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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Principles of the creating of an entrepreneurial university

The article is devoted to principles of the creating of an entrepreneurial university and to development of an entrepreneurial education in Kazakhstan. The authors analyze entrepreneurial activities, entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurship’s influence of to the creating of an entrepreneurial university model.

Entrepreneurial University is a new form of learning in higher education, students acquire practical competencies, and they have an entrepreneurial mindset. Base on entrepreneurial skills graduates gain additional skills that they can use both in business and in other activities. Graduate, graduated from the entrepreneurial university does not have to be an entrepreneur in the future, but it will have the necessary in all areas of entrepreneurial thinking. The article presents the idea of entrepreneurial functions of universities, are some examples of international experience Entrepreneurial universities

The article presents ideas of the development of entrepreneurial functions of the universities and some examples of worldwide experience of entrepreneurial universities. It shows the functional structure of entrepreneurial education in the developed countries of Europe and the United States. 

Entrepreneurship is not just a business, it is an activity that generates new ideas, developing entrepreneurship, extraordinary thinking, it is in fact, a certain lifestyle of the some partof the population in the planet. In this regard, the whole Kazakhstani society needs to perceive entrepreneurship, and help to expand its scope in the country among the whole population.

Entrepreneurial activity is born from the entrepreneurial spirit, if the person is adventurous and has own judgments, thinks outside the box, the he is the possible candidate to become an entrepreneur in the future, because not all people can or have to be entrepreneurs, but the vast majority should think innovative and be able to generate and implement ideas.

Entrepreneurship is, above all, the thought process, but because each of us has its own device, the stereotype thinking, then in relation to this specific area of business activity and the success of every entrepreneur is different. But the success rate cannot reflect the level of thinking, although this is not enough an important role in this case play fortune, luck, etc. However, the case, luck, fortune accompanied only to those who can think and learn. Exactly to this - the attempt to help each individual to develop his or her own stereotype - is reducing the main task of the learning

The realities of our time show that in the economic and public circles and among practitioners stopped simplified interpretation of the economic essence of entrepreneurship, the latter equates with any business. With this approach, and in the formulation of laws, and in the regulation of business can be selected hardly right direction. That is why today so acute problem of theoretical understanding of the essence, organizational forms and principles of business with regard to conditions of Kazakhstan.

Entrepreneurship serves, as a special kind of economic activity, because of its startup phase is associated, as a rule, only with an idea - the result of mental activity, subsequently receiving a materialized form.

The entrepreneurship is characterized by obligatory availability of the innovative moment - whether it be production of the new entity. New manufacturing execution system, quality, implementation of new methods of production organization or new technologies is the innovative moments too.

There should be necessary business environment in the country, which would positively affect the state and society, create the basis for the rise of the entrepreneurial spirit among the population of the country and influence for the growth of entrepreneurial activity among all classes of the population.

Implementation of business activity at the effective level is possible only in the presence of a certain public situation. The entrepreneurial environment which is understood first of all as the market, market system of the relations, and also a personal liberty of the entrepreneur, i.e. his personal independence allowing to make such entrepreneurial decision which, from his point of view, will be the most effective, efficient and the most profitable. The concerns occurring in some part of our society that the entrepreneur in such conditions acts only in the interests are groundless and harmful.

The entrepreneurial environment - the public economic situation including degree of economic freedom, availability (or a possibility of emergence) the entrepreneurial case, domination of market type of commercial ties, a possibility of forming of an entrepreneur's capital and use of necessary resources. As an exponent of public freedom of enterprise serves the number of again appearing independent entities [1]. Development of business leads to an increase in national wealth and well-being of a nation (but not vice versa). Formation of the business environment - the problem is not only national, but also cross-country. Within the framework of the interstate closed groups is the process of creating a single enterprise space, thus the conditions for the implementation of business functions are in all of these countries are more similar. It is very urgent for Kazakhstan remains the problem of inclusion in the European and global entrepreneurial space. Only in the case of such an inclusion may stall the process of “leakage” of Kazakhstani capital abroad. Any entrepreneur needs in effective partner communications: only in that case he can effectively act within this or that fragment of complete production process. The situation when all entrepreneurs form the chain of partner communications, which is rather isolated from general economic process, is ideal.

In market conditions from the entrepreneur ability is required – and even predisposition – to work in the union with other entrepreneurs and to conduct fixed search of the most effective partner communications during which the entrepreneur performs reorientation of the activities.

One of subjects of entrepreneurial education is the entrepreneurial university motivating teachers,  students and employees to initiate innovative ideas and training to technologies of their commercialization. What we intend with our contribution is nothing new.

