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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Emperor Justinian i and Byzantine empire


The article discusses the life and political activity of the ruler of the Byzantine Empire. The Emperor Justinian plays an important role in the political history of the world of states at the present stage. The Byzantine Empire during the government of Justinian vary the complexity of political and economic development of the country. When Justinian 527 was brought to the throne, he was 45. Justinian considered it his duty to the idea of restoring the Roman Empire. Therefore, all his life he lived with this idea. The article sets out the military strategy and the plan boundaries recovery after the conquest of the Roman Empire, the political conditions at the power of the emperor. And also it was conducted a historical analysis of the internal and external political conditions of the Byzantine Empire under Emperor Justinian.

The Byzantine Empire during the reign of Emperor Justinian I (527-565) had made great advances in its development. Peter FlavyiSavvatyi Justinian was born in a village in the Tawrice in the Upper Macedonia in 482. His parents were poor peasants from Illire. When his cousin, who had no children, was appointed as an emperor he invited his brother to the capital. He was educated based on the great ancient science traditions. Justinian, thanks to his natural talent and ability quickly began to interfere in the affairs of the state. In 527 the Emperor adopted his brother andannounced him as the ruler of the state along with him. Shortly after this incident, he died, and his adopted son was declared the Byzantine Emperor. During 38 years of reign Justinian as ruler of vast empire he became one most powerful rulers who had huge impact on further development of the historical events [1].

The era of the reign of Emperor Justinian characterized with complexity of political and economic developments. During his enthronement in 527 he was 45 years old. He considered the idea of restoration former mighty of Roman Empire as his historic mission. Therefore whole his life was dedicated to implementation of this idea. The passion of unlimited authority was one of his main qualities. During his reign he did not allow anyone to make an individual decision. He interferedin all small affairs of the state and controlled them. Emperor Justinian’s church reform, as well as law reform weren’t just a great event for his contemporaries, but these changes were major historical changes which defined the future direction of historical development.

The main idea of foreign policy of Emperor Justinian was restoration of Roman Empire. To realize this complicated idea Justinian needed to conquer the countries of Varvar tribes. In general, the political situation of Byzantine under Justinian’s reign was directed to wars and conquests. The Emperor’s war strategy can be divided into two parts: 1) Justinian’s west campaigns; 2) wars in the north and the east. In the west Justinian’s plans to restore boundaries of Roman Empire started from the conquest of Kingdom of Vandals in North Africa. Domestic and international situation in Kingdom of Vandals was an optimal moment for him. Vandals and Alans who had reign in North Africa more than a hundred years began to lose their previous powers. Vandals fleet which caused panic in the past had depressivestagnation. Vandals who were seen as savior in North Africa from yoke of Roman Empire earned support from people, confiscated the lands of Roman aristocracy and church. Vandal kings and close to them rich people had fertilized land in their hands. And the 197 residence people had unfertilized and useless land. However, they had to pay high taxes to the treasury. Even there were some cases when some rich Romans and Libyans became slaves. Arian priests led to some disagreements in the country.  Local  churches’s land and other sources had been taken by Arians and Vandals. At same time, in Vandals society property and social inequality took place. King troops in most cases seized possessions of  their  tribal  troops.  However, Vandals rich aristocrats began to learn Roman tradition and their way of life. The new party was formed  which was nor against to be close to Eastern Roman Empire. While Geyzerikh robbed his enemies like vandals fleet in Illir, Greece, in Peloponnese and other parts of the Empire, Trazamund Byzantine Emperor attempted to be in friendly relation with Anastasia. Well, during Gilderikh reign "Roman" was a prevailing party. The realtion with Ostgot states was interrupted, while Gilderikh sought to establish friendly relations with Justinian. In contrast, Byzantine government tried to make Gilderikh depended. Those who was against Rome, blamed Gilderikh everytime when he was defeated by Mavr tribes in North Africa. In fact, the reason of army’s failure was interior contentious fight in Vandals itself [2]. Then the attitude of population in North Africa towards the vandals has changed. During the domination of Vandal kings who chose Roman direction, Roman nobility reactivated. Orthodox religion devotees using religious world began to strengthen their positions. In secret case, they prepared revolt against vandals. Byzantine allies in North Africa were North African city merchants. Because, they revived trade relations with Byzantine’s eastern provinces.

In 530 weak Gilderikh was expelled by groups against Rome. Relative Gelimer was on the throne. Gelimer whocame to power by support of military party relying on the help of army rid of the former heads. Gïlderikh and all his relatives was imprisoned. Justinian demanding from Gelimer to release Gilderikh began to prepare to the war. In 532 Emperor trampling down the Nick revolt tried to deceive people with war. He believed that his surprise victory in the country would increase his reputation [3]. However, during the preparation to North Africa expedition Palace led by John Cappodocian met protests. The palace treasurers were afraid of the costs of the war, while commanders and soldiers scared of the war in unknown, strange foreign country. Justinian assured his army that the true purpose of the war was the liberation of country.

