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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Forms of work with youth on the enterprises of Kazakhstan


In article strengthening of attention to the younger generation at the enterprises, including in the national companies is  considered. This creation of committees or councils for work with youth, activization of the educational sphere, increase in professional skill, education of young people in the spirit of patriotism, their involvement in collective life, etc. 

Formation and strengthening of Kazakhstan accompanies improvement of youth policy. The youth share aged from 14 up to 29 years makes nearly a quarter or 4, 1 million Kazakhstan citizens. From 2, 3 million economically active youth of 42% have the higher education, 32% - an average professional, the others – the school certificate. 1, 7 million are hired workers, 525 thousand – self-employed [1]. Appreciation of a role of youth in country life given by the Leader of state N.A. Nazarbayev, his continuous care of this perspective group of society are the key to successful advance of the republic. Ways of development of youth are looked through, first of all, due to education. The great value is attached to preparation of technical shots which is connected with development of working specialties by young people. In the country the "Free Vocational Training for All" project is carried out. During the meeting with participants of the Republican youth forum in December, 2016 the President has paid attention practically too all categories of youth, but especially to representatives of labor professions. Need of a cult of knowledge is emphasized by the President in his program article "A prospection: modernization of public consciousness".

Improvement of the educational sphere has a direct bearing on improvement of the human capital, first of all,  at the expense of youth. Relevance of this situation was confirmed on the XIV forum of interregional cooperation of Russia and Kazakhstan which took place in November, 2017 in Chelyabinsk. Its program included the Development of the Human Capital exhibition, a meeting of the Russian-Kazakhstan business council, a forum of rectors of higher education institutions of Russia and Kazakhstan. The Declaration on creation of the international scientific and educational consortium "Green Bridge through Generations" was signed by rectors of al-Farabi KazNU and Ural Federal University named after first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin. The purpose of this consortium - merging of high school community of both countries for formation of new generation of highly qualified specialists with high moral and ethical and civil installations. Education of responsibility of the personality for the future and the future of the country, increase in personal competitive qualities, cultivation of pragmatism and enterprise are designated as reference points of the sixth direction "Modernization of Public Consciousness" of the Strategic development plan for the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2025. This plan is the complex document according to the solution of problems of the Third modernization of the country.

Care of development of education, strengthening of work among youth group of the population is visible from many speeches of the President. It is necessary to emphasize also that circumstance that there are in parallel two important processes: improvement of the state youth policy and reforming of education. In particular, among the measures improving the youth sphere, sounded at the II congress of a youth wing "Zhas Otan" of Nur Otan party the requirement to bring an administrative vertical of youth policy to each city and the aul and to strengthen a role of committees on affairs of youth in large work collectives and the national companies [2] was heard. In a waterway of realization of this thought of the President of strengthening of influence on each young man are created, among other structures, committees on affairs of youth in work and educational collectives, especially in the large national companies. Success of any drawn-up plans is connected with existence of capable structures.

In recent years process of creation of such committees on affairs of youth began to develop more actively. These structures are formed for realization and coordination of the youth policy directed to creation of social and economic, legal, organizational conditions and guarantees for spiritual, cultural, educational, professional  formation and physical development of youth, disclosure of her intellectual potential, innovative activity, strengthening of ties and cooperation with the youth organizations. The tasks connected with education such as assistance to professional and career development of young workers, their adaptations on production are allocated; social partnership with educational institutions; activization of scientific and technical creativity, inventive and rationalization activity of youth; development of corporate culture; patriotic education; promotion of a healthy lifestyle; participation in socially important actions, etc.

In KazMunaiGas group of companies (KMG) creation of Council for affairs of youth became the next stage in development of youth policy. It, in fact, has to become the bridge between young employees and the management of the company. Council is urged to promote increase in professional level and knowledge, adjustment of close  ties with profile Kazakhstan and foreign higher education institutions and colleges. Important and the fact that all practices which are saved up for many years by the large companies of group in the sphere of youth policy have entered one moneybox. In September, 2014 in Aktau the first youth meeting of KMG has taken place. The  following directions of youth policy are allocated: career development, the social block of questions, a healthy lifestyle, including sport, cultural events. Youth council has to form wishes of young workers to the management of the company. At adoption of any decisions concerning youth surely there have to be representatives of Council and have a powerful word. Council has suggested the management to develop "road map" of support of young specialists with the accurate system of social elevators. Council has to become an independent subject of process  of social modernization in labor collectives of KMG, provide real support to young people who will define prospects of oil branch, to divide with the senior generation responsibility for the future of the collectives [3].

KazMunaiGas offers the employees short-term advanced training courses, retraining or training according to programs of a magistracy, practice on confirmation of qualification through obtaining the conventional international certificates. Such approach to development of human resources is widespread among the leading oil and gas enterprises of the world. There is in KMG a good tradition of cooperation with educational institutions, much attention is paid to dual training.

