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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Great Kazakh and world leaders who have reached a high level through self-education

The authors of the modern Kazakh society say that for adults and young people it is very important to engage in self-education. People who are engaged in self-education do not suffer from spiritual and material crisis. Self-education gives a chance to be literate and well-read. Great Kazakh people, for example, M. Dulati, Sh. Ualikhanov, Y. Altynsarin, A. Kunanbayev, Mashhur Zhusip Kobeiuly, Sh. Kudaiberdiuly, A. Einstein, M. Lomonosov, G. Shliman, A.S. Makarenko, K.D. Ushinsky, A. Baitursynov, A. Bokeikhanov, K. Satpayev, Zh. Aimautov, M. Zhumabayev, M. Auezov, H. Dosmukhamedov, A. Margulan, D. Konayev, E. Boketov who were engaged in self-development have studied all the internal and external factors that occur in selfeducation. If you want to live the life you want, or if you want to grow and experience life to the full extent, it is necessary to take your own education and learning into your own hands, since the future of not only one person, but also the society as a whole depends on self-education. That is, teaching yourself to learn a particular skill on your own. A lot of people are stuck in the myth that in order to learn something you need to be educated, even when you're perfectly able to educate yourself. They are a lot of individuals who have proved that not only it is possible to self-educate at difficult things but it is also possible to excel at them. The authors explain the main components of self-education — interest, motivation, trust, action, result, effects of social and material situations (cases).

Since the dawn of mankind, they began to engage themselves into self-education. Like other nationalities, Kazakhs also started to educate themselves and started to invite others. When we talk about self-education in Kazakh steppe, we start from the appearance of written culture. It started in the XV century. Before that, selfeducation was passed on from generations to generations. This perhaps was more of philosophical thoughts than education. Now it is the twenty-first century. Statistics show that the country consists of one hundred percent of educated people. But we must not believe such kind of false information. If it was so, why can't we join the list of developed countries? Being literate and educated are two different things but have the same meaning. Now many people have more than one diploma, which proves that they are professionals in these fields. But is the person who mastered different fields able to apply the professional knowledge he has gained? That is the problem. Modern scientist Omar Zhaleluly says: «We put knowledge onto our heads as if it was a crown. We are preparing intellectual monsters. Knowledge should not be in the head; its place is in the heart. For many people education became useless. The solution of the problem is that it is necessary to deal with self-education. When a person begins to study with interest, he forgets about fatigue. He does not stop seeking for knowledge until he gets spiritual satisfaction from his professional field. Therefore, he ignores unnecessary information. In this article we will talk about the importance of self-education [1].

Self-education of a student is a process of self-study of any discipline, phenomenon, subject, etc. It is a «University after University». Just do not think that we mean graduate school, talking about the University after University. No. By self-education we mean the self-study of any science in addition to your curriculum, outside of school time.

It is possible to have an idea that this is a mockery of a person. To study at university and at home? What for? For what? What is the purpose of spending our precious time of youth, sitting over books like the last nerd? Well, first of all, nobody is forcing students to read books from the morning till night. Only the most desperate people do this. We are talking only about a maximum of one hour a day in order to learn something new and interesting every day. This is the whole essence of the student's self-education — to receive new knowledge in small portions every day. The next logical question is why? Now we could find almost any piece of information on any subject from the Internet. Why should a student learn something extra? The thing is, there is just INFORMATION on the Internet. And what is information? Information is a collection of any evidence on any particular issue. Everything. In fact, information unattached to a specific context is just a stupid set of characters and letters that means nothing.

And where can you get this primary knowledge? Where from, from information that was purposefully assimilated and made meaningful by a person. And this is the whole hitch. It is important not just copy the information from Wikipedia and present reports, but contemplate on each phrase, each word from the text of the article. If students act in the following way — copy an article, print it out, retell it, throwing out a sheet with a printout — then it is not gaining new knowledge, but simply thoughtless running your eyes over the symbols that mean nothing to you. Simple information that does not tell him anything. This is the danger of the availability of information — there are heaps of information, the access to it is free, and thoughtfully reading at least some part of this ocean of information is only in power of a few. From here the pseudoconfidence that if something is needed, then I will look it up on the Internet. And what if we need not only to «look up», but also to «understand» what is said in the text of some article? This is where students will find themselves in the mire. So how do we need to gain a new knowledge, if it is impossible to cover everything? Try to start small. Just try to start. For example, instead of watching the show on TV, read some interesting book today. To start with, at least 10 pages. Is it hard to do? Easy stuff. It takes 30 minutes maximum.

