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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Value-sense orientation as the personal determinative in choosing profession

The definition of the concept «value» is given in the article on the basis of analysis of scientific literature. System of personal value-sense orientation is considered in the article. The authors made analysis overall on the concepts «value», «value-sense orientation» on the basis of opinions of definite scientists. Value-sense orientation is studied as a permanent feature of identity. It generalizes and discloses the factors affecting the change in the value system. So, it describes the identity in adolescents determined in professional way. Also it specifies the characteristics of self-determination concepts. This article deals with the  analysis to  dynamics of change of professional determining motivation of adolescents. Psychological basis of personal valuesense orientation is characterized. Also, the article discloses the meaning of  personal  value-sense orientation defining that it is formed and developed in the process of socialization process. Personal valuesense orientation and professional activities are determined. However, middle professional labor ratio is  based on the sense system of the person, people who practice this system in detail, value orientation and values in the form of professional activity affects the value orientation of the system. Factors are mentioned that influence the change of values system. Choosing a profession is the most important decisions in the life  of a person and being aware of feeling values in life is a reflection of nature of society. 

Industrial-innovational development of Kazakhstan economy and infrastructure, improving the quality of new models of technological modernization of the labor force is definitely connected with straight percentage of qualified specialists, leading means of labor recourse in social relations is the specialist, his intellectual insight , creative abilities, personal qualities and professional skills are directed to improving certain properties. In this regard, it is necessary to train business professionals that work in qualitative way, that are hard-working, professionally competent, responsible, being able to solve problems in company's infrastructure.

Choosing a profession is psychological phenomenon that comprises two aspects: on the one hand the one who selects (the subject of choosing), on the other hand, what to choose (the object of choosing).

Possessing many of the characteristics both the object and the subject of choosing define that choosing   a profession has various semantics. Choosing a profession is not one moment attempt, it consists of a number of stages, duration of which is connected with the external events and individual peculiarities of profession choosing subject.

Teenage years when youth professional development dynamics determine the motivation of the person  it shows that there would be interest in the chosen specialty , to determine his choice of profession, every teenager should be able to answer the following questions:

  • what one wants to do in one’s service;
  • what one must do in order to achieve high levels in one’s service to achieve success:
  • what he can do to form good qualities with own interests?

That is to say, with the help of improving teenager’s interest to the specialty it’s necessary to develop professional values.

«Value» was presented at Kazakhstan National Encyclopedia and it is considered as the philosophical and sociological concept representing positive or negative aspects of the object [1]. It was R. Lotce and Kogen that gave philosophical definition to the concept «value». In ancient philosophical views there were used concepts that are in different manifestations of value and also concepts that assess natural and social phenomena and the behavior of the person.

In psychological dictionary: «value» is the phenomena that has social and historical importance for society, that determines the concept of «individual». On the other hand, in psychology , value is considered as moral relationship in society. 

In more specific «value» means collection of valuable things that arise in the process of human life caused by personal interests and the need, that is to say the collection of valuable things that puts them up (personal and social interests).

If we take as a basis the theory offered by psychologist S.L.Rubeinstein about socio-psychological basis of value orientation then one can see the opinion that it is a person's relationship to the world around him,  this person’s separate opinion to the necessary objects and phenomena, and also values. He highlighted the activities of the values that regulate behavior considering the problems of human behavior.

According to the opinion of S.L. Rubeinstein as the result of internal changes definite values turn to actual, basic necessities. «An important element of the person's life that has been got from inner world, political, philosophical, moral conviction and passion, the rules of moral behavior» was his definition to value [2].

Also there are given various definitions in scientific literatures to the concept «value orientation». A group of scientists considers value orientation as common social orientation , another group of scientists considers it as the subjective relation to social values of the individual, and the third group gives psychological explanations to the concept «value-orientation».

In considering the psychological basis of personal value one can see value orientation as the structure of different motives, interests, ideals, goals, beliefs that access the social reality of the person.

According to the majority of scientists’ opinion meaningful and valuable orientation and content of the social activity affecting the environment and his behavior and conduct himself in relation to his actions, determining the direction, the value is determined by the position of person. To find the value of human desire if it does not work, it feels frustration [3].

Value-sense orientation of individual is developed on the process of socialization of the person. At different stages of socialization of human factors their development, family, family, education, professional training activities, social and historical conditions and face a variety of abnormalities in the development of these factors in the case of psychotherapeutic work (purposeful psychological impact).