In 1998 Prof. Burton R. Clark the first has made an attempt of systemic scientific judgment of this phenomenon and has introduced in the scientific use the term "Entrepreneurial University". What represents such university? The most universal and roomy definition of entrepreneurial university is- the source of entrepreneurial activity. In turn there is a question what is understood as business activity in relation to the higher school [2].

The role of entrepreneurial universities is also significant; their influence to the changes in the society and the state is invaluable. Universities should be the link between business and society, business and government.

The university is one of the strongest institutes in the world. It shall pass a difficult new test now.

  • -new quality of the international competition changes a role and functions of universities and research systems sharply. If they do not become conductors of innovations, entrepreneurial universities, they interfere with regional and national development and the international competitiveness.
  • -application of university production of knowledge depends on quality of entrepreneurship (whose  various functions are considered below). As it is difficult to impart knowledge even if costs of diffusion are low - knowledge as the public benefit - the main carriers of knowledge people who directly participate in production of knowledge. In many cases, it can be researchers. That it has occurred requires profound changes in training of students and scientists, especially in skills and competences to create the companies as carriers of innovations (evolutionary function of entrepreneurship, see below).
  • -because of the difficulties connected with knowledge transfer and because of network economies, application new scientific created knowledge has a strong regional component. In order that strong positive influence on local / regional development has universities of entrepreneurial, thus.

There are two ways of realization of entrepreneurial function of university:

The first direction is connected with training of future entrepreneurs, people ready to base and bear responsibility for own business.

The second direction – business activity of the university. Creation of business incubators, science and technology parks, affiliated firms, etc. The university shall involve students and graduates in entrepreneurship, rendering to them not only the information and consulting, but also resource help [3].

Eloquently tell the following figures about the importance of similar activity. At Oxford University, in particular, about 300 firms with the total annual turnover in 4 billion dollars from which the university receives about 1 billion. At Harvard University the resource equity (endowment), the equity of university used for its business activity constitutes 18 billion dollars, at George Washington's University – about 500 million, and at 280 universities and colleges it constitutes more than 100 million dollars.

At the same time it is not just about entrepreneurship and creation of the new entities. Relying on the competitive advantages, universities create first of all the knowledge-intensive, innovative productions. Business activity of universities is directed not only to receipt of financial result, but also bears the major social and economic component – development and deployment of innovations.

Institutional basis of these activities are university business incubators and techno parks.

Business incubators have gained the greatest distribution in the USA. There they are a part of the majority of scientific and technological parks. In total today in the USA work more than 160 business incubators.The first association of business incubators has been created as it was already noted, in the USA in 1985. Today it remains to the largest and totals about 800 members from the different countries of the world. Similar associations work practically in all countries of Western Europe long ago.

These principles are also actual for our country. Moreover, in this direction Kazakhstan has a huge and perspective field for expansion of innovative activities. From the beginning of market transformation  attempts of implementation of new organizational forms of innovative activities have begun.

The international experience demonstrates that entrepreneurial universities most fully meet innovative requirements of economy and business in the field of education, being the educational, research and production centers. An active role in the course of their functioning is played by the state and business that allows realizing the new concept of innovative development – the concept of "a threefold spiral" (G. Itskovits, L. Leydesdorf) in which the leading role is assigned to entrepreneurial universities.

In the middle of the last century in some developed countries process of transformation of classical higher education institutions in entrepreneurial has begun. As it was mentioned previously, the first who has made an attempt of system scientific judgment of this process and has introduced for scientific use the term "Entrepreneurial University" (entrepreneurial or entrepreneur university) there was B. R. Clark. He has created the concept of "entrepreneurial university", having allocated five of its common features (the strengthened directing kernel, the expanded periphery of development, diversified base of financing, the stimulated academic stronghold and the integrated entrepreneurial culture) which have helped to overcome the existing imbalance between requirements imposed by society to universities and their capability to conform to these requirements.

Entrepreneurial universities in the USA are 235 universities, which represent a kernel of the American system of the higher education and the center of development of fundamental science. Treat them: Harvard University, Yale University, Columbia University, university of Berkeley, etc., many of which are in the lead in world ratings. Entrepreneurial universities have sufficient financial resources; possess considerable financial funds in which forming graduates actively participate. Ratings of universities are regularly carried out to the USA that allows to attract students and the best teachers, and to use the latest training methods.

Successful examples of interaction of the higher education and science in the USA are: Silicon valley, park Research triangle (State of North Carolina), techno park ''Boston Road 128'', etc.

