At the present stage of development of religious studies much attention is paid to new religions. Than emergence of a set of new faiths is caused exactly in recent years? This question even more often arises at researchers-religiovedov. Each of new religions has the more or less deep terrestrial roots, as well as the specific founder. As traditional world religions new religions have the main signs and lines. Today it is hard to say what of new religions will find the worthy place in the history of mankind. Perhaps, the spiritual shape will be inherent in some of them. Others probably will be a source tension in religious life of modern society. Maybe it is necessary to be afraid of them that they can bring destruction in consciousness and behavior of the adherents. In this article an attempt to show the social and moral potential of new religions and to consider some of them is made.
Evolution of the world religions (the Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) are investigated by historians more others which had the greatest impact on culture of mankind. Stages of formation of each of these religions were deep breaks of traditions in culture of the West and East and at the same time special stages of "axial times" in world history. At early steps of this formation world religions too were "new religions" and were perceived surrounding as something alien and even hostile to thousand-year traditions of ethnics, their beliefs and values. But all these religions passed test history and, in turn, very considerably painted its entire course [1].
So far it is impossible to predict as the religious and exotic phenomenon of the present will affect the course of history and evolution of culture. Insufficiently studied, it has no the even settled name yet. Call it differently: "religions of a new eyelid", "the new religious movements", "new cults", "and new sects". Because of prevalence of youth in new religions some researchers use the term "youth cults". Quite often apply the term "new religious movements". We will apply it too, along with the concept "new religions" 1. More precisely, both this term, and this concept are also not strict. Separate from such confessions, got to us from abroad, took roots as quite traditional faiths there for a long time. Also refer recently revived old beliefs of Russians to new religions.
We will take into account that in many respects similar to modern nonconventional religions, peculiar syncretism cults appeared a century ago at natives of the colonized countries of Africa, Oceania, Melanesia, at North American Indians, at natives of South America. Many researchers carry the mystical communities of spirit and theosophists which arose at the end of the XIX century in the USA, the European countries and Russia to nonconventional confessions [2].
Mass emergence of nonconventional religions was observed since the end of the 40th of the last century in Japan occupied by Americans. And since the end 60-the 70th of the XX century the wave of "new religions" overflowed the USA and Western Europe. "Iron Curtain" for a while protected the USSR and other socialist states from emergence of "new religions", but with falling of "curtain" they appeared and in these countries.
Their considerable part to our fatherland is introduced by missionary expansion from abroad (from the USA, Canada, the Scandinavian countries, South Korea, etc.). But considerable number of new religions arose or as it is already told, revived on the Russian soil. The "Religions of the People of Modern Russia" dictionary lists 41 new religions. But "Dictionary" didn't include tens of other religious new growths almost unknown to researchers. If here to add also recently appeared numerous similar to religion mystical new growths, the cumulative nomenclature of new religious and mystical movements of modern Russia will pass for one hundred. In our opinion, so far the total number of adherents of these new movements in the country comes nearer to half a million.
Conditionally, new religions of Russia on their religious sources can be united in three groups – Orientalsneochristian,neoorientalist (Latin – east) and new pagan. Independently from them are not fitting into these groups "Church of a Sayentologiya" and "Satanists" (mania of a devil) [3].
Among neochristian faiths of a foreign origin Protestant confessions prevail. It is known that in Russia the Lutheranism and Calvinism were professed by the foreigners who lodged here from XVII century. Later the Germans and Dutcheswere invited by Catherine II delivered Mennonitism (it belongs to early Protestantism and it developed in the 30th of the XVII century). And from the second half of XIX – the beginnings of the XX century Baptists got into Russia from the West (too the branch of early Protestantism which developed in England in the first or second decade of the XVII century) and representatives of late Protestantism: Evangelical Christians, Pentecostals, Adventists, Mormons and "Salvation army". Since the beginning of the 90th of the past century to Russia come: "Christian science" (it developed in the USA in the second half of the XIX century), New apostolic church (I arose in Germany in the same years).
