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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of foreign competence formation of students of nonlanguage specialities at high school

Kazakhstan entrance the Bolonian process means the recognition our country of such priorities as maintenance of quality in education and increase in competitiveness of the European education, expansion of mobility of students and teachers, and also assistance to employment of students. Necessity of the international cooperation makes the skill of foreign communication as claimed and significant.

The ultimate goal of learning a foreign language is a high level of the foreign language competence necessary for the expert that is free possession of grammatical and syntactic structures of language, logic of idea expressing, ability to conduct communication in a foreign language psychologically.

The problem of foreign competence formation of students of nonlanguage specialities at high school is rather many-sided and ambiguous. Its conceptual structure is on traverse of researches from sphere of pedagogics, philosophy, linguistics, psychology. Thereupon works of interdisciplinary character are of high importance as they reveal different aspects of foreign competence formation of students of nonlanguage specialities.

Studying a problem of foreign competence formation of students of nonlanguage specialities at high school, it is necessary to consider its psychological and pedagogical aspects.

To construct process of foreign language teaching correctly, it is necessary to know what a foreign language is.

By the definition of I.A.Zimnyaya: «The foreign language as any language system is a social historical product in which people history is reflected, its culture, system of social relations, traditions, etc. The language exists, lives and develops in public consciousness, in consciousness of the people speaking it. It possesses force to separate and connect the peoples as well, giving a unified national character to human communities even when they are heterogeneous in their origin» [1, p. 33].

The foreign language is characterized by variety of distinctive signs differing from a native language. As L.S.Vygotsky noted [2, p. 24], it differs with a direction of a way of mastering, firmness of dialogue, a language inclusiveness into subject communicative activity of the person, set of functions realized by it, correlation with the sensitive period of speech development of the child, i.e. the period of the greatest sensitivity to language mastering (from 2 till 5 years old).

Let us consider the specificity of a foreign language on each of allocated points above.

Characterizing the directions of a way of mastering native and foreign languages, L.S.Vygotsky has defined: «… foreign language mastering goes by opposite way to the way native language development goes. The child acquires a native language unconsciously and unintentionally, but he acquires a foreign language beginning with comprehension and intention» [2, p. 43].

With changing of a foreign language mastering firmness of dialogue changes too. So, firmness of dialogue of the child with children surrounds him and adults speaking a native language incomparably higher than in a foreign language in the conditions of school teaching.

Not less essential distinctive feature of acquiring and mastering a foreign language skills is its unilateral "inclusion" only into communicative, instead of subject communicative activity. «At school the child communicates only by means of language, without using it in the direct subject activity. It, leads to that, for example, the foreign language word lives in language consciousness of the child only in its abstract logic, conceptual party. The language subjects designated by a foreign word are deprived of characteristics of smell, color, shape and sizes. It can serve as one of the reasons of fragility of preservation of a foreign word in memory, difficulties of its actualization» [2, p. 44].

Told above corresponds and with such a feature, as possibility of realization all set of functions by means of foreign language which are carried out by a native language. «Mastering a native language is spontaneous process which the person acquires not owing to its conscious aspiration to know language, but owing to spontaneous development of thinking in ontogenesis». «Acquiring a native language, the person «appropriates» the tool of knowledge of the reality. His specific human (informative, communicative and other social) requirements are naturally satisfied and formed in this process» [2, p. 44].

It is necessary to pay attention also to the language characteristic as «means of satisfaction of communicative requirement of expression thought, feeling, will. Both native and a foreign language act in this quality. However the native language the first becomes the natural, natural form of comprehension of existence and a designation of emotionally will sphere of the person. Any other language, coexisting, doesn't replace and moreover doesn't force out a native language in this function. It can be proved with the fact that people knowing several languages express their most intimate, involuntary, personally significant feelings and emotions only in their native language» [2, p. 53].

The foreign language at school is acquired by the child in not the most sensitive period of his speech development. As it is known, it is «the period from one and a half till five years, it is the period of comprehension language «rules», formation of the general grid of everyday, household concepts, according to L.S.Vygotsky, the period of construction by the child of the situational developed statement» [2, p. 64].

Having considered distinctive signs of a native language differing from foreign language, it is possible to pass to consideration of psychological features of the foreign competence formation, namely course of processes of knowledge while teaching. We consider it to be expedient to begin the consideration of the given aspect with foreign languages teaching at school since namely at school bases of its studying are put.

Teaching process is under construction taking into account age features of the students, under which influence forms and methods of informative activity essentially change. The doctrine is a system of informative actions of the students, directed to the solution of educational problems. This activity conducts to psychological development of the person.

