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Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Problems of training and certification of candidates and doctors of pedagogic sciences for the purpose of informatization of the secondary school education in Ukraine

The paper discusses the problems of training and certification of postgraduate and doctoral students for the informatization of secondary education in Ukraine. The background of a new scientific specialty 13.00.10 is described. The experience of the preparation of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.10 information and communication technologies in education are given. The contribution to the creation and development of a new scientific specialty, which is created at the Institute of Information Technologies and learning tools of NAPS of Ukraine is shown. As a result of the analysis of subjects of dissertations on specialty 13.00.10, it is determined that it is important to conduct comprehensive research on information security of schoolchildren in ICT competencies of students and improving the competence of teachers in this area. Recommendations for a partial solution to the problem of preparation of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences for secondary school education informatization of Ukraine are prepared.

Problem description. Nowadays is the period of considerable progress of information and communication technologies (ICT), however, in the Ukrainian school education can be observed a lagging behind in the field of information, compared with the developed countries, it is manifested in the obsolescence of hardware, software, personnel competence, as there is a need in significant revision of normative base and etc. The article [11] noted that the important issue is to improve the quality and level of training of teachers and education managers in the sphere of information and communication technologies. As the skills in this area, given the pace of its development, quickly become obsolete. There are technical tools with great potential, therefore the preparation for their use is necessary. Also, we agree with the statement in the paper [9, p. 3], that first of all there is a need in challenges associated with improving the training and certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, in particular to enhance the effectiveness of training in postgraduate and doctoral studies. Scientific degree is displayed qualifying characteristic of man and the readiness to solve research problems of a certain level of complexity.

Most scientists in works [2; 6; 4, p.11] indicate the main problems of informatization of secondary education in Ukraine: technical support, training and content. Nowadays there is a lack of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences capable to provide the informatization of education at a sufficient level. That’s why an important for our research is the issue of training and certification of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences to provide the informatization of general secondary education in Ukraine.

The analyses: researches and publications. In a number of Ukrainian scientists publications are discussed problems of education informatization: V. Bykov [1], A. Gurzhiy [3], M. Zhaldak [2], Y. Zaporozhchenko [11], Morse [4], M. Shishkin [11], etc. Some aspects of preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel are investigated in the works: Leshchenko [6], I. Regeylo [8], O. Spirin [9-10], A. Iatsyshyn [9-10; 12-13]. Yet the problem of preparation of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences for secondary education informatization remains underinvestigated.

Purpose of the article – to consider the problems of training and certification of postgraduates and doctoral students for the informatization of the secondary education in Ukraine and to analyze the experience of the preparation of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.10 information and communication technologies in education.

Modern society is characterized by a significant increase in the role of knowledge leading and productive factor of intellectual and spiritual development. It determines the scaling and deep understanding of the research and development that is carried out in almost all spheres of society at all levels. Therefore are developing existing and emerging new areas of knowledge and high technologies (nanoand biotechnology, space technology, artificial intelligence technology, educational technology, technologies in the sphere of health and agriculture, ICT and others.), are creating new highly intelligent, automatic and automated high means of activity [1].

In the collective publications [3, p.3] indicated that ICT actively and continuously penetrate and integrate into all spheres of human activity and society, they have become a powerful catalyst and determining the source of the development of society. Informatization of the society provides industry-ahead informatization of education and science, which forms a personality cognitive and technological foundations of information as a process. The informatization of education has become an important part of the overall process of globalization, the world is determined by the communication and information basis of socio-economic systems of society and the harmonious development of man.