For Empire vandal expedition was difficult. Because the fight required to cross thousands of troops through the sea to North Africa to win the strongest military power in Rome. At the same time, to direct the strong troops to the west would adversely impact on eastern border. The one of the dangerous enemies of Empire was Persia attacks which was severe at that time. Historians provides interesting information about the meeting where the  issue of African expedition was discussed.The Emperor’s trusted advisors doubted in effectiveness of the expedition. Though Justinian was in the beginning in doubt a little, he started to implement his previous plan. Thus the issue of expedition was resolved. Moreover, the power in Persia has changed, and in 532 Justinian came to agreement with new ruler. However, according to this agreement Byzantine agreed to pay big money to Persians. However, Justinian paid interest to the west. Velizary who was good at his mission with thousands of army was appointed commander-in-chief. As for Vandals and ostgots, they were weakened. It was caused by southern climate, rise Roman civilization and Berber tribes. Justinianin taking the situation into consideration, using creative diplomacy revived their  mutual disagrement.  In its part Justinian decided to win ostgots,  westgots, vandal tribes one by one. While Justinian was sure that ostgots who was fighting with vandals cannot put their forces together with westgots tribes living in Spain. Vandals War lasted from 533 to 548.

Velizary in a short period of time conquered Vandal states within several fights. Velizary’s had more than 10 thousand infantry troops and 6 thousand of the standing army. They were army of soldiers of different tribes and languages. To transport army to the opposite shore 500 vessel consisted of 30 thousand sailors were involved. In addition, Velizary had 92 fast flying warships. In each dromon there were 2 thousand people [4].

Squadron departed on June 22 of 533 from Constantinople. On the 16th  day Byzantine fleet arrived in the desert coast of Sicily. Velizary sent Procopius to learn the situation on the island. The way to Carthage was open. Because vandals didn’t expect that Byzantine army would arrive. Just before the arrival of Velizary Gelimer snet his best fleet to Sardinia. And he left the coast of the city of Carthage and was in the near city of Bizacen. Ostgots did not try to help vandals. Their queen Amalasunda allowed people of Byzantine to buy food from Sicily. Thus, in September of 533 Velizary’s army came 200 miles close to Carthage. The Byzantine commander sent part of army to the nearby Selecta. Soldiers mixed with population of the city who came in city with a wheelchair. In Selekta Empire’s local nobility and bishops welcomed. Thus, Byzantine army accessed to Carthage.

Gelimer knew that the army of his enemy came into the city and ordered to kill Gilderikh and his relatives.  And the rest of his army followed Velisary. So, vandals started to gather efforts. Final battle between the two armies took place in Decim located in 13 kilometers from Carthage on September 13 of 533. Carthage residents opened the gate to retract the Byzantine fleet. Thus, Velisary conquered Carthage without any wars. The occupied city continued its normal life [5]. By the end of the 6th century bloody war in the West has reached its culmination. As a result of Justinian’s wars monarchy territory was doubled: Dalmatia, Italy, the eastern part of North Africa (Algeria and Tunisia), south-eastern part of Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and the Balearic Islands  was  conquered by Justinian. Nevertheless, Justinian could not realize all his plans. The western part of North Africa, the Iberian peninsula, north part of the state of Ostgot was not conquered by him.Roman world convinced that varvars are not so strong. Roman patriotism and Roman culture was restored again in the West. Western victories came at a high cost. They led to the stagnation of the oldest regions of the empire. It seems like the north and east of the Empire greatly weakened.

The next direction of the war of Emperor Justinian was the east and the north. External political situation in the east of the Byzantine Empire was not good as on the West. Here he always had to fight with his rival - Sasanian Iran. In the 6th century, Sasanian Iran was one of the biggest and most powerful states. All his properties were the mountainous regions of Iran near Caspian, Lower Mesopotamia (Iraq), the Caucasus, Albania and the regions of Armenia and Georgia.

The majority of Iranian nomadic and settled people living mixed speak Iranian languages. The role of the Persians in the central regions of Iran was huge. In Mesopotamia lived many Syrians, Arabs, Jews. Iran's rich  cities were famous with their handcraft and trade. The irrigation system and animal husbandry was well- developed. Byzantium was interested in trade in the Far East, especially in the silk trade with China. Because, the caravan routes to China and India goes through Iran. And the way to the Mediterranean and Black Seas were in the hands of the Byzantine Empire. Therefore, the rivalry between the two countries appeared. Wars between Iran and Byzantine had political reasons as well. In the 6th century Byzantine and Iran were two major political forces  in the Middle East. Other countries and certain tribes were concentrated around them.

