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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The main trends in the development of primary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The article deals with problems of defining field of continuous education. Analyzing the experience of education at primary school in Kazakhstan and abroad the author touched the question of process of primary education development in our country. In this regard, proposed modernized new draft of the program of primary education in mathematics today were analyzed and the author showed its positive and negative sides. Expected results under the new program are taken into consideration. 

After the sovereignty of our country there are significant changes in the field of education. The new system of education in the modern world is striving to world educational space. Our original books were published from the first years of sovereignty. Life does not stay in one place; it always depends on the time  of the current process. So the content of education system, teaching methods are developing in a new attempt meeting the requirements of the environment. Every citizen always needs self-improvement, selfdevelopment and aspiration in order to keep up with the crowd. In this regard, the President's address to the nation.

Get used to be educated, hard-working, enthusiastic, and active from now. Go to that region with courage where there is job and demand. All specialities are good if you know how to reach the peak of excellence in speciality. Now it’s the time of development of technical professions, science and innovation. That one is the leader who works without laziness, searches on science tireless, and one who possesses technics. This person has good reputation and perfect lifestyle. Implemented radical reforms and a lot of things done by us only for you all, for the sake of your future [1].

Not in vain that the first stage of the system of continuous education starts at pre-school education and upbringing now. We win if we start the future of the country's view of life from the young generation by preschool education and upbringing. Addressing young people on this issue, the President drew attention to the following conditions.

This period is the most suitable one for child's intellectual and social development. The content of education will be enriched by learning the basics of a foreign language and computer science. The main task of the primary school is to provide the initial formation of child’s identity, to define his abilities and develop them. Education and upbringing at this stage are directed to create the right motivation and educational activities to learn reading, writing, strong study skills on arithmetics, ordinary experience of language relations, creative approach to self-knowledge, the culture of behavior, focused on the basics of personal hygiene and healthy lifestyle, thus this stage will create a base for aquring common educational programs of basic schools [2].

Early education is very important in formation of necessary life skills as social, emotional and others. And here there are compelling arguments in favor of further development of the full range of educational services. Radical modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan: a significant and sustained increase of investment in education and to improve its quality.

Therefore, new national vision is proposed: By 2020, Kazakhstan is the state of knowledge, the smart economy and a highly skilled workforce. The development of education has to be the platform on which country's future economic, political, social and cultural prosperity focus. Organizational implementation of the state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education is presented in Kazakhstan state program of education development for the years 2020, 2011 that provides the continued modernization of Kazakhstan education. Higher education is competitive for all sectors of the economy in Republic and ensures the training of competent professionals and plays an important role in the integration of science and industry.

The purpose of this program:

  • to ensure equal access to education financing system;
  • to improve authority of the profession of teacher;
  • to form state social system of education management;
  • to provide all participants of educational process with equal access to educational resources and technologies in the educational process;
  • full coverage of children to qualitative early childhood care and education of pre-school education and training to prepare them for school to ensure equal access to various programs, etc. [3].

In the case of well organization of pre-school education and upbringing the main foundation of primary education that is the basis of education would be successful. The main purpose in the field of education is the result-oriented education. By educating we build student's competence. The formation of student’s competence is closely related to the education content, innovative teaching methods and environment. You can find evidence of the hard work of many scholars about it. One of the arguments that will be reflected in a number of writings of K.Zh.Aganina.

A new model of the education system that carries out expected result-oriented competence, provides:

  • students ready «knowledge», an inactive as a cognitive process that the student can be transformed into an active participant in the activities of the school to increase the role of education as an important process;
  • the formation and development of learners’ competence through subjects in the educational process;
  • the structure and content of secondary education at every level of education must be corresponded to students physiological and age characteristics, in accordance with their capabilities and abilities;
  • describing the sequence of development of the various levels of education expected learning outcomes various compliance with the creation of a system of succession;
  • levels of education, as reflected in the quality of graduates of personal competence forecasting the expected results;
  • effective education and training of students in the process of socialization;
  • on the basis of determining the level of educational achievements of students studying in accordance with the competences of students, schools and educational systems to monitor changes in the development of «focused on the main objectives of the 12-year education».

The purpose of education of future tasks is characterized by the introduction of a 12-year education system. 12-year secondary education objectives of education and in accordance with the following results:

  • Focus on the socialization of students and personal value systems in the form of results;
  • Metasubject results within the framework of the educational process and actions used to solve real life problems in a node formed as a means of universal competence;
  • the results of the training course are competences on mastereded knowledge, skills and education sectors.

