Increase in period of service with harmful labor conditions at the Lead Plant worsens the workers’ adaptive capability which impacts the function state of the cardiovascular organs. Individual investigations showed that the main loss of working days is determined by circulation organs’ morbidity in conditions of lead plant industry that influences the quality and output, decreases the enterprise productiveness and increases cost of production of the very industry.
Thus, the issue of cardiovascular diseases and its connection with labor conditions is an actual medico-social and economical problem. It indicates the acute necessity in the scientific development of preventive control directed to cardiovascular morbidity rate prevention and dicrease in workers of the of lead plant industry.
Investigation goal is to develop and evaluate the preventive control complex of the cardiovascular diseases in workers of the of lead plant industry. Investigation subject. Health status of workers and working conditions at the of lead plant health care and organization of cardiovascular diseases’ primary prevention and its medico-social effectiveness.
Investigation methods: socio-hygienic, medico-statistical and sociological. Appelability facts of the workers to the of lead plant clinic and complex examinations have been used to investigate cardiovascular morbidity rate.
The statistics of the workers’ survey has been used to determine risk factors’ development and cardiovascular diseases’ morbidity rate. Medico-statistical outcomes have been revealed by following the strict representativity and accuracy determination or based on general population.
Bibliography study showed that traditional stress on the development of diagnostics methods and on treatment of already developed diseases cannot radically change the unfavourable condition existing with cardiovascular pathology.
Our findings confirm the main pathogenesis in cardiovascular pathology formation depending on sex and age characteristics of the workers that is also a characteristic for the very industry.
The oil-refinery workers aged at 50-59 missed more working days because of cardiovascular diseases. The percentage of practically healthy people in relation to the cardiovascular diseases was considerably lower and comprised 88,7% in the 20-29 age group, 76,3% in the 30-39 age group, 63,9% in the 40-49 age group, 40,3% in the 50-59 age group among the workers of the main group.
The frequency of hypertension increases at the oil-refining industry depending on the age and period of service of persons working in the harmful labor conditions, where the coronary heart disease frequency is evidentially higher in workers of the production departments at the age of 30-39. Te coronary heart disease was two times more often met in the 40-49 and 50-59 age groups. Contribution of sociotors of life style with the use of regression analysis and mathematical model approach showed that the greatest contribution to the general morbidity rate of cardiovascular pathologies belongs to hypercholesterolemia (14, 57%), age (11, 23%), overweight (5, 19%), and hypodynamia (3, 67%). Another essential risk factor for cardiovascular diseases’ development of the production department workers is labor conditions that comprise 5, 7% from the total morbidity. Smoking (0, 84%) and alcohol use (1, 25%) influenced significantly the total morbidity. Research results showed that years of service of production department workers in harmful labor conditions of the of lead plant industry plays a great role in the main cardiovascular diseases’ development that is defined as r = 0,74 at coronary heart disease, as r = 0,78 at hypertensia being characterized by strong correlation dependance.
The recieved findings became the basement for the hygienic education and instruction system development and for training experts in the main cardiovascular diseases’ prevention.
This system’s functioning by the example of the of lead plant medical unit allowed to reduce the number of smokers by 5, 7 %, the number of people who know that overweight is harmful for the health increased by 13, 4%, the number of men and women going in for sport increased by 6, 1%, those ones following the diat increased by 5, 2% and the number of people salting their food dicreased by 4, 6%. Awareness about their hypertensia grew by 10, 7%, and by 7, 7% about the usefulness of examinations.
Scientific results became the foundation for the offered practical recommendations in improvement of cardiovascular diseases’ prevention in workers of the of lead plant.
1. Булешов M.A., Аликанова Л.Е. Распространенность факторов риска болезней сердечно-сосудистой системы среди работников нефтеперерабатывающего производства.//3дравоохранение Кыргызстана.-Бишкек, 2008.-№2.- С.45-48.