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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Ethnical preconditions of alash and Kazakh community


In this article, the period of formation of Alash society, and also  association of ethnic groups is considered. It  is also narrated that in the formation of the Kazakh ethnic group is inherent the union of tribes. In the process of migration resettlement, ethnic associationis laid. The problem of XIII-XIV centuries in the research sources isalso analyzed, i.e. there is the connection between myths and archaeological monuments in the concept of Alash, the emergence of the concept of Alynsha, Ush Alash, Alty Alash, Ush Myn Alash, Alty Alash.  Analyzing the  sources, the accuracy of the concept, whichmentioned in the chronicles, isproved. It is determined that the background of the formation of the initial Alash (Kazakh) state is the union of the nomadic tribes of Alash Khan. In addition, the objectivity of the relationship of the ethnonym «Alash» and ethic history of the Kazakh peopleis investigated. 

If we talk about enthnicity of Kazakh society as main factor of congregation, we will find that ethnonym «Alash» was mentigned as «Kazakh» firstly in Kadyrgali Zhalayri’s featured article named «Жамиғ - ат таурих». Author mentioned as «Alash thousand» all Kazakh nation. Mainly words as Ush Alash, Alti Alash, ush  Myn Alash, did not give exact number of population that time. Shakan Ualihanov mentioned «In old genedogies, Alash thousand is the name of nation and state. Alash thousand means union of Alash nation» 

About Alash, tribal Association of the Kazakh ethnic group as a whole, provides some data as the legend, but in «Kazakh Shezhiresi» of Shokan Ualikhanov legend says about Alash: «we can get explanations to  the question

«where the origin of the name of Alash or Kazakh from» from the epics among the population. If the campaign of Temir against Toktamys Khan begins in 1392, if about the same year the first Khan of the Kazakhs Alash and his children were killed, we can approximately count and it will be determined that Alash lived  about in the middle  of the XIV century». It is said in concepts in the end of the book that the campaign of Temir against Toktamys  was begun in 1391 and the name «Alash Balalary» means the whole Kazakh population [1, 255- p.].

To define the ethnonimic «Kazakh» is one of the important and complex tasks of the research of the history of our population.

The need of the research directly related to the past and the future of the Kazakh nation [2, 317 -p.].

Many authors associated Alasha-Khan with the mausoleum Located in Sarykengir along the river,  which is also named as Alasha-Khan. The contruction made by A.H. Margulan in varchitectual style was found accordance of the XIV -XV centuries. Data in formation found «Alash» as the slogan of ethnic groups or military person on the basis. In M. Zh. Kypiev chronicle of the origin of Alash word was used as military slogan. B.B Radlov mentioned also that Alash was military slogan of Kyrgyz (Kazakh) people. In the historical datas becoming the slogan «Alash», we meet some historical figures named Alash [3, 31-33-p.].

Ethnonym «Alash» is closely Linned to the history of the ethnic Kazakh population in different periods of the real objiective of «Alash» the concept of the   National Encyclopedia the following comments». Alash (ancient Turkic word brothers, blood relatives) is not did by Turkic people, of the ancient word community and the  concept was born. Kazakh khanate in front of their awn country unit all ancient tribes to the creation of a commen name. Alash is the oldest nance or one of the oldest name which was used in the history. In Mongol-Tatar chronicles was said about Alash [4, 371-p.].

Kurbangali Halid in his book named «Taуарих хамса» also inforations about «Alash» Gave information about Alash and Alynsha khan. Alash  khan was mentioned as king and ances for of  Mongols and Tatars:

Алаш, Алаш болғанда, Алынша хан болғанда. Қазақ, қалмақ ноғайлар, Бəрі соңда бір болған. Ынтымағы жарасып, Жайқұн көлдей бай болған, Еділ,  Жайық,  Оралға Ортан көлдей жайылған.

Өзбек хан. Жəнібек өлген соң. Тоқтамыс, Темір болған соң. Ел ішіне жік түсіп,

Үш бөлек болып айрылған

In Kazakh, Nogainates in the period of «Alynsha Khan» Nogai, Kazakh, Kalmak were used together and only one by one king they all were rulled. In the era of Toktamys and Amir Temir they all were united. After fall of this empires they divided into several parts. Even that time they got idiom like « Kazakh - nogai - Kalmak» are same person. Myth about Leprosy and that «Alash» word came from «ala - ush» (ala three) was denied. Alashword related with the name of Alynsha khan. Alynsha khans name was used as military slogan. «Alty Alash» united  that time Tatar and Mongols also. Alynsha khan got 60 thousand  troops were rulled by chief’s [5, 55-57- p.].

