Relevance Jn Uzbekistan, there is a trend of increasing incidence of diabetes to 513.3 per 100,000 adult and 7.5 per 100,000 child population: The morbidity of type 1 diabetes is 8.9%, type 2 90.1%.Shifts the composition of microflora inevitably entail a consistent deployment of a whole chain of pathogenetic links that lead to the formation of chronic inflammatory diseases of various organs.
Objective: To study the state of gut microbiota in patients with type 2 diabetes.
Materials and methods of research. The object of the study were 30 patients aged from 40 to 60 years (mean 51.3 ± 2y.o.) with type 2 diabetes who were in 10.09.2016-10.12.2017 year hospitalized endocrinology department №3 TMA clinic. All patients in the dynamics of the traditional treatment of intestinal microflora was studied. The basis of the microbiological analysis of fecal put guidelines proposed by L. Z. Smolyansraya, GI Goncharova (I984).
Results: The analysis of quantitative and qualitative composition of microbial faeces of patients with diabetes showed that they have the intestinal dysbiosis, which is characterized by a deficiency of bifidobacteria to 6,63 ± 0,35 Lgcfu / g, in type 2 diabetes, increasing the content of lactose-negative, hemolytic E. coli is 4.1 and 2,0 Lg, fungi of the genus Candida on-3,4 Lg, hemolytic streptococci group A - 1 Lg. These changes have led to disruption of normal (10: 1) quantitative relationships between anaerobic and aerobic microbiota of intestine. The sharp increase in the number of fungi of the genus Candida, is a consequence of uncontrolled antimicrobial therapy, or with the use of oral hypoglycemic sulfonamides. Results of evaluation of the degree of dysbiosis method NM Gracheva showed that of 30 patients with type 2 diabetes, dysbiosis of I degree was observed in 12.2%. Dysbiosis II degree was recorded in 30.6% of patients, respectively. At the same time, in the intestinal microflora on the background of a slight decline in the quantitative content of bifidobacteria were identified quantitative and qualitative changes in E. coli and other opportunistic pathogens (OP). III degree of dysbiosis, which is characterized by a significant reduction in bifidoflora and lactobacilli, violation of the ratio in the composition of the intestinal microflora and increase the number of OP, marked, respectively, 42.9% of patients. IV degree of dysbiosis, in which has been a sharp reduction or absence of bifidobacteria and lactoflora increase OP to increase the number of pathogenic microbes, not inherent autoflora, had 14.3% of treated.
CONCLUSION: In patients with diabetes have the intestinal dysbiosis, which is characterized by a deficiency asporogenic - anaerobic microorganisms, with an increase in opportunistic microorganisms. In patients with diabetes in the intestinal microflora are disbiotic changes manifested deficiency of bifidobacteria 3 and more Lg with increasing opportunistic mikroorgan isms.