Formation of psychological mechanism of value-sense orientation of individual consider passing expense of psychological processes, first of allthinking, memory, emotions and feelings, in the form of interiozation, identity and internalization of social values [3].

Value-sense orientation can be a dynamic character. If people don’t support their presence then they  will not be formed, won’t be created, won’t be activated and will disappear . To accept and master values is a lengthy process. To understand values is formed on the basis of acceptance about value-sense orientation,  and that in its turn is seen as part of an explanation of the system of personal values.

The main components as general and specialized abilities, life views of youth age 15-18 years old are formed. This is an important, complex components of individual, that is to say, psychological prerequisites for entry into adult life, are formed. In researches adolescence is marked as the structure of a permanent life view of individual and this age is considered sensitive rapid period of value-sense formation. A special exception at this age, a sudden increase is carried out through possibilities of skills assessment and self possibilities.

According to V. Frankl: more frequent and specific questions about the meaning of life, but it is not a symptom of the disease. To be able to define the purpose of his own, to find a place in life is an important indicator of individual’s adolescence. Only definite percentage of teenagers can reach above mentioned level of development.

Life plan at teenage is the plan of potential actions. They are different in the content of plan, also vary according to the degree of time perspective, their maturity, social realism. As the psychologist I.S. Kon mentioned, there are several contradictions in the content of their plan. Also teenager think about  the problem of sense of life, and at the same time about the social development orientations in common sense, about the definite purpose of his own life. He doesn’t only define social, objective meaning of possible directions of actions, but also wants to understand to find its individual importance , and what this action gives him and how far it corresponds to his individual: questions like what is the definite place of my own in this world,  in what function my individual abilities are clarified on higher degree? [4].

At this age the majority of people are in the process of labour action. According to psychologists P Massen, George Konger, George Kagan and George Givitc, at this age people face to choosing a career,     a couple, and other situations and define life purposes and master them.

Also various aspects of the value-orientatin problem are researched by Kazakhstan scientists: some theoretical-practical basis of individual’s value orientation (G.K. Nurgalieva, I.D. Bagayeva, Z.I. Vasileva); to form value-orienation to the future professional action of pedagogical grade pupils (N.I. Kikina); to form students’ value orientation to pedagogical press (A. Tlenbayeva) and other scientists mentioned  in their work.

Value-sense orientation is formed and developed in the process of labour action as the permanent peculiarity of an individual. According to B.G. Ananeva, as the result of beginning social-labour action on one’s own person’s social status is formed [5]. This status is applied to the self-assessment status in the family of the person. This comprises also values of self-determination in professional way. If we focus on this issue of such research linking the sense and value-orientation and choice of profession is described as an established professional and social status of the family background. However, due to the effects of historical conditions and living conditions the value orientation meaningful imaginations will be moved away from former status and gain more valuable traditions with the help of life fund that were acquired long ago.

Value-sense orientation of the individual is noticed in professional activities, is validated and corrected.

Value-sense orientation and professional activities of the person are determinated.

On the one hand, the relation of person in professional labour environment is formed on the basis of meaning system of the person, in the past experience of person gained part of the system is seen as the type  of value-orientation and values,  professional activities influence the value-orientation system.

In the process of professional activities the person socially interacts with other people . Professional activities activate person’s development and influence the way of being directed to new organization through their value orientations. Individual values do not only interact, but as the result of interacting influence the main organization.

In the process of individual professional activities on the basis of person’s favourite motivation education with formed professional suitability that influence person’s psychomatorics gives possibility to speak and to think, to be directed and to gain values.

E.A. Klimov writings there are characteristics that are specific to certain groups for their own actions. If chosen profession and the meaning of its accomplishment is the value-sense professional activities for subject that is characterized meaningful lifelong property. However, the value of the potential life of subject is  a tool for the implementation of these values, that is to say, values out of profession [6].

Values and senses: According to time and as the result of people’s actions change as people themselves. the common values are directly on the accumulated experience of person’s life, sometimes these values may vary in their field and change indirectly. Factors affecting the change in the system of values is the basis for the development of the social and historical conditions of individual. Social, economic, political, ideological changes in the society influence value changes of individuals and social groups.

The volatility of subjective values and changes in senses are connected with the objective related to real life that appear as the result of individual's interaction with values of society.