Totally, to introduce progressive changes in the field of secondary education is proposed. This is one of the main changes to improve the content of education in basic sciences taught at the school, that education has always proved the need to pay the amount [4].

In this regard, the continuing education system to improve the content of education, to consider ways of providing scientific and methodological support is big issue. To solve this problem we come to upgrading continuous standard of education.

In regard to pre-school education and upbringing standards which is the first step of continuing education system, in the existing standard.

Pre-school preservation and development of educational institutions from pre-school educational activities access to assistance for families with children in the family:

  • to transfer secondary schools to the 12-year education system;
  • pre-school childhood education and development of children in the form of variability as the basis for providing a single space of teachers' creativity;
  • to form children’s core competencies taking into account their age and physical abilities;
  • to provide interaction of pre-school organizations and family in order to attract parents to pedagogical process of pre-school organizations and pre-school

Pre-school education and development of children need to use the experience of domestic and foreign science and innovation factors by offering pre-school education and training as a result of the main content  of educational activities aimed at developing the competence of the child [5].

According to this through transition to 12 year education to develop new national model oriented on formation of creative individual, aiming provision of qualitative transition from «comprehensive learning» to the model of «lifelong learning» and immediate joining to the world education system, the process of updating the education system has following points:

  • bring educational content into line with modern demands of socio-economic development of society;
  • ensuring humanization of educational content;
  • provision of educational content that promotes the formation of key competencies, aimed at education needs and ability to independently produce and apply knowledge in practice;
  • selection of educational content aimed at the formation of informative motivation; orientation of educational content on the deliberate and systematic familiarizing the students to scientific methods of cognition and independent research [6].

These points of educational content updated the standards of pre-school education and training. There pre-school education and training are conducted by five competences. To this competence we refer  healthcare competence, cognitive competence, communicative competence, creative competence and social competence. We consider cognitive competence. Cognitive competence includes formation of interest to environmentand simple mathematical notions. In standard there are pointed out that to form simple mathematical notions a child of 5,6 ages should know the structural properties of geometric figures, the order of direct and indirect digital ratio. According to this competence the program «We are going to school» («Biz mektepke baramyz») in the end of academic year by formation of simple mathematical notions, I nthe result of acquiring program materials, children should know:

  • A lot of elements, including a whole groups;
  • To generate ideas about numbers and numbers within 10, to recognize and ame them;
  • To introduce on a visual basis to form number within 10;
  • To count forward and reverse within 10;
  • To complete simple examples and exercises;
  • Toto use mathematical terms in speech, like «How much», «What is on the count»;
  • To divide subjects into equal parts, and compare the whole and the parts;
  • To compare two objects by size using conventional measures;
  • To distinguish and properly name geometric shapes (circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle) and bodies (sphere, cube, cylinder, pyramid);
  • The correct sequence for the names of days of the week, times of the year;
  • To determine the weight items, displkaying them in ascending or discending

In primary education program of 2010 for formation simple mathematical notions alllocated 16 hours,  in the program of 2013 under the name of «Training stage» decreased to 12 hours. Now we consider the training stage of schoolchildren of 1–4 grades on primay school level by mathematics (12 hours):

  • Number sequence from one to ten. Reverse sequence (from ten to one);
  • To compare items by their length. Long (extra by length). Short (lack by length). Heavy (extra by weight). Easy (lack by length). To compare by capacity, placed more or less. To compare by price, expensive (extra by price), cheap (extra by price). To compare by volume, More or less by volume;
  • To count items. Count quantitatively. Count ordinally. More, less, accurate. Count forward and reverse;
  • To place items in space (on the left, on the right, up, down, above, under, between, in front of, behind). Direction of movement (against, in one direction, opposite direction);
  • To compare movement by speed. Fast (extra by speed), slow (lack by speed);
  • Shapes of items. Geometric shapes. Point, line, triangle, round, square, rectangle. Compare items by their shapes, colour and size;
  • To compare by time (early, late). Old (by age is older). Young (by age is younger);
  • It is preparation to count of given counts by visual aids through multiplying, adding [7].

Here we see the coincidence of educational content by maths of the 1 grade with the content of primary education. Also in 2015 «Nazarbayev Intellectual School» National educational academy named after Altynsarin with teachers of primary schools developed and presented educational program in the frame of updating educational content has following parts:

1 part. The natural and rational numbers. Operations on numbers. The values and units of measurement. 2 part. Algebraic  expression and transformation Equations  and Inequalities Sequences.  Sets  and logic elements. Fundamentals of Combinatorics: combinations of objects and numbers.

