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Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

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Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

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Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Effectiveness of Communicative Learning Technologies in the Formation of Intercultural Communication Discourse of Future Diplomat Specialists

The experience of using communicative technologies in the process of teaching intercultural communicative discourse to future diplomats is described. The authors present the results of the study of the development of communicative skills of future diplomats in the educational process. It is proved that in modern education communicative technologies are used as a means of forming communicative skills and as a means of intensifying the cognitive activity of students. One aspect of this relationship is the attitude in the learning process to the language as a means of communication, knowledge of the world around, as well as self- nalysis of the problem under study and the results of the experimental work, generalizing conclusions are fordevelopment of future diplomats as a person with their own interests, needs and abilities. Based on the theoretical amulated. The aim of the work is to justify and test the communicative technology, assuming an active role of future diplomats in the formation and development of intercultural communicative competence, necessary for the use of a foreign language in communication. The topicality of the given problem is conditioned by the process of development of international relations and by the fact that in this connection the specialists that have both a system of professional knowledge and the ability to communicate in a foreign language and on this basis successfully solve the diplomatic negotiations are needed.


In the modern globalized world, radical changes are taking place in all areas of socio-cultural interaction: the integration of economies is increasing, the boundaries of the cultural space are expanding, academic mobility is increasing, conditions are being created for the development of a competitive and socially successful (cultural and multilingual) personality. In modern theories, intercultural interaction is interpreted as an activity, a dynamic system of interaction between the subject and the world, a unity of internal (conceptualization, categorization) and external (objectivity of a special sphere), considers the development of the individual as a subject of activity, undergoes changes in nature (objectification of the world, objectification of the individual), accompanied by the development of spiritual and material culture. In other words, in the course of professional activity, many cultural codes arise, one of which is known to be learning language. Language and culture, forming a linguistic picture of the world characteristic of a particular ethnic group, within the framework of professional communicative speech activity is carried out in a broad social context. Differences in the psyche of speech and behavior can lead to semantic, discursive obstacles and contradictions in the process of intercultural communication.

In the direction of developing students ' communicative competence through information technologies, we conducted a study based on the works of Kulgildinova T. A. [1]; O. A. Tolpygina [2]. It should be noted that the future is considered in the work of G. M. Kassymova in the direction of communicative competence of translators [3].

Also, under communicative competence L.A. Petrovskaya understands the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. Competence includes some set of communicative knowledge and skills, providing effective course of communicative process [4].

N. Emelyanova defines communicative competence as the ability to communicate; as the ability of a person to interact verbally, nonverbally or silently; as integrative ability to interact expediently with others at their level of learning, education, development, on the basis of humanistic personal qualities (sociability, sincerity, tact, empathy, reflection, etc.) and taking into account communicative capabilities of the interlocutor [5].

A.V. Mudrik in his research instead of the concept "communicative competence" introduces the concept "communication competence", defining it as some totality of knowledge, social attitudes, skills and experience, providing effective course of communicative processes of the person [6].

Communicative competence is one of the basic characteristics of specialists, especially in the type of professions “man – man”. By it I.D. Agafonova understands the competence aimed at mastering generalized ways of action based on the obtained knowledge, abilities and skills of possessing technologies of oral and written communication, ability to interact adequately and find verbal and nonverbal means and ways of forming and formulating a thought and applying them in professional activity [7].

The famous scientist Kunanbayeva S. S. proposes three directions related to the formation of competence in the field of foreign language learning: “dialogue competence”, “communicative competence” and “interpersonal competence”. At the same time, foreign language competence includes two main areas: “interpretive competence” and " productive competence [8, 13-24].

The competence of “dialogue” is the ability to effectively use language in communication to understand and communicate the needs for establishing social communication. Organizing or participating in a discussion, building a dialogue and public speaking demonstrate the formation of a person's communicative competence. According to the results of our analysis, we believe that communicative competence can give an idea of what knowledge determines the effectiveness of communication, as well as the sum of flexibility and value, orientation.

The tasks of communicative forms of educational work on the formation of foreign diplomatic intercul- tural communication discourse of future diplomats are: to arouse the student's interest in the subject under study; to effectively master the educational material; to independently find ways and options for solving the problem posed by students and choose one of the proposed options, or to find own version; it consists in establishing interaction between students, teaching them to work collectively, showing tolerance for any attitude, and respecting the rights to freedom of expression and the dignity of the individual.

Therefore, in this article, we will consider the effectiveness of communication technology in the formation of intercultural communication discourse of future diplomats.


The purpose of this study was to study the level of development of intercultural communicative discourse of future diplomats in the process of learning at the university. In our study we made an attempt to experimentally test the technology of communicative learning. Experimental work was carried out to determine the formation of intercultural communicative discourse of future diplomats with the help of the task in the foreign language lessons.

