Misuse of antibioticsis stilla crucial problem these days. Modern medicine cannot dispense with antibiotics, but misuse of such medications not only causesbacterial resistance, but also provokesallergic and autoimmune diseases.Antibiotics are used to treat a great variety of infectious diseases, which used to be in the list of incurable and mortal ones.However, antibiotics are not effective against bacteria causing infectious diseases, as they have already developed resistance especially to these antibiotics. On the other hand, antibioticscause serious side effects as they inhibit not only pathogenicmicroflora, but also useful resident bacteria in the digestive tract. The most critical antibiotics are broad-spectrum antibiotics which have a destructive effect on microflora of the body. This has grave consequences for the body, including intestinal dysbiosis and allergic reactions. Different kinds of antibiotics can have different side effects. For example, streptomycinmay cause a disruptionof the auditoryandvestibular systems; the complications of digestive organs can develop because of biomitsin;levomycetin inhibits the formation of blood, which is extremely dangerous to a human, whose body is very susceptible to infections; and antibioticsaggressively oppressvital functionsof cellsthat produce the protein.
Key words: antibiotics, resistance of bacteria, broad-spectrum antibiotics, side effects, infections, disruption, physiological disorders.
Purpose. Our goal is to determine the common errors in using antibiotics.
Objectives. The main objectives are to conduct a social survey, to analyze the obtainesresults, and to identify the reasons for antibiotics misuse.
Methods and materials. We have studied characteristic antibiotics used in the therapeutic process, and compiledaquestionnaire including 10 points. 30 respondents took part in the survey. They are people of different ages and backgrounds. The oldest one was over 55 and the youngest one was 18 years old. The average age ofrespondentswas30-37. The majority of people who participated in the survey were from 18 to25 years old. The questionnaire included some questions on the regularity, duration and completion of any antibiotic therapy. Somequestionsaddressedaself-administrationandself- treatmentwithantibiotics.
Results. Analyzing the findings we got the following results: 40% of respondentsdid not take antibiotics, whereas 72% out of those who took antibiotics stop doing it when they feltbetter. Moreover, 33.4% of respondents took antibiotics without consulting a doctor, whichmeant, without a doctor's prescription. In addition, 50% of respondents had antibiotic therapy for colds and acute respiratory diseases and 16% suffered from side effects such as allergies and dysbiosis. Finally, only 22.22% of the respondents fullycompleted the courseof a prescribed antibiotic treatment.
Conclusions. Incorrectuse of antibioticscan lead to seriousphysiological changesandimmune system disorders. At the same time it was revealed that most of the respondents did not possess the necessary information about either the effects of antibiotics on the body or serious attitude to the antibiotic therapy. Conducting a questionnairesurvey we managed to identify common errors in using antibiotics. Antibiotics as antibacterial preparations were used for treatment of viral infections. Selfmedication was a habitual method of therapy. An interruptedcourse of treatmentcaused the occurrence of bacterial resistance to a certain type of antibiotics. Thus, it is important to know how serious mistakes in using antibiotics can be for the proper functioning of the body.