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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The basic prerequisites for the professional training and retraining of workers in Kazakhstan

The article presents the main problems of training of workers. The authors have identified and analyzed the requirements of production and the labor market for the quality of training of competitive professional staff. The article describes the problems and tasks of training qualified workforce. Pedagogical approaches that ensure the effective development of the employee in the course of training and retraining are determined. The necessary organizational and pedagogical conditions that meet the requirements of the system of advanced training and retraining of workers have been singled out. Proposals on ensuring the implementation of the priorities for development of vocational education are justified, and measures to improve the current situation are proposed. 

Integration of Kazakhstan into the world community system caused a number of problems specific for our country. One of such problems is the need to increase the country's competitiveness on the basis of nonresource factorsinnovations, the level of training and qualification of the population.

This long and hard work covers a wide range of issues from the design of training systems to the implementation and monitoring of the results of its restructuring. The core factor of this restructuring is harmonization of the processes taking place in the labor market and the profile of specialties offered by educational institutions [1].

These requirements for today's and tomorrow's vocational education system are in apparent contradiction to the critical situation which the young generation of Kazakhstan has faced, and the inability of a significant number of graduates to adapt to new conditions of life and work in an unstable society. The existing danger of losing the younger generation of the republic, reducing its level of education, increasing its outflow into the criminal environment, generates a need for a priority solution to the problems of the system of municipal and general, pre-vocational and primary vocational education and refusal of traditional learning stereotypes and graduation of educational institutions.

All the above-mentioned puts a number of high-priority studies on such a problem as strengthening the effectiveness of the vocational education system. And it depends on the anticipated trend mismanagement in the innovative field of education, overcoming the conservatism of managerial forms and structures, and in  the design of new management models based on scientific research.

At the present time, the main directions of the domestic education reorganization have already been outlined, and the success of their implementation depends on the macrocontext of managerial, economic social and psychological-pedagogical factors. One such area is the creation of a model of interaction between the labor market and the vocational education system.

The analysis of the economy's demand for personnel allows us to conclude that there is a certain stability in the economy's need for workers in most of the professions analyzed. The most popular are technical specialists [2]. 

Data for the forecasts of the training of personnel by various professions (specialties) show that educational institutions assume stable or decreasing amounts of training specialists by most professions. The analysis of the volume of personnel training shows that in terms of volume the training of specialist of technical profile ranks first, economical profilesecond, and pedagogical profilethird. The forecasted volumes of specialist training are in line with the current trends in the labor market: a steady decline in the training of specialists of economic profile, and stable volumes of specialist training in other spheres of the economy. At the same time, an increase in the training of specialists of technical profile is required.

Employers show a high degree of willingness to hire young specialists. Less than half of the employers who hired young professionals are completely pleased with their decision. Less than a third of employers are not entirely satisfied with the level of training of young specialists and their personal qualities. 

More than half of the employers, who were interviewed in 2016, recruited young specialists. At the same time not all employers are satisfied with the performance quality of the employees accepted. The most frequent reasons for employers' refusal to employ young professionals are: a non-core (ineligible to the employer) specialty; lack of work experience; overstated requirements of applicants for wages; absence of vacancies in case of applying; the doubts of employers in the professional knowledge of young specialists are growing. All the main reasons for the refusal of employers to employ graduates lie in the sphere of professional imbalance in the demand and supply of young professionals in the labor market [3].

The analysis shows a stable excess of demand over the supply of labor force in the context of all branches of the economy in some cases from 1.5 to 16 times up to 2016. The sectoral distribution of the labor force shows a special decline in the supply of labor force to the agricultural, management, housing and communal services, industry, and transport sectors. In 2016 employers reduced the demand for accountants and economists, but these professions continue to enjoy the highest demand in comparison with other specialties of economic profile. The demand of employers for other skilled workers of economic profile remains low, but stable.

The analysis of the motivational characteristics of young people shows that most young people choose their profession at the very last moment and a significant number of students believe that they have not yet finally reinforced in their choice of profession. Every fourth student believes that the profession being obtained may come useful in future life. Less than half of the students believe that, given the possibility of a rechoice of the profession, they would remain faithful to their choice. Nevertheless, most students are firmly or more or less confidently going to work within their profession after graduation.

The greatest mistakes in choosing a profession are made by future students of economic, legal and agricultural training profiles.

Socialdemographic and gender discrepancies between the supply and demand of labor force in the labor market also take place.

A decisive condition for the solution of this problem is the effective organization of forecasting studies in scientific institutions under the guidance and participation of management structures of the pedagogical profile, and in the field of practical achievements of an innovative character in vocational education institutions.

