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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Modernization and values: national affairs

This article reveals the role of political modernization in the value dimension. Today the notion of "political modernization" and "value" is one of the main criteria of relevance in the domestic political science. Their essences, should be the subject of lively discussions due to the lack of attention of scientists to the axiological problems of political science and their interrelations and influence on the political process, are insufficiently researched. Undoubtedly, the main direction of political modernization of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the democratization of the political system, which implies the formation and development of its own model of democracy, since the theoretical and practical framework for understanding democracy as an ideal-typical concept and form of state structure has settled in modern political science. In democracy specific socio-political criteria are laid down, on which one can analyze the development, conservation and regress of the democratic process that take place in a particular state. Modernization includes various public spheres. In fact, modernization is the implementation of comprehensive reform in such areas as: social, economic, cultural, political. Moreover, there are own transformations in each individual sphere. 

The category of "modernization" in Kazakhstan's political theory at the very beginning was based on the idea of reforming society on the so-called Western model. In the future, this approach to the modernization process  was revised. In practice, it turned out that the transformation of society by the Western model is not so effective and effective. Scientists, practitioners came to the conclusion that the implementation of the processes  of  transition to modern society requires objective prerequisites.

In addition, the view of a set of a number of prerequisites for modernization has also been significantly corrected. A certain group of researchers for the modernization process proposed the idea of the need for technological aspects. Some scholars have paid close attention to the mandatory presence of institutions of democracy. An important role was also determined for the economy. It is noteworthy that the socio-cultural conditions for modernization have also gained some support among practitioners.

It is clear that the more reliable in conducting successful radical changes is the consideration of all objective and subjective prerequisites in the process of socio-political modernization. This will avoid the modernizing country's social and socio-political upheaval.

In the process of political modernization, it is important to maintain a key priority, namely, the universal values of a modern democratic society. A departure from democratic values should not be explained by national and other specific features of a particular country. Democratic values: the rule of law, civil society, the middle class, market economy, private property, healthy competition, pluralism, multi-party system, non-governmental sector and public organizations are necessary for the implementation of such a democratic modernization of the state.

For the successful implementation of modernization, it is important to have a policy and strategy for fundamental change. Modernization is far from painless processes, which is important to understand. This process is accompanied by some difficulties. This side of the reform processes is natural for the transition from traditional societies to modern ones.

The theory of modernization covered all spheres of a social life. It was assumed that each of their existing spheres of society should undergo modernization. Economic modernization itself meant the development and application of high technologies, which would be based on a solid scientific basis for research. Economic modernization implied the use of highly efficient energy sources, deepening the process of labor differentiation, the development and implementation of a broad market of goods, services, money, the existence of incentives for the further creation of technological and organizational innovations.

However, it should be noted that already in the 60s of the XX century some researchers proposed to abandon the principle of technological determinism. Attempts to reduce modernization only to technological development received sharp criticism. In the mainstream of these conceptual debates, the idea arose of the primacy of the development of the level of education, the growth of human capital.

If we talk about the social sphere of society, its modernization was defined as a clear specialization of people, public and state institutions by the genus of their activities. Moreover, the emphasis was on the rejection of traditional division based on discriminatory signs. Social modernization should not depend on gender, age, origin, personal ties, membership of a particular social group, etc. At the forefront are requirements of a more rational nature, namely personal characteristics, educational level, qualifications, etc. Modernization of the social structure proposed the construction of horizontal equal relations, and the replacement of vertical hierarchical relations of subordination. The role and functions of the individual, the family, and the demographic structure are reviewed.

Cultural, or, as it is also called, spiritual modernization presupposed the differentiation of cultural and value systems, norms, orientations. In addition, this type of modernization was associated with the rejection  of  traditional values, and the increased role of individualism, the rationalization of consciousness and behavior based on scientific achievements.

Finally, political modernization also implied the implementation of certain principles. Among them, one can single out the need to strengthen the central authority, and at the same time preserve its division into three main branches. The implementation of the modernization process must take place in conditions of public harmony and stability. Preservation of these priorities will also contribute to the successful process of shaping a modern society. One of the most important conditions for the political modernization of traditional societies is the establishment and development of democracy and its fundamental principles, as well as the dissemination of its values in  the general population. Of course, this process has also determined the process of transforming the level of political culture and consciousness of citizens.

The Russian scientist Y. B. Shestopal quite rightly notes that two major types of obstacles stand in the way of the emergence of a modern democratic system of power in all its branches: objective (economic crisis, imperfection and immaturity of political institutions and legislative base) and subjective mentality, authoritarian traditions of political culture [1].

