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Цель нашей работы - изучение аминокислотного и минерального состава травы чертополоха поникшего

Слово «этика» произошло от греческого «ethos», что в переводе означает обычай, нрав. Нравы и обычаи наших предков и составляли их нравственность, общепринятые нормы поведения.

Артериальная гипертензия (АГ) является важнейшей медико-социальной проблемой. У 30% взрослого населения развитых стран мира определяется повышенный уровень артериального давления (АД) и у 12-15 % - наблюдается стойкая артериальная гипертензия

Целью нашего исследования явилось определение эффективности применения препарата «Гинолакт» для лечения ВД у беременных.

Целью нашего исследования явилось изучение эффективности и безопасности препарата лазолван 30мг у амбулаторных больных с ХОБЛ.

Деформирующий остеоартроз (ДОА) в настоящее время является наиболее распространенным дегенеративно-дистрофическим заболеванием суставов, которым страдают не менее 20% населения земного шара.

Целью работы явилась оценка анальгетической эффективности препарата Кетанов (кеторолак трометамин), у хирургических больных в послеоперационном периоде и возможности уменьшения использования наркотических анальгетиков.

Для более объективного подтверждения мембранно-стабилизирующего влияния карбамезапина и ламиктала нами оценивались перекисная и механическая стойкости эритроцитов у больных эпилепсией

Нами было проведено клинико-нейропсихологическое обследование 250 больных с ХИСФ (работающих в фосфорном производстве Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции)

C использованием разработанных алгоритмов и моделей был произведен анализ ситуации в системе здравоохранения биогеохимической провинции. Рассчитаны интегрированные показатели здоровья

Специфические особенности Каратау-Жамбылской биогеохимической провинции связаны с производством фосфорных минеральных удобрений.

The impact of internationalization of higher education on the competitiveness of economy in the  countries of Central Asia: Comparative analysis

Higher education is the major factor of modernization of economy and society. Its quality and competitiveness determine the competitiveness of the state in international space. In the conditions of crisis many countries search the ways of increase of efficiency of the use of higher education as a resource of the post-crisis making healthy and strong economic growth. One of sources of the efficiency increase is the internationalization. One of major progress of modern higher education trends in the whole world is a process of internationalization that is certain the factors of economic and socio-political rapprochement of countries and supposes the necessity of providing of compatibility of education, forming of general educational space.

To modern literature different determinations of concept «Internationalization of education» are driven. Most successful is determination of J. Knight: «Internationalization is a process of introduction of international constituent in research, educational and administrative to the function of higher education». The feature of this determination is that an author marks indissoluble intercommunication of all functions of higher education in the process of internationalization and complex influence of internationalization on these functions [1].

The modern world experiences quality changes that is caused by the broadening process of globalization. Passing to post industrial, informative society, considerable expansion of scales of cross-cultural cooperation results in the increase of importance of development of skills of communicability and tolerance, openness to the variety of opinions and approaches. Part of global problems can be decided as a result of collaboration within the framework of international association, that requires forming of the modern thinking at the young generation. Speaking about modern forms and methods of integration of the national systems of higher education in outer academic space, it is necessary to consider development of process of internationalization of higher school of Europe that passed to present tense a few stages. On the first stage (1950-1975), beginning is fixed to the «open-door policy» for foreign students, especially from developing countries. In resolution of minister for education of ЕС (1974) it was envisaged to strengthen connections of European institutions of higher learning, improve possibilities of confession of diplomas of educating, encourage freedom of  movement of students and scientists. On the second stage (1975-1985) liberalization of «open-door policy» is carried out, important results are attained on integration of higher education : the European system of documentation and information is put right in area of education; the some financial are taken off, administrative and another obstacles for entering institutions of higher learning of foreigners; about 400 intercollegiate projects are financed and realized with participation more than 500 European institutions of higher learning, joint educational courses, programs, manuals, were worked out as a result. During the third stage (1986-1991) European Union produces general strategy of the programs of change of structures of higher education. Higher education the open educating, controlled from distance educating, communication technologies appear and other. Initiatives of European Union stimulate and  enrich internationalization of higher education within the framework of the European programs:

  • SOCRATES including two projects ERASMUS (on the grant of the program “ ERASMUS “ about 190 thousand and 35 thousand teachers students passed internship in 1600 universities of 24 countries of Europe) and LINGUA (student exchanges, study of foreign languages);
  • LEONARDO (professional preparation);
  • TEMPUS (assistance to development of higher education in Central and East Europe, Mongolia) and other [2].

Internationalization of education all in the greater number of countries becomes an object and article of purposeful politics from the side of the state, decisionoriented certain national, political, economic problems. To internationalization of education it is necessary to take the next forms of international cooperation:

 Basic forms of internationalization  

Figure 1 ‒ Basic forms of internationalization [1] 

With development of processes of globalization and internationalization of economy and business new aims training of professional personnel’s capable effectively to work in the changing terms of global market got up before higher education.