We can agree with the fact that in today's social environment can be formed the next level of education, carried out its progressive evolutionary development of a modern ICT-oriented to the open education of future knowledge society. [1] Law of Ukraine "On the Concept of the National Informatization Program" states that computerization of research activities will enhance the efficiency of research, the creation of a powerful system of scientific and technical information and its use at all stages of the research activities provided activate all its forms. Also, conditions should be created for the general computerization and the Math involvement of natural sciences and humanities, with the aim of entering into the global information network of databases and expertise. The informatization of science and education will improve their practical benefits, speed up integration into the world of science. Also important is a statement from the publication [11] about the fact that to meet the challenges of information society it is necessary to carry out scientific and methodological studies aimed at the development of informatization of educational institutions aimed at improving the scientific and methodical, methodological and organizational support of the use of ICT in education.

Teaching Informatics in the secondary schools is important for the intellectual development of logical  and creative thinking, general culture, preparation for future careers in the information people in different fields. Therefore, learning the subject is weighty social importance for society as a whole. Nowadays many teachers conduct research and defend the thesis, develop manuals and guidelines, publish articles in collections of scientific papers, scientific and methodological journals, participate in conferences and seminars at various levels, working on the development of computer-based systems of learning in various subjects notes in his work, Academician

  1. Zhaldak [2].

The known facts are that the mass use of ICT in all spheres of life shows the most vulnerable group to the negative consequences of their use children. The research of many scientists argue that the excessive use of computer technologies and uncontrolled access to harmful information have a strong influence on the distortion of the process of physical and mental development of the student. In the thesis [5 s.5-6] is emphasized that the task of teaching science is the development of methodological, organizational and pedagogical basis to overcome the negative consequences of the use of ICT in the educational process in the school and family education.

S.Litvinova is certain that the teachers have faced with a problem: how to use actively ICT in their professional activities? Also problematic moments are: lack of motivation of teachers to use ICT, outdated computer equipment, innovations in software, etc. To partially solve this problem, teachers create conditions to increase the level of computer literacy: at the level of methodical center of information technologies in the formation of one of the districts of Kiev, systematically conducted computer courses of the program «Intel Teach to the Future" [7, p.58]. ICT creates new, electronic software, namely, electronic training devices and training resources that may be used for school and home schooling. However, a significant problem remains psycho-pedagogical and scientificmethodological support in the use of new tools and development (demanded ones there are techniques to use them for teaching and educational purposes).

It can be emphasized that it is important to conduct comprehensive research on information security of schoolchildren and ICT competencies of students and improving the competence of teachers in this area. This is mentioned in [5, p. 6-7], which is a significant problem of information security of school and of undeveloped general theoretical and methodological approaches to information security of students makes it impossible to create the security conditions of socialization of adolescents in the information environment.

In the collective publication [11] was noted that it is expedient to create a system of special training teachers to work in the new conditions of information-educational environment with a focus on practical training, learning the basics of information technology skills using innovative forms and means of teaching resources professional and social networks.

Let’s consider further historical aspects of the preparation of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences, as far as for this study the task is to analyze the importance of formation and development of the system of training personnel for the Informatization of Education in Ukraine. For example, academician I. Regeylo [8] exploring the historical aspects of the preparation of highly qualified personnel to note that these studies can be combined into groups: studies on the formation of the Soviet intelligentsia; general works on the history of scientific training in different historical periods of development of Ukraine; studies on specific aspects of the preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in postgraduate and doctoral studies; comparative studies of the multi-stage system of training of highly qualified personnel in postgraduate and doctoral institutions studios European countries.

Academician M. Zhaldak in his memoirs [2] writes that in Ukraine an important role in the informatization played Kiev State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Gorkii (now The National Dragomanov Pedagogical University), as far as only here in 1985 graduated the teachers of Informatics for the first time. In the same year, at the same University was opened the first among all the Department of computer science and computer engineering (later renamed the Department of Computer Science), headed by N. Shkil, and was appointed the deputy – M. Zhaldak. In the Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute of Education (in 1988) was established first Laboratory of Computer Science. The staff organized several scientific conferences in different cities and prepared collections of scientific papers. The opening in 1990 year a Laboratory of information technology in education at the Institute of Psychology named after G. Kostiuk of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine became quite an important event for the informatization of education [2]. The scientist continues, "... particularly significant contribution to the establishment of a school course of computer science, as well as computerization of the educational process and the creation of computer-based systems of learning of various subjects also made Department of Informatics at the: Ternopil State Pedagogical University, Kharkov University named after G. Skovoroda, National Taras Shevchenko University, National Tavrijsk University named after V. Vernadsky, Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko, Institute for System Studies of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, and others. A significant event was the opening in 1999, the Research Institute of Information Technologies and Learning tools of the NAPS of Ukraine (IITLT NAPS of Ukraine). Director is professor V. Bykov. Employees of the institute have made a significant contribution to the problem solving of informatization of education system in Ukraine [2].