Among other things, modernization theorists were fully aware of the fact that the modernization process in different countries will be carried out in different ways. In some traditional societies, the causes of modernization are ripening from within, and in others it will be carried out under the external influence of modern societies. In addition, the pace of modernization itself is very different. The reason for this may be a variety of objective and subjective factors. For example, the absence of civil society, as the most important feature of modern society, will create serious difficulties on the way of modernization. And so, in principle, there can be with every missing principle forming a modern society.

It should be noted that in the existing theories of modernization, a major role is assigned to political institutions, leadership issues, and the state in the process of transition from a traditional society to a modern one. At the same time, the problems of the social subject of the modernization process were considered.

It is important to note that the main conclusion of theorists is that the success of reform depends on whether the subjects of modernization can ensure and maintain stability in the process of renewal of society and the state. Thus, stability is a certain cornerstone of the transition from a traditional society to a modern one, and only if it is available will this process be effective.

It should be noted that when studying the modernization process on the experience of specific countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, many researchers came to the conclusion that not always the existing values and norms of traditional society can impede the process of renewal. Successful modernization, transition from traditional society to modern in specific countries was very significant. Harmonious interweaving, mutual support of existing traditional values and new principles of the transformation of society contributed to the achievement of its own unique result.

Highlighting the variety of paradigms of understanding the term "modernization" it would be important to briefly consider the most common and main models of modern modernization and transformation of political systems, economic, social conditions of life and development of the state and society:

  • First, the classical model of organic modernization;
  • Secondly, a delayed or inorganic model of modernization;
  • Third, belatedmodernization;
  • Fourth, the forced modernization model. The urgency and scientific need for a brief examination of these models of modern modernization is determined by the fact that each of them represents its interpretation and content of the concept of "modernization". Moreover, each of the models in its own way defines and explains the role and influence of traditional and universal values on the development and implementation of

The theory of modernization allowed to generalize the standards in the field of economy, politics, culture, inherent   in  modern   societies,   and   to  which  traditional  social  systems   also  turned.  Standards such  as  the introduction of a market economy, economic growth, the development  of high technologies, the raising of the  level of education, the formation of democratic principles of life, have become truly universal values. Thus, in a complex study of the problem of modernization, it is proposed to disclose its essential characteristic through recognizing it as an integral part, a function of political development. The world experience of political development clearly reveals a tendency towards modernization and, more recently, post-modernization of specific countries of the international community. The process of modernization takes place simultaneously in the  aggregate of universal expansion of economic, cultural, and political cooperation.

Revealing the basic theoretical content of the conceptual bases of the study of political modernization in the value dimension, it is necessary to proceed to the disclosure of the following concept of "value".

As you know, values fulfill the functions of social, normative, political and legal regulators of public life and people's behavior in society. The normative-political function of values makes them a special subject of socio- political research in political science.

In this regard, it should be noted that the world of values in socio-political science consists of assessments, dimensions, values, value criteria and corresponding hierarchies.

All the diversity of human activity, social and political relations and included in their range of natural phenomena acts as "object values" as objects of value relations, that is, evaluated in terms of good and evil, justice and injustice, truth and untruth, duty or irresponsibility, Conscience or callousness, beauty or disgrace, accessible or forbidden, fair or unjust, etc.

The Kazakh researcher V.Kh. Baymurzaeva believes that "in the context of the transition of society to market relations and the radical changes taking place in our country and in the world as a whole, the need for a deep political understanding of these problems has intensified and is the imperative of the times. Today, Kazakhstan's experience shows that the total Kazakhstani values have a specific historical content. In this regard, it should be emphasized that the study of general Kazakhstani values is important, relevant and priority for the Republic of Kazakhstan "[2].

However, before to explore the common-Kazakhstan values we will study the conceptual apparatus of the category of "value".

In Greek, "axios" means "value." Value is for a person all that has for him a certain value, personal or social meaning. The word "value" was well known already to the ancient Greeks. However, it was only in the twentieth century that philosophers began to develop the doctrine of values, because man did not immediately realize his own position in the world, but only in the New Times. It was during this period that the first concepts of values appeared.

The concept of "value" is widely used in the philosophical, social, legal psychological and political sciences to refer to certain socio-political and cultural phenomena of human reality, that is, being.

