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Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

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Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

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Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Innovative potential of the youth creative development at the university stage of professional formation

One of the main directions of modern higher education is the preparation and development of a future specialist as a highly educated, integrated person with a high level of competence, able to build and fulfill creatively his human and social goals regardless of growing tasks. «In accordance with the requirements of society, the state and the labor market, the higher education system is necessary to ensure the education of young people capable to create professional development in the context of automation and modern advanced technologies. An analysis of the scientific and methodological literature shows that young people at the stage of professional development at the university stage are not independent enough and are not informed about the choice of profession insufficiently. Creative development of students in the process of professional development will solve the problem of reproduction and development of human resources in the country effectively. The article explains the concept of «psychological adaptation» including «professional skills» and also discusses some innovative teaching methods at universities. The main approaches to the introduction of innovations in modern higher education are analyzed. It also identifies the differences between traditional and innovative learning and shows the choice of innovative didactic goals, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using certain methods.


Adaptation to future professional activity has always been a difficult task in the field of higher education, as well as in the practice of relations between enterprises and organizations with young professionals. It is extremely important to acquire practical skills during the training period without compromising the development of curricula (the latter case currently occurs when students earn more money than they learn).

In the field of culture, solving this problem, it is possible to identify a mechanism for developing the creative abilities of future graduates of economic universities in the field of adaptation to work [1].

The analysis of the research topic shows that the goal of a specialist in the field of education has changed, since these changes are manifested in the education and development of creative abilities of future specialists. These changes are based on the urgent need for career growth, which increases the organizational level of the process of developing creative abilities [2,3].

Creativity refers not only to innate skills, but also to arbitrary ways of acting, to the motivational needs of a future University graduate in a personal environment that is based on the priority of value orientations, the ability to self-development and a constructive, creative approach to solving professional tasks of future teachers. Therefore, it is important to find out what creative abilities future specialists in the socio-cultural sphere have and what components they have.

In our opinion, the topic that we have chosen is relevant, because in modern society it is especially important that the future specialist finds his place in the profession, adapts and acquires skills to quickly start working. He is often helped by student projects organized by special centers at the University. Therefore, it is important to consider the features of the Center for student initiatives at the pedagogical University [4,5,6]. Rean believes that the types of adaptation processes in the formation of the future teacher-student in the GSP do not actually differ from the «active-passive» criterion, each adaptation is a manifestation of activity. And the first type of setting also determines the active setting. But we are talking about active adaptation of students, active self-regulation, self-correction in accordance with the requirements of the professional environment.

Literature review

Traditionally, adaptation is seen as a process and as a result. When considering professional adaptation as a process, its time characteristics, stages of adaptation are highlighted and their frequency is considered. Within this direction, the main elements of the adaptation process are identified, connected in a single logical and temporal sequence. M.A. Dmitrieva identifies a number of stages in the process of adaptation of students to professional activities: primary adaptation in 1–2 courses, a period of stabilization, increasing adaptive capabilities in 3–4 courses.

The effective aspect of adaptation is used as the main element of assessing the success of adaptation processes in general. F.B. Berezin formulates three criteria for evaluating psychological adaptation in the conditions of becoming a professional (table 1)

Table 1 Criteria for assessing psychological adaptation


Signs of psychological adaptation

The success of the activities

Performance of practical tasks, developing skills, necessary interaction with group members and other persons who affects professional performance.


Creation of professional bases for the process and effective manifestations of psychological properties.


Carrying out activities without significant violations of physical health.

A common indicator of adaptability is the lack of evidence of non-compliance. Correction can occur due to short-term and strong influences of the learning environment on the student or under the influence of less intense, but long-term effects. Inconsistency is manifested in several violations of educational activities: a decrease in interest in the future specialty. Physiological and psychological signs of mismatch correspond to signs of stress. Medawar added another aspect to the two traditional aspects of adaptation: adaptation, as a process and as a consequence, is something like a body or a population. It develops independently and has the potential to successfully exist in changing circumstances in the future. This idea allowed A.A. Rean and co-authors to consider adaptation not only as a process and result, but also as a basis for the formation of new intellectual qualities.

Value orientations meet the needs of the future specialist in the field of education in accordance with the humanistic position in the transition to a new state of professional society, changing the inner world, which recognizes the need for a thorough theoretical and methodological study of this problem. [7].

The problem of professional self-determination of the younger generation is more relevant today than ever. Young people are more mobile in the labor market, but remain a risk category for objective and subjective reasons [8.9].

The problem of young people who have passed professional and pedagogical training in the labor market to find a job is largely due to socio-psychological factors, which are associated with the fact that the views of graduates about employment prospects and prospects for further employment, as a rule, do not correspond to the real situation in the workplace and the real balance of supply and demand in the labor market.

