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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of personal and social success of university alumni

In this article the problem of development of success in modern university alumni is considered. Authors offer the analysis of a problem on personal and social success which relevance is based on need of development of the identity of the alumni capable of successful living and working in modern social and economic conditions. The success is considered as a special orientation of the personality which is characterized by the following features: motivation on achievement, cultural and terminal values, and high level of communicative and cognitive skills. An issue on need of development of the successful identity of the alumni capable of living and working successfully in modern Kazakhstan in changing social and economic conditions is relevant. 

Research of success as vital value of the person is a subject of theoretical and practical studying in philosophy, psychology, sociology, and also the problem recently given increasing interests by workers in the field of management and administration. There are many definitions of success.

The success «accompanies» any activity of the person; it «penetrates» into all types of social activity since it is connected with fundamental social requirements. The success is the phenomenon of multidimensional and polyfactorial type, including resources of the personality, i.e. its ability, opportunity, selfassessment, creative potential, motivational orientation, claim level, and also its social orientations [1; 9–16].

The success as a form of self-realization of the personality is a source of satisfaction of the person with the life, and the feeling of success promotes judgment of the abilities, authority and competence of regulation of own activity, implementation of the vital purposes.

Achievement of success is the process of self-realization of the personality and its self-affirmation in society. However, in consciousness of people various models of success can coexist.

The approach of G.A.Tulchinsky which allocates four main forms of success is of high interst visually presented in Figure 1.

Achievement of success is the process of self-realization of the personality and its self-affirmation in society. However, in consciousness of people various models of success can coexist.

 The Model of Success by G.A.Tulchinsky  

Figure 1. The Model of Success by G.A.Tulchinsky 

In this model Tulchinsky considers the «productive» success as social recognition of the personality lying in the «success-popularity» plane, the following form of success is expressed in recognition, significant for the personality, the third form of success is seen in overcoming difficulties and, first of all as «selfovercoming» and the last form of success — mission realization is expressed in the importance of actually professional activity [2; 117].

In modern interpretation of concept 'success' various approaches can be applied: A.R.Lopatin defines success  as  a  result  of  «achievements  of  the  desirable  purpose,  experience  of  feeling  of  pleasure after overcoming of difficulties» [3; 41], A.S.Belkin considers that the success has difficult and ambigious definition since «each member of society is always surrounded by the system of expectations (anticipations) from his acts, actions and a line of conduct» [4; 29], N.V.Nemova connects success with motive of achievement [5].

Russian researchers A.M.Fedoseyev and A.M.Malts consider concept of success and achievement as synonyms, and understand acquiring of techniques and ways as achievement of «success», guaranteeing high rates in achievement of the purpose which provides constancy of success in activity [6; 57].

The personal success as psychological concept has individual value and for each person it has the concrete understanding and content. The concept «personal success» is more accompanied by achievement by the personality of the set vital objects.

Criteria of personal success depend on the vital purposes of the personality, its maturity and personal growth. Since the birth the need for achievement has been developed at the person, «trained for  achievements in life», forming «the optimistic relation to life» [7; 3].

Many western researchers studying this problem have revealed that determinants of success are cognitive, motivating and personal characteristics, and also organizational structures, systems and forms of behavior.

Determinants of personal success are aspirations since «in the aspirations the personality makes demands not only to the expected success, but also to itself — the level, quality, the way of the activity during activity implementation» [8; 120].

The personal success or success of personality is interconnected with social and professional success which are in turn connected with the system of the social relations of our Kazakhstani society determining the content of social success.

Conditions of social success are functions of a certain social organization in each area of human activity, each social group according to its requirements [9; 147].

The social success (achievement) is considered as a special orientation of the personality of which the following categories are specific: motivation on achievement, cultural, terminal wealth, and also high level  of communicative and cognitive skills. Social success is the set of qualities of the personality connected with satisfaction concerning the situation in society and also as result of integration of the person into this social environment.

The certain level of social achievements is considered as social success, such as the social status, social influence and the level of material prosperity.

Under personal success it is considered the stable system of experiences by the identity of the achievements in the direction of coordination of a self-assessment and level of aspirations.

In many scientific articles, foreign researchers operate with such categories as «objective success» and «subjective success», at the same time, objective success is defined as the achievements in activity estimated by other people, recognition by society, i.e. social success [10; 147].

The social (objective) success is measured by such characteristics as the salary size, the number of promotions and level of a position in hierarchy of the organization.

Subjective (personal) success implies the set of judgments of the person of own achievements and results, this experience by the identity of achievement of the objectives, i.e. personal success (success of personality) which in turn can be diagnosed by the criteria of satisfaction with own life including work, career, family, etc. [11; 165]

Many American researchers, including Charles Cooley, D.Hall, D.Chandler, claim that the successful person  is concentrated on the purposes and objectives, and also on efforts which he uses for achievement of the purposes.