It is difficult to distinguish religious and cult features of various currents of Protestantism. Besides, faiths, new to Russia, often appropriate again thought up names. All this extremely complicates their identification. Therefore so not easy to determine exact number of newly appeared Protestant faiths in Russia. Takes place and other incident. So, under the general name "Christ's Church" in Russia more than 50 the low-differing new Protestant associations differing among themselves on dogma, mainly, of the charismatic direction. Foreign researchers of religion write about peculiar "charismatic explosion" of the last decades which captured in the world tens (according to some information, hundreds) millions of Protestants and even Catholics. The newly appeared charismatic leaders who got a false idea themselves missions, prophets, apostles are at the head of these faiths. These excited persons, as a rule, bring in the dogma and ceremonial practice of an innovation far from Christian sources (own cult, esoterics and so forth).
In recent years in Russia the official status was received recently by foreign associations of the Christians- ekumenov calling for the union of all Christian confessions. Legal registration was found also by the peculiar association "Jews for Christ" created about three decades ago in the USA. His adherents follow Christianity and will read some traditions of Judaism. In Russia this association carried itself to confession of evangelical Baptist Christians [4].
More detailed story about neochristian faiths in Russia should be begun about "Jehovah's Witnesses" – the first on emergence time in Russia of new religion. Faiths, the largest among these new growths and the most intensively growing. For the beginning of 2004 it totaled 386 associations in the country, with approximate number of adherents about 100 000. At us this faith was officially recognized in 1990, but its modern history in Russia began at the end of the XIX century when there were her first adherents. Researchers refer emergence of faith to 1872 in the USA where Ch. Russell organized "The international society of the Bible Student movement". "Jehovah's Witnesses" the faith accepted the name in 1931. So far its branches are available more than in 230 countries of the world and total about 5 million adherents.
On the religious sources the faith, undoubtedly, treats Christianity (late Protestantism). But "witnesses" sharply disown from all currents of Christianity, as well as from all other religions. In turn, Christian currents call "Jehovah's Witnesses" heresy and sect. It is rigidly centralized religious organization led by the "Leading Council" which is in Brooklyn (New York). "Council" exercises control not only over each branch, but also over each ordinary "witness". "Council" possesses the absolute right of interpretation of belief. He petty regulates the schedule of activity of regional and primary associations and demands from them and from each member of faith of the periodic report on "witnessing" (missionary activity) [5]. Each ordinary "witness" has to give not less than 20 hours in a month to distribution the iyegovistskikh of magazines and brochures, to carrying out sermons and conversations about dogma among acquaintances and strangers. A frequent occasion to involve the stranger in missionary dialogue – the offer in common to read the Bible. Iyegovista even involve the children in "annunciation" among the contemporaries school students.
As the only source of dogma recognize the Bible here, seeking to reach its authentic sense. For this purpose "the Leading Council" in 1950 made own transfer of the Bible into English from which then it is translated and into other languages of the world. The translation into Russian is recently executed. "Witnesses" consider as a true name of an Almighty God, the creator of the sky and the earth Jehovah. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is rejected. Jesus Christ not God, but first creation of Jehovah, his only-begotten son. Christ died not on a cross, and on a column. Iyegovist and Christ's rise on the sky reject. The Holy Spirit – is the invisible operating Jehovah's strength. "Witnesses" deny also immortality of soul. Paradise is understood as happy future time on the earth which will follow the Armageddon – the forthcoming fight of Jehovah where it will break present "evil system of the world" and in which all people opposing to Jehovah will be lost. The hell, on interpretation of "the Leading Council", – is a common grave of all dead and the lost people, but not a place of torments. Full rescue will be received only 144 000 "true" – most worthy "witnesses" who will be uplifted on the sky. Other "betrayed" from among "iyegovist" will live in paradise on the earth [6].
