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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Using multimedia technologies in music lessons


The article deals with the methods of implementation and practice of the use of information technologies in the educational process, provided didactically thoughtful use of ICT in the traditional lesson there are unlimited opportunities for individualization and differentiation of the educational process. No modem programs will replace the real teacher and therefore to direct dialogue «the computer - the pupil», the teacher needs to master a technique of educational process with application of both opportunities of any computer, and an interactive Board, and any other information technologies to activate educational process, to increase motivation, to improve quality of knowledge, to create a positive emotional spirit of the pupil to study. The main tasks of the teacher - to interest in the business and to instill certain knowledge and skills - get the maximum realization with an individual approach and in a game atmosphere. Along with traditional methods, it is advisable to make extensive use of digital tools and capabilities of modem information and educational environment. The use of computer technology allows you to direct the learning process in a more comfortable way, covering all stages of learning activities.


Our children are well aware of modem music, skillfully enough to use technology and equipment, but few people show erudition in the field of art. Aesthetic taste of children remains at a low level, even with high intelligence. Without art, it is impossible to form a person's spiritual wealth. What is missed in childhood, never to reimburse in adolescence and especially in adulthood. This applies to all the spiritual life of the child and especially his aesthetic education. Engineer, athlete, soldier, Manager can grow, and full of cultural rights is impossible. According to the musical education of young people and schoolchildren, it can be argued that against the background of decline and depression, which are currently an integral part of the life of a young man, the activation of musical education is one of the best ways out of this situation [9.c. 11] the Crisis of traditional education is recognized by many teachers and is clearly seen in the following contradictions:

  • between the lack of development of technology of integrative learning in the practice of teaching disciplines of aesthetic cycle and modem software materials on these subjects;
  • between motivation and stimulation of pupils ' teaching;
  • between the creative heritage of classical music and the promotion of pop culture in the media.

The main goals and objectives are not only training, but also familiarizing with important life skills:

  • education of artistic culture of students as an integral part of their spiritual culture, the need to communicate with art on the basis of understanding its content as a living embodiment of human values, emotional and spiritual experience of generations;
  • formation of sustainable interest in classical art, cultural traditions, education of pride in its achievements, a sense of patriotism;
  • development of artistic taste, creativity, creative thinking and the ability to evaluate the world around us according to the laws of beauty.

All this is aimed at the organization and activation of students ' attention: to teach children to listen, perceive, analyze any musical work, to see it as a single artistic whole; to hear the timbres of various musical instruments in contrasting color «musical» colors; to reveal a creative individual portrait of composers of different eras, styles, directions; to hear their individual stylistic handwriting; to acquaint with musical genres: vocal and instrumental, their features and structure of musical forms. Kusainov G. M [7, c. 324].

Great help in this educational process are music videos, individual development: testing questions on Kazakh, Russian, Soviet and foreign musical literature, conducted open lessons on solfeggio, musical literature, as well as musical - intellectual quizzes. Another important aspect of pedagogical activity is to teach children to sing beautifully and correctly on notes, to hear intervals, chords, frets, scales, to solve musical examples and harmonic connections of chords. It is believed that training can be successful only when the teacher is looking for and finds in the student that special, unique that distinguishes him. The idea of using information technology is to stimulate educational and cognitive activity of each student through involvement in creative activities. The main purpose of the use of information technology is to increase the effectiveness of training through the activation of cognitive activity, improving the intellectual development of students, the effectiveness of the educational process and the quality of education. Molokov A. V. [12. c. 186].

Basics of using multimedia technologies in the learning process

At present, it is necessary to learn how to use computer technology, just as he uses a pen or chalk today to work in the classroom, to know information technology and skillfully apply the knowledge and skills to improve the methods of the lesson. A modern teacher is a teacher who owns ICT technologies and is able to organize the work of students from the perspective of modem society.

«Listen - and you will know. Look and you'll understand. Do it and you will learn» says Chinese wisdom. In many ways, it depends on the teacher, what will be the child - the future of the country. This means that the teacher should be on a par with the developing society, should be able to and know how to teach the one responsible [1, p. 23]. Therefore, self- education of teachers is an important stage in teaching, in the development of communication technologies. The range of use of ICT opportunities in the educational process is quite wide. However, working with children, we must remember the commandment «do no harm!». No one will argue that the use of any visual information in the classroom has a positive effect, but there are lessons in which it is enough to show tables or reproduction of the picture. In this case, preparing a presentation as a sequence of slides is probably impractical. Lessons in which the presentation is not a means of learning, and the goal itself, as ineffective.