Objective criterion of success is «the positive result of activity» which is estimated by surrounding people and is measured by such indicators as «a salary and professional, career development [11; 166].

O.Z.Gudzenko considers that the success should «be considered from both objective and subjective indicators». He defines that the social success is a success which is considered from positions of objective criterion, i.e. «public recognition of the corresponding results». And the personal success should be measured by subjective indicators which are shown in experience by the subject of own success. In his works Gudzenko has come to a conclusion that complex study of concepts of personal and social success is necessary since these concepts have been indissoluble among themselves accompanying and stimulating each other [12; 14]. 

The social success provides recognition from surrounding people that leads to transformation of the personality and «I-image», increase of confidence in self, to statement of the new purposes and new efforts, and also promotes satisfaction with own activity, i.e. achievement of personal success that promotes achievement of social success. D.Hall defined that such indicators as satisfaction from activity, the consciousness, ability to adaptation and training at individual level make criteria of personal success [11; 156]. Socially successful person has to creatively, innovatively treat his own activity. In any profession, in any professional activity people whom we can refer to the category «socially successful» can be met,  also R.Hisrik who claims that «achievement of success in any professional sphere is a process of creation of something new that demands expenses of time and efforts and includes the corresponding financial, psychological and social risk and it also assumes the subsequent remuneration in the form of monetary and personal satisfaction» [13; 79]. The analysis of foreign researches allows to formulate the general model of success (Figure 2). 

The Model of reaching Success

Figure 2. The Model of reaching Success

The structure of this model of achievement of success is based on interference of the purpose, ongoing efforts to acquisition of social and personal success, social success in turn promotes acquisition of public recognition, and the personal success predetermines change of consciousness, the personality that leads to personal growth that in turn forms self-confidence at the personality.

The analysis of success in a context of idea of self-realization and vital strategy of the personality is carried out both by Russian (K.A.Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, G.A.Tulchinsky, etc.), and foreign authors (A.Adler, A.Maslow, C.Rogers, J.Atcinson, David C. McClelland, Heinz Heckhausen, D.Rotter) [14; 35].

Study of personal and social success is considerably disclosed and viewed in the western psychology, the concepts of «success» which are based on the relation of motivation with achievement (H.Heckhausen, Fedoseyeva A.M., etc.), with the level of claims and self-efficiency (A.Bandura), and also conditionality  with personal determinants: self-assessment and locus control (J.Rotter) [15; 240].

Russian scientist Baturin N.A. writes about success and failure as about the difficult educations consisting of cognitive and emotional estimated complexes. The estimated block of a cognitive component of success and failure consists of diverse estimates of the subject or surrounding people, co-present or interested in its productivity [7; 18]. Emotional content of success and failure reflects those experiences which were tested at this or that moment of success or failure [7; 27].

Within each kind of activity it is necessary to speak about external and internal criteria of success of the personality. External criteria are expressed by a social assessment. They are easy to be registered being available in understanding to most of the people. The internal criterion is a product of self-control expressed through external criteria (requirements from the outside), the level of claim of the subject, mental and physical capacities of implementation of the objectives. External criteria are defined as objective, and internal as subjective as an indicator of objective success and efficiency of activity. In the context of the carried-out analysis we will consider phrases «external criterion» and «social criterion» in relation to an assessment of objective success as synonyms, and «internal criterion» and «criterion of personal success» respectively.

As the criteria of success of the person it is possible to consider psychological characteristics of the personality that implies abilities of the subject to activity, degree of development of the motivational sphere, development of «I-concept», etc. All this can be considered as the result of activity of the person. Psychological characteristics can be in a role of both external, and internal criteria of success. The assessment of success or achievement can be carried out as by the subject, as well as people around. 

In the activity external criteria of success, efficiency of action are: existence or absence of the result of activity, quality of what is done by the person, the work speed, a work faultlessness, productivity of interaction with colleagues, efficiency of interaction with colleagues, a contribution to development of science, value of the fact that the person, for other people does, position in hierarchy of the company (organization), official advance, size of material remuneration for work, existence, quantity and quality of awards.

Internal criteria of objective personal success, efficiency of action within activity include: satisfaction in activity of needs of the subject, degree of satisfaction with development of a labor way.

Within a social environment, the social environmental external criteria of success include: situation in society, an opportunity to exert impact.

The following psychological characteristics in activity as criteria of social success of the personality are considered: ability of the person to activity in this or that sphere, the motivation level, development of «Iconcept», an orientation of the personality, i.e. motivation to achievement, value, communicative and cognitive abilities, ability to control emotions.

Within the social environment as internal criteria of personal success of the person the following psychological characteristics are considered: commitment as aspiration to achieve the objectives, despite difficulties, confidence, skill to communicate, self-development, responsibility, satisfaction, self-realization, selfefficiency.

