Humanities education-is a part of knowledge in the field history, philosophy, cultural studies and other social sciences, related practical skills and abilities.
Purpose of Humanities education: in medical and pharmaceutical university: personality formation and worldview of medical employee on the basis of universal humanistic values - philanthropy, high morality, tolerance and mercy.[1]
Objectives of liberal arts education at a medical and pharmaceutical university:
the formation of a full-fledged idea of the semantic space of the possible the free choice of the healthcare professional and the responsibility that follows choice;
- creating conditions for realizing reality with all its inherent contradictions for making personal and professional-activity decisions;
- transfer of scientific knowledge and ideas to new generations, assimilation by students factual data on the main humanities - history, philosophy, history of medicine and biomedical ethics;
- development of medical practice on the basis of domestic traditions and moral values;
- development of personal self-actualization, the need for education, self-development
inextricably linked with the service to universal human values, with the solution of complex ethical problems while maintaining the personal interests of the individual;
- development of student's personal perception of positive and negative aspects medical activity, developing the ability to escape from falsehood, fiction, misleading ideological phenomena. [2]
The innovative strategy for the development of medicine of higher medical education "Training of general practitioners" significantly expands the functions of a doctor, taking them beyond the narrow profession to the level of a broad humanistic and socially oriented medical paradigm. In this connection, in the preparation of a doctor, it is necessary to introduce humanitarian disciplines. [3]
The purpose of mastering the discipline is to study history, patterns and the logic of the development of medicine, medicine and medical activities of the peoples of the world throughout history humanity, the development of students' personal qualities, as well as the formation of general cultural competencies.
The humanization of education is an acquaintance with the masterpieces of art from different countries, an understanding of its role in the development of civilization, an increase in the general cultural level, the development of erudition, the ability to communicate with people. [4]
Fundamentals of the credit system of education in Kazakhstan / S.P. Abdigapparova, G.A. Akhmetova and others; under the general editorship of Zh.A. Kulekeev and others - Almaty: "Kazakh university". - 2004 .-- 198 p.
Kassirsky I.A., "About healing". Publishing house Medicine. - M .: 1970 .-- 270s.
K.A. Pashkov, MD, DSc, Professor- concept humanitarian education in medical and pharmaceutical universities of Russia