The President of Kazakhstan has repeatedly spoken of the need to build a competitive national system in Kazakhstan, the development of which depends on the development of an innovative environment. In the "Plan of the nation -IOO concrete steps on the implementation of five institutional reforms" the President presented the 63rd step thereof as a vision for the development of two innovation clusters as the basis for the formation of a knowledge-based economy. In this step, the development will have two key innovation centers "Astana business campus" in Nazarbayev University in Astana and the Park of Innovative Technologies (PIT)I in Almaty.
In this regard, it should be noted that the Innovation centre PIT will be formed in a special economic zone "Park of innovative technologies" (SEZ "PIT") created by the presidential decree of RK on August 18, 2003. Currently, the area of the SEZ "PIT" is 163.02 ha. The property consists of 16.7 thousand sq. m of the area and 7.5 hectares of adjoining territory. Commissioning of the second phase of infrastructure of the SEZ "PIT" is scheduled for 2017.
Today the participants of the SEZ "PIT" are 158 companies producing more than 500 different products and services including 14 companies with foreign capital (Russia, South Korea, Israel, China, Germany, Italy) and 35 companies operating on the principle of extraterritoriality. About 60% of these are projects in the field of information and communication technologies. In addition, there are projects in the field of instrumentation, oil and gas, energy efficiency, etc. More than 2000 jobs have been created since the formation of the SEZ "PIT".
Among the promising companies engaged in the construction of production sites in the territory of the second line are: DS Multimedia (Kazakhstan - Korea) - manufacture of electronic parts, "KazTechInnovations" (Kazakhstan - Japan) - construction of the plant for the production of electronic bracelets for prisoners, etc., "LogyCom" (Kazakhstan - the USA) - data center.
In addition, the second line is actively built up by organizations representing the research and education sector such as: World-Class College “Kasipkor”, Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Institute and Kazakhstan-British Technical University.
In April 2015, the Autonomous Cluster Fund (ACF) was created as a management company for the Innovation Centre in Almaty based on the experience of the implementation of the first stage of the SEZ "PIT" and in the framework of the Law "On the innovation centre of the PIT". The mission of the ACF is to establish a self-sustaining scientific and technological complex for 2-3 high-tech areas with the aim of diversification of Kazakhstan's economy and the creation of valuable manufactures.
The main objectives of the ACF are:
- consolidation of existing capacity and scientific-technical infrastructure of Almaty and the SEZ "PIT";
- consolidation and direction 1% of the aggregate annual income (AAI) of subsoil users for innovative projects.
Key areas (subclusters) of the Innovative cluster of the PIT will be:
- "Smart industry"
- "Smart environment"
- "Clean and green technologies"
- "E-Commerce and media"
Proposed on the basis of international experience, clustering is aimed at consolidating the resources and synergy of participants to accelerate market entry (including foreign entry).
In fact, it is about the creation of new energy, new industry (Industry 4.0), new information technologies (Smart Grid) and other industries in the era of the third industrial revolution (TIR) which is based on clean technologies, smart solutions and the Internet.
In this regard, we note the relevance of the programme "100 concrete steps", which is a detailed plan on Kazakhstanjoining the top 30 developed countries. The developed countries are characterized by high income per capita and by a "post-industrial" structure of national production in which high-tech industries (high tech) take a large share with low material and labour rates, as well as soft-industries engaged in the production of high-tech services (software, consulting, etc.). Moreover, from the production of goods and services of mass demand, these countries are moving towards the manufacture and sale of unique products that suggests the creation of a “new economy” based on qualitative changes in technologies of production and consumption. Accordingly, this group of countries allocates significant funds to R&D (Research and Development) and the social sphere - education, health, sports and others. Furthermore, the basis of export in developed countries includes high conversion products with a high added value by means of which their technological leadership is consolidated in the world.
In the context of the stated goal of entering the Top 30 most developed countries, Kazakhstan faces the problem of qualitative change in the development of its national economy, the formation of new industries and markets not only in the traditional exports (oil, metals and grain) but also in the creation of new export-oriented Kazakhstan brands. To resolve this there is a goal in the "100 concrete steps" to attract ten TNCs in the manufacturing sector to create export goods and enter the world markets.
The achievement of this goal will be provided by the ACF, on its part, by attracting anchor TNCs for the creation of technology centers based on the Innovation cluster of the PIT.
Thus, the current site of the SEZ "PIT" provides unique opportunities for the implementation of the 55-th step to use production areas, extensive infrastructure, a favorable tax regime, the principle of extraterritoriality and other privileges. In Kazakhstan's largest city, Almaty, where the PIT id located, there are 68 research institutes and more than 50 Universities whose cooperation makes it possible to open modern laboratories and technology centers of the anchor TNCs.