As it is showed in Shezhire, according to the words of Abilgazy Bahadur khan, who wrote about Turik, the son of Turik - Elzhekhan, his son - Bakoi khan, his son - Kiyik khan, his son from Alanshy khan,  was 2 sons from him, it was showed that  Mongol and Tatar was related [6, 8-p.].

Totally in the period of Alasha khan people lived in a one country. Zhanibek khan and Toktamys divided country into 3 parts. A. Seidimbetov mentioned 2 ways of origin. First is before Turkic period and after it. K. Salgaryly, R. Syzdykov said that «Alasha Khan» was name of several king’s [7, 78- p.].

Origin of the word «Alsha» releted and have connection with the book Baburnamee. Zakhirad-din Mukhammed was Babur’s relative from his mother line, the son of Zhunis Khan ( Babur’s mother Kutlik Nigar Khanim-daughter of the Zhunis khan) named «Khaneke khan», the son after Sultan Makhmut khan - Sultan Akhmet. Babur wrote   that Sultan Akhmet was famous by the name «Alash khan».   «The reason of his name «Alasha Khan» is that kalmaks and mogols named «alash» a person who killed a person», - said Zakhirad-din Mukhammed Babur. Sultan Akhmet khan won kalmaksa lot of times, killed a lot of people, that’s why he was named alash [1, 256- p.].

Some historians took datas about «Alasha khan», Akhmet sultan won kalmaks which were in Saryarka, he  robbed them, population in that period named him Alash, Alasha khan. After his death, a mausoleum raised for him, which named the mausoleum of Alash [8, 46-p.].

Mukhammedzhan Tynyshbaiuly, who expressed his points of view to Kazakh history, concerned some proofs. It is said, that Alshyn tribe, which is in United Turkish population, lived in Altay region in 5th century before our era. He justifies his opinion with the following strong proofs: «River in Altai was named Alash, which is known  as one of the important left inflow of the river Kemchik; the river Kemchik after merger with the river Ulu-Kem forms famous river Enisei. The upper reaches of the river «Alash» is located 70 miles east of Tolesskogolake  (Lake Teletskoe), in an area where we have met the geographic names cherkes, bershberchi, alchedat, achyn and etc».

And according to the words of Zuev not only the name «Alash», also there was a phrase «Alash - Orda» which was known since the period of Turgeshkaganat. It was said: «According to the ancient Chinese lime, founder of Turgesh kaganat Yuzlik «The leader of hundreds», came from a tribe Turgeshes - sotyurkov alacha or Halach. In legensogdiykih Turgesh coins the tribe called «Turgesh Halach - Orda», and in Chinese classical encyclopedias «Tun dyan» and «Wen Xian Tong Kao» - Alat, or ala-at which meant «colorful horses», «piebald horses».

In the ancient Chinese sourcesthe name «Alash» was written in «khela», «Elo», «elochdzhe» figures.  A  number of scientists showed that the root of these names is the Turkich word «ala». In The Chinese datas of VII- VIII centuries, the Boma country was showed like Bila or Elochzhi. «Boma» is  the equivalent of the word «ala»  [1, 268 - 269- p]. And also, Mahmud Kashgary tried to proof that the name «alachu» meant «small hordes» in his works, the historical data presumed «to build six small Kingdom which was related to the six union of Turkic tribes».  As V.V. Radlov showed that the word «alasha» which means «low», explains the meaning of the word «small». «Alash» means not the name of big horde, it means the name of small ethnic groups. However, in historical  datas, tribal  alliance  (except  Turgesh)  had never  named  «Alash» until  8th  century.  In  the  first  time «Alash» was known as the indirect name of Turgesh ethic group, because Turgesh was small ethnic group which was really built in the fundamental west Turkish kaganat. It was as one of five turk [9, 35-36 - p.]. In one of the historical legend datas, the work "Kazakh different story" of Koishygara Salgarauly, showing multiple datas, i.e.  in some state datas, the First khan of kazakhs was associated with Alasha khan. In the work «description the   horde and field of the Kyrgyz - Kazakh or Kyrgyz - Kaisak» of A.I. Levshina, Kazakhs were initially together  with Alash or Siberian Tatars (with nogais), then because of internal disagreement they separated. Initially several sultans ruled, thenAlasha would have to get their hands [10, 125-p.].

But in seven different legends collected by Levshin, the same Alasha Khan is related. According to writing of Shokhan Ualikhanov, the legend about Alasha Khan was damaged and written on the contrary  in Levshin’s  essay. Because for the Russian border bosses, official Sotnikov was going to create law sets confused telling on the contrary. Because Kazakhs is free, and they wanted to change kazakhs in Russian Kazakhs [11, 26-27-p.].