The modern pedagogical psychology considers that for each age period there is the most typical leading kind of activity: in preschool it is the game, in primary school age it is the doctrine, in junior school age it is the developed socially useful activity in all its variants (educational, labor, socially organized, art, sports, etc.). During this period the students actively acquire various forms of communication. At the senior school and youthful age there is a special form of educational activity which carries already more professionally oriented and having independent moral judgements and estimations character.

In psychology some approaches to the organization of processes of knowledge mastering are developed. Studying the basic laws of the mechanism of knowledge mastering by pupils was conducted by N.A.Menchinskaya together with D.N.Bogojavlensky [3]. They especially in detail investigated a role of comparisons, associations, the generalizations based the precise data, and also value of independent search of signs of acquired concepts and ways of the solving of new types of problems in the course of mastering. N.A.Menchinskaya thus pays much attention to educability development into which she includes the generality thinking activity; profitability of thinking, independence of thinking, flexibility of thinking, semantic memory, and character of communication of is evident-shaped and abstract components of thinking. Developing these qualities of thinking in the course of teaching, it is possible to provide educability development, and on this basis to promote increase of efficiency of process of mastering as a whole.

D.B.Elkonin [4] and V.V.Davidov [5] in the system of developing teaching created by them were engaged in studying of value of primary school age in psychological development of the person and investigated such ways of mastering at which generalizations would appear not traditionally, on the basis of transition from private to formally general, and on the basis of initial acquaintance of pupils with some more  generalized theoretical statements (substantial abstractions) that then deductively to deduce from them more private properties, more concrete knowledge of the phenomena of subject character.

The structure got new sides of a cycle of mastering in the theory of acting approach in the psychology developed by P.J.Galperin and developed by N.F.Talyzina [6]. According to this theory is available five stages of mastering of new actions: familiarity with action, with conditions of its performance; action formation in material (or materialized by means of models) a kind with expansion of all operations entering into it; action formation as internal speech; action formation in external speech; action formation in internal speech; its transition in the deep curtailed processes of thinking. All this chain of intellectual actions provides transition of actions from the external plan in the internal. Such process names interiorization. This concept is more applicable to explanatory-illustrative, but not to problem training which far not always begins with subject perception, and assumes judgment of logic problems at once in the verbal form of the external or internal plan.

Let's consider the psychological characteristic of process of mastering which includes perception, understanding, judgement, generalization, fastening, application.

The perception assumes reflexion in consciousness of the person of separate properties of subjects and the phenomena operating during this moment on sense organs. Into perception enter not only data of direct sensations trained (visual, motor, tactile, etc.), but also data of its former experience. In this sense perception is richer than direct sensations.

The perception assumes a cognizance of subjects and the phenomena, their reference to the certain groups, known to the pupil by its former experience. Scientist-physiologist P.K.Anokhin proves existence of so-called advancing reflexion which is shown that the person in the course of perception already expects display of some properties of the phenomena, leaning on the former knowledge, practical experience, etc. In the course of training there is a perception not only subject presentation, but also its sign forms, and also the verbal information of the teacher [7, р. 35].

The problem of the teacher consists in connecting to perception wider spectrum of feelings trained, to lean against their life experience more full, to combine subject and sign presentation, skillfully to support attention, to learn to allocate in the course of perception the main thing, the basic, essential, to make active own efforts of the pupil on mastering of a new material.

Understanding. The perception should outgrow necessarily in understanding studied which is carried out by primary and appreciably generalized establishment of communications between the phenomena and processes, findings-out of their structure, structure, appointment, opening of the reasons of the studied phenomena or events, motives of separate acts of historic figures or literary heroes, interpretation of the maintenance of the text, sense of separate words, etc.

For increase of efficiency of understanding the studied material it is very important the accessible and logically accurate statement allowing successfully following thought of the teacher. It is especially important to build training so that pupils were involved in comparison of the studied facts, skilled data, finding out their original causes, independently did some preliminary conclusions [7, p. 61].

Judgement. But it is impossible to forget, that the understanding does not provide full mastering of the studied phenomenon. It is only initial basis for subsequent, deeper and versatile judgement of the studied information. This element of mastering is characterized already by deeper course of processes of comparison, the analysis of communications between the studied phenomena, openings of versatile cause and effect dependences. During judgement the understanding studied is considerably enriched, it becomes more versatile and deep. At such stage there is a certain relation to studied, rudiments of belief, abilities to prove justice of certain conclusions, to do educational opening and so on. As a result the student not only understands a material, but also deeply comprehends it and confidently seizes it.