Blood of the person is considered the life and therefore "witnesses" refuse flatly blood transfusion in case of accidents and a serious illness. "Witnesses" refuse and usual military service, agreeing only to service alternative. Taxes they pay honestly and strictly carry out other civil duties [7]. Though they consider the state as Jehovah's permission, but condemn state systems, including them part of "world system of the evil". Therefore, as a rule, don't take part in the electoral companies, in official actions and festivals.
The dogma of "witnesses" is penetrated by apocalyptic moods, expectation of the future Armageddon, "doomsday". First approach of the Armageddon was appointed to 1914 then is postponed for 1925, then for 1975 … "Doomsday" didn't come, and "the Leading Council" assures "witnesses" that "end of the world" just about will come: "As well as Jehovah promised, the Armageddon comes nearer. It won't be postponed because of the feelings peculiar to people. Can seem that the Armageddon is late, but Jehovah follows the schedule. The Armageddon will begin in an hour which was appointed by Jehovah". So edifies the StorozhevayaBashnya magazine which extends almost in 70 languages with a monthly circulation of 26 million copies [8]. Circulation of other Jehovah’s magazine "is approximately same Waken!".
The ceremonialism of "witnesses" is extremely simplified. They recognize a water baptism at the accession to the organization, the communicating made time in a year, in day of death of Jesus Christ. Meetings of "witnesses" it is carried out three times a week where orderly study the Bible, read and explain the maintenance of future issues the Jehovah’s’ magazines. Meetings remind boring student's occupation. One weekly meeting is specially devoted to training and exchange of experience of missionary work in so-called "theocratic school". The regional, regional and international congresses "Jehovah's Witnesses" are periodically carried out. In essence, missionary service, visits of meetings, studying of Bibles and instructions "the Leading Council" take away all free time from adherents and completely exclude attention and interest in events outside this totalitarian community. Our supervision show that "witnesses", as a rule, strictly follow norms of morals, however evade from close human contacts with "external". Their public activity is muffled. As a result this faith forms socially deprived personality with fear expecting approach of "doomsday".
As well as "Jehovah's Witnesses", Christian churches reject and carry to sects and heresies " Muna’s Church". It began to act officially since 1992 in our country. The full name of this neochristian faith "Association of the Holy Spirit for association of world Christianity" – "Church of association". Total number of its organizations registered under different names in Russia is rather small – 9 associations. But it is very remarkable organization which nowadays works more than in 130 countries of the world.
The Korean San Maine Mun founded this Church in 1954 and for rather short time turned it into powerful international corporation. The church of association has a set of the missionary centers and milliard financial means. She actively participates in political life under the slogan of fight against communism. Adherents Mun conduct also extensive charity; take part in implementation of many scientific and educational programs. Munites extended in a set of the Russian schools of the program and manuals "My World and I", "Way to a Unification", "Way of Love", which passing purpose – involvement of pupils to Church of association. Quite often on streets of the cities it is possible to see young men and girls collecting donations "on the needing students" or suggesting to buy from them ("how many you will give, there is so much and enough") any trifle. It – the adherents Muna who are carrying out "fandreyzing" – fund raising for Church. Her many adherents work nearly free of charge at the enterprises Muna.
The dogma of Church Mun is stated in the book "Principle of Association" where outlooks of the Bible and Taoism are peculiar combined. Mun, on this dogma, is the third Adam (the second Adam – Jesus Christ), and it is possible, even the Messiah. A family Muna – a sample for formation of the world family. The church of association pays special attention to missionary activity among youth, including among students. Many are attracted by the promise to pick up to each young man the bride (or the groom) and to provide a happy family. To Church Mun from the public is brought a set of charges of "zombiing" of her adherents. For this reason, carrying out missionary actions among school students and youth, activists of Church often veil now the confessional accessory and use bright slogans of fighters against AIDS, defenders of pure love, etc [9].
Anyway, it isn't necessary to demonize adherents of new religions. Their vast majority – is the worthy citizens of our fatherland who made voluntary such world outlook choice. Perhaps, over time many of them will be disappointed in this choice, will address to religion of fathers, and even will choose for themselves a secular image of outlook and behavior.
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