inherited from generation to generation. That is the principle of norms and base of spiritual development. Traditional customs are widely extended in everyday life. But  all  traditions  and  customs  are  closely   related   to   way   of   life   and   life   of   ancient   nations.  History of Kazakhs is plentiful with valuable sources. Because of absence of writing, most information sources couldn’t be saved as an archives. Therefore we are not well acquainted with social experience and not so often use it in everyday life. Every nomad should know his race, generation, ancestors  and history.    A lot of aphorisms and winged words are known for us. Everything is inherited by proverbs and folk stories, legends. Proverbs are the most ancient type of folklore. It is like an abstract that gives us full information about nation. In other words it gives us exact understanding of every situation. All legends, stories, proverbs and sayings are related with each other. Generally eloquent are poets, speakers, aristocrats, zhiraus and so on so forth.

Folk pedagogy plays an important role in our society and humankind. In the educational process of younger generation we shouldn’t restrict with traditions. Wisdom of the nation is reflected in proverbs, fairytales, songs, epical sayings. It should be noted that folklore is the most important one. It has an epical and philosophical importance. Our nation attend special attention to the up bringing process. Kazakhs are stand out for good manners of behavior. They are the following qualities: well brought-up, honesty, humanity, respect old people and obeisance. one of the prominent Kazakh writer G. Musrepov wrote about it in his work:

„ There is no reason to burning desire about the past, but to learn from the past good things is a guarantee to bright future” [3].

Restrictions should be in every human society. If there is no any restrictions it will reflect on the society. All of these aspects are considered as ethics.

Portents are also considered as the components of folk pedagogy . A lot of examples can be cited: For instance, if swallow makes a nest in the yurt , it will bring happiness to the house without any doubt. Close people never give knife as a gift, small child couldn’t hold skull of animal on his hand, it is not allowed to lend water. Traditional games also have a good reflection. Games develop children’s activity skills, they are involve in games and by that way train their body. There are a lot of types of games. Firstly, games influence on health of children, strengthen their character and volition. What is the patriotism? B. Toktarov answered to this question in the following way: Patriotism is an unique and unrepeatable phenomenon. It is created by the government, politics and ideology. Patriotism is translated from the Greek language as motherland, homeland. Patriotism of Kazakhstan’s nation is patriotic feelings of all nations who are living in our country. Without any words, every citizen have to love his homeland, that is their duty.

With the help of folk pedagogy we can develop and strengthen the feeling of patriotism. Every system has its own peculiarities. Nowadays we have to renew national traditions and inherit to the next generation.  In such case if a child is well acquainted with his mother tongue, culture, literature, way of life, it will be easy for him to learn foreign language, know their culture and history, Our country is polycultural. Majority of people are Kazakh. That is why Kazakhstan is the homeland for us. Traditional music also influence on spiritual development of person. Especially patriotic feelings. The main idea of the fairytales is to educate patriots with all human qualities. There are several types of zhyr: Liricoepical , about national heros, historical. For example: epical sayings that are based on Asian stories (Seifilmalik, Bozzhigit), Lirico-epical (Kiz Zhibek, Kozi Korpesh-Bayan Sulu), about heros( Alpamys, Kobilandy, Ertargyn), historical (Arkalikbatyr, Beketbatyr). All epical sayings have moral, ethics, philosophical ideas [4].