What will this reading give us? At least, there is definitely learning something useful, gain some new information that will broaden our horizons. Yes, for now, we will only gain new information; it's still far from knowledge. Well, could see, the information from the book is much different from what we would have learned from watching our favorite series. There, after all, everything has been going on by the same scenario long time — lovey-dovey stuff, money, power, corruption... Everything is about the same thing.

From watching an average TV program, the horizon will be far from being expanded, but even on the contrary, will narrow down to the very same love, money, power. The mind will only think about this, no development. This is useful for controlling mindless deer...

A flock without brains will go where it is told. No, we do not say that our authorities are bad. Even, on the contrary, in our opinion, over the past 10 years, progress in all spheres of life can be seen with the naked eye. Scold or not scold the authorities, but they work... They work as they can, as they are able to. Yes, it happens, some officials get caught with bribery, but the family, as they say, not without... But, in general, we are ruled by quite competent people. But to rule millions possibly needed to somehow manage them. And television in this difficult task is a great help for brainwashing people. As the saying goes, the people have the kind of ruler they deserve.

But somehow we went out of our topic. The conclusion from all of the above — watch stupid TV shows and programs less, spend free time with a book, learn something interesting and informative to develop own self, for future profession. Moreover, the more often you will receive new information on a particular topic, the sooner you will gain new knowledge on this topic — something that people who want to achieve success in life should strive for.

We advise to read: What to read in the summer?

We advise to read: What to read in the fall?

Do we need self-education today?

To understand the avalanche-like flow of information, people need to expand them horizons every day. And by the way, remember, we mentioned the fact that there is too much information and it cannot be learned at once. So, after careful study a particular issue on own, after a certain period of time it will begin to understand the basic laws and principles of everything that happens in the world. And no matter what you study — web programming or economics. Understanding of the fundamental laws and principles of naturewill come in any case. After all, everything in nature works by the same rules. Therefore, there is no difference in what subjects needs have to the process of self-education.

Another reason that self-education for a student today is very important is the very rapid obsolescence of information and knowledge, respectively. Everything that studied at the university today will be irrelevant in a few years. At the end of the article, it has recommended to watch a very interesting video that confirms our words.

What does being educated today mean? First of all, it is to have the most recent and relevant knowledge in one's field. That's why, all those lectures that students are being taught in the university, aren't enough not for life, but even for five years. Be a competent specialist, keeping up with the times and new knowledge. And then it is not necessary to need any advanced training courses. Students are able to upgrade their skills to the level you need. Here is one more argument that the student should pay great attention to his selfeducation. Now the information doubles almost every year. Every day the world generates something new, which didn't exist yesterday. And maybe some new thought will ripen in the head, how to use all the opportunities that the modern world provides for own benefit. We assure, that undoubtedly having your own thoughts on how to make this world better, while in return receiving a worthy reward in the form of money, glory, and all other inalienable attributes of a successful person of the XXI century.

Therefore, in order to seize the moment, to find vocation in public affairs, make process of selfeducation are an integral part of lifestyle. Perhaps, after a relatively short process of self-acquisition of new knowledge, students will have an idea, for example, how to open a new type of business. Remember, it is the ideas that rule everything. Everything is first of all thought up, and then it is produced and sold. Nothing falls from the sky. And the one who thinks things up, possesses, believe me, outstanding knowledge in his specialty. To create a new idea, student must first kick off from the old ideas that have learned about, to a greater extent, becoming interested in this or that question. Here you have self-education in the act.

We hope the arguments above will seem to the sufficient to realize that, yes, indeed, the standard educational course at the university is not enough to form a real class specialist. It is necessary, in addition to university classes, to work independently on oneself, to develop. After all, «standard» education at the university implies a «standard» job with a «standard» salary. How to make self-education part of your lifestyle?

If we managed to convince them that student's self-education is very important, and they want to know how to make it part of lifestyle, then read this article further very carefully. Now we will tell you how this can be done.

  1. Internal setup.

Of course, the first thing they need to start with is to realize the need for self-education for you personally. Why do we need it? Maybe, really, university education is enough? If you think so, then students may not read further. If they do not think so, then you must answer yourself the question: why will I study additionally independently? For what purpose? It is very important to know the purpose of own self-study. Without the aim working only for a short time. Only a well-defined goal will allow students not to stray from the course and reach the bitter end!