Long-term efforts on creation of firms, the state support of research and development works (Research  and Development) and development of policy of support of business became a basis of success of  functioning of the Silicon valley. The park of Research triangle (State of North Carolina), has been created in 1959 based on three universities. Now in the park about 130 research organizations and 160 companies with general employment of 40 thousand people function. Creation of this park has allowed to turn Northern Carolina into one of the most developed and educated regions of the USA.

Reforming of the existing classical universities in entrepreneurial in Western Europe has begun rather recently. In general, universities are not as in the USA, strong scientific base, and represent one of elements of system (scientific research institute, national laboratories, scientific parks, etc.).

Great Britain is considered the fourth country in the world on the level of entrepreneurship and the second for innovations and to quality of scientific researches. The problem of development of entrepreneurial universities is considered in the country at the highest level, with connection of members of Parliament. Such centers and programs as "The national center for entrepreneurship in education" (The National Centrefor Entrepreneurship in Education (NCEE) [4], "The program for leadership development of entrepreneurial university" (Entrepreneurial University Leaders Programme, [5], for heads of the higher school in case of  this center, the "International program for teachers of entrepreneurship" (The International Entrepreneurship Educators Programme (IEEP) [6], uniting leading experts in area of entrepreneurship and education are created.

The most successful entrepreneurial universities of Great Britain are the Cambridge university, Imperial college, University of Birmingham, Oxford University, College of the London university (UCL), the London business school (LBS). The Department of Education of development of entrepreneurial skills suggests to begin training with the youngest school age and has developed the Young Enterprise Fiver Challenge program for development business of skills at school students from 7 to 11 years (this program assumed carrying out actions on which have provided to children a trade platform in St. George's (St George’sMarket) market in Belfast).

In Germany on development of entrepreneurial universities considerable impact is exerted by features of forming of regional innovative systems. The most known is the Maas-Reyn triangle or Evroregion Maas- Reyn who includes the western part of Germany (the earth Northern Rhine – Westphalia), the southern part of the Netherlands (the region Southern Limburg) and east part of Belgium (region Wallonia). In it seven leaders of technical and three medical universities, a number of the state and world-class private research centers, in particular, Aakhensky university of the earth Northern Rhine – Westphalia (RWTH Aachen University), Aakhensky university of applied sciences (Aachen University of Applied Sciences), etc. function.

In Sweden formation of entrepreneurial universities as "a triple spiral" began since 1980. One of them is the University of Lund which the first realized course on practical business and became one of the most knowledge-intensive universities. Enterprise universities represent the largest science and technology parks: the science and techno park of Kista Science City created on the basis of the University of information technologies formed by Royal Institute of technology and the Stockholm University which is called "the Silicon Valley of Sweden".

In 2009 in Finland there were 20 universities (yliopisto) and 26 so-called polytechnics (ammatti korkeakoulu) which can be treated as "universities of application-oriented knowledge" and the program for reforming of the higher education was launched.

Reform assumed to enter "enterprise culture" into universities. In general, the concept of enterprise education assumed the soft three-stage junction:

  • to learn to understand business;
  • to learn to be enterprising;
  • to learn to be the

The big part is assigned to entrepreneurial education at schools and a role of the teacher as main thing who will create a suitable educational environment and will develop the capabilities to encourage entrepreneurial skills and the corresponding activity in students.

Process of creation of model of entrepreneurial university is connected with the level of economic development of the specific country, corresponds to its cultural and national traditions, and the approaches to training in entrepreneurship applied in this or that country exert impact on it. In the American higher education institutions and colleges the subject of training in entrepreneurship usually contacts activities of venture capital companies. At the same time, training is aimed at development of skills in range of definition of opportunities and resource allocation in the conditions of risk business.

The lack of quality of entrepreneurial education in Kazakhstan can lead to bad consequences that may impede the further development of national entrepreneurship.

Thus, only the real cooperation of universities, business and government can develop entrepreneurial education in universities of Kazakhstan. The universities bycreating of student start-ups and business incubators will be able to generate new ideas, resources, innovation and technology. This will increase the importance of universities to society, and increase their "economic" role in diversifying the country’s economy.



  1. Busygin A. Entrepreneurship: The main course. - Moscow.
  2. Clark, Burton R. Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organizational Pathways of Transformation. London and New York: International Association of Universities Press and Pergamon-Elsevier Science,
  3. Entrepreneurial universities in the innovation economy / under the general editorship of Professor Y. B. Rubin. - M.: Market-DS, 2005, P.
  4. The National Centre for Entrepreneurship in Education is a trading name of the National Council for Graduate Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship in education http://ncee.org.uk/.
  5. Entrepreneurial University Leaders Programme 2015. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://eulp.co.uk/.
  6. International Entrepreneurship Educators programme 2014, posted materials. Electronic resource. Access mode: http://ieeponline.com/.

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