Uniting historical data, legends about «Alash» community and «Maiky Bi» and other historical materials referred to the following conclusion: from the beginning of the XII century until the middle of the XV century, Shyngys Khan and his sons were nomadic Turkic tribes under the «Alash» from the congregation with biritindep For more than two centuries, «Kazakh» people have gone through the process of formation. The first «Altyn Horde» Khanate, then «Ak Orda» Khanate and the Uzbek Khanate era and thus the «Kazakh» people to become sustainable. Gray - speaking neighbors, through the combination of the Turkic tribes live through a long historical epoch natural «Kazakh Khanate» [11, 153-p.].

According to the words of Potanin, Another myth data was caused: In 780 -790s of Hidzhra, a boy was born from one of the khans, Alash, the exiled by father behind the SyrDarya. Living in poverty, he became famous. Khan wanted to return him and sent for him the son of Kotan Bi with hundreds of zhigits. However, Uysundidn’t came back and stayed with Alash. After this, the other sons of Kotan was sent to step, Bolat and Alchin, who also stayed. After that Alash was elected as a Khan of three hundred (zhuzes) [ 7, 75 - p.].

Rasulallahdumistan were moving to Alatau and Alai forests of our grandfathers, Khazar and Alash. After Mohammed's birth, there was our - like Kadir and Kalsha. He said, they can't guarantee that they were Sak or Turk, Gun. The word «Sak» maybe means that they were careful from his enemies, they were always ready for war. Turks who we count as our grandfather, they were also on horses. The son of Kadirwas named Alash. links  In the main Legend data,  some data was showed and linked with the beginning of Alash structures [12, 36- p.].

In anthropological legend of the research, Grandfather Turkish people was Alash. In the Main Shezhire: Alash had two sons-Seyil Khan and Zhaiyl Khan. The first had two sons - Kypchak and Khakas, the second-four: the Cossack, Sunak, Karakalpak and Kyrgyz, and so the concept of «multiple six Alasha» was kept among the people [13, 67-p.]. In the work «Kupiya shezhirenin kupiyasi» of Tleuberdi Benalyn, there was explained (A - dang- Khan- U - lan-Hy - Zhyn) -Human - Blood Urangkayzhan according to Classified legend. As showed in The legend that there is roots in religious context. Man-a Prophet - a Man - and Blood, and Zhagyda - Zharshogly, Urankay-owner of the slogan - «Alash». There was Zharshogly-Man-Alash that means it was in the original Shezhire as the Man. The main  historical  initiative:  first  Light,  then  Person,  after  the  occurrence  of  Alash [14, 57-р.].

According to N. Mingzhan «Alash» in the old days was the slogan of the community; in the ancient Kazakh shezhires, it was used as the synonym with name «Kazakh». It got spread among the population as: «Алаш - алашболғанда, алатайатболғанда. Таңбасыз тай, Енсіз қой болғанда. Алаша хан болғанда» деп келтіреді. Аңыз деректерде негізе ала отырып, «Алаш, алашмыңы - ежелгі қазақ тайпаларының алғашқы қауымы болып біріккен одағы»  [15, 26 - 27-p.].

In the work «Madzhu al - tauarikh» of Saifad-din and Jamulla Shah Abbas, which was written in the XVI century, because of in the Kazakh society they are important ones: 92 tribes of the Uzbek ethnic groups, Zhalaiyr, Konyrat, alshyn, Argyn, Naiman, Kypchak, they stay in the first tribal union. If we tell the information of data of Akhsikenti word by word, the tribes will be included in the top 10 as the followings: 

1. Ming

6. Kongurat

2. Yuz

7. Alchin

3. Kyryk

8. Argun

4. Jalaiyr

9. Naiman

  1. Sarai 10. Kypchak

That’s way in the six digits of Alash oldest was Zhalayir. And There is scientific basis that now the above - mentioned «three number Alash to thousand» tribes which were in this list, they were the first 3 tribes on the basis zhalaiyr, Konyrat Alshyn which created Kazakh. However, «the three digits Alash to thousand» Three Blades believe that it is necessary to connect [6,50-p.].

In conclusion, main meaning of the word «Alash» comes from turkic world, name of leader became name of nation. Tribes, which from kazakh nation united: zhalaiyr, alshyn, argyn, naiman, kypchak also has same origin from it. From Turkic period «Alash» name used and was mentioned. This word united all of them and became same as ethno - political process during that time.



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