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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

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Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

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Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Creative style of activity as a component of the management culture of pedagogue

The article describes the features of the creative style of the teacher activities. A problem of creativity, has long and disputable history, and generated many discussions. A key issue is the development and implementation of human creativity as the subject of professional work and life of integrity. Characteristics of the concepts of «new», «creativity», «style» are given. The basic signs of creativity allocated. Creative personality typology submitted. The necessity of formation of creative management style of the future teacher is identified. 

Dynamically changing life leads to society’s need for a person with a high creative potential, in subjects that can reflect its capabilities during any activity and transform routine activities into the creative ones. That is, refer to the activities arising contradictions, problems to themselves and allow them to entities whose activities not only aimed at the outside world, but also on himself, on his own actualization, actualization of their own development, actualization of other people.

One of these activities is the management activities. Management becomes a profession in which good results not achieved by relying only on the practical experience and the knowledge that provides a basic education. From the modern specialist requires ability and appreciate the time and to act in a state of uncertainty, and to make unconventional and bold decisions — be creative (non-standard) approach to his management. This quality is also necessary to modern teachers, when there is reform of education, searched ways of improving the quality of training in order to entry into the world educational space.

Creativity in education and in the management is always valued very highly. The creative person is prepared to work in contemporary conditions. They may break with the tradition, use innovative ideas to  achieve the goals of education, take risks. In its turn teacher has relatively low inventiveness, rarely puts forward new ideas, is not able to get others to think creatively, lack of creativity is limited. The teacher is not so much a position as a profession that requires a complex and professional, of course, the creative personality traits.

A problem of creativity, has long and disputable history, and generated many discussions. History of its studying contains more than two thousand years. Through many centuries in this problem «« different views— scientific and pseudo-scientific representations, common sense and prejudices peacefully coexisted. The eternity of this problem is concluded in the dynamism of formation of real human abilities, in their infinitely various formations, manifestations and application in creative activity.

Nowadays a key issue is the development and implementation of human creativity as the subject of professional work and life of integrity. Here, professionalism is the main condition for the implementation of the subjective individual. On this depends the success of the professional career and the life of well-being

Currently, increasing measure of social freedom in the course of professional activities for an active, creative personality and revived focus on value-meaningful disclosure of identity. Necessary scientific substantiation and resolution of conflicts in relationships: life-value orientation in the formation of a professional orientation of the development of creative thinking and personal skills; principles, methods, forms, means of professional activities, psycho-pedagogical study of personality, complex effects on humans, the formation and development of the creative person in the normal course of business.

Development of professional creativity in the process of educational activities is based on the development of system-specific knowledge, skills and comprehensive skills, experience, skills in the field of special sciences, as well as psychology, pedagogy, private practices, and all that is more economical and productive creative solutions to professional practice tasks.

Learning the basics of any artistic phenomenon — a complex process, which is a regular movement of thought, the idea of the phenomenon to the essence, from low-level nature of the essence of middle-level and so on. Search essence of professional creativity in the process of teaching activities carried out by obtaining a system of scientific knowledge about specific aspects of the real process of creativity and practical synthesis. These sides represent the ratio of practical work, professional activity, professional skills and competence; object and subject of artistic practice; source of creativity in practical activities; creative systemic problems in practice by uncreative (routine); practical creativity criteria; the ratio of theoretical and practical work.

It should be noted that for the generic concept of creativity stands activities and the species — the social significance and novelty. It is necessary to clarify what we mean by the word «new». New — the final or intermediate result of the development, considered in terms of its relationship to the previous state of the developing object [1]. New — for the first time created or made, which appeared or emerged recently to replace the old, newly opened [2]. In the definitions given in various sources, under the «new» refers to the «values that have social significance,» as well as something that «never happened.

We characterize the concept of «creativity». In philosophical and pedagogical literature has developed sufficiently clear and consistent understanding of what creativity — this is not one of the types of activity  and special public the content of its wide variety of species, certain qualitative state activities (as opposed to mechanical, formulaic, stereotypical).