Today, the central part in the solution of the above problems is the strengthening of the professional direction of training and organization of continuity in the system of continuous education (A.V. Krasilnikova, Yu.A. Kustov, M.V. Pototsky); continuity in the content of general and professional education of young people (I.V. Berulava, V.S. Lednev, N.K. Chapayev, etc.); polytechnical aspect and continuity of vocational guidance  of  students  in  secondary  schools  and  secondary  technical  schools  (G.V. Akhmetzhanova, G.A. Zhuravleva, I.V. Zagorets, S.P. Chistyakova).

The problems of the theory and methodology of modeling managerial activity in the new socioeconomic conditions were the least studied among the listed problems. The content of vocational education management should be determined by the social order, trends and needs in the workforce of a particular region. At present, there is an imbalance between the training of specialists in higher education and specialists in working specialties, resulting in a shortage of qualified workers. The situation is complicated by the calling up for military service and the low level of wages of workers who graduated from colleges and came to the production with a 3-4 class [4].

The main goal of solving this problem is the development of a center for monitoring and forecasting the labor market needs of the region in order to adjust the range of working specialties in vocational education institutions.

The fulfillment of these complex requirements in practice is connected with taking into account the existing shortcomings in the system of vocational education, which are the most likely to be weaken by the proposed integrated monitoring center and the labor market forecasting mechanism for optimizing the activity of vocational education.

In general, education in the world is one of the most rapidly growing and promising spheres of the economy. According to experts, the volume of demand and supply of educational services is growing very significantly, especially in higher and postgraduate education, and the rate of their annual growth in the most dynamically developing countries reaches 10-15%. The sphere of education with its potential and the logic  of development attracts more and more attention of investors.

The education sphere is attractive by the final profitability of investment. The return on investment in education is between $ 3 and $ 6 per dollar invested. However, such a return is not achieved immediately - delayed in time. This determines the need for a carefully thought-out modern concept, strategy and tactics of actions of economic entities in this sphere.

The market approach to managing the activities of market entities meets with special difficulties in the field of education. Traditionally, even in countries with developed market economies, education has been   and continues to be the object of attention and support of state structures, financed by the state and local governments. The need for a sound financial management here is still passing the period of formation [5].

The urgency of this problem increases taking into account the task of doubling the gross domestic product over a decade and the prospect of Kazakhstan joining the World Trade Organization.

The theoretical review of the processes of training, retraining and re-qualification of workers as one of the most important elements of the socio-economic and cultural sphere of the development of society has shown that the systemic-transformational crisis developed in the country has affected all spheres of public life, including the sphere of education.

Decrease in the level of funding for education, the cessation of existence of the system of centralized distribution of graduates, unemployment due to economic problems have actualized the need for targeted vocational training, retraining and re-training of workers, especially in working professions.

A severe shortage of public funds dictates to educational institutions the need to independently seek  new sources of income. A certain autonomy for educational institutions in this regard has already been granted, in the queuetheir denationalization, which is already taking place. It is possible not only in the form of some degree of privatization, but also through socialization and municipalization, and already occurs through the creation of alternative and mixed structures of commercial type on their basis.

Educational institutions began to actively respond to the needs of a much wider range of clients, expand the range of paid educational services, closely interact with local governments in solving regional problems. At the same time, the geography of their relations, up to the establishment of international educational contacts, is expanding,

The further education organization thereby not only responds to the mood of the times, but is also economically advantageous for educational institutions.

The advanced training is a prerequisite for the company's development. Only trained personnel, easily versed in the latest achievements in their industry, will be able to move forward towards strategic goals, speeding up their achievement.

During the analysis of the country's situation, the following conceptual aspects of the need for reforming the educational sphere have been identified:

  • Kazakhstan's economy will actively develop under the innovative activity;
  • innovation activity directly depends on the professional training level of personnel of organizations and enterprises;
  • only organizations with trained personnel have a strategic development perspective and innovative capacity;
  • labor market of a particular region, the unemployment level entirely depends on the economy development level, its industry

The labor market is a system of social relations reflecting the development level and the balance of interests achieved for the period between the forces present at the market: entrepreneurs, workers and the state. Managing the workforce: reproduction process in the region is impossible without assessing the need for labor.

There are two groups of factors affecting the workforce turnover: one relates to the turnover of jobs, the otherto the movement of workers within a fixed set of jobs.