If we made a question, what is «victorious end»? Yes, knowledge is infinite, but if they will study independently at home in parallel with university classes, then this «victorious end» for them is the possession of a sufficient level of knowledge so that will be considered a truly first-class specialist. And how to understand whether they are an expert or not? Students have not worked on a specialty yet. It is very easy to find out — if they internally feel that they really understand this or that issue better than classmates, then, most likely, they really already have all that knowledge to become an excellent specialist. Yes, the theory is in discord with the theory of course, not everyone can still do well in practice. But still.

When students will internally feel that they have sufficient knowledge, can assume that having reached a «victorious end». Just do not forget that life goes on, and they will still need to replenish knowledge, because information and knowledge very quickly become obsolete.

So, the inner spirit of purposeful acquisition of additional knowledge is the cornerstone of the student's self-education.

  1. Collecting the necessary resources.

After deciding on the purpose of self-education, the next step will be to gather around student's all the necessary resources for fruitful independent work. What do we mean by «resources»? It all depends on the goals. However, regardless of their intentions, there are standard resources that are used in any intellectual work. Yes, we mean books and another educational literature.

The book is the answer to all people's questions. It is better than the Internet, believe me. Better a hundred times. Which way people prefer to read (electronic or paper) — it does not matter. Read anything, read most importantly. Do not repeat the mistakes of previous generations, because they are warned about this in the books. Also today, learning with the help of modern technologies is becoming very fashionable. One of the best methods for obtaining new knowledge is learning with the help of video courses. We wrote about this in the article: «Learning with the help of video courses is the best way to learn new things!» There we talked about this method of increasing our competence in detail.

  1. Purposeful work on the result.

After having realized the full significance of self-education for future, after having gathered all the necessary sources of information around, the next step, or rather the chain of steps is the process of obtaining new knowledge. We warn students immediately — this is the most difficult stage of the whole process of self-education. Not everyone can gain new knowledge every day. Laziness and fatigue can easily knock off.

The most important are the first weeks of hard work. Getting through a critical period of 21 days, then the process of self-education will go much easier. After the expiration of 3 weeks, self-education will become their habit. And importantly, the useful habit.

How to get through these 20 days? People should definitely get through the first 5 days, because if they set a goal and collect all the necessary resources around you, then they will feel uneasy not devoting an hour to self-education.

After the first five to seven days, they will be probably get defeated by a sister-fatigue. And it is not surprising, because they hardly ever worked so intensively outside the school hours. Naturally, body by that time will accumulate a certain fatigue, which will not allow them to fully engage. Here we can advise only one thing — clench teeth and continue working, gaining new knowledge. Students can slightly reduce the time of your daily self-education, but the main thing is not to stop at all.

Having already taken up some business, then please kindly brined to the end. Do not drop cases at the very beginning. Such an unstable life position will not lead to anything good. If they can overcome the period of fatigue, then very soon you will expect the most terrible enemy on students' way to master new knowledge. Meet Mrs. Laziness! It is an essential attribute of any human activity. Supported by the fatigue, it can do real miracles with people. Therefore, it does not cost anything for it to stop their good undertaking halfway.

How to overcome laziness? The advice is that before working, first need to eliminate all distracting elements from work area. This means: turn off the computer, phone, if needed, insert ear plugs into ears, and here we gain new knowledge, not paying attention to distracting factors. This is the only way to cope with the symptoms of laziness.

Do not have the temptation to lie on the couch and watch TV, then laziness will stop relaxing you. They will be focused only on work, on obtaining new knowledge.

Thus, students should be able to get through the required 3 weeks, after which, self-education will become an integral part of lifestyle. Try to use this recommendation in practice, it really works!

Student's self-education is an important component of success in life. Those knowledge that they gain in the school, will not be enough for the rest of their life, because this knowledge will quickly become obsolete.

According to A.A. Sagimbaev, Zh.K. Esengulov, S. Bodikov students do not understand the meaning of self-education.


  • – are not interested in (motivated to) self-education;
  • – assimilate knowledge slowly and ready studying materials transmitted to them;
  • – master skills and abilities of self-educational activities in the classroom weakly;
  • – learn study materials from textbooks and take notes of a teacher (explanations, stories, lectures) perfunctorily;
  • – are not able to use enough the additional sources of knowledge (didactic literature needed for constant creative training courses and the special role of knowledge, targeted communication with people, and others);
  • – learn reproductive knowledge;
  • – are passive in showing educational motives [2].