Especially it is necessary to tell about the competitions "The Best by Profession". Similar events in republican scale, and in their threshold – in labor collectives are held. At competitions there is a verification of the theory, performance of practical tasks; special attention is paid to observance of safety rules. Every year the level of training and skill increases. It says about the growing prestige of working professions. Within a year workers prepare for a competition. A competition – the best professional platform to declare oneself and also to exchange experience, the accumulated knowledge and skills in the sphere. Such aspiration to a victory positively influences quality of work in general.

So, competitions of professional skill among employees of JSC KazMunaiGas Exploration Production, One of the Largest Employers in Regions of Presence. in August, 2015 the Competition Has Taken Place Already for the Eighth Time on Production Base Ozenmunaygaz following the results of which winners by each profession (to a competition there were experts of 11 professions) are awarded with cash bonuses and valuable prizes are regularly held. Also the participants of a competition who have taken the first, second and third places within a year have acquired the right for an extra charge to the salary of 30, 20 and 10% of a tariff rate respectively. On industrial platforms of Sokolovsko-Sarbaysky ore dressing production association the first competition of representatives of all enterprises of the Eurasian Group (ERG) – the largest industrial productions of Kazakhstan has taken place. Fight for prize-winning places was conducted on seven nominations. All participants of a competition are winners of selection rounds which within a year were held at the enterprises of group. Winners are encouraged with cash bonuses [4].

Pay attention in holding competitions in JSC KazTransOil. The company considers that it is great assistance to production in a personnel pool, considering improvement of many technological processes and automation of production. All this demands professional development of shots. Participants of a competition undergo serious selection at the grassroots levels of production. Winners meet in a final stage of a republican review at the level of all company. Elements of the international scale began to be present at this work. Since 2003 the best employees  of the company compete in the international competitions with participation of specialists of the largest pipeline companies of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Participation their participation in the competition "The Best by Profession" among JSC KazMunaiGas Oil Company group of companies is planned. The victory in a competition is able to afford to rise by one career step, to hold a technical position. There is also other motivation. The winner of a competition wins a prize and certain percentage surcharges to the main earnings within a year.

In this company the personnel pool is also created and the youth policy is developed, mentoring widely practices. Besides, in workplaces training of workers – a technical minimum on the job is annually provided. For 10 years the company realizes the Young specialist program which participants are students of profile higher education institutions selected on the basis of the analysis of progress and business qualities. The program of training of young specialists provides passing of a work practice on objects of structural divisions of JSC KazTransOil. The workplace on the chosen profile, the salary at the rate of the working second category is provided to students of profile specialties at practical training, daily expenses, transportation from the residence to the place of practical training and back are also paid. The mentor from among skilled employees of the company  is assigned to each student. Doors of the company are open not only for students of profile, but also other specialties. Every year the company accepts hundreds of young pupils of colleges and higher  education  institutions for training in elements of their future profession at practice. In particular, only in 2015 on the basis of the production objects of the company located in 11 areas of Kazakhstan more than 300 students have done practical training [5].

In the National RK engineering academy the unique competition "The Best Engineer of 2015" within implementation of industrial and innovative programs is for the first time held. On a competition works more than from 350 engineers from all regions of Kazakhstan have arrived. They have sent courageous projects and interesting developments on different engineering specialties. To winners of a competition the diploma and a  medal were handed by outstanding scientists, academicians. It is important that such actions gave an incentive to young people in the choice of profession of the engineer [6].

The Kazakhstan students of colleges in 2015 have participated in the international WorldSkills championship (São Paulo, Brazil). Kazakhstan became the 70th participant of the international movement WorldSkills International which purpose – promoting of working professions. In May, 2015 the team has participated in the championship of the CIS in Russia as a part of 7 participants and 7 experts, and then competitions in São Paulo – WorldSkills Competition-2015. They were the most mass for all history of the movement. The national team has acted on 7 competences. In an all-team competition the Kazakhstan participants were among the leading countries participating in a competition. In country offset Kazakhstan was included into community of 50 member countries of competitions [7].

Educational and educational potential is brought by such form of work as dedication to working. It is characteristic, for example, of the Aksusky plant of ferroalloys – JSC Kazchrome MNC branch (Pavlodar region). So, in November of 2015, 80 graduates of city college of ferrous metallurgy have devoted in young workers at  this enterprise. This tradition has arisen at the enterprise a few years ago at the initiative of factory youth board. Heads of various divisions and mentors have been invited as guests of honor who from the first days of work help youth to master a profession. In a festive atmosphere young workers have made a promise to qualitatively perform the work, to improve professional level, to participate actively in life of the plant. On behalf of  plant's management they have been handed parting letters. Along with youth deserved congratulations were received also by mentors – all of them have been marked out by letters of thanks and cash bonuses.