Generalizing theoretical material on this problem, we have defined that social success assumes public recognition of the personality and its activity, «conditions of social success are existence of a certain quantity of social interaction, extent of influence of the personality on society, community» [12].

This problem is at a development stage in domestic psychology having certain difficulties to build concepts and scientific approaches, but at the same time it is possible to track history of development of a perspective of success.

Studying of the psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of personal and social success, motivation of the personality on success in professional activity, creation of the psychological programs intensifying development of internal opportunities of each person promotes stabilization of social development and education of the competitive expert confident in the forces and opportunities capable of projecting vital and professional success and the most important — reaching it. Need in permission of the designated needs for a theoretical readiness and empirical verification of the corresponding research space has caused statement of the given problem in studying of the psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of personal and social success of alumni.

Relevance of the matter increases in connection with the acmeological approach designated in recent years assuming detection of the regularities, conditions and factors providing a possibility of achievement of the highest point of development of the person, his acme, development of programs of development of personal and social success of the modern graduate of a higher educational institution.

It is important to note that the orientation on success is conscious and key aspect in the identity of the alumni focused on realization of the opportunities and potentials today. The set of factors from which are distinguished can influence development of personal and social success of the student of a final year of higher educational institution:

  • welfare factors (general and professional education, general level of cultural development);
  • socio-economic factors (financial position, social and economic competence, the developed economic thinking, economic culture);
  • social and environmental factors (immediate environment, public opinion, social status, status);
  • personal and individual factors (internal motivation on success, aspiration to self-development and self-identification, communicative competence, the adequate valuable sphere [13; 78].

The conditions of development of personal, social and professional success of the personality include, first of all, society, a social environment (mindset on success in a family, group), individually — typological features of the personality (ability, certain traits of character), and also a certain level of knowledge, abilities and experience.

On development of personal and social success of the person personal and individual factors, such as, internal motivation influence success, aspiration to self-development and self-identification, communicative competence, a self-assessment, the adequate valuable sphere. An important point in development of personal and social success is the need for achievement of success. It is defined as «continuous competition of the person with in aspiration to surpass earlier reached execution level». 

In work, on the basis of the theoretical analysis of modern researches in the context of studying of this problem, the following components of success are allocated: motivation of achievement of success, selfassessment, claims and self-realization of the personality.

Students of the 4th course in number of 60 people took part in our experiment. The experimental group included two academic groups on 16 and 14 students respectively. The control group included students of one group as a part of 30 people.

The analysis of results of the stating stage of experiment has shown that level in the following parameters: motivation to success, the self-assessment and claims in experimental and control group have no essential distinctions and are in repartitions of average values.

Realization of the psychological and pedagogical maintenance as a condition of development of personal and social success was the following investigation phase. The program of the psychological and pedagogical maintenance of development of personal and social success of alumni has been carried out during 15 lessons of SWST with examinees of experimental group which has been aimed at the development of feeling of own success and ideas of ways and own opportunities, on disclosure of internal potential of the personality for achievement of success and development of ability to define interrelation of success with desire and selfrealization.

At a control stage of experiment, we have received results which confirm the hypothesis made by us, diagnostics and development of personal and social success can be carried out in the course of group interaction in the system of active social and psychological training by means of implementation of specially developed program of the psychological and pedagogical support of development of personal and social success of alumni.

During the analysis of results of a control stage of experiment it is revealed that in all studied parameters, indicators have grown after carrying out the program of the psychological and pedagogical maintenance of development of personal and social success.

Comparative analysis of results of the stating and control cuts in experimental group has revealed statistically significant distinctions on motivation level to success, need for achievements, self-assessments and  the level of aspirations. In comparison with the results of the stating cut, in experimental group the increase in the level of motivation, self-assessment and aspirations is observed that testifies the efficiency which is carried out by our programs of the psychological and pedagogical maintenance of development of personal and social success of alumni.

The coefficient of correlation received by us has shown that between the compared values that include motivation, self-assessment and level of aspirations there is significant communication because Spirmen's coefficient is close to 1. Results of a control cut in experimental group are higher almost at all indicators, tcriterion on all indicators: motivations to success, needs in achievements, self-assessments and the level of aspirations is in a zone of the importance and it testifies the significant distinctions of indicators of these values before carrying out the program of psychological maintenance. Dynamics, results on the  psychodiagnostic techniques used in research received by us, demonstrates positive changes on the studied values — components of success.

Thus, the assumption made by us that diagnostics and formation of personal and social success can be realized in the course of group interaction in the system of active social more effective psychological training by means of implementation of specially developed program of psychological support of formation of personal and social success of alumni is confirmed by the results of our experiment.



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