  • Geometry. Geometric Shapes. The relative position of geometric shapes. The coordinates of the points and the direction of motion.
  • Mathematical modeling. Mathematical language and mathematical model [8].

During introducing with the content of given parts we come across with the same problems of the program content. For example, «Distinguish and compare items by their forms, volume, colour, material, and other qualities. To know figures (circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle) and bodies (sphere, cube, cylinder, pyramid» was planned in program «We are going to school» («Biz mektepke baramyz») training and teaching children of primary school, then it does not make sense to teach it again in school program. We can notice that spatial representation (left, right, top, bottom, front (in front), rear (behind), far, near, among, near)  is also repeated [6; 42]. There can be also other examples.

According to this project mathematics of primary school is planned by following way:

  • the natural and rational numbers. Operations on numbers. The values and units of measurement;
  • algebraic expression and transformation Equations and Inequalities Sequences. Sets and logic elements. Fundamentals of Combinatorics: combinations of objects and numbers;
  • Geometric Shapes. The relative position of geometric shapes. The coordinates of the points and the direction of motion;
  • mathematical modeling. Mathematical language and mathematical mode [9].

I would recommend to refer to these parts the «elements of the Statistics». Because elements of statistics are trained from 1st class in Japan. The origins of this word is the quantitative and qualitative indicators  of condition. Statistical information is the part of practical activities that functions collection, processing, analysis and publication of information. In this way the child would have formed a view of life from the youngest age.

It’s necessary to think about the problem in continuityof the pre-school education program when creators of the program update the contents of the primary education program for elementary school,  that is to say, compilers should first analyze thoroughly the program for the education of adult children of preschool age.

Similarly, switching to the next level, one should always take into consideration the issue of succession.

Not only to update the contents of the education system but also improving the content of education in continuous education system one must ensure it with scientific and methodical side.

New content of textbooks, manuals, didactic materials, Grade 1 notebook and other ones. In this tutorial, a group of words only, but if you have several alternatives to choose from, including a tutorial and textbook writing only scientists and primary school teachers to other university teachers and scientists working  in this area, such as the need for mobilization. Because it serves as a bridge between scientists and teachers  of elementary school teachers. It is seen through the eyes of people who practice daily educational school students will notice quickly the positive aspects of the practice.

When replayed according to the content of elementary education one should update teacher training colleges and institutions of higher education modernization with a program for the training of primary school teachers. Here the speech is going about the program of two disciplines. «Principles of Mathematics» and «Methods of teaching mathematics in primary school». The first subject is considered as elective course in institutions of higher education. The program is as compiling competence, and the second subject needs attention to be as compulsory subject. And in pedagogical colleges curriculum needs to be provided with changes.

Besides improving the content of the education system of continuous education, scientific, methodical ways to ensure first of all, with regard to the issue of succession to begin the first stages of the education system. If you have a strong foundation of knowledge, you could get the peaks of knowledge.



  1. Nazarbayev N.A. The new global situation: Growing. Reforms. Development. President’s message to people of Kazakhstan, 30 november 2015 year, [ER]. Access mode: kz
  2. The concept of the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2015. [ER]. Access mode: tyzhyrymdamasy.pdf
  3. The development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan state program for the years 2011–2020. [ER]. Access mode: 2011–2020_meml.ba-dar.doc
  4. Aganina K.Zh. Messenger of PSU, Pedagogics, 2010, 1, p. 9–15.
  5. Compulsory education standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pre-school education and training SCESTRK 1.001, 2010, [ER]. Access mode: zakon.kz
  6. Dyusenbekova Sh.D. The formation of the professional qualification of teachers in the transition to the 12-year education, the international scientific and practical conference, Semipalatinsk, 2008, 254–257.
  7. Tataurova L. еt al. For the upbringing and education of children, program «We go to school», Astana, 2010, p. 43.
  8. The level of primary education curriculum for grades 1–4, Astana: NUA after Altynsarin, 2013, p. 18.
  9. Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools «NAE after Altynsarin developed in conjunction with the NBA and elementary school teachers as part of updating the content of education in primary school (1–5 forms) educational program, [ER]. Access mode: bilim.astana.kz/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/25.pdf

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