Lessons using information technology not only expand and consolidate the knowledge, but also greatly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students. Since the imagination and the desire to Express themselves in the younger schoolboy are great, it is necessary to teach him as often as possible to Express their own thoughts, including with the help of information technology. The use of information technology in the classroom in a music school gives the opportunity to Express themselves to any of the students, with the form of work chooses for himself a student [2, p. 13].

The use Ofinformation technology can transform the teaching of traditional subjects by rationalizing child labour, optimizing the processes of understanding and memorizing learning material and, most importantly, raising children's interest in learning to a consistently higher level. Teachers who use ICT in their work came to the conclusion that information technology is only for those who are looking for and who love to learn new teachers. They are for those who care about the level of their professional competence, who are concerned about how he, a teacher of a modem school, meets the requirements of the century to come.

So, we see that with the use of ICT in the classroom, the learning process is aimed at the development of logical and critical thinking, imagination, independence. Children are interested, involved in creative search; and not only children, but also their parents too.

In the joint work of teachers and students solved educational problems to create conditions for improving the quality of the educational process [3, p. 63].

The use of multimedia technologies in music lessons is a universal means of visualization, which helps to broaden the horizons of students, encourage children to obtain information on their own, to form an interest in the subject, making learning bright, memorable, interesting.

Also, the use of multimedia presentations in music lessons allows:

  • to make the activities of teachers and students more effective;
  • make the lesson clear, colorful;
  • significantly increase the level of training, as students show great interest in music lessons using information and communication technologies. And interest is an excellent incentive to the teaching in General and the introduction to music in particular. If there is interest in developing music lessons, observation, intellectual activity, acute imagination, perception, enhanced focus, concentration.

Students easier and faster to learn the material, while experiencing moral enthusiasm, show willingness and commitment to self - improvement. Successful educational and cognitive activity strengthens self - esteem, increases self - esteem and status of the student in the team.

Thus, the use of computer technology allows you to direct the learning process in a more comfortable way, covering all stages of learning activities.

Practice shows that thanks to multimedia support of classes, the teacher saves up to 30 % of the learning time. Saving time, the teacher can increase the density of the lesson, enrich it with new content.

Consequently, the work spent on the management of cognitive activity with the help of ICT justifies itself in all respects:

  • it improves the quality of knowledge;
  • reates favorable conditions for better understanding - teachers and students and their cooperation in the educational process;
  • promotes the child's overall development;
  • helps to overcome difficulties;
  • nsures the preparation of high school graduates for life in the information society;

realizes the social order caused by processes of global Informatization.

The use of a computer, electronic manuals for music - theoretical disciplines in the field of testing exercises and training of hearing is an effective means of saving time. The undoubted advantage of computer programs is that they transform ear training and form of knowledge testing in a fascinating process, highly acclaimed by students. More efficiently develop research, creative activities, motivation, autonomy, material search, open a new one. The computer at the same time is always a means of learning in the Arsenal of the teacher, who in certain situations chooses - to give him preference or not. It is worth noting that in the process of education success is ensured only by a set of traditional and innovative forms, means, methods of training [4, p. 85].The use Ofinformation and communication technologies in the lessons of the theoretical cycle makes the lessons informative, diverse, and most importantly - modern. Children become active participants in the learning process, which forms a positive attitude to the subject and to learning in General. ICT is also a means of improving teacher-parent interaction in the education and upbringing of schoolchildren. This is the rapid informing of parents via e - mail about the progress of training and education of each student, using an individual dialogue with feedback.

Conducting remote parent meetings, conversations, lectures, etc.

Today, the Internet is not a way of entertainment, but a serious base where you can learn a lot of ideas, including in the field of teaching. Musical education of schoolchildren is aimed at developing their holistic understanding of the art of music, their acquisition of basic, key knowledge, skills and musical activities, in its totality providing students with the basis for further independent communication with the art, for self - education and self - education in the conditions of the primary school [5, p. 34 - 37]:

  • to captivate music, to instill interest and love for it, to teach to appreciate its beauty, to develop the emotional sphere of students, to cause an aesthetic response to musical works, a sense of empathy with musical images;
  • to develop musical-figurative thinking, to learn to understand the laws of art, the perception of music; to learn to think about it, linking with life and other forms of art;
  • lay the foundations of creative musical abilities, practical skills in the process of performance, listening and composing music (improvisation), movement to music and its plastic intonation;
  • to develop musical and aesthetic taste and the need to communicate with musical masterpieces [6, p. 173].

