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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Features of the use of innovative methods in the classroom teaching of history in universities


The article deals with the practical application of innovative methods of learning the lessons of history and social studies for students of pedagogical high school in the conditions of realization of the State Program of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. Particular attention is paid to interactive teaching methods. The use of innovative technologies in history lessons allows students to develop the skills of interpersonal interaction, the ability to productive activity, the overall level of mental development. Students learn better causal and chronological connection. A variety of forms and methods of organization of the lesson increases the interest of students in the subject, forms of historical consciousness.

In today's education system increases the importance of information-communicative competence of pupils and teachers in schools and universities who carry out their professional activities in a broad introduction of means of information and communication technologies in the educational environment of the school or university. On how quality will be prepared pedagogical staff, how "free" they will apply the tools of information technology by which means the software, firmware and hardware information technologies by which means the software, firmware, and hardware and devices that operate on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern facilities and broadcast of information systems, information exchange, ensuring operation for the collection, the production, accumulation, storage, processing,  transmission  of information and the ability to information resources of local and global networks, in the educational process depends to a large extent, the future of the world society. The use in the educational process of information technology aimed at the intensification of the training process, the implementation of the ideas of developmental education, improvement of forms and methods of organization of educational process of training, the implementation of the ideas of developmental education, improvement of forms and methods of organization of educational process, ensuring the transition from mechanical assimilation of students factual knowledge to master their skills to independently acquire new knowledge. 

Each teacher aims to provide positive motivation training and enhance cognitive activity of students. In order  to achieve this goal, it is necessary to use effective methods and innovative technologies. The innovation process  in education has a close connection with research activities. New Times raised new questions. Changing society, changing attitudes to the subject. The history in this regard is most subject to change. Increased volume of information being studied, expanded source base. In a society, in the press, on television, in books there were different views on the same issues and events. In this regard, the question arises: whether the student is able to remember and understand this information  obbem? Today, many professors and teachers are looking for ways that would help improve the effectiveness of training. At all times, the teacher worried about the problem of how to make sure that everyone was interested in the activities that they were all involved in the educational process, and the main thing that there is not one indifferent.

The priority of historical education is the formation of students' key competences, general learning skills, universal methods of activity. In the course of developing the students' ability to self-organize and motivate cognitive activity, to use elements of the causal and structural-functional analysis to determine the essential characteristics of the object being studied, to choose their own criteria for comparison, a comparison. On the  lessons  apply various  educational  technologies,  with which organize  and spend training and research, including developing the ability to hypothesize, to carry out their inspection, hold the elementary techniques of research, to create their own algorithms.

In modern Kazakhstan is becoming his, national model of education. In the "Address to the people of Kazakhstan the President," N. Nazarbayev said: "We are more than ever necessary to build the world a priceless capital of knowledge and education, to give it a modern form." To this aim the law of The Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", "The priorities of the education system are: the development of creative, spiritual and physical abilities of the person, the formation of the solid foundations of morality, intelligence enrichment by creating conditions for the development of personality." In modern teaching distinguish passive, active and interactive strategy. The skillful combination of these strategies ensures the effectiveness of teaching and quality  of  education. [1 p.16-37].

Design technology, problem-based learning, debate technology enables students to independent projects, identify and convincingly prove their position, point of view, to reveal creative potential, enhance self-realization and self-determination. Actively implement online training as a special form of organization of informative, practical and creative activities. From the use of interactive methods such as "mat ideas", "decision tree", "Six Thinking Hats" and so on. This implies very specific and predictable target. One result of the use of interactive teaching methods are:

  • Creating a comfortable learning
  • Create a sense of success of the
  • Productivity of the learning
  • That extremely important to address the strategic development of

Through online training can be found the following tasks: almost all the students are involved in the learning process, they are able to understand and reflect about what they know and think everyone makes their own special individual contribution, is the exchange of knowledge, ideas, ways of activity, and, it happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to obtain new knowledge, but also develops the  very cognitive activity, it translates into higher forms of cooperation and collaboration. Interactive activities in the classroom involves the organization and development dialog dialogue that leads to mutual understanding, interaction, to jointly address common but important task for each participant. Information and communication technologies make it possible to develop the skills of independent, research, creative work, promote self- expression and self-development of personality. My students showed quite good results in their use - make your presentation. The introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process has strengthened the visibility and the emotional component of learning, allowed to conduct virtual tours of museums and so on. For myself, I note that the use of modern information technology to increase the activity of students in the classroom, allowed to effectively organize informative and research activities of children, increased visibility and emotional content of the lesson, and all this contributes to the development of creative qualities of students and their fulfillment. [2 p.25-30] Particular attention I paid to the preservation of health of students. The use of  health-saving technologies can improve the work aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children and inculcating healthy lifestyle, helps to preserve and promote the health of each student in the process of training  and education; forms at about the responsibility for the presentation of the children's own health and the health of others; It provides students with the necessary information to form their own strategies and technologies  to preserve and strengthen health.