The social immaturity of young professionals and their psychological unpreparedness in the labor market lead to the formation of negative stereotypes among University graduates among employers.

The modern youth labor market is characterized by a growing gap between the requirements for youth work and ways to meet them. Since young people do not have (or do not have enough) practical work experience, there is little demand for this category of citizens in the labor market.

All this has determined the problem of scientific research, which contradicts the need to develop creative abilities as conditions for professional adaptation of future specialists in the socio-cultural sphere with insufficient development of this problem at the methodological level. University level.

This contradiction is especially noticeable in the system of training specialists in the field of pedagogical activity. The problem of analyzing the creative potential of students, developing this potential and using it in the process of adaptation to future activities is not sufficiently solved in the practice of working with students.

The problem of professional adaptation is widespread, which makes it easier for us to form theoretical material (Rean, Zhuravlev, Dikaya, etc.). The relationship between professional adaptation and the development of creative abilities has been studied much less, in particular the topic of professional adaptation in education. At the same time, the problem of socio-cultural organizations that provide the opportunity to adapt to the future profession and reveal creative potential has not been developed. In particular, the problem of student initiative centers, their place and role is very little developed and practically not mentioned in connection with the professional adaptation of future specialists, so we consider this work new.

Main part (methods)

The analysis of the level of social and professional adaptation of young specialists in the field of education, the identification of factors and contradictions that affect its effectiveness in educational institutions, leads us to the need to develop programs and technologies to support young professionals in this process. Studying the specifics and contradictions of social and professional adaptation of young professionals is important from a theoretical point of view.

Considering professional development, it is necessary to distinguish three interrelated aspects: adaptation as a process of adaptation of a future specialist to the changing professional environment characterized by its spatial and temporal mechanisms; as a result of this process, characterized by the total degree of adaptation of the student; as a source of formation of new professional qualities, characterized by the complex of them. The nature of the future specialist's behavior and the degree of effectiveness of his interaction in the «teacher — educational environment» system depend on the correspondence of these three components. The process of adapting future teachers involves two aspects. These include professional adaptation and socio- psychological (table 2).

Table 2 Aspects of mastering professional skills and abilities

The nature of the future specialist's behavior

Aspects of mastering professional skills

Professional adaptation

Mastering professional skills and abilities to form some significant individual professional qualities, to form a stable positive attitude of the student to their profession

Mastering the socio-psychological characteristics of the organization, entering into the existing system of relations, positive interaction with its members

Social and psychological adaptation

The development of professional skills and labor relations

Joining an organization with a basic theoretical understanding of how the workflow works

Creative abilities as part of the competence of professional future specialists are determined by the creative abilities of the personality of the future specialist, his creative activity, his creative abilities, that is, the parameters of his creative potential.

It is also determined by his temperament, character, will and other characteristics of his personality. The ability to communicate and build relationships with the environment, therefore, ideally matches the idea of creative activity, especially in the context of education.

The adaptation process is associated with active changes in the student's personality, correction of their own attitudes and known behavioral models in the process of learning at the workplace. This is a kind of active self-change and formation of skills for active self-acceptance of the future professional environment.

Professional adaptation of future specialists in the field of education is a gradual process of learning, development and self-development of special knowledge, skills, personal qualities of future teachers and professional self-determination in the constantly changing conditions of society. Preparation for entering the labor market with the development of professional activities.


In our study, we present the socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of professional adaptation of future education professionals in a model that includes: creative participation in the activities of student initiative centers (actions, festivals, social projects).

The development of the creative potential of future specialists is the process of mastering the values of educational culture and, on this basis, getting a strong motivation to become a «master teacher», that is, a free specialist, creatively thinking, spiritually rich. To develop these characteristics, we understand that we need a flexible methodology of the educational process based on the laws of pedagogical psychology and creativity, a historical approach to the development of science, technology and technology. This requires making changes and adjustments to the concept of higher education in its main components in the transition to the principles of fund mentalization and humanization of education.

Creative self-realization of the individual allows you to significantly reduce the time of adaptation in a new professional environment.

For professional adaptation to be as successful as possible, the team and the future specialist must understand that their creative abilities must be developed after graduation. A specialist who has graduated from an educational institution has more creative potential than real professional competence, since his experience is still very limited, but the creative abilities of such a specialist allow him to rethink the situation. In our opinion, the formation of a sufficiently sober view of the future specialist on their own potential and their knowledge, their creative qualities that contribute to professional adaptation, should be determined at the University, especially in special centers of student initiative which help organize and actively participate in projects.

Currently, one of the main tasks of University teachers is to develop students' creative thinking. A specialist in this field must have the skills to creatively solve inventive problems (CIP), search for new and promising (non-standard) solutions, and present and protect their solutions. The study of creative qualities of students in the process of studying at a pedagogical University is one of the important aspects of professional training of future teachers.