By means of a political analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the concept of "value", one  can come to the conclusion that the value is:

  • interest, belief, representation of the subject;
  • an object, phenomenon, material or ideal in its substratum, capable of satisfying the need;
  • ability, potential function;
  • the functioning of the object as a means of satisfying the need, i.e. Its real significance;
  • the phenomenon of a special reality, arising as a result of the interaction of the properties of objects and the needs directed at Since socio-political values, refracted through the prism of individual life activity, enter into the psychological structure of each person in the form of personal values. At the same time, the world of people and values in social and political science is viewed from assessments, value criteria and the corresponding hierarchies. [3]

As the political history of many countries shows, value systems are formed and transformed in the  evolutionary development of society. This can be fully projected into Kazakhstan society. At the same time, in the evolutionary process of the development of a given society, an own model of the value system is being formed, which has an important human and cultural significance. This can be fully projected, for example, into a system of general Kazakhstani values, as components of universal human values. [4]

Kazakhstan people have a specific system of hierarchies of social and political values, which acts as a link between the tradition, mentality, culture of society and the spiritual world of the individual,  between the public and individual, national and national life. At the same time, in our opinion, the values of a single person fulfill the function of promising strategic life goals and motives of life activity, the realization of which is expressed in the contribution of the personality of every Kazakhstani to culture, the formation of new objectified forms of values.

Consequently, the interaction of the personality of every Kazakhstani and the society is constantly realized in permanent mutual transitions of social, political and personal values. Thus, social and political values are fundamental norms of social life, ensuring the integrity of socio-political systems, which is expressed in the importance of the existence and development of material and spiritual goods of society. In this case, one should take into account such a fact as the transition from one state to another. According to the prominent Kyrgyz scientist and diplomat Zh. Saadanbekov, the entire world community is in a transitional  state. This stage, when  one should expect new important discoveries in science, technology, economic and social management, psychology of communication and a sense of peace that can lead to global changes. Many elements, for example, economics, information systems and communications, science and education, for the most part acquire an increasingly deeper international dimension. But the resulting benefits are not distributed evenly, but depending   on the place in which the countries or whole systems are located in the world. One can not but agree with the scientist's opinion that the leading powers are gradually creating a system for managing global processes. Therefore, if the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) does not want to remain on the margins of the world economy, it needs to realistically assess its capabilities in a new geopolitical and economic configuration and, with consistency on fundamental issues, focus on reserves and opportunities for common development. The era of integration civilization is coming [5]. This, in our opinion, can not but exert its influence on the modernization processes in the post-Soviet states, including the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Summarizing the above, we can summarize that there are several most important  concepts of understanding  the term "modernization".

The liberal trend perceives modernization as a social decision and action, when changes and reforms are initiated and implemented by the citizens themselves, civil society. The opposite of it is  conservative.  Conservative scientists stand on the position that modernization should take place under the control of the state, political authorities, government. In many ways, this concept is similar to the principles of constructivism, when  all the values and traditions of society are under state control. Modernization, as well as social values and traditions, are the same projects and programs of state development, strengthening and security as economic, social, ethnic policy. However, it is obvious that the complexity of managing public  processes,  the implementation of public management tasks, control can not develop within the framework of only one concept.  In this area, the universality and acceptability of political, social reality are required, which impose  their  conditions and requirements.

Political modernization of the democratization of social processes, systems and institutions of public administration, decision-making inevitably encounters internal constraints, both traditions and values. Western, universal values of liberalization are particularly hard to deal with, create risky situations in societies. Who experience periods of transformation, have special cultural, ethnic, religious traditions, customs and  morals.  Not an exception, and modern Kazakhstan, where elements of liberalization of the political system, democratization come up against the internal objective conditions of traditional values, the ideals of statism and collectivism.

Thus, modernization, as an objective and inevitable process and demand of the modern world community, the competitiveness of modern states, economies, is a phenomenon that affects every state and society. However, modernization, as a development process, inevitably has internal risks and dangers. The conflict of values is an objective consequence and an associated element with modernization. The issue of modernization is particularly closely linked to the processes of globalization, which also challenges national states and societies to address the associated problems and risks of internal exclusion and conflict. The issue of the ratio of modernization and values is especially relevant for Kazakhstan. The economic crisis, social instability, the reduction of traditional jobs, and the decrease in the incomes of the population increase the risk of conflicts of values between citizens. Strengthening social separation between rich and poor citizens increases the dangers of a value confrontation between those who support the economic policies of the state and those who oppose opposition. All this strengthens political scientists, the elite, and statesmen in the idea of the need for accelerated political reform and modernization.



  1. Шестопал Е. Б. Политическая психология: учебник для вузов. – М.: ИНФРА-М, – 448 с. – С. 153.
  2. Баймурзаева В.Х. Общеказахстанские ценности как предмет политологического исследования: автореф…кан.полит.наук. – Алматы, – 30 с.
  3. Политология: Лексикон / Под ред. А. И. Соловьева. – М.: Российская политическая энциклопедия (РОССПЭН), 2007. – 800 с. – С.
  4. Даулбаев Т. Ф. Концептуальные подходы в исследовании системы государственного управления РК // Евразийское сообщество. – - № 2 (50). – С. 5-11
  5. Сааданбеков Ж.. Сумерки авторитаризма: закат или рассвет? – К.: Ника – Центр, – 624 с.

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