The article presents a brief overview of scientific research in the direction of «Philology» of the Kazakh language in the aspect of «linguistics-country studies». The article deals with effective and optimal methods of teaching the Kazakh language in the technological system of education. The article is intended for undergraduates of the Kazakh language in the direction of Philology to recognize the peculiarities of learning technology in the aspect of «Linguistics-language». In this context, the methods of teaching the Kazakh language, which are effective and qualitative on the basis of long-term experience of the authors, are described as a system of educational technologies. In the work of the master's program it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of this course in the teaching of the Kazakh language.The study describes the features associated with the bilateral nature of this system. On the other hand, the work is aimed at studying the cumulative value of the Kazakh language, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the goal of the development of the Kazakh language of speech / writing. To achieve this two-fold goal, it is necessary to solve the problem of finding high-quality methods of teaching of the Kazakh language and the psychological foundations of their stability, the search for forms of education (student, extra-curricular, self-employment) with the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum.
Tıltanim – Yeltanim, grammatical minimum, multilingual education, learning to speak, listen, read.
The Head of our state Nursultan Nazarbayev, who set the spiritual development of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a new way. In his article «Look into the future: the modernization of public consciousness” Nursultan Nazarbayev points out: «The revivalism should not be neglected from past historical experience and national traditions. On the contrary, it is necessary to be able to make the most important prerequisites for successful modernization of advanced traditions, which cannot be overlooked in the face of contemplation. If the revival begins to get the national-spiritual roots of the country, it starts to get lost.
At the same time, spiritual renewal is crucial to the ability to combine and harmonize various poles of the national consciousness. This is a platform of national memory that combines harmony with the horizons of history, creativity today and the bright future» [1]. The Kazakh language is MV in the Kazakhstan branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University there are several aspects of training in undergraduate students of philology.
One of them is to teach the Kazakh language in the aspect of «Tıltanim - Eltanim». The main subject of the teaching technology in the Kazakh language in the aspect of «Linguistics - the language» is the development of all sorts of speech - mastering the original language materials by special topics, focusing on the cumulative function of the Kazakh language. In order to use the current state of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a material for the development of speech language, linking with the past and perspective ways of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to define ways of overcoming the roots and objectives of this system. In order that undergraduates recognize different ways of learning the Kazakh language, we can turn the technology «Tıltanim - Yeltanim» into a core of the information that activates their interest, and becomes a key to learn to speak, listen, read and write fluently in Kazakh.
Undergraduates should be able to take into consideration the specific features of this course in Kazakh in the context of the Kazakh language. These features are due to the fact that this system is double-sided. On the one hand, the aim is to study the cumulative value of the Kazakh language, and on the other hand, to develop the Kazakh language of speech. In order to achieve this bilateral goal, it is necessary to solve the problem of qualitative teaching of the Kazakh language and the psychological bases of their stabilization, the search of forms of learning (learner, out-of-class, self-study), the necessary lexical and grammatical minimum.
The Kazakh language, as well as all languages, is a means of communication, and Kazakh speech is a way of communicating. Therefore, in order to develop the Kazakh language as a means of communication, itis necessary to use speech situations which use the Kazakh speech methods that are organized only for special training.
Linguistic astrophysical method is the difference between the language of a particular linguist identifying, interacting with the folk cultures of different nations and among nations. It creates conditions for a proper relationship that ensures close communication. Linguistic geography is one of the nation's cultural values of its own country and abroad information. Higher education standards and European standardsTransition to the concept of education and transfer of credit technology of education, foreign the implementation of multilingual education, with the introduction of a multi-level language teaching model from experience.
The aim of the experiment in KarSU named after EA Buketov is to create a model for multilingual education and to track this practice, improvement of pedagogical tools. The ability to master three languages is a personal multilingualism, which is a language for human interaction. We understand that mechanisms are a process of transformation, and later, at three or more the use of the language system in the first place, the ability to master the language from one language to another to create the skills, and then to create a better environment for other systems. It requires a system to neutralize.