Technology is a science based on the technique of teaching, professional training should be carried out scientifically, that is, know the knowledge of how to teach, why it is necessary to teach. It is said that the concept of learning technology, how to teach, is closely related to the scientific concept, so we are looking for answers to the questions of what processes, by what methods, by what means of learning, how to organize learning, what factors should be taken into account and how to take it into account when teaching a foreign language. The problem of technology is considered by the following scientists: E. R. Argunov [9], M. M. Zhampeisova [10], A. A. Verbitsky [11], D. V. Novik [12].

The technology of comprehensive communicative learning involves mastering the communicative cognitive aspect, taking into account the communicative function of the language. This problem is defined by German scientists G. Neiner, G. Hunfeld, who developed the German curriculum on the level of communicative competence in teaching a foreign language:communication is implemented through language and activity. Communication may have been planned in advance, not prepared, or not planned [13, 14].

In modern foreign language education, the concept of technology is widely considered. Technology is a set of tools and methods that allow the learner to successfully implement a given educational goal, develop theoretically justified learning processes. The technology is based on the possibility of objective step-by-step measurement and generalization of the achieved results.

Communicative learning technology is a methodology based on exchange of views, that is, the ability of a person to express opinions. Their ability to communicate their thoughts in a foreign language. It not only forms communicative communication, but also directs it to the formation of psychological and linguistic readiness for communication, a conscious understanding of the materials and methods of interaction with it. A communicative task should present a problem or question to future diplomats for discussion, they will not only share information, but also evaluate it. The main condition that allows us to distinguish this approach from other types of educational activities is that future diplomats independently choose language units to compose their thoughts. The main purpose of this technology is to determine the effectiveness of ways to develop speech skills of future diplomats based on the technology of communicative learning in teaching foreign languages, to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of their use in the classroom. In this article, the technology of comprehensive communicative training trains future diplomats to develop the ability to speak a foreign language, encourage them to understand important meanings in various texts or stories, using the language as the main means of intercultural communication;develop the ability to conduct dialogue, discussions, and business conversations.

Based on the technology of comprehensive communicative learning, we considered the following methods.

Undoubtedly, the study of the dialogue method is currently one of the main forms of communicative linguodiactics. In foreign education, communication activities are carried out not in an individual form, but in the form of conscious actions with mutual communication. In other words, as components of interpersonal interaction, we can name:

  1. speaker and addressee (subject factor individual psychological personality and social characteristics of the speaker;the addressee factor includes his readiness for equal communication, as well as his personal character; interactive interpersonal communication between communicants);
  2. communicative intent of the speaker, motivation, purpose of participation;
  3. the level of realism associated with space (extralinguistic factors that determine the conditions based on the general socio-political and cultural circumstances of participation in the course of a communicative act) when entering communication.
  4. mutual communication of communicants with a certain social and status role.

In addition, professional dialogue plays a great role in the process of foreign language intercultural communication, foreign language communication and intercultural communication. That is, the facets of the dialogue between foreign languages are revealed from different sides.

Thus, the technology presented as a result of the description of intercultural diplomatic discussion communicative knowledge its combination with the main socio-cultural diplomatic roles, as well as professionally-oriented problematic communicative tasks are necessary prerequisites for developing a holistic model of training future specialists in intercultural communication with representatives of various linguistic and cultural diplomatic communities in a foreign language.

Results and Discussion

The experimental work was carried out for students of the 4th year of the Kazakh National University named after Al - Farabi in Almaty, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of Turksoy in the specialty “6B0301-International Relations” in the discipline “language of diplomacy and etiquette of the country of the East (Turkish language)”.

Experimental works occupy an important place in pedagogical research. After all, the results of practical and practical work allow us to apply theoretical ideas in practice, check the degree of their authenticity and develop recommendations for educational practitioners.

The purpose of the experimental training was to test the effectiveness of the tasks prepared by us, that is, to test the methodology for forming intercultural communicative competence of future diplomats and prove the proposed hypothesis.

The effectiveness of communicative learning technologies in the formation of intercultural communicative discourse of future diplomats was solved through the following tasks:

Task 1. Highlight the term phrases that are most commonly used in political diplomatic discussion. Consider options to adequately translate them into your native language.

Task 2. Compare the most frequently used questions below with possible answers to political media discourse and cross-cultural engagement.

Task 3. Organize an oral presentation of a proposal on the conditions of a friendly contract in a foreign language.

Task 4. Enter the translation of the politician speaking to media reporters, taking into account the speed, pace of speech, diplomatic term words used by the candidate.

Task 5. Prepare a project and organize information on intercultural communication issues between Russia, the United States, Turkey, Germany and other countries.


