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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The influence of foreign language teachers on learner’s attitudes and achievements 

The aim of this study is to investigate the influences of foreign language teachers on learner’s attitudes and achievements. The study has been carried out at the language center “Oxford Vision”, Almaty. The data have been collected by means of a questionnaire and interview foreign language teachers and learners, the aim of which is to obtain information about the effects of teachers on students with different levels. The results of the study have revealed that, in a language class, all teaches can undoubtedly influence learners in so many aspects. So, teachers bring a big contribution to a learner’s development. This study will define the role of foreign language teacher as a mediator and their influence on learners. Every teacher expects positive feedback from their learners. It depends not only on teacher, also it depends on learners. If students are motivated, the teacher can teach easily and professionally. Teacher can open each student as a personality; it means they can achieve good feedback in the future. 

Foreign language competence has become a widely respected feature of educated individuals. Learning a foreign language has recently become a popular and essential means for gaining prestige in social as well as professional milieu. It is generally believed that language teaching is meant to contribute to the learners' general education as well as knowledge about other cultures and civilizations. It is held that there are two major values in the study of a foreign language: extrinsic and intrinsic. The extrinsic value involves the practical use of the language. Learners in this case might want to learn a foreign language to read textbooks and articles in that language, to travel to a country where that target language is spoken, to get a job where the knowledge of the foreign language is essential, or for a more immediate purpose such as meeting the foreign language requirements for admission or graduation from educational institutions. A parallel term used from the students' perspective is 'instrumental orientation'. The intrinsic value refers to the value of learning the language itself. Knowing a foreign language has humanistic and intellectual benefits; it frees the individual from the linguistic limitations of one single language. A parallel argument is that depending on a translation for understanding the works of others is inadequate. English, more than any other language in the world, has gained the prestige of being the international language.

Language learning is considered as the basis of human existence that can help us to express our opinions, hopes, and even our dreams [1]. Crystal stated that attitudes are the feelings people have about their own language or the languages of others. Therefore, language attitude is a construct that shows linguistic behavior in particular [2].

Greenwald believed “attitudes are pervasive, predict behavior, are a force in perception and memory, and they serve various psychological functions.” [3] From a psychological point of view, there are three components that construct individual’s attitudes [4]. This model is known as the ABC model of attitudes that are Affective, Behavioral, and Cognitive components. According to Eagly and Chaiken, attitude is “a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor” [5]. Bohner and Wänke reported “attitudes represent an evaluative response towards an object and can be defined as a summary evaluation of an object or thought.” [6, p.]

Student’s attitude is not separate from learning; therefore, it should be the crucial part of foreign language learning. Based on Schibeci and Riley, attitudes influence achievement, rather than achievements influencing attitudes. Therefore, both negative and positive attitudes have numerous influences on the success of language learning. Studies show that affective variables have significant influence on language success [7].

The relationship among teachers' attitude and behavior and the students' academic achievement has been endorsed by a large body of research. Bowie and Bond along with Tauber approved that teachers' negative attitude and behaviors are precisely related to students' failure in learning a language [8]. Sarwar claimed that high academic achievers have better study habits and more positive study attitudes than low academic achievers [9].

There are different hypotheses about attitudes and achievement. In this study, we can describe attitude in terms of learners' attitude, teachers' attitude, and also learners' achievement in learning process. Stipek investigated that those students who perceived a more nurturing relationship with teachers tended to have better attitude towards academia and often did better than their peers who lacked the same support system. Furthermore, Marzano & Kendall argued, "the quality of teacher-student relationship is the keystone for all other aspects of classroom management". However, it is the teacher who plays the greatest role in setting the atmosphere [10].

This study seeks to discover the relationship among attitudes of English language teachers and students towards each other and students' achievement. It is said that language teachers, researchers, and students should acknowledge that high motivation and positive attitude of students facilitate second language learning. Thus, if a learner does not have the interest and tendency in acquiring the target language to communicate with others, this learner will possess a negative attitude and will not be motivated and enthusiastic in language learning. Therefore, learners’ attitudes could incorporate in language learning because it may influence their performance in acquiring the target language. Students’ attitude, i.e. feelings, beliefs, likes, dislikes, needs, should be considered, since their attitudes influence language learning. This study looks into the concept of attitude as one of the major affective factors for success in learning a foreign language.

Thus the purpose of this study aimed at exploring the Kazakhstani EFL teachers' attitudes towards TEFL and the factors which contribute to the building of these negative and positive attitudes. While research we attempted to answer the following questions:

  1. How foreign language teachers influence on learners' attitudes and achievements?
  2. How do students feel about learning from native speakers?

We believe that since there is a profound need to explore Kazakhstan teachers’ attitudes toward teaching English as a foreign language and to what extent there is a relationship between these attitudes and their classroom practices, it is hoped that the findings of the study may provide teachers with insights into their performances and achievement in the classroom. In addition, this study will also shed light on the importance of changing teacher's attitudes toward teaching English, because one of the main requirements of professionalized teaching involves changes in the attitudes of teachers. Moreover, this study should open venues for further research in attitudes as problems in pedagogy.