The use of the Kazakh language in the aspect of «language - eltanim» makes it possible for the undergraduates to be conscious of the logic and the necessary skills as a means of expressing their ideas in the communicative situations presented on the basis of the Kazakh language system and national historical and cultural materials. The teacher uses the technology «Tiltem - Yeltanim» in order to strengthen the motivation of undergraduates to study the Kazakh language. By introducing the material in the deep subsoil of the Kazakh language, it provides a basis for a new and valuable look. Thus, it allows to develop the intellectual potential and creative potential of undergraduates. In using the Kazakh language in teaching technology in the aspect of «language - eltanim», the teacher often plays a role as the organizer and coordinator of educational process of undergraduates. This allows the teacher to coordinate the work of the undergraduate in accordance with the capabilities of each of the undergraduate students and to get the right advice with the right advice.
As the teaching technology of the Kazakh language is closely connected with the communicative technology in the aspect of the «language - eltanim», the teaching process should ensure that the Kazakh language of graduates is continuous. In this case, the teaching material should be in the main form when sorting original materials.
Therefore, self-study of undergraduate and post-graduate students will be of great importance in the form of realistic realization of Kazakh communication situations.
The linguistic basis of the teaching technology in the Kazakh language in the aspect of «language - eltanim» is the branch of «linguocoil». Kazakh linguistics is aimed at providing some minimal information about the Kazakh people and the Kazakh nation, who teach the Kazakh language and on the other hand, the Kazakh language.
Communicative behavior is a broader concept than speech etiquette. The last is associated mainly with standard speech formulas in the standard communicative situations that reflect the category of politeness, and communicative behavior describes the topic of communication, perception of certain communicative actions of speakers of the language peculiarities of communication in large communicative spheres of the type family, team, foreigners, strangers, acquaintances, and many others. Communicative behavior describes not only polite, reference communication, but real communication practice. Communicative behavior includes speech etiquette as a part.
In General, national peculiarities of communicative behavior allows to interpret her description as the description of one aspect of communication aspect national linguistic identity.
In connection with this description of communicative behavior appropriate to carry out with a ranking of units of the metalanguage: usually, often, generally relatively rare, not normally found is usually not allowed, etc.This may be referred to a particular communicative culture, with respect to which
is characterized by particular communicative sign.National consciousness is basically the awareness of the people of his own socio-ethnic entity, knowing what the real role he played or potency can play in the history of mankind, what is its contribution to human civilization.
This awareness of his natural right to free, an independent existence. An ethnic group builds its own culture, consistent with the need to find the spiritual harmony between yourself and others and owned by him items. In other words, national culture in its artistic and aesthetic the dimension is a figurative model of the universe, the cosmos, adopted and cultivated by man, world, humanized and historical environment ofexistence. The study of the communicative consciousness of the people requires a study of its language consciousness and the study of the purely communicative knowledge, rules and patterns, included in the minds of the people. We emphasize that the communicative consciousness of the people as a whole, in the unity of its linguistic and purely communicative aspects, is integral 81 part in the cognitive consciousness of the nation, as a component of General cognitive consciousness people.
For communication in Kazakh lingual culture characterized by quiet, calm communication,man lives in harmony with nature, with the Universe. «As a contemplative ambient it world, boundless Kazakh steppes, and merging at the horizon with the Sky, soaring eagle-symbol of freedom, the Kazakh observes, reflects, symbolizes; feeling a part of nature, the nomads often keep back in expressing your thoughts, feelings, intentions symbolically. Nomadic lifestyle, the difficulties associated with it, lead to respectful relative to each other and to respect older people, overcame all the hardships. All this can be attributed to the linguistic culture of the Kazakh jet type». For the Kazakh culture is characterized by a relatively high degree of competition. Observations show, for many representatives of the Kazakh people tend the desire to advance in life, to reach the heights, the authoritative status in society, recognition, respect, and honor.