Reassessment of values, values reorientation is the legal process of individual’s development, individual’s new role of the social life influence the way how the person contributes to a lot of new things. Here according to Berg V. the basic stage in individual’s development starts at teenage and will continue in adolescence [7].

In this regard, the value and the meaning of life is the meaning of life activity regulating restorative approaches to achieve the objectives of forming a functional system.

On the one hand, value-sense orientation comes to person through the social environment, and on the other hand, person accepts the values offered by social environment or changes them, or denies and confirms and forms them in an active way.

At different stages of person’s life except social values and other biological needs there must be other life goals and a person should have a feel for their implementation, as well as to understand their value.

The only way to achieve the objective is to develop comprehensive efforts to carry out its power. Not to think about goals and ideas interfere with system of values, it «automates» person's behavior and justifies to the environment or pushes to being unable to be directed to purpose, and sometimes pushes to contradictions and deviant.

The lack of clarity of the personal value influence negative impact on the people to find their place in the social system and, in its turn, leads to the inability to organize itself and being disorganized. In this regard, there will be development of value-sense anomalies in person’s life, person will face to subjective discomfort on definite degree, According to Frankl it was called "existential frustration" in response to feeling that denies person’s protection [8]. 

For implementation of the value-orientation it is necessary to study the peculiarities of valueorientation’s formation at the period of person’s self-determination. Despite the social researches there is a need to study a number of issues about mentioned problems. Among them is the issue of self-determination. Self-determination attaches great importance to being determined, determination gives opportunity to reach future life goals, plans and adheres to the position of the key routes. Taking the issue of study in this context gives possibility to consider the most important issues of professional self-study. «Self-determination» synonymous with the concept of self-activation, self-realization, self-survival, self-consciousness, then value-oriented content and system are characterized by interaction of components of the leading success as life goals and plans.

Change to his attitude, a sense of exclusiveness combined with the desire to know what I can do, what I am and being self-interested, self-imposed. Here one can see self-reflection, behavior, arising from the manifestations of the properties, also the nature of the wishes and aspirations.

The central psychological process of self-consciousness is the formation of personal identity, individual self-balance, a sense of unity and continuity. A self-analysis will become element of social and moral selfdetermination. This kind of analysis is often blurry but it is known that the most vague life plans of teenagers are blurry. There are two ways to self-recognition: first, the comparison of one’s demand with the achievements. The second way of self-assessment is social comparison, the comparison of opinions of  his\her surrounding about him\her.

Dutch psychologist and psychotherapist B. Lïvehud to act and to live in society it is especially  important to start training prepared to creative social sphere in order to help himself\herself to form selfopinion in new life of a young person. In various spheres of life, including the formation of professional life, in the decision-making process there is a particular concern given to the formation of contradictions, differences which are factors impact on the development of value-routes.

However, scientist N.V. Tutubalina gives such a justification to professional orientation: At this point, the efficient use of resources is not an issue, on the contrary, production, trade, service industries, and factors in the development of other economic activities are important [9]. There are many ineffective reasons of professional action, as one part of them are physiological, psychological and social features (80 % and higher).

Each specific environment of the the period of professional identification is determined by the atmosphere. The process of formation of a professional person is divided into four main stages:

  • the formation of professional desires;
  • Professional training;
  • professional adaptation;
  • the implementation of professional work in whole or in part

The key stage of this long process is the choice of profession, but it determines the abstract possibility  of self-realization as well as prospects of real growth of professional activities are limited. Here one can say that «self-identification – one period and self-limited».

In conclusion, the choice of profession is one of the main decisions in human’s life. Awareness of this life values position is essential (necessary) for the formation of public consciousness which is the reflection of public phenomenon.

Awareness of the value orientation: trying to reach values personally in secret way, personal desire, only the value that is systematized one way, which is taken through the idea of consciousness causes a force to study the value of the person.

Hence the value of the contents of the route structure will lead to success in life, such as life goals and plans are closely interrelated components. In various spheres of life, including professional life, a particular concern is the decision-making process in the formation of contradictions, disagreements which are the factors that influence the development value orientation.

Teens should define their professional interest, aptitudes and flexibility, capacity and health status, the skills and knowledge and skills. The work of professional orientation is necessary to the solution of this problem. This is a special form of care of society, to lead the professional formation of people, support them and develop their natural talent.

The overall objective of the system of professional orientation is to prepare youth ready to choose a based profession that satisfy the needs of the person and society. 



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