Relevance: Arterial hypertension determines the structure of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In this regard, the assessment of the level of awareness of the population about the risk factors of the disease, the early detection of arterial hypertension are an important and urgent problem at the present stage of development of health care and socio-economic transformations.
Purpose of the work: To assess the effectiveness of the use of the questionnaire for detecting arterial hypertension in patients in the work of a general practitioner.
Materials and methods of research: 50 people who came to see a general practitioner for various diseases were examined. A survey was conducted using a questionnaire, including questions to identify the initial signs of arterial hypertension. Results of the study: Previously, an analysis of the available literature on the PubMed database was made to study questionnaires previously used in patients to identify signs of arterial hypertension. We have developed our own questionnaire of 12 questions to assess the following aspects: gender, age, awareness of blood pressure levels, glucose, cholesterol, body mass index, the presence of coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus in the patient, as well as in his immediate family, the level of physical activity, the use of vegetables and fruits, alcohol. Blood pressure was also measured. A total of 50 people were examined, including men 28, women 22, the average age was 60 years. 30 (60%) people knew about the level of blood pressure, they knew the indicators of glucose 15(30%), cholesterol 10 (20%). Body mass index was higher in 30(3%), obesity 8 (%). They had a history of coronary heart disease 10 (20%), diabetes mellitus 10 (20%), the same diseases were noted in the closest relatives 17(34%) and correspondingly. Physical activity at the proper level was noted in 38(76%), sufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits was noted by 50(100%), moderate alcohol consumption 17 (34%). At the time of the examination, an increase in blood pressure (> 140/90 mm Hg) was observed in 10(20%) patients, of which 7(14%) were not registered at the dispensary, they were not previously diagnosed with arterial hypertension.
Conclusions: The use of the questionnaire makes it possible to increase the detection of arterial hypertension at an early stage. The questionnaire can be used in a polyclinic by general practitioners.
А.С.Жолдасбекова, Ж.А.Калматаева «Современные подходы к изучению качества жизни в медицине и кардиологии (литературный обзор)»/ Казахстанский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби» «Вестник» №3-2016.