The article describes experience in the organization of educational process on foreign language in the Master's degree in non-linguistic specialties by department of European and Oriental Languages of Karaganda State University. Author examined models for masters' preparation of non-linguistic high school, which are shaped by a number of parameters: professional specialization, initial level of undergraduates' preparation in the first foreign language, and intensity of second foreign language course, as well as actual market needs. Article focuses on modern standards of FLT of Master's degree students of non-linguistic departments. Methods and forms of teaching organization for master's degree have to imitate ways of master's future professional activity, be communicative and problem oriented, aimed getting new result, take into account required level for mastering material by teachers. Stages of construction program in foreign language for master's degree of non-linguistic university are reflected. Stages determine logical sequence of necessary components program - goals, content, methods, organizational forms of training and monitoring progress in accordance with goal of teaching. Proposed model of constructing program in foreign language for master's degree in non-linguistic university should ensure management process of mastering system competencies in teaching conditions, which is close to learning outcomes of professional and level control of organization. The model of a foreign language syllabus for Master's degree based on the competence approach to higher education has been described. Principles are identified and substantiated, which constitute methodological basis to development of modular teaching program in foreign language for masters of non-linguistic institution. Components of modular teaching program are analyzed for foreign language, and methodological recommendations on their structural and content organization are formulated.
In line with competence approach to organization of higher professional education, new requirements are set for level of foreign language master's preparation, and academic disciplines are assessed on their contribution to formation of professional competence [1; 77].
New requirements for higher professional education in modern society are closely connected with one of the central problems of pedagogy — problem of education content. Answer to the question «what to teach» devote and devoted great attention to educators and practitioners in national science and abroad. However, criteria for formation of content education of foreign language in logic modern pedagogical problems remain unclear.
B.A.Lapidus' opinion content teaching practical knowledge of non-native language can be defined as «totality of what students need to learn that quality and level of their knowledge of learning language is matched to tasks of institution. Teaching content includes experience, and part of such operating skills with material in foreign language, which correspond with teaching objectives directly, with final requirements and proceeding from methodical meaningful social order» [2; 288]. Consequently, tasks of pedagogy are reorganization of social order in content of general education, also in content of specific academic discipline particularly.
In this way, mastering of foreign language communication should promote development of professional competence. Hence, goal of teaching foreign language in magistracy is formed system of general cultural and professional competencies process of mastering foreign-language communication.
System competences determine need phased organization of curriculum for master's degree in non- linguistic university that provides management of development competencies and acting as learning system.
Stages determine logical sequence of necessary components program - goals, content, methods, organizational forms of training and monitoring progress in accordance with goal of teaching.
First stage program is based within framework of competence approach is analysis of prerequisites aimed correlating competencies formed with future professional tasks of the master for correct targets of purpose and content of teaching.
Second stage is setting goals of teaching. Accordingly, I.L.Bim's concept of organizations teaching foreign language, effective implementation of learning goals is possible. If there're communicative orientation of learning, learning tasks are allocated in each kind of speech activity, subordination of learning process to practical formation of proficiency and skills [3; 6].
In this way, establishing a system of general cultural and professional competencies, as masters' goal of foreign-language education occur through acquirement of professional foreign language communication, which are perform informative, regularly procedural, reflexive and etiquette functions.
Informative function is realized through information, research and prognostic skills. Regulatory and procedural function is expressed through communicative, organizational, managerial and design skills. Reflexive function is expressed through analytical and evaluative skills. Etiquette function is manifested in culture of business communication.
The above functions of professional communication allow to specify purpose of learning in tasks of business communication.
Third stage is presentation of goal learning in tasks of master's professional communication in foreign language. Formation skills of foreign language communication occur in various types of speech activity: reading, speaking, listening and writing. Hence, the question arises as to what tasks have to set for each type of speech activity in order to form skills that characterize masters' communication in foreign language.
Fourth stage is selection of teaching content. Teaching content considers masters' innovative and creative, heuristic-prognostic, organizational character of future professional activity that is built in context of this activity, is functional and meaningful for realization of goals set by communicative minimum, integrates with content of professional disciplines, ensures variability of communicative and educational professional tasks, creates conditions development for undergraduates of research and creative qualities, ability for selfemployment and objective assessment of results.
Thus, selection of content learning is based on personal and active, professional oriented, integrative, systemic and communicative approaches, taking into account the principles of context, minimization, functionality, variability, innovation, interdisciplinary.
Fifth stage is organization of content teaching. Modular step by step organization of mastering subject content is necessary for formation of competency systems, which each module is logically completed piece of teaching material that repeats structure of the program. Module offers fragment of content future professional activity and creates conditions for training methods of this activity.
In the introductory and teaching stages of module practice work with information, problem solving, presentation of material, professional communication. Control stage is focused on obtaining new result during process of work on project and combines all types of activities.