In its activities, the teacher should be based on the following principles:

  • Personality - oriented approach to learning.
  • Creating an enabling environment in the classroom.
  • Development of creative abilities of students.
  • Inclusion of each student in the educational process.
  • Orientation of the educational process to achieve a high level of knowledge.
  • Development and maintenance of the faith of students in their hand.
  • Development of each student's creative abilities.
  • The development of emotional responsiveness in executing and listening to music.

Thus, the interactive method can be considered as the most modern form of active methods.


In conclusion, I want to draw this conclusion. The teacher now needs to learn how to use computer technology, as well as he uses today a pen or chalk to work in the classroom, to possess information technology and skillfully apply the knowledge and skills to improve the methods of the lesson.

A modern teacher is a teacher who owns ICT technologies, able to organize the work of students from the perspective of modern society.

«Listen and you'll find out. Look and you'll understand. Do it and you will learn», says Chinese wisdom. In many ways, it depends on the teacher, what will be the child - the future of the country. This means that the teacher should be on a par with the developing society, should be able and know how to teach the one for whom he is responsible. Therefore, self - education of teachers is an important stage in teaching, in the development of communication technologies. The range of use of ICT opportunities in the educational process is quite wide. However, working with children, we must remember the commandment «do NO HARM!»

No one will argue that the use of any visual information in the lesson has a positive effect, but there are lessons in which it is enough to show tables or reproductions of the picture. In this case, preparing a presentation as a sequence of slides is probably impractical.

Lessons in which the presentation is not a means of learning, and the goal itself, as ineffective.

Lessons using information technology not only expand and consolidate the knowledge gained, but also greatly increase the creative and intellectual potential of students. As the imagination and desire to prove at the younger school student are great, it is worth teaching him as often as possible to state own thoughts, including by means of information technologies. The use of information technology in the classroom in a music school gives the opportunity to Express themselves to any of the students, while the form of work chooses for himself a student. The use of information technology can transform the teaching of traditional subjects by rationalizing child labour, optimizing the understanding and memorization of learning materials and, most importantly, increasing children's interest in learning. Teachers who use ICT in their work came to the conclusion that information technology is only for those who are looking for, who love to learn new teachers. They are for those who care about the level of their professional competence, who are concerned about how he, a teacher of a modem school, meets the requirements of the century to come [12, c. 74].

So, we see that with the use of ICT in the classroom, the learning process is aimed at the development of logical and critical thinking, imagination, independence. Children are interested, involved in creative search; and not only children, but also their parents too. Indicators of the effectiveness of advanced pedagogical experience is a new quality of education in the conditions of Informatization of education and the effective use of information technology. The use of information and communication technologies in the lessons of solfeggio and musical literature allows to modernize the educational process in such a way that the professional skills of the teacher are improved, which results in an increase in motivation for learning and the quality of education of the student.



  1. Kolechenko A. K. encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies. - M: Caro, 2005.1 c. 23.
  2. DanilchukB. Information technology in education: Studies, benefit. Volgograd: Peremena, 2002. c. 13.
  3. New pedagogical and information technologies/Ed. E. S. Polat. - Moscow: Academy, 2000.
  4. Computer in the teacher: Studies. textbook/ed.Yu.Pakhomova. - M.: ICC «March», 2005.
  5. Bespal'ko V. P. Components of pedagogical 53 B technology. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1989. - 192.: II.
  6. Linchevsky T. A. Formation and development of schools of innovative type in Kazakhstan. Diss. kand.PED.sciences'. - Almaty, 1998. - 173 p.
  7. Kusainov G. M. Pedagogical Icchnologj : theory, history, practice. - Ust-Kamenogorsk, East Kazakhstan state University. 2000. - 324 p.
  8. Kolechenko A. K. encyclopedia of pedagogical technologies. - M: Caro, 2005.
  9. Zavyalova O. A. Education of value bases of information culture of younger school students. 2008.
  10. Kolesnikova Yu. a. First place - computer. - 2007. - № 7. - P. 34 - 37.
  11. ILMogilev A.V. Internet projects in the education system. Directory of the Deputy Director of the school.No. 8 of 2008.
  12. Molokova, and A.V. Information technology in schools: the method.a Handbook for teachers/ A.V. Molokov: edited by I. M., Bobkov, Y. G. Molokova. - Novosibirsk: NSU, 2004. - 186 s. Molokov A. V.

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