In the Encyclopedic dictionary noted that creativity is the activity generating something qualitatively new and differing in originality, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to the person, i.e. always assumes the creator — the subject of creative activity; there is a development, but not creativity [3]. Distinctive feature of this definition from others, is available in philosophical, psychological and pedagogical sciences, is also that «creativity» in this case is not identified with the concept «development». Though some authors as, for example, Y.A.Ponomarev who extremely widely treats this concept and even identifies him with the concept «development». «The general criterion of creativity acts as criterion of development», — Y.A.Ponomarev notes in the book «Psychology of Creativity and Pedagogics» [4].

The concept «creativity», given by A.G.Spirkin: «Creativity is cogitative and practical activities  of which creation of original, unique values, establishment of the new facts, properties, regularities, and also methods of research and transformation of a material world or spiritual culture is result. At the same time it  is necessary to emphasize that novelty is objective and socially important, if result is really new in the context of cultural history, if it is new only to his author, then novelty is subjective and has no public value» [5]. In this definition a fact that the sign of novelty and process of creativity can have both objective, and subjective novelty and the importance is of exclusive value.

G.Girginov notes that creativity in the broadest sense, or creativity of the first level, is immanently inherent in human thinking and human practice, represents activity during which, first, things and the phenomena which in objective reality aren't existing, for example, knowledge of reality or material, material inventions are formed (tools, cars, etc.); secondly, the material or spiritual works which are already created by the person develop and improved further; thirdly, methods, forms, means of a subjective reorganization cash are developed. Creativity in the narrow sense of the word, or the work of the second level, place high demands  on human thought and human action, we have in those cases when it comes to the degree or stage of development inventory of creativity, are inherent to the human relation to reality [6].

Thus, creativity as a human activity is characterized by a number of essential necessary signs which are shown not separately, and integrative, in their complete unity. Creativity is a human activity of which is characterized by:

  • Existence of a contradiction of a problem situation or creative task; 
  • The social and personal importance and progressiveness, i.e. it makes a contribution to development of society and the personality (antisocial activity, even in her to a selective form, is not creativity, and barbarity);
  • Existence of objective (social, material) prerequisites, conditions for creativity;
  • Existence of subjective (personal qualities — knowledge, abilities, especially positive motivations, creative abilities of the personality) prerequisites for creativity;
  • Novelty and originality of process and result [7].

If from the mentioned signs of meaningfully exclude at least one, or some creative activity does not   take place or activity not called a creative. Creativity — is a form of human activity, aimed at the resolution of the conflict (decision of creative tasks), which requires objective (social and material) and subjective personal

Systemic studying of a problem of creativity allows defining it as the expedient, purposeful, theoretical and practical activities of the person differing in novelty, originality, a non-standard in the all-social, group and individual plan. In the course of professional activity of realization of bio-power, intellectual, emotional, physical forces of the person leads to socially significant result.

Thus, one of characteristic features of professional creativity — an orientation, aiming, concentration of the subject of professional activity on system search of creative special tasks and their decision. Intrinsic signs of professional creativity are:

  • Conditionality of creative technological process;
  • Unity of motivational, emotional and strong-willed, intellectual, physical, bio power and practical components in creative professional activity;
  • Conditionality of professional creativity by a problem situation;
  • using of non-standard, original, optimum, rational receptions, means, etc. and their combination;
  • Orientation, aiming, concentration of the subject of professional activity on search of a new way, reception of the solution of the arising creative special tasks and their realization in professional activity [8].

Pedagogical activity and as its main part management of pedagogical process — process of continuous creativity. Nevertheless, unlike the creativity in other spheres works of the teacher do not aim at creation socially valuable new, original as development of the personality remains his product always. Creatively working teacher, the teacher with the created creative style of activity, creates the pedagogical system, which is means for receiving the result, best in these conditions.

They mark out the ability of personality and notice and formulate alternatives, call in question at first sight obvious, avoid superficial formulations; ability to penetrate into a problem and at the same time to  come off reality, see prospect; ability to refuse orientation to authorities; ability see familiar object from absolutely new party, in a new context; readiness to refuse theoretical judgments, division on black and white, to depart from habitual vital balance and stability for the sake of uncertainty and search.

