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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Social entrepreneurship: ideas of student innovation

Social modernization as the main vector of the development of Kazakhstan's youth and business entrepreneurship is the beginning of understanding by students of the foundations of entrepreneurship as future conditions for the formation of their own business in the specialty. This article proposes the problem of activating students' knowledge about «Social entrepreneurship and how to use knowledge and skills of social entrepreneurship (JV) in the future and become an entrepreneur. Today it is known that the joint venture is intended   to solve seeks to reduce social ills innovative method of constructing or combining social and economic resources so as to form a self-replicating, able to deepen the mechanism of production and the reference sample target social welfare. 

Social entrepreneurship a global trend, actively developing in the second half of the XX century. Interest in it is increasing more and more in Kazakhstan. Social Entrepreneurship Program in Kazakhstan not only aimed at the development of social entrepreneurship among NGOs that have the capacity and motivation to learn, but also to support youth entrepreneurship. In the new circumstances goes the support of young people in this area. For the young people of Kazakhstan held trainings within the «uSPeh2016» project to create a cohort of young people who want to to realize social projects, teaching them professional skills. Research Center AlmaU, compared NGO projects and projects of students, and indeed it turned out that the students projects is much bolder and more creative, better respond to global trends, solving real social problems of youth [1].

The projects students are diverse: to open a children's petting zoo camp, set up eSports academy. There is a simple idea: to open the dishwasher «Sirius Eco-Machine, open the» Center for Child Development Wunderkind», language classes, calligraphy classes, sand painting on glass. On such grounds among the youth, there is an opportunity get information about the realities and opportunities of Kazakhstan's socialoriented business, and representatives of non-governmental sector in detail acquainted with the nuances of business management. But, on the Kazakhstan business arena as does not appear to systematize the idea of new ideas for the formation of different kinds of conditions, and including young people in the student's  desk. Often their parents do not have sufficient funds to compensate for the additional needs and other interests of their adult children. Then there is the question of the possibility to start a «mini-business», not to drop out or get to help other business owners [2].

Analysis of the students' understanding of how to increase their income and further study at the university, led to the idea of an early and specific training of high school graduates for the future activities of the entrepreneur and even in their specialty. The student cannot enjoy the benefits as young entrepreneurs, but to receive and to develop their skills can be here and now. For students who are not able to run its business, an example could serve as the experience of students in other countries. In fact, our students who have studied abroad and have sufficient experience, namely during their studies, and this experience has gradually spread, and we have in Kazakhstan. Such students are different projects from managing their own hedge fund to create protein shakes. Moreover, all of them have in common is ambition, optimism and  entrepreneurial drive.

Ideas of Kazakhstan students are many, but they can divided into two major groups: making money

«head» or physical labor. Although, to come up with a new business, you still have to work his head.

Students of pedagogical university and the faculty of the department of psychology of PSPI, Pavlodar made a comparative analysis of students' business ideas that require brains and ideas connect and where necessary physical labor.

Comparative analysis showed that prevails in pedagogical high school physical labor, and few people of the students can begin the path to its own business in the future.

If you compare the experience of foreign students, it can be stated that there is more the labor of students more intelligent and there are different types of business, the first mate is an internet resource where «service ideas while you sleep», giving the youth a solution to financial problems. During the night of wise men from all over, the team comes up with different solutions to the problem, and in the morning gives them to you. Moreover, together with plans for their implementation. In general, the Internet for students abroad, this field is not tillage, from different kinds of fast earnings to create your own site [1, 3].

Business ideas for students that not related to the Internet, it is just business: sales, working in cafes, small types of work, babysitting. However, all this can hardly be call a business. Now the young people's opinions rather quickly changes to all these works, and if you start from college the first to develop business a novelty in the city, it is possible in the future to go to your real business with a good income, which is adequate diploma obtained.

Fundamentals of business new products are not difficult to learn remotely possible for 3-4 months,  you can get the knowledge on Skype, via webinars, etc.

In general, it turns out that the organization of any business requires intelligence, as well as the students in the head less than the stereotypes and clichés, than adults, seasoned experience of people, and original business ideas they come to mind more often, and this should be use.

The problem is how to expand an educational production for the mass use of innovations knowledge about business and social entrepreneurship and prepare students to the ranks of would-be entrepreneurs for the development of the quality of business activity of students as the type of work and the formation of signs of the future entrepreneur [4].

According to the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan «Strategy» Kazakhstan-2050», is required total support for entrepreneurship the main, driving force of the national economy. In this respect, and students may acquire in the future characteristics and properties of business.