Depending on the relationship between the labor supply and demand, the regional labor market may be of three types:

  • labor-deficit, when the labor market lacks the supply of labor;
  • labor surplus, when there is a large number of unemployed in the labor market and, correspondingly, excessed labor;
  • equilibrium, when the labor demand corresponds to its

At the level of the region, it is necessary to strive to create an equilibrium labor market conditions, that is, to create a mechanism that optimizes the relationship between educational institutions and the labor market (employers, vacancies).

The analysis of the qualified personnel role in the competitiveness of Kazakhstan's economy has shown that the modern economic growth is characterized by the leading importance of scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main production factors [6].

The competitiveness of an educational institution, as any object, is determined in relation to a specific market, or to a specific group of consumers, formed according to the relevant signs of strategic market segmentation. In the conditions of market relations, the competitiveness characterizes the society development degree. The higher the competitiveness of the country, the higher the living standard in this country. The competition leads to better use of abilities and knowledge. The government influences on the parameters of production and demand factors with monetary, tax, and customs policies. The government itself is a buyer of specialists for the army, education, transport, communications, health and other industries. The competitiveness in the broadest sense is the property of an object, characterized by the degree of real or potential satisfaction of a particular need compared with similar objects presented in this market. The modern economic growth is characterized by the leading importance of scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main production factors. A successful STP and setting of the economy on an innovative track are possible only if there are qualified personnel.

The educational institution is part of the education sphere that has been formed in the region and is part of one of the national economy spheres. The main characteristic that reflects the ability of an educational institution to successfully offer its services in the education market is its competitiveness. The competitiveness of individual educational institutions can be defined as "the ability to offer a service that meets the consumer's competitive requirements in the required quantity, at the required time and on the most favorable terms."

Establishing a monitoring system in the educational institution for the main indicators of competitiveness could be the basis for determining and maintaining a high level of competitiveness.

From our point of view, an effective system of training, retraining and further training of workers in the region can be provided on the basis of:

  • adopting a regulatory legal framework that ensures the optimization of the vocational education structure, focused on the labor market needs, the formation of a personnel targeted training system and the regulation of all system participants relations;
  • creating an interdepartmental system for the labor market monitoring and the long-term need for workers and specialists;
  • increasing the mobility of the workers' training, retraining and further training system at the educational institution

To identify the need for personnel, annual monitoring studies are needed, and these studies should be of a predictive nature.

Regional requirements for a vocational education can be predetermined quantitatively and qualitatively with active use of state and regional orders.

Based on the analysis, we see the solution of these problems in the following. It is necessary to create a monitoring center at the premises of the Department of General Education, and at the premises of enterprisestraining centers with a certain specialization, depending on the available premises. If necessary, other enterprises can send their trainees to similar centers, in order to obtain the necessary skills. Thus, at the premises of one enterprise there will be training on one specialty, at the premises of anotheron the other. It is necessary to provide an army respite to college graduates for 2-3 years, in order to give them the opportunity to master the profession and obtain a higher rank. This will allow them after the army to get a job in the specialty and receive a decent salary. It is also necessary to create a system to stimulate enterprises that hire college graduates. 



  1. Ahmetzhanova, V. (2002). Proektirovanie mnohourovnevoi pedahohcheskoi sistemy formirovaniia hotovnosti lichnosti     k pedahohicheskoi deiatelnosti [Designing a multi-level pedagogical system to form the individual's readiness for a pedagogical activity]. Doctor’s thesis. Tol'jatti [in Russian].
  2. Berulava, M.N. (1994). Obshchedidakticheskie podhody k humanizatsii obrazovaniia [General didactic approaches to the humanization of education]. Pedahohika – Pedagogy, 15–18 [in Russian].
  3. Berulava, M.N. (1996). Sostoianie i perspektivy humanizatsii obrazovaniia [State and prospects of education humanization].Pedahohika – Pedagogy,  3, 4–9 [in Russian].
  4. Kustov, Ju.A. (1985). Preemstvennost professionalnoi podhotovki i proizvoditelnoho truda molodezhi [Continuity of vocational training and productive work of youth]. Saratov: Izdatelstvo Saratovskoho universiteta [in Russian].
  5. Kustov, Ju.A. (1990). Preemstvennost professionalnoi podhotovki molodezhi v proftehuchilishhah i vuzah [Continuity of vocational training of youth in vocational schools and universitie]. Saratov: Izdatelstvo Saratovskoho universiteta [in Russian].
  6. Lednev, V.S. (2002). Hosudarstvennye obrazovatelnye standarty v sisteme obshcheho obrazovaniia [State educational standards in the general education system]. Moscow: MPSI; NPO MODJeK [in Russian].

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