The generalization of the results of the study is limited by these factors:

  1. This study is conducted on EFL Kazakhstani teachers and learners of Educational center Oxford Vision,
  2. The number of the participants of the study (15 teachers and 40 learners) is relatively small because of using educational
    • Full analysis of teachers' questions:
  1. “Can foreign language teachers influence on learners’ attitudes and achievements? How?”

Questions had taken from 15 teachers and their answers were positive. Yes, any teacher will influence on learners’. Teachers are indispensable to learners' attitudes and success; the impact they yield on every learner's life is undiscounted. This reality supports that definitely foreign language teachers can influence on learners' attitudes and achievements. How is it possible? Firstly, being foreign language teachers, they inspire and motivate the learners to do all they can to learn the language. They deliver them the idea that if they have been able to learn the foreign language (English), they are able too. Secondly, the enthusiasm that they exhibit as they teach them triggers their desire to cope with the challenges they meet in the course of their studying and learning the language. Thirdly, as they instill in them the reasons why it is essential to learn the language, they employ teaching methods that lead them to achieve their targets. Finally, they guide them until evident results are seen in them.

  1. “How do students feel about learning from native speakers?”

(These questions were asked from native speakers in Oxford Vision, Almaty)

A foreign language teacher equally shares with the challenges a native speaker or any language teacher has about teaching foreign students. Based on answers of native speakers, it is not a matter of whether you are a native speaker or not but rather how you perform your duties that affect the learners’ behavior towards you. The students can feel and see if their teacher is qualified to teach them. Certainly they will trust their teachers who show their capabilities and sincerity in teaching them. It is therefore imperative teachers showcase what they have and prove that they are ready and capable so that their students will respect them.

  • Full analysis of learners' questions:
  1. “Can foreign language teachers influence on your attitudes and achievements? How?” Questions had taken from 40 learners and their answers were positive. For instance 5 of them:
  • Gulim “I strongly have to say that all my achievements which I was reached depend on my teachers’ works. I didn’t know anything about this language but my teachers give me opportunity to learn language and get the high level. I think FL teachers give or show us the foreign culture and information about them.”
  • Arman “FL teachers possess a big influence on our attitudes and achievements. With the help of them you can effectively learn English. First of all, you will think in English more fast and work productively with this language. You will not feel any fear and you will become more confident while discussion with others.”
  • Zhuldyz “Foreign language teachers influence on my attitude greatly. By their way teachers motivate me to know more and to learn hard. Teachers motivate me to do homework and projects, so now my English becomes better…”
  • Dauren “The teachers’ role in the development of society has always been extremely important for teacher-carriers of knowledge that is transmitted to future generations. The teacher has a direct impact on the achievement of their students.”
  • Dana “The role of teacher in the educational set up is very important. My teacher took time to listen to me. She asks about my plans and dreams and encourages me to follow them. A great teacher makes learning fun. She possesses a passion for the subject. She inspires us to think deeply about the English. I want to say that teachers can have a huge positive influence on their learners.”

According to these questionnaires, you can conclude that any teacher is a person who shows directions of development to their learners. English Foreign Language Teachers will influence positively on learner’s attitudes and achievements. 

While research we needed also to answer three questions:
  1. Are foreign language teachers aware of their role in motivating a positive attitude and good achievements toward learning by learners?

Yes, they are conscious of their role in motivating learners. Most foreign language teachers always influence positively to learners. Any teacher will feel their responsibility and role in class; they will try to show themselves in the best way. It does not depend on a teaching a subject for motivating learners. More important thing is who you are as a teacher and a human. If your words coincide with your actions, students will learn and consider your advices. FL teachers can have a direct influence in motivating learners, because they contribute a lot in building their self-confidence and especially in communication. There are some list of FL teachers and their answers to interviews:

  • Bessie: “If the teacher is motivating the learner to learn, the learner will be motivated. But the teacher needs to be serious on how to motivate. She needs different engaging activities that so the student feel and know that her/his teacher really wants the best for him/her, so he/she will be touched and emotions will affect the students attitude and achievement.”
  • Tolebike: “Obviously, any teacher has influence on learners’ attitudes and achievements. Because, the teacher is a person who wakes interest to the subject. Almost 50% percent of learners achievements and attitudes toward the language depends on teacher, depends on how teacher presents knowledge, how teacher attracts and motivates.”
  • Sahlee: “As an English Foreign Language teacher, I am aware of the individual attitudes of my students and that I should meet also their individual needs. But, learning will also depend on the learners. Learning will not take place if the learners were not motivated. On the other hand, if learners are really eager to learn, they will gain confidence and be rewarded from knowing and understanding another language.”
  • Altynay: “Foreign Language teachers can influence the learners’ attitude and achievements. We all know that attitude refers to our feeling. And this feelings shape our behaviors towards learning. So, if the learner likes his/her foreign language teacher, it will be easy and enjoyable for him/her to learn the foreign language and achieve the goal in learning.”
  1. Are students aware of good attitudes in class and their achievements in learning language? Are there any examples?