For effective course of judgement it is very important to form student’s common studied skills, various receptions of cerebration (the analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.), widely to use elements of problem training, to involve them in heuristic conversations, in carrying out of research demonstrations and experiences [7, p. 74].

Generalization. The judgement directly develops into process of generalization of knowledge in which course the general essential lines of subjects and the phenomena of the validity studied during the corresponding period of training are allocated and unite. In allocation of the main thing essential in the educational information especially brightly generalization proves. But to carry out main thing allocation, it is necessary to analyze the facts and properties, to synthesize them definitely, to abstract from details and concreteness, to compare their importance and to do a substantiated conclusion about what of them are most essential. During training all it is shown in movement of thought of sense trained to mastering and concept definition, to scheduling, conclusions, the resume, to realization of classifying and systematizing schemes, tables.

Generalization process not necessarily finishes training. The generalized data (the law, definition, etc.) can be given and in the beginning of studying of a theme. It meets usually at the deductive approach. Degree of commonness of knowledge is checked during their carrying over on the decision of new studied practical problems.

Process of generalization during training proceeds at active management from the teacher who specially includes trained in the activity forming ability to generalize studied, fulfils, on psychological terminology, generalization activity [7, p. 86].

Fastening. The important element of process of mastering is fastening. It is known, that it is possible to understand this or that phenomenon, to comprehend it, but after a while already to experience difficulties in its explanation. For strong storing the repeated judgment, numerous reproductions studied in those or its other parts and as a whole is necessary. That is why fastening studied is necessary. It is carried out by learning of some facts in issue, definitions, communications, ways of the proof, by reproduction of some especially important elements of a studied material, generalizations and conclusions, performance of the written and laboratory exercises specially directed on consolidation of received knowledge. During fastening it is very important not to jag studied, and to enrich its new acknowledgement and arguments. It is important to carry out fastening on a new basis, on new exercises, on new examples in comparison with what were used at an explanation of a teaching material by the teacher or were applied in the textbook text. Very much valued in this sense of the task trained on search of own examples of the studied phenomena, laws, cause and effect dependences etc. In that case fastening not simply provides strong storing, and deepens knowledge, carries out their carrying over on new situations, develops studied-informative skills [7, p. 95].

Application. During mastering it is necessary to provide not only durability, depth and sensibleness, but also effectiveness of knowledge, i.e. Ability to put them into practice in study and a life. That is why an application element should be at the mastering certificate. Application of knowledge is carried out in the diversified kinds and in many respects depends on character of a subject, specificity of the maintenance of a studied material. It can be organized by performance of exercises, laboratory works, by means of the organization of labour activity on a school site, in educational shop, at the enterprise. On the influence applications of studied questions to the decision of studied-research problems are especially deep. Application of knowledge promotes more free mastering by them, strengthens motivation of the doctrine, opening the practical importance of studied questions, does knowledge stronger, vital so not only is abstract, but also really comprehended [7, p. 102].

It is important to underline, that all described elements of mastering exist not separately. Already during perception there are some initial elements of understanding and judgement, for example, when the trained find out perceived and carries it to any class of the phenomena. But it is important to mean, what exactly the perception dominates at the given stage of mastering. The understanding also cannot be separated from judgement of a studied material. Here already there is some initial, plan metric judgment. It is interesting to notice, that in each element of mastering previous elements of this process as at judgement the trained perceives some additional objects are shown, he understands those or others not captured before communication. In the same way the elements of mastering and in generalization, fastening and application of a studied teaching material prove. And still the knowledge of separate elements of mastering, their primary goals, and conditions of effective course allows teachers to operate mastering process better.


Список литературы

  1. Зимняя И.А. Психологические аспекты обучения говорению на иностранном языке. — М.: Просвещение, — 159 с.
  2. Выготский Л.C. Мышление и речь. — М.: Педагогика, 1982. — Т. 2. — С.
  3. Богоявленский Д.Н., Менчинская Н.А. Психология усвоения знаний в школе. — М.: АПН РСФСР, 1959. — 347 с.
  4. Эльконин Д.Б. Психология развития. — М.: Academia, 2001. — 143 с.
  5. Давыдов В.В. Проблемы развивающего обучения. — М.: Педагогика, 1986. — 239 с.
  6. Гальперин П.Я. Методы обучения и умственное развитие ребенка. — М.: Изд-во МГУ, 1985. — 330 с.
  7. Анохин П.К. Узловые вопросы теории функциональной системы. — М.: Психология, 1980. — 197 с.

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