The development of new drugs is one of the main problems of modern medicine. In this regard, the creation of complex preparations is of particular interest. Their use makes it possible to expand the range of pharmacotherapeutic action, enhance certain aspects of the therapeutic effect, and reduce unwanted toxic manifestations. Diuretic drugs are widely used for arterial hypertension, leading to the development of symptoms of heart failure. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one billion of the world's population is susceptible to hypertension, which is the cause of heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure is responsible for 9 million deaths each year, researchers say. [1].
The marketing research was carried out by the method of content analysis for the studied assortment group of drugs [2]. For this, the data of the State Register of the Republic of Uzbekistan on medicines and medical equipment for 2016-2020 were decomposed [3].
When studying the registry data for 2020 (10388 items), it was found that 0.84% (87 drugs) of the total number of registered drugs (10388 items) correspond to the share of the diuretic dosage form. As for the dosage forms in which diuretics are produced, the following results were obtained. According to the data, the main contribution is made by tablets (0.39%), as well as a significant proportion of solutions (0.19%) and herbal supplements (0.19%), as well as dosage forms of capsules and dragees (0.05% and 0 , 01% respectively).
At the initial stage, the dynamics of changes in the studied range for taFor this, the percentages corresponding to foreign, domestic and CIS countries were calculated from the total assortment.he studied period 2016-2020 was studied. For this, the percentages corresponding to foreign, domestic and CIS countries were calculated from the total assortment. In 2016, the bulk of the assortment was made up of foreign drugs (0.36%). During the study period (2016-2020), there is a dynamics of growth in the range of domestic drugs from 0.29% to 0.38%. The dynamics of a decrease was observed for CIS drugs (from 0.25% to 0.13%). Such positive dynamics testifies to the growing demand in the pharmaceutical market of Uzbekistan for locally produced diuretics.
The State Register of Medicines and Medical Devices No. 24 (2020) was studied for content analysis of the range of diuretics. Based on the results of the analysis, the quantitative and qualitative indicators of drugs supplied to the pharmaceutical market of Uzbekistan were compared by country.
There are 87 items of diuretics in the Republic of Uzbekistan, of which 37.93% are foreign, 16.09% are CIS countries and 45.98% are domestic manufacturers. These numbers reflect the breadth of assortment across countries as a whole. At the next stage of the study, an analysis of the quantitative indicators of the assortment was carried out. Based on this, we know that assortment depth is an important indicator that needs to be analyzed in marketing research. This information is an important factor in increasing the competitiveness of the manufacturer by releasing the drug under different trade names in different dosage forms and meeting the needs of different groups of consumers. According to the analysis results, 5 manufacturers from foreign manufacturers, 3 manufacturers from CIS countries and 1 manufacturer from domestic manufacturers were included in the State Register in terms of assortment depth. These positions account for 10.34% of diuretics in the pharmaceutical market of Uzbekistan.
The next stage of the research depends on the quality indicators of its assortment. In the process of assembling a total of 87 positions, 91.95% of single-component preparations and 8.04% of multicomponent preparations were prepared. Another indicator of quality is an indication of how the drug can be delivered to the human body, or the way the drug is obtained. We studied this indicator and received the following analysis results. At the same time, the percentage of oral vitamin supplements was 77.01%, and parenteral - 22.99%.
The subsequent analysis was assessed by the presentation of the range of dosage forms of this range, which is an important indicator for consumers and provides convenience for patients when consuming the drug. In terms of dosage forms, it was found that 5 types of drugs (tablets, dragees, injection, capsules, tablets) are supplied by local manufacturers, while foreign manufacturers and manufacturers from the CIS countries do not produce dragees and capsules. According to the results of the analysis, the maximum number of INN (international non-proprietary name) in the range of foreign diuretic drugs was 10.6 INN in the CIS countries and 6 INN of diuretic drugs registered by local manufacturers. The collection accounts for 52.50% of drugs from domestic manufacturers.
Conclusions. Thus, in order to expand the range of local diuretics and ensure their competitiveness, it is advisable to carry out activities on the following series of indicators. In recent years, it has been found that the range of topical diuretics has increased (0.29–0.38%). Also, a systematic content analysis of diuretics was carried out in terms of the quantity and quality of foreign, CIS countries and Uzbek assortments and a number of indicators were identified. It turned out that local manufacturers need to expand the range of diuretics and supply them to consumers at a level that replaces imported ones.
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