The cognitive-analytical principle is based on all the processes of cognition that assimilate the content, that is, it perceives, understands, remembers, uses, generalizes and performs all tasks with the help of operations for analyzing and comparing the material in order to systematize the information received

That is, compare solutions to situational tasks and change the situation for situational tasks. In order to prevent the student from making mistakes again, we create a synthesis of intermediate solutions found on the basis of the cognitive-analytical principle.


  1. Çift konuşması, iki iletişimci arasındaki konuşma.
  • Benimle gelmek istemezsin herhalde?
  • Julia kulaklarına inanamadı.
  • Ben mi? Hayatım, dünyanın her yerine gideceğimi biliyorsun.
  1. Üç veya dört iletişimci paralel bir görüşmeye katılabilir.

 Bu ne muhteşem bir oda.

 Beğenmene çok sevindim.

 Sesi oldukça alçaktı ve hiç olmadığı kadar kısıktı.

 Ailede Michael'ın mükemmel bir zevki olduğunu düşünüyoruz.

 Michael odaya kayıtsız bir bakış attı.

 Çok fazla deneyimim oldu. Oyunlarımız için setleri her zaman kendim tasarlarım. Tabii ki, benim için zor işleri yapacak bir adamım var ama fikirler bana ait.

Bir polilog, birkaç kişi arasındaki bir konuşmadır.

 Umarım Frederic için iyi bir eş olur.

 Umarım dışarı çıkmaktan pek hoşlanmaz, dedi, ikinci kız Amelia.

 Ya da abartılı, dedi, üçüncüsü Georgina.

 Dördüncüsü Diana, Sir Florian ile evlendiğinde çok borçlu olduğuna dair bir hikaye olduğunu söyledi.

 Frederic buna mutlaka dikkat edecektir, dedi en büyükleri Augusta.

 Çok güzel, dedi, beşinci Lydia.

 Ve zekice, dedi, altıncı Cecilia.

Task 6. Determine the communicative methods of dialogue and speech actions.

Task 7.Highlight the linguistic and stylistic means of solving the problem through a TV channel.

Task 8. Declare cultural differences and their influence on the speech of communicators of political discourse.

Exercises performed when working with tasks should be aimed at developing the thinking of future specialists, introducing them to creative work and comparing the information received with the country's texts. At the same time, when studying the heaviness or lightness of the topic, it is necessary to use exercises that will not cause much difficulty for future specialists to perform, which will again develop interest and enthusiasm, mental activity. And when compiling each exercise, it is necessary to make a preliminary forecast of the expected result of its implementation.

At the same time, it should be noted that the expected result varies depending on the topic of the country text, types of training work, and the purpose of the lesson. Therefore, we organize exercises and tasks based on national texts in accordance with the above features. The formation of their intercultural communication discourse in the course of completing tasks can be seen in the following diagram.

The indicators of the effectiveness of communicative learning technologies in the formation of intercultural communication discourse of future diplomat specialists were determined by appropriate descriptors.

  • ability to change vision, ways of thinking;
  • ability to make a critical assessment in the context of communication;
  • ability to conduct a dialogue in intercultural communication;
  • ability to systematically communicate opinions.

The analysis of indicators of the formation of intercultural communicative discourse of future diplomats can be seen at the following level. On the indicator of the ability to give a critical assessment in the context of communication, students showed a low indicator, 25%. It was obvious that they still needed to add critical thinking to their tasks. 17% showed the ability to systematically communicate their opinions. The tasks assigned in this direction caused difficulties for students in the process of execution. In the course of filling in the comments on the tasks, it was found that students have a small vocabulary. In the formation of the ability to conduct a dialogue in intercultural communication, students showed a level of 20%. When performing tasks of this type, students were encouraged to introduce variant dialogues into practical classes. During the analysis of the ability to change their eyesight and thinking,students showed an indicator of 38%. When performing tasks in this regard, students showed that they have some knowledge.


In conclusion, the direction of professional training was devoted to the development of intecultural communicative competence of future diplomat specialists in their field. The main principle of professional training was the integration of the organization of educational activities aimed at professional activity. In this direction, the didactic complex tasks were developed taking into account the integration of professional knowledge and differences in the process of professional cognition, features of foreign communicative discourse, socio-cultural problems, the role of a specialist in the professional sphere, the laws of international relations, and other cognitive and procedural factors. We came to the conclusion that the formation of the basic principles and technologies of the methodology of teaching a foreign language in professional training, a system of complex tasks justify a new approach to the study of the laws and principles of teaching a foreign language in the training of future diplomats.

We avoid saying that in our research work, all aspects of the issues under consideration have been fully and comprehensively resolved. Since the formation of the intercultural communicative discourse of future diplomats in the process of foreign language education is a complex and multi-stage problem, we believe that this issue should be studied in the future, both individually and in other aspects.




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Разделы знаний

International relations

International relations



Philology is the study of language in oral and written historical sources; it is the intersection between textual criticism, literary criticism, history, and linguistics.[

Technical science

Technical science