Elena Shutenko connects students' self-education with self-realization. They: «Acting as the major life intention during student years, the motivation for self-actualization activates the internal resources and abilities of a person to gain particular experience in order to express and establish themselves in their studies, future profession, society, and culture» and encourages self-education through the idea [3].

We fully agree with the authors above. We write about people who were engaged in self-education and have high hopes that students will continue to engage in self-education.

When we studied the lives of people known to us, we realized that they were all engaged in selfeducation. Previously, there was no pre-made technique where people were shown the way to self-education. Because of this, many educated people shared their knowledge.

Mukhammed Haydar Dulati (1499–1551), he lived in the time when Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek nations were in the process of formation, and were considered as one. He studied the culture of the people, as well as science, and wrote a book called Tarikhi Rashidi.

Shokhan Shyngysuly Ualikhanov (1835–1865), people, who are familiar with his biography, knows that he studied at a specialized school. In his spare time, he drew and learnt poems of Eastern writers by heart. Later he explored traditions, poems and culture of Central Asia, Kazakhstan and Eastern Turkistan. In 1856, he set out to study Oriental culture in Zhongar Alatau, and in 1857 he traveled to Eastern Turkestan. He wrote «Zhongar ocherk», «Manas», «Kazakh shezhiresi», «Abylai», «Kazaktar turaly zhazbalar», these manuscripts are his first studies of the people of Asia. Shyngys stayed in connection with intelligent people and read magazines like «Sovremennik» and «Kolokol». He actively participated in Russian academies of science and art.

Poet, writer, translator, ethnographer, public figure Ybyrai Altynsarin (1841–1889) was engaged into self-education. He was always keen to replenish his own knowledge in order to educate Kazakh youth. He is the founder of the science of language, and established schools and colleges. Moreover, he is the founder of children's literature. From childhood he read Russian and foreign poets such as A.S. Pushkin, W. Shakespeare, M.U. Lermontov, D.G. Byron, N.V. Gogol, I.V. Gete. Grigoriy Potanin's library contributed greatly to improving Ybyrai's knowledge. He learnt world's classic authors such as K.D. Ushinski, D.I. Pisarev, Zh. Russo. Ybyrai Altynsarin said: « ….We must serve the people who want to be educat- ed» [4].

A well-read poet Abai (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev (1845–1904) was engaged in self-education as well. He himself read the works of Russian, Eastern, Western authors and replenished his knowledge. In Semey city he met a doctor Dolgopolov, a historian Leontev. With their help he met A.S. Pushkin, M.U. Lermontov, L.N. Tolstoy, N.A. Nekrasov, V.G. Belinski, A.I. Gersen, N.G. Chernyshevski, poets of Europe I.V. Gete, D.G. Byron and gained knowledge from them. In his 14th «Qarasoz» Abai Kunanbayev writes as follows: «A person is not born smart, he sees, tries, holds things and begins to distinguish between good and bad, and only then becomes smart» [5]. From these words we understand that every day a person should develop himself and be even better. He believes that a person can change everything that he does not like in himself. If you want to educate yourself, you have to give a report to yourself every day or every week or at least once a month. A person needs such things as mind, character, conscience, and science to become an individual, a human. A person needs to develop more spiritually than materially. In his 33rd «Qarasoz» Abai says: «To gain a material well-being one should learn more and be a master of his craft».

Mashhur Zhusip Kobeiuly (1858–1931) says that it is very important to engage in self-study. From the young age he studied orally transmitted literature pieces and poems and epics. He traveled to Central Asia and visited Samarkand, Tashkent, Bukhara and learned Arabic and Persian. He got acquainted with Eastern literature. He was greatly influenced by the meeting with V.V. Radlov. Mashhur Zhusip said: «When you are young you have all the opportunities to achieve what you want and it takes a lot of work» [6].

Shakarim Kudaiberdiuly (1858–1931) was engaged in self-education. He learned Arabic, Persian and Russian languages himself. He was fond of Eastern literature, European philosophy and religious studies [4]. In 1905 he visited Istanbul, Makkah, Medina seeking for the answers for the questions about life and destiny. On his way back, he visited L.N. Tolstoy's cottage and had a deep conversation with him. Sh. Kudaiberdiuly says: «After Abai's death, I started learning more and discovering new things for myself». It shows that he liked self-education. Successful people are all engaged in self-education. They are not satisfied with formal education and start educating themselves. They proved to the world that self-education can help to achieve a lot of goals.