Logical exercises teach such thinking skills. Unfortunately, non-standardized tasks in which there is no need to remember formulas, but you need to think, see the problem as a whole, analyze the situation, understand what is given and what is needed, are practically excluded from the Kazakh education system. Replacing reasoning, justifications, and reasoning with answers to tests typical of the Western didactic paradigm is unlikely to meet the requirements of developing creative abilities and interests. Creativity always involves a critical approach and a critical understanding of observed phenomena and all information, including educational information.

E. Karpenko notes that the reason for the low level of creative thinking among students lies largely in the education system. It is necessary to change the priorities in the system of social and educational values: from a concept focused on human needs and their satisfaction to a different understanding based on human development and the main goal — self-confidence. Self-expression, disclosure of opportunities and creative abilities of the individual.

The main value of education, especially higher education, should be the creation of future professional needs and opportunities in addition to education, self-development and flexible self-learning throughout life.

The traditional method of learning is ineffective because it uses information-algorithmic methods of learning to transmit social experience and requires reproductive reproduction. To determine the directions of development of the educational process aimed at activating and developing the creative thinking of students, it is necessary to determine the basic principles of the development of the educational process.

Among the theoretical approaches to the organization of the educational process in pedagogical universities as an educational and creative activity, priority is given to the approach to personal activity. It includes the use of active forms and methods of learning (personal-oriented or developing technologies, research, project, game methods, individual or group forms of learning), aimed at the «development» of individual creative abilities and creative needs, based on self-determination, orientation and self-realization. Activation of the creative thinking of the individual teacher significantly contributes to heuristics and principles motivation and passion of students, their activity and independence as subjects of educational process: brainstorming, heuristics, method questions, the method of analogies, method of inversion, the method of transition to another level of diagnostics, graphical method or a schematic diagram of a Synectic method, etc.


One of the most important factors in the development of creativity of University students is motivation. However, it is necessary to provide an opportunity to solve the problem yourself and initially positively evaluate attempts to find a new approach to this problem. Historical experience shows that the success of a particular approach to solving a complex problem is often determined by the desire to use a device widely used in other Sciences or other fields. In particular, the apparatus of experiment, modeling (including mathematical) and formal logic can be productive for learning. It does not challenge the purely emotional and often irrational approaches that are usually characteristic of education, but rather deepens and complements them.

The development of creative abilities during HSP training will help students master these areas of knowledge and will be useful in independent professional activities.

The most important thing in training and developing intuition and imagination is practical work, because the main tool for this training is creative action. The creative process is complex and individual.

First of all, you must learn to emotionally perceive reality, feel the beauty of surrounding objects, natural phenomena, and so on.

To anticipate the result of your work is to see and imagine what is not there. Representation is the most important element of imagination.

The creative imagination is almost limitless. For the development of creative abilities, it is useful to introduce practical tasks and exercises to improve mental activity in various courses. A high level of development is closely related to the ability to concentrate and attract attention to a variety of information. Shortcomings in the management of attention influence the process of thinking. Many scientists combine their achievements and achievements in science with the ability to focus on scientific problems and tasks for a long time. Successful work of our consciousness, our thinking is impossible without the ability to manage your attention. Attention is shown in certain mental situations that have a certain value for the person.

Creative self-realization as a process of implementing individual creativity allows you to create something new in the shortest possible time and thereby ensure your rapid career growth. It becomes the subject of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and acmeological research, and young people are chosen as the object of research in their independent movement to the heights of professionalism. It should be noted that the consideration of the process of personal adaptation to professional activity through the prism of creative self-realization has not been sufficiently studied.

However, the future teacher at the stage of entering the professional environment faces a number of contradictions (table 3).

Table 3 Types of contradictions

Types of contradictions


Type 1

The need for a functioning production in a creative professionally self-fulfilling personality and the dominance in the standardization of the professional training process.

Type 2

The personality of the future specialist and a professional system that does not pay enough attention to his personality.

Type 3

The desire of the future teacher to be creative and the lack of operational opportunities for the future specialist to implement this process.

Type 4

The set of real qualities of the teacher's personality (his abilities, talent, motivation to achieve, etc.) and requirements for his professional activity

The main problem is that the study of creativity and especially the formation of creative qualities is a subjective and rather deep process.

The traditional learning system is not always able to develop creative thinking, because it is based on memorizing information and accumulating facts.

Therefore, it is considered necessary to introduce special methodological courses in the educational process, as well as tasks that allow you to develop creative thinking and use your creative abilities in the future, not only in educational and professional activities, but also in life.

The development of special methodological courses is based on the following principles (table 4).

Courses are in stages of implementation. The first stage is preparatory. At this stage, the analysis of external and internal conditions necessary for the functioning and development of the center for student initiatives is carried out.