Other authors refer signs of the creative person ease of association (ability to fast and free switching of thoughts, ability to cause images in consciousness and to create from them new combinations); ability to estimated judgments and criticality of thinking (ability to choose one of many alternatives before her check, ability to transfer of decisions); readiness of memory (mastering rather large volume of the systematized knowledge, orderliness and dynamism of knowledge) and ability to curtailment of operation, generalization and rejection of insignificant.

The third authors consider creative that personality whose significant characteristic is creativity as ability to turn the made activity into creative process. E.S.Gromov and V.A.Molyako call seven signs of creativity: originality, imagination, activity, concentration, clearness, sensitivity.

The typology of the creative person offered by V.I.Andreyev, which can extend also to teachers [7].  The theorist-logician is a type of the creative person of which ability to a logical sweeping generalization, to classification and systematization of information is characteristic. People of this type accurately plan the creative work, widely use already known methods of scientific researches.

This creative personality type characterized by big awareness and knowledge. Guided by already famous theoretical concepts, they develop them further. Everything that they begin, bring to the logical end, supporting the justifications with references to numerous primary sources.

Theorist-intuitionist characterized by a highly developed capacity for the generation of new, original ideas, people of this type of creativity — a major inventors, creators of new scientific concepts, schools and directions. They are not afraid to oppose their ideas accepted, have exclusive fantasy and imagination. 

Practitioner (experimenter) always seeks his new original  hypothesis tested experimentally.  Users of this type love and know how to work with the equipment; they always have a great interest and ability to practical actions.

The organizer of a creative personality type has a high level of ability to organize other team to develop and implement new ideas. Under the leadership of people who created the original scientific schools and art groups. People of this type characterized by high energy, communication skills, ability to bend others to his will, and guiding them to solve the big creative tasks.

The initiator is characterized by initiative, vigor, especially at initial stages of the solution of new creative tasks. But, as a rule, they quickly cool down, or switch to the solution of other creative tasks.

The area of manifestation of pedagogical creativity is defined by structure of pedagogical activity and covers all her parties: constructive, organizing, communicative and Gnostic therefore at the teacher creative style of administrative activity has to be created.

The style of management of the teacher reflects his individual style in the implementation of its functions. It is a stable system of specific approaches and methods of management, formed under the influence of external and internal factors.

V.S.Merlin, E.A.Klimov.developed a theoretical and methodological basis of individual style of activity. The fundamental position is that a person in such activities in favor of its distinctive subject. His style is unique and distinctive way to realize the creative potential in a particular activity. The nature of this method is determined, above all qualitative parameters of a specific person, which correspond with reality.

It is known that under the modes of activity are understood the techniques, methods, rules, principles, etc., that are subject which usually uses to achieve its goals. These are the style characteristics. Personality style manifested in a distinctive way the teacher used a specific activity:

  • Individual qualities and psychological characteristics (its direction, character, type, temperament, abilities, );
  • Personal attitudes, motives that determine the application of certain principles and rules for inclusion in its activity and behavior;
  • level professional skills in the field of social management
  • Situational characteristics of the control object and environmental factors that influence the

Proceeding from it, the main characteristic of style is not only in total the applied means and receptions solving certain problems, and in what is the basis for system of ways of activity, strategy and tactics of their application. Such understanding of style is close to concept of technology of activity and provides the optimum organization of administrative activity taking into account the internal factors and external conditions influencing it.

We can distinguish the objective conditions that determine the management style:

  • Enshrined in the regulations and social norms (morality, tradition, public opinion, etc.) The requirements of society and the state on the relationship of people in different spheres of life;
  • The specificity of the existing management system — its goals, objectives, structure, management technology in this area: features educational activities; originality led collective, social and psychological characteristics.

The theory and practice of administrative activity allows revealing a number of regularities of functioning and development of style. First, it is conditionality of style of administrative activity by nature of the activity. Only in the course of activity it is possible to seize and apply set of methods of interaction between the subject and object. Nature of activity defines specifics of the applied methods of management. Secondly, style is socially caused.

Style is — the forming result of the social environment, prevailing ideas of society and its groups. Style reflects interaction in the social system. Thirdly, efficiency of style of activity depends on degree of compliance of level of professionalism to requirements of an administrative situation. Professionalism as the integrated indicator of cumulative characteristics of the personality, is shown not so much in standards, in advance known situations how many in non-standard, especially, critical when the administrative decision can influence weight of social and other consequences. Fourthly, dependence of style of separate institute of management on the general control system. Here the dialectics of the general and special, separate element and structure in general are shown.