In 2013 in JSC Almaty Power Plants have created the youth organization "Zharkyn Bolashak" for association of the active young employees who are interested in public life, economy, innovations, showing an active civic stand. Same year the organization of veterans "Aksakal кеңесі" has been formed. A main objective of Council – the solution of social problems of veterans, creation of conditions for their participation in life of the country and society, involvement of aksakals to education of young men and girls in the spirit of patriotism, transfer to them of invaluable professional experience and the best traditions. It is promoted by tens of dynasties working at the enterprise.

Return of institute of mentors is very important. Young people admit that when you learn new business, the teacher who not only will prompt what to do is always necessary, but also will become an example for imitation, will attract interest. A campaign to each pupil at the mentor individual. The main thing – to train experts in the conditions of labor collective, to send him to the necessary course and to support in everything, leaving an opportunity to make decisions independently.

The youth participates in various charity events. Especially it would be desirable to note attention to veterans  of the Great Patriotic War. The youth board of the joint stock company "KazMunaiGas Oil Company, for example, practices fund raising, visit of veterans, and their congratulation on the Victory holiday. Solemn lunches for war heroes will be organized in the companies of the joint-stock company. Such relation is characteristic to veterans and in the Almaty Power Plants Company. As a rule, power engineering specialists come to veterans on the house with gifts, entertainments, flowers, there is a financial support. In advance learn, than  they can  be helped. Congratulations on a professional holiday – Day of the power engineering specialist became similar tradition.

Of course, gifts are pleasant, but the main thing is an attention, gratitude of young people, their understanding of merits of veterans in gaining the world for descendants. The youth is a patron also of pupils of orphanages. Experience of the above-named Aksusky plant of ferroalloys deserves distribution. Metallurgists looked after several pupils of orphanage. There was practically "adoption" by group of teenagers. The agreement between the plant, akimat of Mr. Aksu, city department of education, college No. 19, Aksusky branch of the medical center "Eurasia" and administration of orphanage was for this purpose signed. Actively the Youth board of the enterprise works with teenagers. At first sight, patronage – business more educational, than educational. However in its course continuous direct care of that young men and girls became competent experts is taken, gained worthy skill, were tightened to true professionals. In a bit different way the Pavlodar petrochemical plant went. It took on patronage of already full age five children from the Pavlodar House of youth, provided them a training abroad. Upon return they will be employed at the plant with a decent salary. The specified examples found followers in  the republic.

The companies cooperate directly with educational  institutions, introduce  dual training. At the Aksusky plant of ferroalloys dual education coordinates with already mentioned college No. 19 which is renamed into college of ferrous metallurgy. This joint activity is carried out several years. At the enterprise confuses nobody that near professionals pupils of college who become then full members of collective work. Practice at the plant gives necessary knowledge, helps to join collective. Especially as for the entire period of practice mentors are assigned to pupils of college [8].

The companies attach great value to replenishment of the collectives at the expense of young specialists. One  of forms of such work - a meeting of the working youth with pupils. In Semey in 2016, for example, the Forum of young workers in which the young staff of the industrial enterprises and companies of the region and also students of higher education institutions and colleges participated. Its purpose – not only promoting of technical specialties, but also consolidation of the working youth. On the Ust-Kamenogorsk metallurgical Kaztsink complex the branch of department of the East Kazakhstan state technical university of D.Serikbayev is created. Future metallurgists pass a work practice here, prepare degree projects. This mutually beneficial cooperation of the enterprise and higher education institution as experts prepare according to those requirements which are dictated by modern production. It is required to graduates of time for adaptation less, they in the compressed time get into gear [9].

Annually young specialists in the system of JSC NAC Kazatomprom find a job. The enterprises entering this system on a constant basis realize the special programs for support of young specialists providing payment by the employer of transportation of the young specialist to the place of work, fixing of the mentor from among skilled employees of the enterprise, payment of a lump sum, preferential terms for receiving a loan for housing and many other things [10, page 205].

Thus, activization of work with youth at the enterprises, including in the national companies, is one  of  effective measures for further improvement of the state youth policy in Kazakhstan. It promotes increase in a role in life of the country of the major youth group occupied in the production sphere.


The list of the used sources:

  1. Казахстанская правда, 17 января
  2. Казахстанская правда, 17 ноября
  3. Казахстанская правда, 17 марта 2015 и 13 сентября
  4. Казахстанская правда, 20 ноября 2017, 22 августа 2015 и 9 января
  5. Казахстанская правда», 21 июля и 12 апреля
  6. Казахстанская правда, 27 января
  7. Казахстанская правда, 31 декабря
  8. Казахстанская правда, 3 ноября 2015; 29 ноября 2017; 14 августа и октября 2014.
  9. Казахстанская правда, 8 декабря и 30 июля {айдарова 6.С., 6шімханова Д.6., Маулитов А.Е., Зайниева Л.Ю. и др. 11 Национальный доклад «Молодежь Казахстана-2016». – Астана, 2016

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