Globalization, integration and internationalization of education, are the characteristic world tendencies of the last decades. Internationalization   of education becomes one  of  important constituents of educational politics of the world countries today. The quality strategy of internationalization of the system of education, based on international advanced experience, influences both on the increase of competitiveness of graduating students in the world market of labour and on the competitiveness of economy on the whole.

 Aims of internationalization of higher education

Figure 2 ‒ Aims of internationalization of higher education [1,2]

The concept  of  internationalization  in  the field of higher education in international practice traditionally plugs in itself two aspects: “internal” internationalization (internationalization at home) and “external” internationalization or education abroad, cross-country education, transfrontal education (education abroad, across borders, crossborder education). Internal internationalization implies creation of such culture and climate into institution of higher learning, that move forward and support the international and cross-cultural mutual understanding. Thus realization of all programs, projects, researches contains the international measuring.    For    example,    corresponds    to the international standards, includes foreign works, realized together with foreign partners. External internationalization, being a process of transfrontal grant of educational products and services in foreign countries by means of different educational technologies and through different administrative agreements.

To the number of undoubted advantages of internationalization take appearance of international standards of quality and increase of innovativeness of higher education, increase of availability of higher education, universalization of knowledge, expansion and strengthening of international cooperation, activation of academic and student mobility.

 Advantages of internationalization in higher education

Figure 3 ‒ Advantages of internationalization in higher education [2]

Coming from descriptions of process of internationalization of higher education in the era of globalization and taking into account positioning of countries in relation to participation  in the  process of grant of educational services, at the international market, it is possible to define three types of orientation of countries: oriented to the export, oriented to the import and oriented to the import export. Every country develops strategy of internationalization of higher education coming from own economic and political feasibilities, having regard to sizes and geographical location, history and culture, quality and distinctive features of the system of higher education, and also experience in area of development of international cooperation [3].

We  will  consider  basic  factors   that render the most strong influence on the process of internationalization of higher education: 1) the international  market  of  educational  services  has a tendency to  the  height.  It  means  that  already in the nearest years his volume can exceed 100 milliards of dollars, that strengthens him as a very advantageous object of investment of investments. From data of UNESCO, at this market institutions of higher learning operate 129 states, including very strong players  like  Harvard  or  Sorbonne, that  possess  competitive  educational  products and technologies, and that is uneasy to resist in a fight for a student. In the modern world present the some brightly expressed centers giving educational services:  North-American,   Western   European and Asia Pacific; 2) by a major factor, rendering affecting internationalization of higher education, there are modern forms, methods, technologies and innovations in the areas of higher education, without that it is impossible to grow national potential and competitiveness in this sphere. The question is about the so-called open education, transnational cybernetic education, educational franchising, educational NT and innovations; 3) many authors are unanimous in that knowledge becomes the basic resource of competitiveness. The important affecting internationalization of higher education and his participating in international integration processes renders new paradigm of international relations; 4) not what another, except as filling with of international relations new maintenance, it is impossible to explain rapid development of the crosscultural education including related to the religious variety. This tendency became the article of the special attention of CE; 5) it is necessary to underline the value of certain terms, internationalization of higher education, participating in international integration processes and their realization at    local level, develops in that. The question is about glocalization new term, under that in political science a display is understood general, global on locality taking into account her features. It is the results of globalization are perceived by us through the prism of local specific [2].

Management at global level understood internationalization conditionally, as some world government as such does not exist. Co-ordination of processes of internationalization in area of higher education at global level is entrusted to United Nations on questions of education, science and culture -  UNESCO.  Basic  directions  of  activity in the field of education are a “assistance to strengthening of the world and safety by expansion of collaboration of people in the areas of education, sciences and cultures in interests providing of universal respect of justice of legality and human rights”; normative activity on questions of national politics in close co-ordination between education, training of personnel’s and employment; exchange by information by distribution of the specialized reference books and lists, bulletins of researches [4]. The major projects of UNESCO IBE (International Bureau of Education), IIEP (International Institute for Educational Planning) and held every decade World Conference on Higher Education.

The key parameters  for  the  competitiveness of the economy are: high level of development of national education systems, the development of new and best practices,  resulting  in  the  process of cooperation with foreign countries,  to  ensure the quality of the  domestic  and  foreign  markets of educational services, the availability of high quality educational and research infrastructure, the development of strategic partnerships in various forms,  the  development  of   mobility,  emphasis on language education and intercultural. Use of these provisions will help to strengthen the export potential of the country and achieve a high level of success of its activities in the international market of educational services.