The style of management activities can be described in several ways: personal characteristics, behavioral approach, depending on the situation. If we consider the style of management with the concept of personal qualities, then we can assume that the best actors have a certain set of common for all personal qualities,  such as intelligence and knowledge, reliability, responsibility, activity, initiative, honesty, self-confidence, charisma and other. Highlighting these qualities should be promoted in all their teachers as potential leaders. 

Such qualities, on the one hand are predetermined by human’s physiological data, and on the other — formed in the process of training and education. The difficulty with this approach is that, first, there are several hundred qualities which should be developed in teacher management and identify which ones and to  what extent evident in the management of the situation is difficult enough; Secondly, even identifying a set  of such qualities, we see that it is often not the subjective factor to determine the effectiveness of activities.

In the literature on the theory and collective management practices we find a very wide range of styles of contemporary leader, and since they are adequately represented there, just list them: authoritarian, collegiate, planned in an emergency, a liberal regulating or controlling, perestroika, conservative, diplomatic, documentary, leadership, administration. Each of these management styles has certain advantages and disadvantages.

For same characteristic of the creative management style that a leader in solving each new management task flexibly, extraordinary uses one or another technique method, means, which is for the current situation the most optimal and efficient. In essence, the creative style of personnel management — is the use of a variety of styles depending on the actual management situation arising from the objectives and the conditions  and means of its resolution.

Creative management style characterized by highly varying styles depending on the novelty and the very nature of the emerging management issues. For example, if the team is just has formed, the authoritarian approach in the early stages of work will give more than the collective one. Conversely, the higher level  of formation of the team, the more effective will be its collegial style of leadership.

Defining the management culture of the teacher as part of the professional culture of the teacher, integrative property of the person, consisting of professional, general cultural, managerial knowledge, analytic, projective, organizational, supervisory skills, and personal qualities, Maturity which provides readiness specialist for creative self-realization in various kinds of administrative activities we consider it necessary to the formation of creative management style in the future teacher [9].

Teacher, who has a creative management style, characterized by the following most significant skills and abilities leader, which largely determine his ability to think dialectically and creatively:

  • to think broadly, in a large scale and systematically and comprehensively, at the same time seeing the development of the organization (classes, groups) to a greater perspective, without losing sight of immediate and tasks;
  • be democratic and collegial, encouraging the creative initiative of his subordinates, but at the same time and with the authoritarian demagogues and loafers;
  • to be capable to risk which is based on the weighed analysis of the arising problem, capable not only to rely on intuition and practical experience, but also on mature evidence-based calculation;
  • be kind and sensitive, but not pious, it is ambitious in terms of social people's requests, but at the same time demanding when it concerns the quality of work and labor discipline in the team;
  • In solving emerging problems rely on a scientific approach, best practices, and study and know not only the causes of successes, but carefully analyze the reasons for the

Therefore, if you try to give the generalized characteristic of the modern teacher-manager, then with full confidence we can say — it is a creative person, capable of continuous self-development and self-realization in one, and often in several types of professional and creative activity.



  1. Encyclopedia of philosophy / [ER]. Access mode: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_philosophy/6921/НОВОЕ.
  2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, Moscow: Publishing House «AZ», 1992, 205
  3. Encyclopedic dictionary / [ER]. Access mode: http://www.edudic.ru/
  4. Ponomarev A. The psychology of creativity and pedagogies, Moscow: Pedagogic, 1976, 280 p.
  5. Spirkin A.G. Philosophy, Moscow: Gardariki, 2006, 736
  6. Girginov G. Science and creativity, Moscow: Progress, 1979,
  7. Andreev V.I. Pedagogic heuristics for creative self-development of multidimensional thinking and of wisdom, Kazan: Center for innovative technology, 2015, 288
  8. Mikhailov A. Scientific magazine of the Kuban State Agrarian University, 2012, № 10(84).
  9. Adanov K.B. The scientific journal «Chronos», Мoscow, 2016, p. 40–45.

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