Therefore, along with the border war between Iran and Byzantine, there were fight in order  to dominate various tribes and people. The cause of the dispute between Iran and the Byzantine was the Arabs who moved time to time from Syria to the bottom of the Efrat and the Caucasus region. Then in the Caucasus region there was established feudal States. The most important ones in the 6th century ) was divided into two Armenia: the Western Roman Armenia (Byzantine influence) and Yersian Armenia (influenced by Iran). Feodal states were in Georgia  as well. When Armenia was splitted by Rome and Iran, Lazika recognize Rome’s impact, while Kartli  and Albania had to recognize the sovereignty of Iran. Neither Byzantine no Iran was satisfied with this decision. These two regions of strategic importance caused constant struggle between Iran and Byzantium. Threat from Hun-  eftalitians was the cause of peaceful coexistence between 337-502. But during the reign of the Emperor Anastasia, especially during the reign of Justinian there were in the threat of war. The war between the two countries began  in 527. Venetians was forced to build another fortress except to Dar fortress, next to Persian fortress of the former border near the Iranian city of Nisibis in 199. Iran's ruler Kavad invaded the peace and came into Mesopotamia. The Persians coped with the army of Velisary. In 529 Velisary was appointed the Byzantine army commander.  But the fight was weak. After all, in Iran mazdaks started national-eretik movements. Mazdak movement of merchants and slaves found support from the urban poor people. They demanded equality, and to give back the land of the rich to the poor. As the movement spread widely, Kavad came to an agreement to appoint the Mazdaks as a consultant to himself [6].

In 530 even though Peroz, commander of Iran  came into the Empire  Velisary’s army went back. This war has been to no result. Iran's internal situation has changed. Kavad’s son Hosrau killed the leaders of the movement of mazdakits in Ctesiphon where they were called for talks with him. As Mazdakits were pursued they enjoyed peace for some time. In the 5th century in Palestine and the Syrian desert Byzantine vassal Gassan Arab state was created. The rulers of the states and Arab sheits run policy against Iran and Byzantine. They relied on emperor of Byzantium, and then Iran’s ruler. Constantinople by a large reward wanted to use Gassans to protest against Iran. Justinian government ncreased Gassans’ animosity against Iran and the Kingdom of Lahmid. At the thrown of the kingdom was Mundhir II, whom Byzantines called Alamundar. Alamundar had support of Iran. With his wars to Syria, Phoenicia, Mesopotamia. he scared the population. In 528 Alamundar killed Gassans’ ruler Arefu. At that time the Byzantine directed his army against Alamundar. But the following year, Alamundar attacked Syria, and reached the walls of Antioch. Syria was impressed by the Byzantine’s attack [7].

In general, as a result of wars of Justinian his monarchy doubled: Dalmatia, Italy, the eastern part of North Africa (Algeria and Tunisia), the south-eastern part of Spain, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and  the Balearic Islands are owned by Justinian. Nevertheless, Justinian could not realize all his plans. The western  part of North Africa, the Iberian peninsula, north part of the state of Ostgot was not conquered by him.Roman world convinced that varvars are not so strong. Roman patriotism and Roman culture was restored again in the West. Western victories came at a high cost. They led to the stagnation of the oldest regions of the empire. It seems like the north and east of the Empire greatly weakened. At the end of the 5th century Huns who seized the northern half of the island posed a threat to the Byzantine possession. Justinian being afraid of Hun invasion reconstructed many forts and built new high walls[8].

In conclusion, it is clear that under the Emperor Justinian analyzing internal and external situation of Byzantine Empire, endless wars had a negative impact on the general condition of the state. the Emperor Justinian who was an absolute monarch, personally controlled all the affairs of the state, even small ones, when making reforms named after his name were carried out by the others, and many most bloody wars of conquest was  not commanded by himself. However, all the events in the history are called by his name.



  1. Dil Justinian and the Byzantine civilization in the 6thcentury. - St. Petersburg., 1908. – P 15-16.
  2. Udaltsova Z.V. Procopius Caesaria and his "History of War with the Goths" // In the book .: Procopius from Caesarea. War with the Goths / From Greeck. S. P. Kondratief. – M., 1950. 16.
  3. Udaltsova Z.V. Politics in the Government of Byzantine in North Africa during the reign of Byzantine Bulletin, Volume VI, 1953 . – P 88 - 112. –P 69.
  4. Norwich History of Byzantine. – M. 2010. – P. 93-95.
  5. Udaltsova Z.V. National movement in North Africa during the reign of Byzantine Bulletin, Volume V, 1952. 35-48.
  6. Uspensky History of the Byzantine Empire. Volume II. (518-610). – M., 1996. – P 69.
  7. History of the Byzantine - Volume II // executive editor academician Skazkin D. – Moscow: Science, 1967. – 221.
  8. Zhumagulov K.T., Attila is a major historical figure. "Actual problems of the history of the World" International scientific and practical conference A. Yassaui International Kazakh-Turkish University. April 5, 2013. – P 3.

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