Therefore, social modernization as the main vector of development of the Kazakhstan youth entrepreneurship and business, and this is the beginning of understanding the student's youth the basics of entrepreneurship as the future conditions for the formation of their own business in the specialty.

In this context, it proposed to strengthen the knowledge of students about the «social enterprise», who are the social entrepreneurs and how to use in the future of social entrepreneurship knowledge and skills (SP) and become an entrepreneur.

Today it is known that the joint venture is intended to solve seeks to reduce social ills innovative method of constructing or combining social and economic resources so as to form a self-replicating, able to deepen the mechanism of production and the reference sample target social welfare.

Therefore, the earlier young people begin to understand this, the sooner it realized his case reviewed in the future. It is not enough student pays attention to his future profession as a business process, and in general does not know how to do it. In addition, it is the «know how» of our research. Activities of the joint venture for the student as a future entrepreneur should become even more important in his life conditions, when the learning environment becomes the most important factor is the emergence of new business ideas with a new professional thinking. Not only the state is obliged to create conditions, but also the young man should prepare their entrepreneurial thinking.

The development of scientific and entrepreneurial initiatives in Kazakhstan, creative middle class, modern technologies and markets and is the foundation for building a culture of entrepreneurial thinking has on the student's desk. It is thanks to the successful functioning of JV there are specific and viable solutions to personal financial problems. The current college students are quickly grasp

Entrepreneurial approaches that are much more effective than the usual government mechanisms. Student Youth need a strategy «The key to the success of JV», which gradually enters into the national strategy for the development of JV. It will coordinate the efforts of all stakeholders’ student youth, young entrepreneurs and leaders of public youth movement. We need a clear and coordinated work of those who are already involved in this process.

The only mechanism to ensure the stability among the young to learn to work for themselves and the state. Here efforts are required universities to understand the problem of financial insecurity learning youth.  Is necessary to understanding university rectors the social problems and the creation of conditions for the provision of assistance in this direction, as most of the population to learn on a fee basis, and students in  need of assistance and the possibility of real participation in solving various social problems. The economic potential of the student community will allow for the development of social system student aid, precisely for the implementation of a future workplace. Only self-organized, which means that a relatively selfcontained student will look for favorable conditions for self-sufficiency. In determining the new directions of business activities of students, it is necessary to pay attention to perspective help, which eventually will be able quickly provide additional financial benefits for the student life. These include the study of the traditional methods of self-production. For example, a perspective direction of activity can be especially for future teachers help in the upbringing of the child: go to the movies; take a walk in the park, to carry to and from school. Yes, this simple action educator. Nevertheless, this done on the recommendation of the curator or an educational unit at the institution over the Internet site. However, to get the working conditions, the student himself is obliged to perform well their student duties. Another promising area is the Farmerconstruction business: a student or other software on the specifics of the specialty is to help entrepreneurs at the same time on a particular task. In different countries and multiple formats are held representative meeting. But we offer to hold such tables, which combined in one circle of students of different specialties and entrepreneurs who need a one-time assistance in the different types of work and have the ability to pay for  the student the future specialist, work performed. In determining the areas of business activities of students, it is necessary to pay attention to long-term, which will eventually be able quickly ensure profitability. These include legal, educational, labor orientation translation business, where he was a student doing this kind of work under the leadership of the entrepreneur gets the practice work and financial support. For example, a perspective direction of activity can become a business tourism.

Social entrepreneurship is a topic studied by us in a small theoretical experience. Do not develop a common approach to the understanding and reflection of the essence of this process. Do not given a comparative analysis of the future of the labor potential of Kazakhstan as a basis for the development of social entrepreneurship in the provision and development of workplace graduate. Analysis of the theoretical developments, scientific and methodological literature, periodicals and other sources testifies not deep enough and varied elaboration of the issues of students’ activities their labor potential, with experience in their specialty (3-4 year).

Issues of preparations for the basics of social entrepreneurship, especially with regard to the future graduates of the cohort of students that have not yet disclosed. Moreover, in this aspect, there are prospects for the spread of social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan as a developed beginning business activity or employment since his student days. Precisely these aspects dictated by the interest in the topic of the project work. It must said that the research work is part of the pre work of social entrepreneurship as a social phenomenon. The goal it gives the students identify the organizational and technological features and abilities that they have acquired during training activities and can use their already now. To review the targets in this direction includes the following types of work (Table 1).