According to the author, to engage in training and certification of graduate students and doctoral candidates of pedagogical sciences, should be only those universities and research institutes, which employ a sufficient number of specialists in this direction and in which the following research projects related to the use and implementation ICT in education and science. Only in such circumstances, graduate and doctoral students will be directly involved in the development and testing of modern methods of computer-oriented system of teaching of various subjects, the creation of computer-oriented environmental education, etc. The effectiveness of post-graduate put in [9, p. 6], and it is noted that on the one hand, the number of persons who, after finishing graduate school defended dissertations for the next two years, it is ineffective, and on the other, in order to develop the intellectual potential of society is considered to be quite effective. Also stated on a number of issues related to improving the effectiveness of the training of highly qualified personnel for information and communication technologies in education, requiring a generalization, ordering and search pedagogically reasonable and feasible ways to improve the scientific and organizational, scientific-methodological and information-didactic software for this training [9, p.3].

In Ukraine, universities and research institutions have actively started work on the opening of post-graduate on a new scientific specialty 13.00.10 Information and communication technologies in education. Noting that at present such training is carried out in more than 8 universities and institutions, namely: IITLT NAPS of Ukraine, National Dragomanov Pedagogical University, National University of Bio resources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev National Linguistic University, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv National University, Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Vinnichenko, Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko National University of Kherson, Luhansk National University.

The system of training of the scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel and the degree of integration of it into the social and economic structure of the state have the reasons that lead to a decrease in the prestige of the scientific and teaching profession [9, p. 6]. Is it possible to respond clearly to the question "What number of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences are necessary for the informatization of education Ukraine?" – it is impossible. Today, the scope of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the specialty 13.00.10 is expanding. However, the actual task is to ensure qualified scientific guidance and counseling. Also, it is doubtful scientific and methodological support of organizational and pedagogical conditions of training of graduate students and doctoral candidates, in particular in the specialty 13.00.10, that were formed in different universities. We can state from personal experience (the author is a member of the Dissertation Council on specialty 13.00.10), a low level and quality of the thesis that are prepared in different universities of Ukraine (to avoid research conflict the institutions won’t be indicated) that have been submitted for consideration in the specialized Academic Council of IITLT NAPS of Ukraine. Of course, such a situation could arise due to insufficient development of a new scientific specialty, but even the manuscript of dissertations in accordance with applicable standards of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine were broken, and it is not the only case. The question of the reality and the quality of the examination and discussion at the meetings of the thesis manuscript at the departments of universities, where the preparation of post-graduate students on a new specialty is also under the question.

The analysis of a number of publications [6; 9-10; 12-13], on various aspects of scientific and scientificpedagogical personnel in the specialty 13.00.10, as well as personal experience, it is determined that employees of the IITLT NAPS of Ukraine made a significant contribution to the creation and development of a new scientific specialty, namely:

  • on the initiative and direct participation of academics Bykov and M.Zhaldak passport of the scientific specialty 13.00.10 was developed (2008);
  • a program of candidate minimum in the specialty 13.00.10 was created (2009);
  • was prepared a package of documents for opening the candidate council in the specialty 13.00.10 (V. Bykov, O.Spirin, Svetlorusova);
  • was prepared a package of documents for opening the doctoral dissertation council on specialty 13.00.10 (V.Bykov, Spirin, A.Svetlorusova);
  • for the first time in IITLT NAPS of Ukraine, and in Ukraine, post-graduate courses (2010) and doctorate (2011), the start of a doctoral dissertation council (2010), at the meeting which approved the first PhD thesis on a specialty 00. 10 (2011);
  • for the period 2011-2015 by the staff IITLT NAPS of Ukraine were conducted scientific expertise of the 23 theses (20 for Candidates, doctoral 3), which were made after substantial completion of the dissertations, and then were successfully defended in the dissertation council of the Institute;
  • since 2009 on the basis of IITLT NAPS of Ukraine operates a methodological seminar for young scientists held on the third Thursday of each month (with the 2013 seminar renamed Ukrainian methodological seminar for young scientists "Information and communication technologies in education and research"), it is visited not only by the post graduate and doctoral students of the Institute, but also job seekers and graduates of different universities of The program of seminars and audio recordings can be found in the Digital Library IITLT NAPS of Ukraine (access mode: http://lib.iitta.gov.ua/view/divisions/gen=5Fres=5Fiitzn/2015.html) or visit RIITS NAPS of Ukraine in the "Events" (mode: http://iitlt.gov.ua/working/zakhody/seminary). To organize and to conduct the seminar are invited well-known theorists and practitioners in the field of informatization of the education. The seminar built in a way that all can consider the various aspects of the use of ICT in education, and particularly the preparation of dissertations in this specialty. Permanent leader and organizer of the seminar is professor O. Spirin and a senior fellow researcher A. Iatsyshyn;
  • with the aim of publicizing the results of theses of post graduate students and doctoral students and applicants in IITLT NAPS of Ukraine operates a specialized scientific publication on pedagogy for Informatization of Education and Science of Ukraine electronic (free) scientific journal "Information technologies and means of training» (http: // journal .iitta.gov.ua), which is indexed in databases included in the set of abstracts database. As of June 2015 the magazine ranks 6th in the "Top 100 scientific periodicals in Ukraine", compiled by the Research Library of Ukraine named after Vernadsky (based on the website of the journal). Also, it is possible to publish articles in the scientific journal "Computer in school and family» (http://www.csf.vashpartner.com) and the collection of scientific papers "Information Technologies in Education» (http://ite.ksu.ks.ua).

As a result of the analysis of theses that were positively approved by the dissertation councils of the IITLT NAPS of Ukraine, for the period 2011-2015., was found out that only 22% of the works studied various aspects of informatization of secondary education. Here are given the names of the theses: "Methodology to use the virtual class technology by the teacher for individual student training", "Information safety of senior pupils at computer oriented education environment", "The use of information and communication technologies of education quality management in the secondary educational institutions", "Designing of information space of comprehensive educational institution". According to this, it is the issue of the informatization of the relevant secondary school education and training of candidates and doctors of pedagogical sciences to improve the process.

Conclusion. The existing experience of postgraduate and doctoral students, in particular for the informatization of the general secondary education in Ukraine, identifies the main problems and made recommendations for their partial solutions, such as:

  • It is an important event for the selection of talented young people for admission to study at postgraduate and doctoral studies;
  • Regular series of scientific and practical events for young scientists (seminars, webinars, conferences, round tables);
  • Constant monitoring of subject of dissertation research to identify current trends and orientation of young scientists to carry out works in unexplored sectors;
  • Placing full-text copies of abstracts, dissertations and other publications of candidates in the Digital Library of the NAPS of Ukraine;
  • Check for plagiarism publications using electronic systems with open access to conduct on-line consultations with postgraduate students, doctoral students and
  • Cooperation of educational institutions that provide training and certification of these professionals to build an open (electronic) scientific and educational environment for the development of the mobility of research postgraduates and doctoral 
  • Prospects for further research. Further research should focus on issues related on improving the quality of theses aimed at solving the problems of informatization of secondary education. 


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