With the transition to specialized education, taking into account the complexity of the material under study is necessary to apply the elements of the modular technology, which is based on the fact that every lesson should contribute both to assimilate new information and skills formation and processing of this information skills. Organizes lectures (lesson learning new material), seminars, research, laboratory work (lessons to improve knowledge and skills), Classifications (taking into account the lessons and assessment of knowledge and skills). Also consider the perspective of design and research activities of students on mastering the operational knowledge in the process of socialization.

By implementing the project, the boys under my leadership synthesize knowledge in the course of their search, integrate information related disciplines, looking for more effective ways to solve the project tasks, communicate with each other. Joint activities really demonstrates the opportunities for cooperation, in which students set goals, determine the best means of achieving them, distribute the duties comprehensively demonstrate the competence of the individual (the ability to work in a team, to feel part of the team to take responsibility for the choice of solutions for themselves, to share the responsibility with others, to analyze the results of operations, etc.). For some time (from one lesson to 2-3 months), students solve the cognitive, research  or other tasks. In organizing the project activities of students are widely used technology in the work groups. For the development of autonomy and creativity of children in the study of history, as well as the formation of skills of group work, I use the study in groups of different educational material followed by a presentation and discussion. Within each group there is a distribution of activities between project participants in accordance with the abilities and inclinations of each. Such lessons spend in the study of homogeneous historical material, for example, on the topic "Political parties in Russia at the beginning of the XX century", "The fighting on the eastern front during the First World War (1914., 1915, 1916.).

" So study the cultural issues, the group explore some of its areas: literature, painting, sculpture and the like. Pre-cook the sheets with tasks for each group, which can then perform these tasks (in the classroom, it is), and prepare presentation on the results of the work done. In training you need to pay attention to the requirements based on the activities of relevant psychological and age peculiarities  and  inclinations of students. I try to carry out a differentiated approach to each student, eager to help develop student's personality based on his aptitudes, abilities and interests. This allows you to build individual educational trajectory of the individual student, to implement student-centered approach to learning. Using  innovative  technology allowed me to increase the motivation of students to study the history, to strengthen the visibility and strengthen the teaching activities of the children in the classroom. Modern techniques and methods of work on the lessons of history contribute to the fact that from the schools and universities out graduates who understand and think critically about social processes and situations. Modern history lesson - the lesson is primarily student-centered, which excludes the principle of forming a "ZUN", here the individual student and the teachers act as subjects,  since the goal of training - the personality development of the student, his personality and abilities. [3 p.12-17]

Currently, there are a number of technologies, in whole or in part changing the educational process. Information and computer education, characteristic of the post-industrial society, and includes the development of pupils and students of the newest means of telecommunications Internet, methods and techniques of working with  information arrays. The main task of the teacher is to awaken the student interest in student interest in history as a science. A huge role in this task plays the innovative teaching methods. [4 p.9-18]

According to leading Russian and foreign scientists such as (Kunapina K.K., Kokebaeva G., Abdygulova B.K, Lebedev O.E., Semenov A.L., Raven D., Krajewski V.V., Kuznetsov A.), innovative technologies in the teaching of history allow to develop:

  • The ability to classify;
  • The ability to make judgments, make inferences and conclusions;
  • Skills of observation;
  • Skills to work with the available information, its presence and ranking;
  • Experimentation skills;
  • Cognitive abilities and needs;
  • Creative design skills and research

By innovative technologies related project activities. Project-based learning in history class is aimed at the formation of abilities that allow effectively in real life situations. The topics as research, should be manageable understanding of students. In the process of research student trying to solve the problem, put forward hypotheses, ask questions, make conclusions. Design teaches the definition, forms and self-determination. It allows  to  combine successfully established methodical ways of traditional systems and new approaches to learning support system abstracts, which can be used in history lessons. This system increases the level of understanding and  comprehension of the material being studied, promotes systematization of knowledge. Also, the use of reference abstracts assumes management of cognitive activity of schoolchildren, the development of skills of independent work, self-control. By the innovative technologies in the teaching of history and related information and communication technologies. Teachers can use multimedia presentations and lessons. In this case, students may also be self-supporting notes and present them in the form of the presentation, which will also be the part of the project activities. [5 p.45-52]

The use of innovative technologies in history lessons allows students to develop the skills of interpersonal interaction, the ability to productive activity, the overall level of mental development. Students learn better causal and chronological connection. A variety of forms and methods of organization of the lesson increases the interest of students in the subject, forms of historical consciousness. In today's education system increases the importance of information-communicative competence of pupils and teachers in schools and universities who carry out their professional activities in a broad introduction of means of information and communication technologies in the educational environment of the school or university. On how quality will be prepared pedagogical staff, how "free" they will apply the tools of information technology by which means the software, firmware and hardware information technologies by which means the software, firmware, and hardware and devices that operate on the basis of microprocessor, computer technology, as well as modern facilities and broadcast of information systems, information exchange, ensuring operation for the collection, the production, accumulation, storage, processing, transmission of information and the ability to information resources of local  and global networks, in the educational process depends to a large extent, the future of the world society. The use in the educational process of information technology aimed at the intensification of the training process, the  implementation of the ideas of developmental education, improvement of forms and methods of organization of educational process of training, the implementation of the ideas of developmental education, improvement  of forms and methods of organization of educational process, ensuring the transition from mechanical assimilation of students factual knowledge to master their skills to independently acquire new knowledge. [6 p.62-67]