External conditions are defined based on:

  •  analysis of the center's needs for the target group;
  •  analysis of the skills of the University and the entire education system as a whole;
  •  Analysis of the center's activities and previous experience.

Table 4 Special methodological courses

Orientation surveys methodology

Content of special courses

Feasibility in terms of goals and objectives

Courses are designed for a specific organization, taking into account its specific interests, mission and vision. In our case, we are talking About the center for student initiatives aimed at attracting students to creative activities in the field of education

Relying on the resources and capabilities of an Amateur organization

It is supposed to maximize the use of its own resources and only to a small extent attract the resources of the University, budget funds.

As for attracting sponsorship funds, forming the interests of sponsors is one of the tasks of managers in the field of culture. Therefore, it is part of the active activities of the Center.

Using the experience of other organizations in the field of culture

Student centers and their activities are almost not described in the literature. The few materials on the Internet are clearly linked to the specific characteristics of the universities where they are organized, and are not of a General nature. Nevertheless, it is necessary to try to generalize these materials.

The principle of planning

All activities for organizing the work of the center for student initiatives should be planned both in time and in resources.

Gradual introduction

The courses should be conducted in stages.

Based on the conducted research, the following areas of the center's work were identified, and experts were evaluated according to their significance on these scales (table 5).

Table 5 Expert evaluation for the Student Initiatives Center



Practical activities


Educational activities




Competitive activity




Scientific works exhibition


Shooting a video with subsequent editing


Conducting etiquette courses


Preparation a festive corporate event


The political debate


Design and maintenance the Center's website and Pedagogic site in general


Public relations work:

Press conferences


Special events to attract sponsors


Using the work of the Center as an information occasion for media coverage


Scientific-excursion direction:

The development of an original tour projects




Reception of groups with provision of communications with organizations engaged in the cooperation field


Work on generalizing the experience of Student Initiative Centers and establishing contacts with such centers


These assessments are subjective, as experts were invited as specialists who worked at the center, as well as students who only heard about its work or from time to time attended the Center's events.

The respondents ' scores were averaged. However, the analysis of the table gives grounds for the following conclusions:

  1. the center's Activities should cover almost the entire spectrum of innovative educational activities.
  2. the work of the center can be not only organizational in nature, but also have a didactic orientation.
  3. Communication should occupy a large place in the work of the Center, especially communication with cultural institutions, media and potential sponsors.

Internal conditions were also studied in the analysis of the Center:

 determining the resource capabilities of the center for student initiatives;

 identification of problems in the work of the Center;

 identification of the Center's strengths. We must rely on them to develop proposals for improving the organization;

 assessment of the management structure of the Center, the composition of functions in management activities, their distribution, the level of management culture, etc.).

At this stage, the actual basis for making project decisions is created. Conducting this assessment by interviewing experts gave the following result (table 6).

Table 6 Evaluation of internal resources

The organization's potential

Score on a 10-point scale


Fame and popularity of the Center for Student Initiatives



State of the material base



Organizational structure of the center



Latitude (range) of the Center's work programs



Quality level of the Center's events



The level of information promotion of the Center's activities among young people



The nature of the relationship with sponsors



The nature of relations with the Dean's office



Relationships within the team (trust in managers, level of psychological comfort)



Psychological state of the organization



At the same time, the psychological climate in the team and trust in the leaders (which also characterizes the competence of the center's managers) received the highest rating.

The main thing is to develop a strategy to ensure the organizational quality of innovative projects.

This phase includes:

  •  development of the General policy of the center for student initiatives;
  •  creation of a program to expand the functions and activities of the center;
  •  improving the organizational structure and ensuring flexibility of this structure;
  •  the development of certain types of activities that are of particular interest.

Today, universities in different regions have centers for student initiatives. However, your activities are related to this University. It is not general enough and is not as important as the integration of universities. It seems that integration at the level of joint innovation projects can be achieved through the activities of the center for student initiatives.

The project's activities in the field of educational technologies are diverse. This diversity is due, in particular, to the fact that educational activities are diverse and include classes on various types of skills, pedagogy, information exchange, etc.

It is impossible to develop creativity in this area without guaranteeing authors free access to social and cultural values for consumers. This support is organized by the management at social and cultural events. In this case, the leader needs creativity of socio-cultural values, supplemented by knowledge in the field of education and management systems.

Effective project management seems to be based on the project method, which is mainly used by software developers. The essence of this method is to form a team of performers, a project team, each participant of which is an independent creative person who uses their potential in the common interests in accordance with the general idea of the project.

This document proposes specific activities related to the expansion and development of the student initiative center at HSP. These events allow not only to increase the effectiveness of the center as a tool for adapting students to their future activities, but also to review and summarize the work of the center as a platform for the introduction and testing of innovative pedagogical technologies.



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