Also we emphasize that the open external economic and multi-vector foreign policy of Kazakhstan and its participation in major integration associations (EurAsEC, SCO, ECO, etc.) create opportunities for new products and technology transfer involved by the TNCs in the supermarkets and in markets that are characterized by explosive growth (Russia, China, India, Iran, ASEAN) and in regional markets (Central Asia, Azerbaijan, etc.).
In other words, the Park of Innovation Technology, research institutes and higher schools of Almaty appear to be the real test site for the joint implementation of projects as in the traditional sectors (mining, oil and gas, agricultural) and in the new sectors demanded by fast growing markets (Clean technology, New energy, Smart environment, New materials, etc.).
It is interesting that the attraction of anchor TNCs at the level of IaboratoryZtechnol- ogy center will form a technological platform (incubator) for the development of domestic companies and start-ups. In this regard, the ACF seeks to attract the best 500 start-ups from Kazakhstan, CIS and elsewhere to the Innovative cluster for the formation of a critical mass of large technology companies and innovative start-ups in order to create and develop new sectors of the economy.
It should be noted that in 2017 one of the most effective platforms for generating, testing and commercialization of innovative projects in the world will be the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO in Astana dedicated to "Future Energy". This event will attract the best technological solutions in the field of energy, energy conservation and sustainable urbanization from the largest companies and the leaders in these industries. The pavilions of EXPO will be a bridge for the transfer and dissemination of advanced technologies to the world markets.
In context of EXPO 2017, activities of the Innovation cluster of the PIT will support and promote a wide range of projects in the sectors of New energy, Clean technologies, New materials, Information technology, Intelligent environment, etc. Generation of their own solutions in these industries will become an adequate response to the needs of the global markets in clean energy installations, materials and technologies for energy storage applications, materials that reduce the energy consumption of the enterprises and objects of municipal sector, etc. These technology solutions will be extremely popular in the rapidly growing markets of China, India, Pakistan, Iran, ASEAN, the EAEC and others that need to build a modern high-tech energy infrastructure able to meet the needs of the consumer and industrial sectors from affordable and stable energy sources.
Thus, holding EXPO in Astana - a world platform for raising and implementing innovative technologies - will allow Kazakhstan to integrate into the global innovation development system, particularly in the supply chain of technology solutions.
Further, we emphasize the positive impact that the development of the Innovation cluster of the PIT will have on the implementation of the State program of industrial-innovative development (SPIID) for 2015-2019, the purpose of which is to stimulate diversification and improve the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry.
The development of the Park of Innovative Technologies will contribute to an effective solution to all the main tasks set in the SPIID- to provide a new level of adaptability to the priority sectors of the manufacturing industry and to create the basis for the development of the future sectors through the formation of innovation clusters.
Participation in solving this issue provides achievement of other goals (see figure).
Cluster development will certainly play an important role in the implementation of the Program on the development of an agro-industrial complex in Kazakhstan for 2013-2020 (Agrobusiness-2020), the Program "Energy efficiency - 2020", the Program "Information Kazakhstan -2020" , the Program of modernization of housing and communal services of RK for 2011-2020, the State program of education development of RK for 2011-2020, the Program "Employment 2020", the Program "Business Road map 2020" and others by developing and providing new technological solutions for the agro-industrial complex, energy complex, housing and utilities, information infrastructure, etc.
However, the implementation of programs to attract 10 anchor TNCs and 500 start-ups
will create a large number of small and medium innovative enterprises (laboratories, centers, technologies and competencies) which will allow for a highly skilled workforce.
The needs of innovative enterprises will cause a chain reaction following qualitative changes in the educational sphere of the Republic of Kazakhstan: strengthening the role of universities and research organizations by strengthening their ability to transform ideas into innovative projects and to focus on the needs of the industrial sector; the preparation of teachers of the new format; the creation of conditions for the development of scientific schools at universities; the development of a dual system of education in engineering, etc.
Besides this, the search for talented kids, adolescents and youth will be commenced at
the primary stage in schools and colleges, and institutions, and perhaps such non-traditional methods as business games, contests of innovations, creation Ofintegrated programs for development of young talents, etc. will be used.
Thus, the development of the Please see above as one of the two innovation clusters - the basis for the formation of a knowledgebased economy announced in "the Plan of the nation -IOO concrete steps on implementation of five institutional reforms" will facilitate the transition OfKazakhstan to new innovation level including effective international cooperation with recognized global leaders, enhancing the role OfKazakhstan in trade with macro-regions ofEurasia, Caspian sea, East and South Asia, a real diversification of the economy and exports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the emergence of non-oil national brands and new industries, training of highly qualified personnel, generation of knowledge, development of own innovative technologies, their commercialization and widespread use to improve the efficiency of the national economy.
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