Various age distributions, accompanying conditions of health and differences in methods of researches may explain the variable prevalence rates of male sexual dysfunction. Conducting the nationally or regionally representative studies draw their representative samples from the population and give information on the prevalence in the general population. The purpose of this research was to compare the prevalence of male sexual dysfunction in general population and among men with the pathology of the prostate gland that may be expected to have an erectile dysfunction.
Introduction. In many foreign researches from 1993 till 2011 (Solstad et al. (1993) - Travison et al. (2011) MMAS, Travison et al. (2011) MALES) there were given accurate proofs that erectile dysfunction associated with features of lifestyle (a hypodynamia, smoking, abuse of alcohol, obesity, diabetes, a metabolic syndrome and its components) and the ways of the prevention of ED [1, 2] and it's treatment were described.
In this original article, we aim to provide information on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in the general population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and to describe differences with the prevalence of this pathology among men who had the problems with the prostate gland. It is known that lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia are definitely related to erectile dysfunction [3]. Lee S. W. H., et al. wrote that sexual dysfunction merits consideration as an important aspect of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and a potential outcome measure [4].
Methods. We studied a random sample of male patients (n=2149); respondents were the residents of Almaty and North Kazakhstan areas aged from 21 till 89 (2007). Men were examined by the urologist and the endocrinologist with questioning application (The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15), the Ageing Male Symptoms Questionnaire (AMS)). Interpretation of the results of questioning was carried out according to recommendations of Rosen RC, et al. (1997) [5]. The criteria of inclusion of men into the research: consent to carrying out survey and the questioning, full filling the provided questionnaires (IIEF-15, AMS questionnaire). The criteria of elimination from the research were: the refuse from carrying out inspections and incomplete questionnaires. Considering the previous criteria of inclusion/elimination of respondents, 416 men from 2565 were not included into the research.
We generated the second sample, consisting of 483 male residents with the pathology of the prostate gland (chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and benign prostatic hyperplasia) and examined them with questioning application.
The statistical processing was carried out with STATISTICA 7.0 and MS EXCEL 2007 programs on the basis of which the assessment of results with the use of criterion of z with Yeats's amendment was made.
Results. The signs of erectile dysfunction are very common among the Kazakhstan residents. Indicators of the general prevalence of erectile dysfunction in general population were 53,6% (1,1%) (1152/2149), among male residents with the pathology of the prostate gland - 70,2% (2,1%) (339/483) (fig. 1). As can be seen, the prevalence of this sexual dysfunction increases significantly in patients with pathology of the prostate as a whole and in the individual age groups.
According to NA Lopatkin (1998), OL Tiktinsky (1999), VV Mihailichenko (1998), chronic prostatitis is diagnosed in 35-40% of all men of reproductive age from 20 to 40 [2]. A great number of men with CP/CPPS complane of erectile dysfunction and other sexual dysfunctions, but mechanism of these sexual symptoms has not been well studied yet [6]. The data presented in fig. 2 reflects the distribution of age symptoms of men in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Conclusion. Male sexual disorders are frequently seen in chronic prostitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome patients versus normal population. Age, symptoms period, symptom score and chronic prostitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome subgroups are not risk factors for sexual function disorders. Patients with the diagnosis of chronic prostitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome should be evaluated for sexual function disorders. It is very important to study potential mechanisms for sexual dysfunction in chronic prostitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and discuss diagnostic and therapeutic options.
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