One of the people who was engaged in self-education is Albert Einstein (1879–1955). He is a German physicist and Nobel Prize winner. Since childhood, he did not like the educational system. He was not interested in studying because of this, his grades were going down [7]. Then he started to study subjects that helikes. He continued his self-education at the university as well. Physicist from childhood read many books that led to freedom of thought. He did not believe anyone, he loved to study everything and prove the truth.

One of the world's outstanding scientists is Mikhail Lomonosov (1711–1765). He studied at St. Petersburg University. He was a versatile man. This is because from childhood he read a lot of books and developed spiritually and intellectually. He is a great example that self-development is the only way to success [8].

One of the greatest German archaeologists is Heinrich Schliemann (1822–1890). From an early childhood he read different genres of books. He didn't have a language preference while reading. Because of this, he became a real polyglot. He has lived in the USA and Athens. He traveled a lot and was engaged in trade and developed the economy and social sphere. He wrote a book about the state of Japan and China. In 1866 he entered the University in Paris, and then 2 months later he has left the school. Nevertheless, he always actively participated in conferences of geographical and archaeological societies. He focused more on selfeducation than on academic education. In 1869 in Germany he saw Professor Karten and showed him two books and an autobiography in Latin and German. After that he was given the title of Doctor of Philosophy [9].

All these people mentioned above were engaged in self-education and spent time with benefit, learnt to think differently, read a lot, developed thinking and all this gave the chance to expand their knowledge. In our research work we want to say that the one, who is engaged in self-education is more successful and can become talented in this field. Self-education is directly connected with creativity. People involved in art and creativity has freedom of thought and can make it possible to look at the situation differently. It's a big mistake to say that only people with innate talent can be creative. Poetry, prose, writing songs, drawing, making movies, taking pictures and videos, by doing this you can develop yourself if you are interested in these activities.

The possibilities of a man are endless. If a person has a goal and he purposefully moves forward for the sake of his goal, at the end he achieves what he wants. One of the greatest teachers Makarenko said: «I have never had a pedagogical talent, I gradually engaged in self-education became a master in my field» [10].

K.D. Ushinsky says that such human qualities influenced his self-development:

  •  being patient;
  •  being truthful;
  •  thinking ahead;
  •  being brave;
  •  not saying anything about yourself without the need;
  •  time management, not wasting time;
  •  reporting to yourself every day;
  •  never bragging about yourself [11].

Self-study is a big process. This process is for those who are fast learners and have a responsible attitude towards their goal. Now people are required to be engaged in self-education. There is a need of young people who can openly express their opinions. It is important that people are educated and sociable. The time of the stereotype that you will learn only as you get engaged into a certain job has passed. The one, who is graduating from the University, should be versatile. In our opinion, if a person begins to engage in selfeducation, he will become a master of his craft. Abay said that if you love science you can become what you want.

In the 20th century the literacy of the Kazakh people began to rise. When all children started going to school, Alash society provided books in Kazakh language. They tried hard for the sake of the Kazakh people and truly served their nation. In 1921 on 31th January in the city of Orynbor a meeting of all, who serve their people, took place. During the meeting an issue of a school for children was discussed. As a result, they decided to write books for children and finish them within a year. Akhmet Baitursynov was responsible for this ideology. He solved all the problems about teachers and students. And he wrote the Alphabet and linguistics. In 1913 he wrote an article about teaching in Kazakh language. He said that only study will help to change a person [12].

Alikhan Bokeikhanov (1866–1937) was an economist, historian, ethnographer, lawyer, economist, politician, and astrologer. In 1926, he wrote a book about the structure of the universe. He took material from D. Graben's «Astronomy». This is the first book in Kazakh about how the planets are located. A. Bokeikhanov was one of the greatest scientific researchers [13]. He said that until the last breath he would serve the Kazakh people. He told everyone that people should not betray and leave their fatherland.

A geologist and a doctor on minerology, professor Kanysh Satpayev (1899–1964). He wrote an «Alge- bra» textbook for Junior and high schools. He wrote this textbook in his twenty-fives, in 1924, firstly in Arabic script, which was translated into Latin script later. In 2009, this book was released again with the decision of the University named after L.N. Gumilyov [14]. Kanysh Satpayev studied hard and worked hard. A scientist should not only work in laboratories or read books, he should also know about life.