Family is a social surrounding , it is like a nest of society. Child is brought up and develop in the family. The main task of the family is to bring up a child in the right way. Family consists of mother, father, grandparents and relatives. Parents are responsible for their child’s life. Members of family have to respect and love each other in spite of everything. Mother gives birth to her child and does everything which is possible for her child. Only parents can support their baby and provide him wonderful future without any life problems. We should emphasis that the principles and means of folk pedagogy is upbringing and education  of people as members of a particular national culture. Folk pedagogical knowledge takes into account national psychology, history and specific culture of work and life, moral and spiritual culture. Kazakh folk pedagogy proceeds from the thesis about the uniqueness of the spiritual path of development of nation and ethnic group, about the diversity of thinking styles, feelings and beliefs, languages and ways of life, and artistic forms of aesthetic perception of life. Folk pedagogy requires appropriate methods of transmission, storage and playback of the experience of generations, i.e. special forms of the national-based education [5]. The development of folk pedagogy will help the formation of national schools, which in turn would contribute to overcoming national depersonalization. So, the uniqueness of the Kazakh national pedagogy is the development of spiritual and moral values for love of country, preservation of tradition, language and culture. Folk pedagogy has brought to our days the ancient traditions, which should not be lost and erased urbanized mass culture. Active development of youth traditions of folk pedagogy provides the opportunity to restore the national framework of Kazakhstan the process of formation and development of personality. Each person must learn the spiritual heritage of previous generations, to be aware of their national origin. Education based on traditions of folk pedagogics allows to define a person with a holistic and not fragmented world view using the most important property of folk pedagogy its organic consistency. Consistency of folk pedagogy lies in the fact that through the thin plastic and the poetic and musical language in works of different art forms expressed understanding of the basic relations that define the meaning of life of every individual and the entire nation. These relationships can be summarized into three basic options: as man and nature, man and family, man and  history.  They  organize  the  life  of  any  nation  in  the  historical  past,  present  and  future.  These are the most characteristic features of folk pedagogy. Says it all finds its expression in concrete works of folk art is the basis of pedagogical culture of the people [6].

Folk pedagogy, reflected in national traditions and folk art set of pedagogical beliefs of the people, aimed at education and training of the younger generation, the preservation of moral and spiritual values of the people. Patriotic consciousness includes political, humanity, aesthetic , economical, historical, ecological, religious components. Function of education organizations, social organizations, law organizations is directed to patriotic education. First of all, feeling of patriotism should be reflected in the character of human. Patriotic education a process that has to permeate all segments of the population from birth and throughout his life. Patriotism is unthinkable without the spiritual responsibility of morality, love. And all this should be cared  a daily, hourly  by educators, teachers,  parents and all adults surrounding the child.

Today's children — the future of our country. It depends on us, as they grow up, whether or not proud  of the country in which they were born, his development and prosperity. For the country to move to a civilized society there is still a lot of work [7].

To restore patriotism in Kazakhstan should turn to the experience of the people, to the great folk pedagogy as ethnosocial education covers a wide range of values and affects different aspects of life. It develops and produces a sense of patriotism, which includes concern for the interests of our country and the readiness for the motherland to sacrifice, homeland faithfulness during hardship, pride in the heroic past of our country, the negative attitude towards social vices of society, respect for the historical past and traditions of Kazakh people. For the formation of a sense of patriotism is important to give children the initial idea of our country, people, customs, history, culture and language. But at the same time we should not forget that patriotism develop for years. That is why an early age, due to the immediacy of mental and emotional reactions into force have not yet lost the openness of the soul, the most important for the formation of patriotism. The child develops a consistent, ideologically conditioned system. For society, the patriotic education of children — is just the foundation for the formation of a new Kazakh society.



  1. Nazarbayev N. Kazakhstan's way – 2050: common goal, common interests, common future, [ER]. Access mode: http://www.kz/kaz/article/2622266.
  2. Koyanbaev B., Қoyanbaev R.M. Pedagogy, Almaty: Kazakh University, 2004, 420 p.
  3. Kozhahmetova K.Zh. Ethnopedagogics: methodology, theory, practice: course book, Almaty: Kazakh University, 2013,    254
  4. Musrepov G. Traces of time: еssays and articles, compound by S. Narymbetov, Almaty: Zhalyn, 1977, 368 p. 5 Toktarov B. Mysl', 2011, 12, р. 39.
  5. Chereiskiy L.A., Rozhalin N.M. // Chereiskiy L.A. Pushkin and his entourag, USSR. Dep. Litas. and lang. Pushkin. Komis. Ans. V.E. Vatsuro. 2 nd ed., ext. and rev., Leningrad: Nauka. Leningrad. Dep-tion, 1989, р. 373.
  6. Heroic poetry. Many the languid, Almaty: Zhazushy, 2007, 296

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