While analyzing the internationalization of higher education it is important to understand that this process has unique peculiarities for Central Asia in general and for each Central Asian country in particular. Each country within the sub-region has its own rationales and perceptions of the internationalization of higher education. In this context, the internationalization is no longer a choice, but the vital necessity for further growth and development.

Having mentioned that internationalization in Central Asia has different pathways, it is    possible to generalize some trends to the whole region, such as Soviet legacy, common heritage in Islam and challenges of independence (Merrill). However, it is important to understand that each Central Asian country perceives and deals with challenges in its own specific ways; one  country  is  taking efforts to strengthen and improve the higher education system, another is satisfied with the existing state of things and do not bring any actions. Similar geographical and ethnical peculiarities do not imply for the coordinated and consistent way of response to the demands of the contemporary scope of higher education.

Eagerness of some Central Asian countries to become members of the Bologna Process reflects the national policy towards politic and economic integration with the European Union.

In 2010 Kazakhstan became a 47th member of the Bologna Process. It is provoked a great debate about the legitimacy of the membership. More specifically, Tomusk (2009) ironically points out those other Central Asian countries won’t be  able to repeat this success as they must have influential partners and sufficient resource foundation, as Kazakhstan has.

Kyrgyzstan the same time experiences a  state of organized chaos which refers to a convoluted mess of Soviet style approaches and innovative technologies mixing in the higher education system. The great political impact of the US on Kyrgyzstan is also reflected in several US-Kyrgyz joint projects in different spheres including education.

In the context of Uzbekistan being wary of western influence the national authorities are strictly control all international activities. Although,  de jure Uzbekistan has branch campuses of foreign universities; de facto – all activities and governance are undertaken by Uzbek staff, while international representatives almost do not have any power.

Turkmenistan and Tajikistan are two Central Asian countries which are expresses severe reluctance to be involved in international and intercultural dialogue. In the case of Turkmenistan it is more about the willingness, while Tajikistan lacks sufficient financial  foundation  and  infrastructure to catch up with the demands of the process of internationalization. In this sense, it is not  accurate to apply concept of “internationalization of higher education in Central Asia” and mean only some particular countries, not the whole sub-region. Nowadays, it is apparent that internationalization happens mostly in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, limited  in  Uzbekistan   and   almost   does not exist in Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. The main hindrances are of course closely tight with the economic and political situation in the country. Thus, the improvements of financial situation and infrastructure may lead to more active participation in the internationalization process.

Another aspect that should be identified in the context of  internationalization  of  Central  Asia is a role of the Russian Federation. After the Soviet Union collapse in 1991, five Central Asian countries chose the different directions in development and consequently different allies, what is also reflected the national education policies. However, we cannot underestimate the role of Russia in the context of internationalization. Even being independent states some Central Asian countries are influenced by Russian authorities and have strong partnership relations. Having no language barrier and relatively similar education systems it is more feasible to provide staff and student exchange programs, jointdegree programs and cooperate for research projects.

For Central Asia internationalization  seems  to be not an issue of choice, but an issue of necessity. The reforms demands  sufficient funding  and reconsideration of existing system, but it is a  price to have competitive and strong higher educational system and be included in the world education sphere. Thus, the system of higher and postgraduate education in CentralAsian countries and the Republic of Kazakhstan in particular, adequately responds to  the  accelerating  processes  of   globalization and internationalization thanks  to modernize technology, the use of competency models in State general education standards; enhance the mobility of students, increasing the role of information technology and the improvement of  educational and methodological framework in line with   global educational trends

Using these tools will help strengthen the export potential of the country and to achieve a high level of competitiveness of the economy as a whole.



  1. Knight// Internationalization Remodeled: Definition, Approaches, and Rationales // Journal of Studies in International Education. – Vol. 8. –2004. – P. 5-31.
  2. Review of European experience of internationalization of higher education = The review of European experience of internationalization of higher education / Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency, European Comission TEMPUS, [Нар. укр. акад.]. – Kharkov: Publishing House of the LSA, 2010. 56. – (E-internationalization for collaborative learning).
  3. A. Semchenko // Internationalization of higher education as a basis for the competitiveness of universities. 2013.
  4. A. Yanovska, AE Eralieva // The internationalization of higher education in Kazakhstan. №6, 2012.
  5. C. Merrill// Internationalizing higher education in Central Asia. In I. Silova (Eds.), Globalization on the Margins: Education and Postsocialist Transformations in Central Asia//pp. 145-169. Information Age Publication. 2010.
  6. Tomusk, // The Geography and Geometry of the Bologna Process. In I. Silova (Eds.), Globalization on the Margins: Education and Postsocialist Transformations in Central Asia (pp. 41-60). Information Age Publication. 2010.

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