Kazakh writer, publicist, great poet, composer, author of the book «Psychology» — Zhussipbek Aimautov (1889–1931). This is the first book which was written in Kazakh. He contributed greatly to pedagogy and psychology. He believed that if a person has a rich soul, he can get rid of psychological dependence. He is the author of the guide books of educations and complexes. If people read a lot of books and use their mind, there will be more opportunities for them [15].

The poet, the brightest star of Kazakh literature Magzhan Zhumabayev (1893–1938). The first author of the section of pedagogy. He wrote «native language in elementary schools», «Be literate», «Pedagogy» [16]. He made a great contribution to the development and improvement of pedagogy. In his books he wrote how we should believe in child's potential. The main thing in life is to be a good person and a professional.

Great writer of Kazakh people, public figure, academic of Kazakhstan science — Mukhtar Auezov (1897–1961). In 1918, he participated in the gathering of Kazakh youth and became a member of the Committee [17]. The gathering was created by Alashorda and Young citizens organization. He was an active member of the organization and helped to publish «Abay» magazine. He put a tremendous contribution to theatre, drama, literature, history, Russian literature. He finished writing «Abay Zholy» novel in 1954. He said there are three things that matter: intention, willpower and discipline.

Despite the fact that he was a doctor, Halel Dosmukhamedov (1883–1939) was a public figure, historian, linguist. He wrote the textbooks called «Nature» and «Animals». He was proficient in Latin, Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Russian, German, French languages. His outstanding work was «Literature of the Kazakh peo- ple». In his article published in 1924, he wrote the following words: «Knowledge will not just come, it takes a lot of effort. First of all, you have to be patient [18]. There are a lot of ways of gaining knowledge; the easiest is school, then knowledge able teacher, and then books written in a way understandable for most peo- ple». We must not forget that real knowledge gives a person a great pleasure.

Alkey Margulan was the first to open a school for archaeologists in Kazakhstan; he was very well-read and intelligent ethnographer and historian. Since childhood he was engaged in self-education [19]. He learned to read and write when he was five. He knew by heart such epics as «Kobylandy», «Alpamys», «Korogly», «Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu». Famous people such as Mashur Zhusip Kopeev and Zhayau Mussa visited the home of his father Hakan and mother Svetlana. He, along with Mukhtar Auezov went to Shyngystau to get acquainted with Abai's people and works. In 1925 he entered the Leningrad Eastern Institute, the faculty of literature, and in addition he attended the lectures on the history of art. In the archives of the library of Leningrad he collected useful materials. After graduation he was engaged in research in southern Kazakhstan. He wrote books about history, archeology, literature, more than three hundred of scientific research papers, and hundreds encyclopedic articles. He worked hard for the future of his country and was engaged in science.

Public figure of Kazakhstan and academician of the CEB, doctor of technical sciences – Dinmukhammed Konayev (1912–1993). He served as the first Secretary of the Committee of Kazakhstan Communist Parties. At the time of his rule, 68 worker towns, 43 cities were built, as well as agriculture and industry were developed. He connected theory and practice perfectly [20]. He was very humane and versatile scientist, and his strength of will was enough to do great things. Isn't that what the youth of the 21st century lacks?

Gifted man of the last century who was engaged in metallurgy, journalism, translator Evney Boketov (1925–1983). He was the first to establish a new track of chalcogens and chalgogenides chemistry and technology. He studied the works of A. Kunanbayev and M. Auezov and wrote articles on those topics. He translated S. Yesenin's «Anna Onegina» poem and many songs of Vladimir Mayakovskiy into Kazakh. He is the first rector of the Kazakh Karaganda State University. It's an honor for the university to have the name of such a prominent scientist [21].

All of the above-mentioned individuals claim that knowledge is a great weapon that can change the world. Knowledge is not easy to get, but as you work the results will come. Internal and external factors can interfere with people in gaining knowledge. Internal factors are motive, belief, interest, result. And external factors are different opinions and financial situation. In 1978, Evney Boketov said to Muzafar Alimbaev that to educate ourselves we need to believe in ourselves. When you believe in your abilities, you can conquer thepeaks. Sometimes jealousy of people is bad for self-education, because people often forget their goals when they run after authority.

We must fully explore our society and work on the problems of this century. And for this it is necessary to study more and study economics, pedagogy and psychology. In this article we want to note that primary school teachers and teachers of higher educational institutions should always educate themselves, because the future is in the hands of strong and smart young people. And they are brought up by smart teachers.



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