Methods and forms of teaching organization for master's degree have to imitate ways of master's future professional activity, be communicative and problem oriented, aimed getting new result (knowledge), take into account required level for mastering material by teachers.
In magistracy activity is being developed according to given algorithm with output to create its own algorithm of actions in new situations in process of solving problem tasks and work on project.
Sixth stage is evaluation learning outcomes for forms of intermediate and final control in construction of programs. These's considered as expedient to single out and describe levels of mastering skills in activities with educational and professional nature that contribute complex manifestation of formed skills in learning process. They're identified three levels of skills assessment in master's key activities: level of understanding (reproductive), level of application (transformational) and level of research (productive).
Stages of construction program in foreign language for master's degree of non-linguistic university are reflected in Figure.
Thereby, proposed model of constructing program in foreign language for master's degree in non- linguistic university should ensure management process of mastering system competencies in teaching conditions, which is close to learning outcomes of professional and level control of organization.
Structure of modular program is determined; we proceed to next stage - determination of studying components of its modules. In scientific and methodological literature, there are two main forms of learning trajectory: a linear one, which involves sequential study of modules, ramified one, according to which individual modules can excluded or included in training program additionally, based to teachers' initial level of foreign ownership language and individual needs [4; 308].
In the context of our study, we believe that linear trajectory of studying modules is priority in relation to branched model for following reasons. Firstly, linear trajectory can ensure complexity and continuity of process formation and development of students' communicative and cultural competence in another language from module to module, from stage to stage of foreign language preparation.
Secondly, foreign language like an academic discipline is characterized as presence of special attitudes from teachers (low level of motivation, poor academic performance, etc.) in a technical college. In this regard administration of university, collective of teachers and teachers themselves are required much hard work on formation, develop and maintain positive attitude, interest and motivation of students that they study foreign language and culture. To handle this task, it is required to provide optimal conditions for full understanding content of program modules within classroom by students, timely monitoring of attendance, monitoring in quantitative and qualitative terms their academic progress in the course of studying each module.
Thereby, motivational function of pedagogical control is realized in conditions of modular learning — students are motivated to systematical raise level of foreign communicative and cultural competence.
Thirdly, linear way of studying modules allows to realize principles of systemic, sequence, differentiation, individualization and priority of independent learning, since blocks of educational material aimed to
teachers with different levels of foreign communicative and cultural competence, which are provided in structure of each module-A2, B1 and B2. Thus, teachers have a unique opportunity by themselves, and sometimes with teacher's help, firstly, to assess level knowledge of foreign language with help of specially created control materials objectively, secondly, to choose educational trajectory for mastering foreign communicative and cultural competence , which correspond to initial level of their foreign language preparation, abilities, interests and motivation. There is one more important point. There're results of final control in first four semesters, where kind of technology of inter-level transition is implemented, according to students who have demonstrated results that exceed their own in comparison with previous semester, they have opportunity to move to higher level group and continue learning. In this way, motivational function of pedagogical control is realized in conditions of modular learning — students are motivated to raise systematically the level of communicative and cultural competence that is foreign-speaking [5; 271].
The most common methods and forms allocated by majority teachers are performed in traditional practical classes, active forms, forms with technology information, technical learning tools, extracurricular forms of work (contests, olympiads, conferences, round tables, etc.)
Traditional forms include practical classes in foreign language, which are characterized by stringent sequence of introduction learning material sufficiently, subsequent development in exercises and assignments, which leads to teacher's domination, as a result decreasing in amount of students' individual work. Unlike traditional forms, active forms (communicative-role games, classes-discussions, creative workshops, debates, talk shows, presentations of creative works and projects, etc.) are distinguished by high level of activity on students' part, oriented for pair or group work of students. At the same time, with drawbacks of active forms are included complexity in formation of evaluation criteria, additional requirements for audiences in conducting classes, and difficulties in compensating for missed classes [6; 7-11].
Preference is unjustified only traditional or only active forms, since it is necessary to maintain harmonious balance between forms of instruction and use in an appropriate amount individual, pair and group work of students both in classroom and in extracurricular time, thus building process of teaching in foreign language on basis of mixed forms.
Application model of modular program are developed on basis of proposed algorithm, allows to solve such important problems in aspect of improving quality teaching in foreign language of technical college students as a continuous development and control of formation students' communicative and cultural competence in all stages of their preparation in university; structuring content of teaching foreign language in form of modular blocks, modules, learning elements and subelements of modules, taking into account areas and situations of foreign-language communication, communicative intentions, needs and abilities of future graduates of technical university; minimization time costs associated with mastering teaching content, thanks using mixed forms of teaching and built system rationally of students' independent work with educational material of modules, implemented at extracurricular time.
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