Perhaps this played a role stereotypes on the long history of nomads, according to which the rich man, Bai enjoy all the benefits of life only because of inherited wealth, at the time as the laborer has to work tirelessly. National-cultural specificity of communication is detected on the basis of the comparison communicative cultures. Particular attention is paid to the Kazakh greeting (Salem take). The traveler, arriving from afar, be sure to say hi to the elders and respected the people of the settlement. On the other hand, in the house where he stayed distant relative come all the rest of the family for greetings. No wonder Henry David Thoreau reads: «Alystan of calgen Alty jastai balaa, Alpes jastai asaal held Bered» («Six-year- old, who arrived from afar, greeting gives sixty the elder»).
The lack of a good education is only the greeting of familiar person and ignoring the others nearby. Azilhan Nurshaihov in his book «the Truth and the legend» mentions, like the illustrious Baurzhan Momyshuly was at the invitation in one of the districts of South Kazakhstan region. In the restaurant, where the Kazakh Soviet hero had lunch with local elders, rushed a young man from the local administration. Greeted with only one sitting at the table, he began quickly to tell. In the end rude the officer was banished by a furious B. Momyshuly, who accused his contempt of the customs of their ancestors. Greetings Kazakhs use a handshake with two hands. In some regions East Kazakhstan serves only his right hand and his left pressed against his chest. But most dear people hug each other when meeting, pressing her Breasts (CBT suies). Though in the South practiced that women greet men by the hand, in other regions this is not recommended. In the best case, the girl will give the guy a hand a handful, touch his hands and then pulls
The main objective of the Kazakh linguo-vocabulary is to provide the ability of master students to correctly understand the Kazakh speech, to communicate correctly and correctly to the authentic (authentic) texts in the Kazakh language in the Kazakh communication acts.
The texts in the Kazakh language and the supplementary materials provided to them form a common understanding system of Kazakh national traditions, traditions, customs and traditions. From the lexis in these materials, the Kazakh people should be able to get the information that they themselves have in Kazakh, and to be fully competent to communicate fully in Kazakh. All methodological goals and tasks and exercises and tasks for achieving them, as well as other forms of work, are put on the same system.
Undergraduates are considered to have a good knowledge of the Kazakh language at the school, at the university. That is why the master students are taught at the highest level. This level is based on the Kazakh language and Kazakh language teaching. Undergraduates begin to study the Kazakh mentality in the Kazakh language, learn the Kazakh language and culture, traditions and customs, religious and mythological knowledge, politics and economics, history and geography of Kazakhstan, and get a systematic education of the Kazakh language.
Linguistic mastering of these areas is a basis for undergraduates to master the Kazakh language at level C1. Different educational and cognitive work, which is carried out on the topic, provides master's degree students with the information on different topics and their skills. Undergraduates will be accustomed to using the information correctly in the future [2].
Undergraduate students have the ability to analyze the Kazakh speaking skills, analyze the information they have learned, communicate it to others, and express their opinion about them. Mendergen's newvocabulary fund is a lot of work done to enable graduate students to use different genres of style (speaking, formal, publicistic, artistic, and academic) [3].
In order to solve this problem, the lessons will be used in selected workbooks. Most texts are used for information purposes, including those used by undergraduates in scientific reports or in discussions.
Contents The original texts and other didactic materials about the past and present and promising aspect of Kazakhstan, together with video and audio texts, are combined into a single educational- methodological complex. Lessons are conducted on the basis of visits to museums by undergraduates, on the theater and on the city of Astana, on the basis of discussions, role plays, and many other forms of work by project method.
And the grammar provided by the Kazakh language is presented as linguistic lessons and personal lessons. The communication of new lexical resources and sentences in each lesson is supplemented by grammatical notions.
The tasks that are performed on texts are not uniform. Due to the fact that the number of assignments is designed to develop the ability of undergraduates to work with the original Kazakh texts, homogeneous assignments, instructional and intuitive motivation is not successful.
Master students present their findings on the topic of the project they have been assigned to. The presentation may be in the form of presentations, abstracts, reports, articles, albums, and creative reports. Of course, it is important to note the effectiveness of the project on the topic, which is very interesting and as a method of improving the research and research skills of undergraduates.