T a b l e   1

The definition of the target species and the type of work services 

1 – type of work

To review existing of the theory of the analysis of social entrepreneurship as a social phenomenon

2 – type of work

Implement the conceptual analysis of social entrepreneurship

3 – type of work

Define the boundaries of social entrepreneurship

4 – type of work

Carry out Country Study analyzing the forms and methods of distribution of social entrepreneurship around the world

5 – type of work

Identify forms of social entrepreneurship and their Diffusion Techniques

6 – type of work

To consider organizational and technological problems of the development of social entrepreneurship

This table shows the versatility and polysyllabic inclusion of students in the training program of social entrepreneurship by type of specialty and type of making money. To do this in the first section, we have provided analysis of the foreign experience of the joint venture. Indeed, the priority of economic thought on entrepreneurship issues, for objective reasons belong to foreign scientists-economists, who contributed to the development of the theory and concept of entrepreneurship.  

In this case, we had to learn the essence of entrepreneurship through the founding of innovative companies and bring in (Table 2).

T a b l e   2

Systematics of the experience of foreign companies 

Scientists entrepreneurs

The essence of the entrepreneurship

B. Drayton, founder of «Ashoka»

Theoretical foundations of social entrepreneurship.

J. Meyer and J. Marti University of Navarra in Barcelona

Group «Zircon», under the direction of I.V. Zorina Fund «Our Future» (Director N. Zvereva) Russia

Fundamentals of the method and the analysis of social entrepreneurship in general as a phenomenon of the joint venture

F.S. Saidullaev, A.M. Shestoperov, specialists in the development of small businesses

The study and analysis of the literature and documents, compilation, historical method, comparative analysis

Analyst V. Glushkov, expert I. Rutkovska

Kazakhstan scientists Kulsharipova Z.K., Mataev B.A. (PSPI, Pavlodar)

Business methods of training students majoring in social entrepreneurship programs already on the student's desk and the formation of organizational and technological capabilities

In the domestic business, as our scientists of PSPI, actualize search for forms and methods of distribution of social entrepreneurship has student days and would like to determine the organizational and technological capacity of would-be entrepreneurs in the future spread of social entrepreneurship in the regions of Kazakhstan.

In the analysis of the theory of social entrepreneurship, researchers have identified certain activities and considered it in the category of non-governmental organizations or social movements [1,4].

The direction and degree of change taken together social entrepreneurship indicators should take into account JV provisions characterizing equilibrium economic development, forming an economic environment of the future entrepreneurs. Nature cycle changes and increase the reserve fund of the joint venture is still  one of the most controversial and little-known aspects of the business. Researchers involved in the study of the dynamics of the Market, can be divided into those who do not recognize the existence of recurrent cycles of public life, and those who stand in the deterministic positions and argues that economic cycles occur with the regularity of tides [1]. How to fill and take into account the potential ebb and translate it in tide mode of resource provision in the state's economy.

The representatives of the first trend, which belong to the most influential scientists of modern Western neoclassical school, believe that the cycles are the result of random signals (pulses or shocks) in the economic system, which causes the cyclic model of response, i.e., cyclicality is the result of the economic impact of  a series of independent pulses.

From this position, the young student exposed to daily exposure to social ills in their living arrangements, i.e. again the problem of lack of money.

The relevance of the chosen research due to the fact that we do not consider the problem of social entrepreneurship (SP), and taken us to study more narrow base of social entrepreneurship aspect of the concept of «working capacity» of the university graduates and the future of their participation in the joint venture system. It is known that the concept of «employment potential» being an economic category, which considers human labor, which encompasses its social side. That is the labor potential depends on human capital, by indicators such as population, the number of economically active population, the level of human education, etc.

The basic meaning of the term «employment potential» in scientific research in the aspect of future employment opportunities of students, we will be characterized by the use of its students vocational and educational level (3-4 year), the qualitative characteristics of understanding and seeing yourself in the SP system. 

Due to the fact, that the employment potential of students is an integral part of the economic potential and human resources of the country, using their fully since his student days will help produce a maximum gross national product (GNP) in more sustainable.



  1. Zadorin, V. Public support and trust of the population as a factor in the development of social entrepreneurship. zircon.ru. Retrieved from http://www.zircon.ru/russian/ publication /4/081216.htm.
  2. Foreign experience of social entrepreneurship / Informational and analytical portal of «Our Future». nb-forum.ru. Retrieved from http://www.nb-forum.ru/sociallinks.
  3. Zdravomyslova, A. (1990). Sociological approaches to the analysis of social movements. Sociological studies, 7, 68.
  4. The Moscow Social entrepreneurship is in Russia and in the world: Practice and Research. (2011). Moscow: NIU Higher School of Economics.

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