Timur Koval: “In Oxford Vision I am getting more knowledge and practice learning foreign language, because our teacher only speaks in English. I think it is very well for learners. Thanks.”

Sabina Alyahassova: “In Oxford Vision I came with low knowledge foreign language, but now my level is upper-intermediate. I have been studying for a one year; we have learned with course book English File ‘Oxford Press’ and we have improved our four skills. Every lesson, our teacher made different activities, games and gave some projects. I like English language and I am going to choose this language to my future.” Gulim Yerbolkyzy: “In Oxford Vision, we have just spoken in English without using L1 and it was difficult for first time. I have improved my language; I have lost my barrier and fear. My achievements I recognized when I have passed my final examination at school and I was very happy. I will continue to learn this language and I hope to achieve more…”

  1. Do native speakers always have a positive impact on learners? Are there any learners who feel uncomfortable in communication?

Yes, they do. They bring with them their culture, they explain their experience and bring knowledge and share it with their learners. It is really interesting to our learners. As normal behavior of the student, at first they will feel shock and uncomfortable because this is native speaker and this is not their language. They will also feel shy towards the native speaker, because they will think that this teacher knows (about) everything about the language that he/she is teaching. Anyway, with native speaker they can speak only L2, because we need to understand each other. So, it makes them huge practice and easy to remember and increase their knowledge of foreign language. Anyway there are, we can see two things:

  1. Learning with native speaker will help to improve your knowledge and this is better for you. Native speaker will represent their culture with foreign language, they can influence to your attitudes and achievements. You will respect this language, this culture and your language skills will become to
  2. However, we have still problems in learning foreign language with native speaker for learners of ‘beginner to pre-intermediate levels’. Because, they will not understand native speaker and when this teacher will describe new material and learners cannot understand this new topic well. They would like to ask some questions, but they cannot ask in their native

At the end of research, we recognized that a student’s opinion doesn’t reflect the totality of all. To sum up, there are three possible kinds of students in a foreign language class. The first are the students who consider foreign language learning as a common requirement asked by the school. These kinds of students would normally perform in a fairly manner and would make satisfactory scores in their tests. The second are the ones who deeply understand its significance in today’s society. They see learning a foreign language as an instrument that could open new opportunities which could be useful in the industry. These students deeply take the subject seriously that they would study hard and make high grades with massive level of dedication. Lastly, the third kind of student in a foreign language class is the ones who simply consider it as part of the dominating pop-culture. They would probably see a foreign language as a tool that could determine one’s social status in the society. They may or may not take the subject seriously based on how they see themselves on a different spectrum.


To conclude this research work, for all obvious reasons we can think of, all teachers and not just foreign language teachers can undoubtedly influence learners in so many aspects. In school, students spend a huge amount of time absorbing new ideas from their teachers. Throughout the learning process, they both consciously and unconsciously make use much of their senses as they communicate, listen and interact with their teachers. In the same degree, it stands to reason that teachers bring a contribution to a student’s development. There are many skills applied as they use numerous tools, both traditional and non-traditional, to educate learners to a great degree, not to mention their own personality and natural talents that they could put on through their course of teaching. Therefore, as students go on and move forward from one level to the next throughout their years in school, they would most probably apply what they have learned from their teachers in the real world. In accordance to what has been mentioned above, foreign language teachers are no different from others. Looking at the bigger picture, they could influence even more as teaching a foreign language involves culture. Letting students learn more about culture and diversity could increase their level of understanding of the world. This could take them to new possibilities as they gradually see the reality we all live in. As a consequence, they would inevitably foresee the feasible opportunities they would more likely to gain, the way of life they might decide on, and what lies ahead.


  1. Tavil, Z. (2009). Parental attitudes towards English education for kindergarten students in Turkey. Kastamonu Education Journal.17 (1), 331340.
  2. Crystal, D. (1997). English as a global language. Cambridge: Cambridge University
  3. Greenwald, A.G. (1989). Why attitudes are important: Defining attitude theory 20 years later. In Partkanis, A. R., Breckler, S. J., & Greenwald, A.G. (Eds.), Attitude structure and function. The third Ohio State University volume on attitudes and persuasion (pp 429-440) xiv,
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  5. Eagly, A. &Chaiken, S. (1993). The psychology of attitudes. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace.
  6. Bohner, G. &Wanke, M. (2002). Attitudes and attitude change. Hove: Psychology Press
  7. Schibeci, R. & Riley, J. P. (1986). Influence of students' background and perceptions on science attitudes and achievement. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 23 (3), 177-187.
  8. Tauber, T. (1997). Self-Fulfilling prophecy: A practical guide to its use in education. West Port, CT: Praeger.
  9. Sarwar, M. (2002). A Comparison of study habits and attitudes of low and high achievers at secondary level.Unpublished Thesis University of I.O.
  10. Eveyik, E. (1999). Development of an attitude scale to investigate Turkish EFL teachers' attitudes. (BoğaziçiÜniversitesiSosyalBilimlerEnstitüsü. BasılmamışYüksekLisansTezi). Đstanbul.

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