This article is dedicated to the 52nd anniversary of labor and scientific-pedagogical activity of one of the leading surgeons of the country, the famous scientist, the largest clinician and the wonderful teacher Deribsaly Seksenbayevich Seksenbaev. It contains the main points of biography of the scientist and his priceless contribution to the development of surgical service in South-Kazakhstan region.
Key words: surgery of Kazakhstan, public health organization, public health, scientific and pedagogical activity.
January 5, 2015 marks as the 75th anniversary and 52 years of labor and scientific-pedagogical activity of one of the leading surgeons of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of Surgical Disciplines’ Department of South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy, MD, Professor, the member of Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Deribsaly Seksenbayevich Seksenbaev. He was born in the village of Uyaly, in the Aral region of Kyzylorda oblast in a simple working-class family, and then his studies took place in the city of Aral, where he graduated from ten-year school named after T.G. Shevchenko in 1956 for the gold medal. Meanwhile, the selection committee of the Kazakh State Medical Institute came to Kyzylorda. The young man passed all the exams on "excellent" in five days.
Getting acquainted with the biography of great scientists, we read "Residency," "Graduate school," "Doctorate," "Work at the department," and all their way to science from beginning untill highest achievements makes us wonder at the huge efforts they have invested in science. Deribsaly Seksenbayevich went to work as a surgeon at Maktaral District Hospital after he was down from Almaty State Medical Institute. Six months later, he becomes a surgeon at the Shymkent Regional Hospital, which will be linked to the rest of his life. The leading medical institution in South Kazakhstan has always been distinguished not only by high level of surgical service, but also by the attraction of practitioners to science.
The young gifted doctor was lucky with his teacher. Nikita Fedorovich Khokhlov, as the one who passed through the school of the Great Patriotic War (Stalingrad and many other great battles), appreciated the ability of the young surgeon, his perseverance and desire for knowledge because he saw the young disciple as the keeper and developer of his scientific legacy. First among surgeons in South Kazakhstan, MD Khokhlov N.F., going to Tselinograd, proposed the candidate of medical sciences Deribsaly Seksenbayev for the position of chief surgeon of the Shymkent Regional Health Department. He worked as chief surgeon of the Regional Health Department from 1973 to 2002.
D. Seksenbayev rapidly passes the promotional ladder: as a surgeon of District Hospital from 1962 to 1963, as a surgeon of Regional Hospital from 1963 to 1964, as a head of the Thoracic Surgery Department in Regional Hospital from 1964 to 1990. It was amazing fact that he defended his Candidate’s thesis in 9 years after graduation. From 1973 to 2002, almost 30 years, he combined the work of chief surgeon of the Shymkent Regional Health Department. At this time, surgical service began rapidly developing in the region and new specialized departments have been opened in the Hospital.
From the earliest days of work in Thoracic Surgery Department, he not only mastered complex operations on the lungs, heart, blood vessels, esophagus, but also created a school of Thoracic Surgeons with modern advances.
Since 1990, managerial skill of Deribsaly Seksenbayevich was noticed as his completely different facet. He was elected as the chief physician of Regional Hospital, the main hospital in South Kazakhstan.
In12 years, he managed not only to keep the hospital on the appropriate level, but also not to lose all highly skilled professionals. Without closing any department, being one of the first in Kazakhstan, he masters laparoscopic cholecystectomy (more than 780 operations were performed for three years), creates Endourology and Lithotripsy Department (for the first time in South Kazakhstan), gets the newest artificial kidney apparatus and creates Center for Urology, Nephrology and Hepatology.
History of the Surgical Disciplines’ Department begins in 1994, when the Almaty Medical Institute named after S. Asfendiyarov opened its branch in Shymkent, and Department of General Surgery was formed and headed by MD Seksenbaev D.S. Then, this Department was reorganized into the Department of Intermediate Level Surgery, and later, it became a Hospital Surgery Department. In 2009, due to the reorganization of the university, the Department was renamed into Surgical Disciplines’ Department. 5 medical residents have completed study and 16 Masters have successfully defended their Master’s work in the Department. Nowadays, 12 medical residents, 10 Master’s students, 36 junior surgeons, obstetrician-gynecologists and general practitioners are studying in the Department. Also, there are Professional Courses for surgeons to improve their skills.
During this period the Hospital became a clinical base of the South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy: six leading clinical departments, five courses were prepared to train specialists on high level. Deribsaly Seksenbayevich, like no one else, understands the strategic importance of education of highly qualified national personnel for the country's future. That is why he made all conditions for students and teachers. The explanation for it is simple. Every great scientist seeks to boost an interest for research of young professionals (only in recent years, specialists of the Department and the Hospital have published more than 180 publications). As a surgeon, he performed more than 39,000 operations.
Ongoing self-improvement and participation in congresses and conferences let him understand not only surgery issues, but also neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, oncology and other disciplines. It is more than enough to visit the clinical conferences, analyzes of operations, post-mortem meetings, where he takes part in, to see the depth of his knowledge. Deribsaly Seksenbayevich not only practical surgeon, a talented manager, he is also a scholar and teacher (another facet of this amazing man).
In 1971, as written above, he defended his thesis on "Comparative evaluation of some irrigation treatment methods of diffuse fecal peritonitis in the experiment" (in Russian), and in 1994 he defended Doctorate thesis on "Comprehensive evaluation and treatment of peritonitis" (in Russian). He has published more than 500 scientific articles and abstracts, four monographs, three textbooks and more than 70 methodical recommendations on topical issues of thoracoabdominal surgery.
Seven doctors of medical sciences and twenty five candidates, who now head departments in universities and medical institutions of the republic, defended their thesis works under the supervision and with the participation of Professor Deribsaly Seksenbayev.
Scientific and pedagogical activity of Deribsaly Seksenbayev received proper assessment. In 1994, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan gave him the title of professor, and in 1996 he was elected as a corresponding member, and in 1998 - a full member of Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Professor Seksenbayev D.S. since 1973 and currently heads the Scientific Society of Surgeons of South Kazakhstan, he is a member of editorial boards of such journals as: "Surgery of Kazakhstan," "Public Health of Kazakhstan" and "Vestnik of South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy." He took great place in the development of Regional Hospital and the youngest medical university in Kazakhstan - South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy.
It should also be noted that he actively participated in the implementation of the state language in public health and students’ education. His textbook on intermediate level surgery "Surgical Diseases" was written and published in Kazakh language.
The famous scientist, the teacher, the leading clinician Seksenbayev Deribsaly Seksenbayevich is in the highest rank among surgeons of the upper class. His role and influence on the development of surgical service in South Kazakhstan are priceless.
He is listed in the "Golden Book of Honor" of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded with "Parasat" order for service to the community. Surgeon, scientist, educator, manager of Public Health Deribsaly Seksenbayevich Seksenbayev came to his birthday in the prime of spiritual and physical strength. There is famous saying, such as "To whom much is given, of him much is asked," which can be related to him. Years of work and creative achievements are waiting for him ahead.
Staff of Surgical Disciplines’ Department congratulates MD, Professor D.S. Seksenbayev with the 35th anniversary of South-Kazakhstan state pharmaceutical academy and wishes him good health, happiness and success in scientific and pedagogical work.