The teaching technology of the Kazakh language in the aspect of «language - eltanim» forms background knowledge of undergraduates. Background knowledge is based on the cumulative language function. The cumulative ability of the Kazakh language is recognized as a treasure of continuity between the generations, the roots of the qualities that are equally understandable for the four-pronged region of Kazakhstan, the life experience of the Kazakh nation, the preservation of the scientific and practical heritage of the world. Here background knowledge from the Kazakh language is widely read. Background education in the narrow minds is the knowledge that the two speakers are talking about, and broad background knowledge is the whole of the two pre-interlocutors. It has a few levels of knowledge to consider [4]. They said:
- • general education, in particular earth, space, time, health, education, etc. knowledge about;
- • Regional education, in particular, on knowledge of cottonseed, fishing, marine and desert;
- • information known only to a specific ethnicity, ethnic group;
- • Familiarity with certain populations, known only to certain social groups (some lexical peculiarities);
- • Knowledge acquired only by members of small micro-groups, such as a private family, students, a group of undergraduates, etc.
Textbooks, slides, dialogues and monologues, teaching them the Kazakh language in linguistic-oriented direction. Tasks are diverse, such as listening comprehension, reading comprehension, deep cognitive reading, and activating a new vocabulary fund.
It should be noted that the number of assignments for the use of the new vocabulary fund and the task of fixing it on the same topic will be 18-20. The contents of the tasks are as follows:
- tasks related to studying Kazakh greetings, farewells, words;
- tasks for teaching language and non-linguistic (verbal and non-verbal) ways of social and cultural self-maintenance;
- tasks for training of national peculiarities of self-discipline in daily, academic, official and business relations;
- analytical tasks on studying Kazakh texts (home, social, geographical, political, academic, official) about various features of Kazakhstan;
- tasks that give basic information from the history of Kazakhstan and are capable of self-seeking;
- tasks reflecting the current state of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- tasks for recognition of Kazakh national traditions and customs;
- tasks for demonstration of religious and national holidays;
- tasks showing Kazakh phraseology, wing words and aphorisms and literature.
The system of communicative exercises used in the teaching technology in the Kazakh language in the aspect of «Linguistics - the language» (Table).
Table The system of communicative exercises
Listening comprehension exercises |
Speaking exercises |
Learning Objectives |
Writing tasks |
A group of exercises designed to develop the linguistic skills of listening to linguistically- motivated English |
The group of exercises for the formation of skills of using lingvo-vocabulary lexical units in speech |
A lingua franca is a group of exercises designed to improve reading skills |
A lingua franca is a group of exercises designed to improve the writing skills of the texts |
A group of exercises for the development of listening comprehension skills in the teaching and communicative situations on the linguistic topics |
A group of exercises for the development of monologue and dialogue skills in teaching and communicative situations on linguistic topics |
A group of exercises for the development of reading skills in linguistic topics in teaching and communicative situations |
The group of exercises for the development of writing skills in linguistic topics in reading and communicative situations |
It is well-known that the Kazakh language is taught in Kazakh as a state language. In this regard, it is important to introduce the acquaintance with the Kazakhstani realities in development of the Kazakh language of speech and writing of undergraduates. Only then will it be possible to create and apply recognized speech situations of the soul spirit, which will make the soul of the soul live in the spirit of our national identity.
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- Kurmanov, N. (2002). Zhohary oku oryndarynda kazak tі lіn okytu tekhnolohiiasy [Technology of teaching of the Kazakh language in higher education institutions]. Aktobe [in Kazakh].
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- Tomakhin, G.D. (1984). Teoreticheskie osnovy linhvostranovedeniia (na materiale leksicheskikh amerikanizmov anhliiskoho yazyka) [Theoretical foundations of linguistica and area studies (on the material of lexical Americanisms of the English language)]. Extended abstract of Doctor's thesis. Moscow [in Russian].