Effective use of the widest range of options to be implemented on the basis of means of innovative methods, associated today with the formation of information-communication competence as an essential component of general intellectual information-communication competence of all participants in the educational  process.  Graduate  school and then high school, and must have the skills to obtain information from various sources, process it using logical operations and used in real-life situations. Information education, understood as the mastery of methodological tools for receiving, of perception and critical analysis of information is a means of socialization of pupils and should be incorporated in the content of training courses. In the course of teaching the history of the innovative techniques can be used in several ways:

  • for the quality of education diagnostics (tests);
  • For the preparation and presentation of reports, presentations;
  • As a means of visibility in the classroom with the introduction of a new material (multimedia, video, audio, CD-ROMs);
  • for practical training (e-books);
  • for self-education of students and teachers (Internet, CD-ROMs, distance education, online Olympics);
  • for e-mails, forums, conferences;

Electronic board helps students overcome the fear and embarrassment in front of a seated audience, easy to engage them in the learning process. Among the students do not remain indifferent, the subject becomes easier  and more exciting. Due to the high visibility, the use of interactive whiteboard allows children to draw attention to the learning process, increases motivation. A clear program management, quick notes, hand adjustment on board, recording a video file that can be used as a handout that students can take home for homework. Sport becomes bright, interesting and memorable, which is accompanied by the story of a teacher presentations. On the Internet, there are many ready-made presentations for history teachers. They require only a total revision and correction. Always easier to create your own slides. Whiteboard allows teachers and students while explaining amend token explanations and save or not save the recording directly into a slide. Teaching using interactive whiteboard has the following advantages:

  • Materials for classes can be prepared in advance - it will provide a good pace and keep class time for such
  • You can create links from one file to This allows you to not waste time searching for resources. In addition to the interactive whiteboard, you can connect both audio and video equipment. This is very important in the study of history, when teachers want students to read both text and image.
  • Material can be structured through the pages that require a phased and logical approach facilitates
  • After the lesson, you can save a file so that students can have access to Creating presentations lessons that become an integral part of the educational process is a creative stimulus for the teacher. Presentations to help meet the creative ambitions of teachers and teaching materials swell base classes. The composition of the sources of information among scientists at the present stage of development of society greatly enriched by the formation and rapid development in the field of education of computer information network.

The virtual information environment has a specific material. Components which are the unit of presentation of educational information, orientation of the device, the unit of learning. In comparison with traditional sources they have some indisputable advantages more accurately, the speed of processing and transmitting information, appearance information storage capacity on various media, computer capacity information, and so on. This circumstance requires pedagogical society to adequately assess the virtual environment as other sources of information on the scope and effectiveness of its educational impact. Using virtual educational space allows a fundamentally new way to present the conceptual part of the content of subject matter, and it is through - the hypertext as a means of non-linear architecture of presentation of educational material, animations - dynamic drawings, graphs, tables, charts, diagrams, demonstrations and handling dynamic models of objects and processes, audio, video clips, elements of "virtual reality." It is important to note that when using the lesson information and communication facilities will allow the student to master the subject as an integral part of the culture of civilization, see and study it in different contexts with other circumstances of human activity. [7 p.14-18]

Software pedagogical tools form the different types of subject electronic publications. To date, they formed a system. Here are some types of electronic multimedia publications:  electronic  textbooks,  electronic  encyclopedias,  electronic  encyclopedias,  electronic catalogs of drawings, photos, illustrations, models, videos, tables, charts, thematic presentations, etc., electronic libraries. But the main thing in the work of any teacher is always the possibility of individual creativity, so the  more knowledge a teacher, it is desirable to create e-learning along with the students. In modern conditions the main task of education is not just getting the students a certain amount of knowledge but also the formation of  their abilities and skills of independent learning. Time has proven that students who are actively working with the computer, generated a higher level of self-education skills: the ability to allocate the main thing, to generalize, to draw conclusions. Innovative teaching methods significantly extend the capabilities of  learning  and  training school and university students, that will make a practical exercise, interesting and entertaining process.



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  4. Taranets L.Y. Innovative technologies in the teaching of law and - History of Kazakhstan in schools and universities. – Almaty, 2006. – №4. – Р.9.
  5. Kaisarova M.M. Improving students' motivation to learn history through a civilized approach.- History of Kazakhstan: teaching in schools and – Almaty, 2005. – №6. – Р.45.
  6. Zhanguzhanova E. The use of information technologies at the lessons of history.- History of Kazakhstan: teaching at the school. – Almaty,2005. – №4. – Р.62.
  7. Shpilev Technological approach in the process of developing modular training at lessons of history.- History of Kazakhstan: teaching at the school. – Almaty, 2005. – №4.– Р.14.

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Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

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